Monday, January 13, 2014

Sarah Palin talks new show, suggests that Todd would be a great candidate for DWTS, and proclaims that her beauty tips consist of paying her daughter's tuition to "hair school." Update!

Click collagen injected lips to play video
This is an incredibly softball interview, where the interviewer literally gushes all over Palin for just under four minutes. However there are a few interesting tidbits to be gleaned.

For example those wondering if Todd actually accompanied Palin to this press junket, she does gesture off camera to him at the 1:32 mark suggesting that he would be a better choice to go on "Dancing with the Stars" than she would. (As if her family has not embarrassed themselves enough in the public eye.)

She also mentions that her whole family is going to make appearances on her show, which indicates that this might be more of a reality show than we have been led to believe.

Palin also delivers her usual busted out phrases, such as "live vibrantly," "bust through an open door," "freedom in America," you get the drift. However she also tries to reinvigorate her Palinisms with a misquoted reference to Plato, which as a philosophy nerd really burned my ass.

At one point the interviewer asks Palin how she "looks so awesome." Especially since she spends so much "time in the wild." (Oh gag me!)

Rather than be honest, and talk about her numerous plastic surgery procedures and wig makers, Palin instead states that her tips for "getting the glam" is to "offer to pay one of your daughter's tuition to hair school, which we did. Willow is now a hairdresser."

Palin also admits that Bristol is the one who helps her to pick out her hooker shoes and is now attending beauty school as well, however instead of hair she is focusing on skin. (So apparently, using the Palin vernacular, she is attending "skin school.")

Interesting to me that Palin has worked it so that all of her hair and makeup is now kept within the family, which insulates her from embarrassing stories getting out about the fact she is going bald or receiving plastic surgery enhancements.

Just in case you were wondering if this family could look anymore like a cult. Sure can.

So it appears that we can look forward to the Palin clan making appearances on the Sportsman channel, and selling their tired old family mythology, only it will now be sold on a channel that many of us, myself included, do not even have access to.

After this I understand that Palin will be making appearances on local public access stations until even they realize that she is driving away the half dozen viewers that tune in each each day.

Update: In another interview with Extra's Mario Lopez Palin cannot help but twist the knife concerning the cancellation of Katie Couric's talk show:

 Lopez introduced a question about Katie Couric, who helped torpedo Palin’s 2008 vice presidential bid by asking her what newspapers and magazines she read, by asking Palin if she believed in karma. 

“I certainly believe that what goes around comes around,” Palin said, smiling. 

She told Lopez that she couldn’t remember where she was when she heard Couric’s talk show had been canceled, but she heard from several friends about it. 

“I remember getting a couple of texts that said things like, ‘Oh, sorry that it didn’t work out there at CBS or ABC,’” Palin said, adding that she wasn’t surprised Couric had stepped down as anchor of CBS News. 

“The ratings were going in the tank with her as one of the head honchos there in the newsroom at CBS and then it didn’t surprise me, her other move,” Palin said. “Things weren’t going real well there, either.”

Yep, that's the Sarah Palin we know and loathe, bitter and nasty to til the end.

Update 2: Here is part two of the Access Hollywood interview. (Beware, LOT'S of baby talk.)


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    She has had so much crap injected into her upper lip that it is now flat like a chimpanzee's rather than having a natural shape.

    Can't wait to see what Bristol and Willow have built - you know, settin an example for all those young girls.

    Please buy a thesaurus and at least find a synonym for 'vibrant'

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Herpes is living vibrant on her lip.

    2. Anonymous11:42 AM

      The word for the week is 'legