Friday, January 31, 2014

Sarah Palin gives passive aggressive endorsement to a Peggy Noonan column.

This from the "Queen of Holding Grudges" Facebook page:  

Great article, Peggy, but where the heck were you when I and other commonsense conservatives were sounding the warning bell in '08? You joined the "cool kids" in mocking and condescendingly criticizing -- ultimately demanding that we "sit down and shut up." Better late than never, though, Peggy and your ilk, because, meanwhile back in America... 

Oooh, snippy!

I don't have an account with the Wall Street Journal so I can't see the article she is alluding to, but here is how Politico described it:  

Palin was presumably referring to Noonan's remarks in a series of interviews last fall, during which she accused tea party conservatives of trying to "topple" the GOP and said they needed to stop name-calling and work out their differences with establishment Republicans. 

In Friday's column, titled "Meanwhile, Back in America...", Noonan called President Obama's State of the Union address "a spectacle of delusion and self-congratulation" that failed to address the true concerns of most Americans. According to Noonan, those concerns include the fate of the school voucher program, the IRS's targeting of conservatives and the plight of nuns who "have, quite cruelly, been told they must comply with the ObamaCare mandate that all insurance coverage include contraceptives, sterilization procedures, morning-after pills."

Of course Noonan is a well known Right Wing hack so I do not give her article much credibility, and if Palin kinda sorta endorsed it then it deserves even less as far as I am concerned.

However I DO remember a time when Noonan was right on the money back in 2009:

In television interviews she was out of her depth in a shallow pool. She was limited in her ability to explain and defend her positions, and sometimes in knowing them. She couldn't say what she read because she didn't read anything. She was utterly unconcerned by all this and seemed in fact rather proud of it: It was evidence of her authenticity. She experienced criticism as both partisan and cruel because she could see no truth in any of it. She wasn't thoughtful enough to know she wasn't thoughtful enough. Her presentation up to the end has been scattered, illogical, manipulative and self-referential to the point of self-reverence. "I'm not wired that way," "I'm not a quitter," "I'm standing up for our values." I'm, I'm, I'm. 

In another age it might not have been terrible, but here and now it was actually rather horrifying.

Oh yeah, that's the stuff.

And then there was this moment caught on an NBC open mic back in September 2008, right after McCain picked Palin: 

After a segment with NBC's Chuck Todd ended today, Republican consultant Mike Murphy and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan were caught on a live mike ridiculing the choice of Sarah Palin. 

"It's over," said Noonan, who then responded to a question of whether Palin is the most qualified Republican woman McCain could have chosen. 

"The most qualified? No. I think they went for this — excuse me — political bullshit about narratives," she said. "Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at, they blow it." 

Murphy chimed in: 

"The greatness of McCain is no cynicism, and this is cynical."

You know it must have really burned Palin's ass to give Noonan even that bitchy hat tip today, because as we know a Palin never forgives.

Unless of course it was the work of a soon to be kicked to the curb ghostwriter.


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Remember this one? Bill interviews Levi and asks about the Queen of Grudge Holders!! She was famous for it even back then

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Sarah is doing that tongue thing again? Why does she do that?

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      I don't know. Ask Glenn Rice and Brad Hanson why Sarah Palin likes to flick her tongue.

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      That tongue thingy, is that what people with DS does?

    3. Anonymous5:06 PM

      I read comments by people who lived in Alaska and knew Sarah Palin as their governor. They were sure that she took Adderall, which is prescribed for ADDH. It also acts like speed, suppressing the appetite and causing a dry mouth-- the reason why Sarah flicks her tongue out so much. Another explanation is that Sarah is offering to perform sex acts with her tongue and, that's not nice.

    4. Anonymous5:15 PM

      It's do, not does. But carry on about people with GEDs.

    5. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Menopause dries you out pretty badly too...heh heh

    6. Anita Winecooler6:46 PM

      Could be many reasons. Stop her chewing gum from getting stuck to her veneers, doing lots of drugs dries out the mouth, she's a reptile and that's how she smells, or it's just a convenient place to put it.

      Or maybe she thinks it's "attractive"?

    7. Anonymous6:52 PM

      5:15. You've lost us. Where does a GED come into this? Unless you're pathetic Willow and Bristol, pretending to know English grammar.
      Sorry, but your previous postings have proven the opposite.
      There are plenty of very. very smart people who, for one reason or another, chose the GED, often as an alternative to mediocre high schools. You Palin girls don't fall into that category.

    8. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Many people drop out of HS and get their GED. My son did, and he is now a member of Mensa. He was bored in HS.

    9. Anonymous9:34 PM

      She is not human. She is a lizard person.

    10. Anonymous9:37 PM

      8:18 PM The Palin girls dropped out of High School to give birth(9 month MONO), and Sarah paid for someone to take their G.E.D. Tests. Kudos to your son, but the Palins will never get close to a Mensa mentality.

    11. Anonymous9:37 PM

      8:18 PM The Palin girls dropped out of High School to give birth(9 month MONO), and Sarah paid for someone to take their G.E.D. Tests. Kudos to your son, but the Palins will never get close to a Mensa mentality.

    12. Anonymous9:45 PM

      Who brought up the issue of a GED? Sensitive much? We're about why Sarah sticks out her tongue. If it isn't meant to be suggestive, she has a dry mouth problem, probably medication.

    13. I am no SP fan, and I visit this blog bc I am a raving liberal who appreciates liberal posts and thinks SP and BP and their followers are dangerous. However, I get so steamed when I see comments about Glen Rice or Levi or whomever. Please stop addressing policy disagreements via slut shaming. You are no different from Rush Limbaugh with Sandra Fluke. Women get to be sexual -- R or D. Stop using it against us as a way to attack/disagree. It's conditioning by the patriarchy and it's just plain misogynistist and wrong.

    14. Anonymous11:33 PM

      Thank you. Sea Gal.

      Using "bitch," "doucebag," and other female imagery is misogynistic, and the references to how Bristol and Willow occupy themselves is nasty shut shaming

    15. Anonymous6:05 AM

      11:33 I seriously doubt any of the Palins could be shamed. They appear on TV, even after colossal failures previously. Self awareness is sadly absent from any member of the family. Look at Bristol, acting as though her voice on ANY topic is relevant. $arah still acts like she is a serious contender for the WH. (yeah, right!)

    16. Anonymous11:51 AM

      It screams BJ, tears the geriatric white guys up.

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    The myth of the Christian conservative

    I often wonder, given sufficient whisky and irony and time: Has there ever been a more delightfully inept, wince-inducing oxymoron in the tortured American lexicon than “conservative Christian?”

    I am almost completely serious. I stumble across this strangled term frequently in the media world, usually in reference to this or that corporate executive, pinched titan of industry or misguided political movement, and every single time I feel a strange twitch shoot from my brainstem down to my soul, a sudden seizure of meaning as the phrase falls back and implodes into itself, like a confused little star that thinks it’s an enormous sun but is really just a speck of flaming space dust.

    I’m over at Mother Jones, reading of the vast ugliness that is the family DeVos, a wonderfully power-mad, union-hating clan of exceedingly rich (keyword: Amway), exceedingly white Republican males over in Michigan, rivaling the Koch brothers and Coors clan for title of Most Despising of Everything You Love. Hey, for the .0001 percent, it’s a very popular competition indeed.

    Like most of the super-rich, they are men (and a few women) who think they know something of the world, of culture, of God and heroic success, but instead appear to only know greed and money and empire and patriarchy and a certain cold-blooded detestation of anything free-thinking, independent-minded, progressive, humble or compassionate. Do you know the type? Of course you do.

    From Reagan to Bush 41, Bush 43 to Mitt, union-busting to anti-choicism, antediluvian “family values” advocacy to pro-corporate think tanks, Blackwater to the unutterably silly Left Behind books, this is the kind of power-hungry billionaire clan that has its tentacles in every right-wing movement, cause and devious conservative ploy since the early ‘60s.

    The patriarch, Richard DeVos, Sr. – a man who, I imagine, genuinely loves his family, enjoys a good, hot bath and fears death every second of every day – calls himself a conservative Christian, as do the rest of his family, his company and their entire ethos and position in the world. The phrase pops up repeatedly, like a rash. And it’s always just a little bit hilarious.

    ...It’s a severe, almost laughable chasm between what Republicans define as “Christian conservative” values – isolationism, protectionism, love of fireams, suppression of alternative viewpoints, sexual dread, belief in strict gender roles and family structures, institution-as-guardian, and so on – and the teachings of the actual, messy historical Jesus who taught, well, the exact opposite.

    One example?

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

    2. Anonymous7:06 AM

      If you haven't heard it, look up Todd Snyder's song, Conservative Christian. It's a hoot! Guaranteed to make you smile.

    3. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Todd Snyder ~~ I like
      EarthyMama out of Chicago

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM

    O/T but our president has a thing for two to say to the GOP 'Impeach' group.

    President Obama’s Message To House Republicans Talking Impeachment: Bring It On

    During his CNN interview President Obama not only shrugged off Republican claims of an imperial presidency, but he appeared to challenge the Republicans who are talking lawsuits and impeachment to bring it on.


    They are so full of bluster and bullshit, trying to 'scare' the president. Lame ass fools. They underestimate him at their peril.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      A Reality Check on Executive Orders and the 'Dictator Obama' Myth

    2. Anonymous6:46 PM

      The Republicans have nothing on him and he knows it!!! Just another part of them trying to make him seem insignificant which the majority throughout America know is pure bull!

    3. They've been underestimating him since 2008. How stoopid do you have to be to keep doing that? (Rhetorical)

    4. Anonymous6:08 AM

      President Obama is now free of the worry of being re-elected. He can now do what he wants to do, within the law. Once people like McConnell is tossed out, plus a few other obstructionists, it wll be "full speed ahead" The President and his wife are lawyers, they know what is legal or not. I back our President 100%. He has taken more than enough BS from the other side.

    5. Anonymous7:50 AM

      submitted without comment.

  5. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Sarah Palin could have passed away years ago and we'd never know. Her FB complaints and proclamations are just regurgitations from the past.

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Sort of like a distant galaxy that no longer exists, even though its light is just reaching us now.

  6. Anonymous5:05 PM

    palin's on a look-at-me, look-at-me tour again while she gets her face worked on for her upcoming teevee shew, rilly rilly. She thinks swiping at noonan is witty.
    As one commenter said yesterday, when palin let slip her dogs of war....... "THUD"

    1. Anonymous6:14 AM

      Her looks are fading, fast. Plsastic surgery can only do so much, before it becomes glaringly obvious (except of course for Bristol's "jaw alignment" which was obvious immediately.) The Palins are finding out that those of us in the lower 48 are not as easily fooled as the 700,000 residents of Alaska.

  7. Estes Kefauver5:06 PM

    You'd need Cliff Notes to be able to remember all of Palin's references -- now almost six years old -- so you could figure out just which grudge she's referring to in these bizarre Koans.

    We know this one was written by Sarah since she loves to turn verbs into adverbs, all the better to make her word salad almost unintelligible: "condescendingly criticizing."

    Of course, Noonan's latest screed touches several GOP hot-button issues, mostly inaccurately. She was right on the money back in 2008, though: "(Palin's) out of her depth in a shallow pool." LOL

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM

      The Palin entire DNA pool is shallow!!

  8. Anonymous5:09 PM

    "It's over," said Noonan, who then responded to a question of whether Palin is the most qualified Republican woman McCain could have chosen. 

    So is Noonan saying that beauty pageant contestants are not qualified to do anything?

    But Sarah Palin is America's energy expert!

    But Sarah Palin is America's expert on raising children!

    1. Boscoe7:17 PM

      -AND she's the largest exporter of natural gas in the continental US!

  9. Anonymous5:37 PM

    He used the 'R' word! How come Sarah didn't come unglued for this guy? Where's her high horse FB post about this GOP jerk?

    Professional horrible person Peter Schiff is SO DISAPPOINTED with The Daily Show, you guys.

    The so-called "comedy program" tricked its audience, using words that Schiff innocently expelled from his face hole, into believing that Schiff thinks the "mentally retarded" deserve to earn $2 an hour, according to a blog post by Schiff on Thursday. That is not at all what Schiff meant! What Schiff really meant, he explained, is that... um... the "intellectually disabled," or whatever it's OK to call such people these days without the whole world jumping down your throat about it, should make $2 an hour.

    Do you see the difference? Yeah, me neither.

    Schiff, former Ron Paul adviser, failed senatorial candidate and CEO of the money management firm Euro Pacific Capital, appeared on The Daily Show earlier this week to explain how the minimum wage is a communist evil that will have us all eating out of dumpsters any day now. When Schiff is not constantly, wrongly warning that the U.S. dollar is about to collapse, he is pulling ridiculous stunts to illustrate his hatred for the minimum wage, like harassing shoppers in a Walmart parking lot. His Daily Show appearance was just the latest such stunt.

    1. Boscoe6:36 PM

      Aw man, I LOVE it when these assholes try to walk back the stupid things they say and explain what "they really meant". -And it's even worse! ROFL

      Yeah, he didn't mean to imply that the disabled were only worth $2 an hour, he just meant that they probably don't live alone and therefore deserve to be means tested for their wages! FAIL!

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      That was a great show. Just watched on the DVR. Schiff really showed what an ignorant and hateful ass he is.


  10. Anonymous5:40 PM

    2008 was a long time ago. More and more I think Noonan is starting to show the signs of the disease of her hero. Have you seen her on This Week? It is bad.

  11. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Sick! Sarah Palin calling herself a commonsense conservative??????

    She didnt' get an examination while her water broke and flew from Texas to Anchorage having had contractions before she boarded a plane??????????

    Someone send Peggy Noonan a video/audio clip of Sarah giving her birth account. This woman is crazy if she thinks anyone believes her to be a COMMONSENSE conservative (who cares for the LIFE of an unborn child)!!!!!!!

    1. BabyRaptor7:54 PM

      She's just like every other conservative out there. A lying, self-righteous, nosy asshole who thinks she should be able to make decisions for everyone else.

      There's no such thing as an unborn child. It's a contradiction of terms, as being anything other than a fetus requires being born.

      And conservatives aren't "pro-life." They're pro-forced birth. If they weer pro-life, they'd actually give a shit about caring for people. The entire pro-forced birth campaign is about controlling people who can get pregnant.

    2. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Why do Pro-Lifers hate Welfare? Not everyone has a SuperPac to pay for Nannies. The Fundies like Sarah and Bristol don't have Abortions, they have 'WHITEOUTS' then have their Medical Records Sealed.

    3. Anonymous3:42 AM

      Seriously, if you have nothing to hide, why seal ALL records and/or wipe hard drives clean? Transparent as saran wrap, that tribe.

    4. Anonymous6:22 AM

      I would like to know how many of these fake Christians are pitching in to pay the medical bills of the young woman in Texas, whose family was FORCED to keep her on tubes to save her fetus? The husband said his wife would not want to be kept on tubes, but he was overruled, Tex-ASS is so backwards. The baby would have been seriously impaired. So the young husband would be on his own raising their first child, then a totally medically and mentally impaired child. Their compassion is touching, isn't it?

    5. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Why can't you send it to her yourself, 5:40?

    6. Anonymous7:46 AM

      3:42 I hope you meant Palin and her tribe are as transparent as tinfoil.

  12. Anonymous5:53 PM

    What prompted Sarah Palin to lodge this complaint now, after 5 years of her inadequacy in politics?

    Who is she fighting? What is she fighting for? She going after the Republican jugular and dragging down every conservative concept by attacking people who she should be supporting. She is rabid. She can't think, or support, all she does is attack, because her soul is tormented, BIG TIME.

    1. Anonymous9:40 PM

      She just wants to be noticed. Her timing was terrible. Christie's scandal stole the show on Friday, and the Super Bowl will finish the job for the rest of the weekend.

    2. Anonymous6:24 AM

      Maybe the IRS and others are on her trail? Long overdue. The clowns who help support the entire family's lifestyle are so screwed.

  13. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Sarah, your chins are showing.

    1. Anonymous9:27 PM

      5:54 PM You just caused Sarah to make another Plastic Surgery appointment.

    2. Anonymous7:20 AM

      And then she can look like Michael Jackson.......

  14. Anonymous6:04 PM

    My boyfriend used to tell me "Keep your tongue in your mouth unless you intend to use it."

    Why would one stick out their tongue?

    1. to lick ice cream.
    2. to espress hostility as with Tripp and Bristol
    3. to express sexual images as with Sarah Palin

  15. Anonymous6:32 PM

    She has a point. It's weird how these new critics were so ignorant before.

    1. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Ignorant, why? Because they had the temerity to point out Sarah's obvious failings and deficiencies?

  16. Anonymous6:43 PM

    The retard from Wasilla in the above photo, has her tongue slightly ajar! In the future, I wish she would bite down hard on it so that perhaps we'd no longer hear another word from her!

    1. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Palin uses years old photos on her blog. The only recent photos are full length, far away shots. Even her new "show" has an old photo of her on the ad. People flipping the channel will have a hard time recognizing her, don't you think?

  17. Anonymous6:43 PM

    The broad has no sense at all!

  18. Anita Winecooler6:56 PM

    Now there's a bromance I never saw coming! Nooner and Pigpen, a force to be reckoned with!
    2008 was six short years, look how little Peggy has changed in appearance compared to Tootsie. Sarah's so quick to forgive, it's one of her strong suits LMAO!!!!

  19. Ratfish7:18 PM

    I'd rather have a beer (or whatever) with Peggy Noonan and her "ilk," than Sarah Palin and her "ilk."

  20. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Noonan nailed it: Palin doesn’t know what she doesn’t know. And her outsized ego is astounding, but the part where she describes Palin’s ignorance as a nod to Palin's “authenticity” is brilliant. The cynicism of John McCain was nearly criminal, he essentially threw the campaign. Watching Game Change I was struck by his fear of his VP pick.

    She is a charismatic. There is no there there, except a carefully crafted persona. There are no books in the Palin home that would indicate a love of literature, politics, non-fiction etc. and her governor’s office looked like a furniture store diorama. There was no “work” going on there.

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      Someone who was a neighbor of Barbara Bush when her kids were young said the same thing, that there were no books in the house. Well, we all know how W turned out, sadly. You would think $carah would at least have her books, Bristle's book, Chuckles Sr. and Jr. books around. I always suspected nobody in that family ever read their own books, let alone books that they might actually learn something from.

    2. Boscoe7:45 AM

      Actually it's worse than simply not knowing what she doesn't know; Sarah doesn't CARE what she doesn't know and is actually PROUD of not knowing or caring. 'Cause, you know, intellectual exploration and self reflection are icky liberal things that unconfident people do. You can't blink!

  21. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Stain must've learned a new word, ilk. She's using it all the time.
    There are most excellent, erudite comments tonight.

    1. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Word-a-day calendar, 2013. She forgot to buy the 2014 edition.

  22. Palin has made a career for herself playing the role of the poor maligned victim ... while simultaneously dishing out her standard faire of trite, shallow commentaries with a side of self-righteous, petty vindictiveness ... safely behind the sneeze shield of her Facebook and Twitter accounts.

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Great imagery!

    2. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Professional Victim

    3. Anonymous6:30 AM

      Does she make any $$$ from these blubs, or does she have to pay her spokespeople from her Pac?

  23. Anonymous9:59 PM

    You can tell she wrote that herself. Only a non-graduate of 5 universities and colleges would use a phrase like "condescendingly criticizing".

    Why doesn't the stupid bitch just quote Noonan. Why is she so scared these days? Everyone scares her. She minces words when we all know what Peggy Sue said about her, she uses Brisket as a surrogate to bitch about Wendy Davis.... did someone jam Sarah's nightstick up her ass?

  24. Super Fan In Atlanta11:30 PM

    "...she was out of her depth in a shallow pool."

    Excuse me for being late to the party but how BRILLIANT is this description of Palin?!?!? OMG!

  25. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Saints preserve us!

    "The team behind “Kill Your Darlings” is planning a reunion in another collegiate setting, as Daniel Radcliffe and Dane DeHaan are attached to star as Lee Atwater and Karl Rove, respectively, in John Krokidas’ sophomore feature “College Republicans,” multiple individuals familiar with the indie project have told TheWrap."

    Perhaps if Louis Claude Rove is not written out...

  26. Beldar Bullwinkle Conehead4:28 AM

    "Peggy and your ilk"

    How is it possible that The Screechy Wretch(tm) - who quit her job as governor of Amercia's most Canadian state - does not know that 'ilk' refers to a large moose-like mammal commonly found in northern latitudes above the arctic circle and on some beaches around Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. I mean, seriously, did not ONE of the many colleges she 'attended' have a bibliography????


    But, yeah, you should totally run for president. That would be awesome....

  27. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Tick tock, sarahbitch.

  28. Anonymous5:40 AM

    For more fun...

    "I’m sure that you will be surprised to learn that, regardless of the air of sophistication and grace with which Sarah Palin has conducted herself since dashing young John McCain formally presented her to the world at the GOP’s 2008 St. Paul Debutante Ball, there have occasionally been glimpses of her darker side."

    1. Anonymous6:38 AM

      5:40 That is FUNNY. McCain could not even be labeled "dashing" when he was young!! He probably identifies with $carah because he tested 895 out of the 899 Naval Academy students in his class. $carah was moving around between 6 colleges, with no degree to show for that. McCain had something $carah did not, however. A Daddy with serious CLOUT as an admiral, and a grandfather with high rank. Without the family influence, Little Johnny would never have attained what he did. Just like W, the rest of us had to suffer because their families would not discipline their brats.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.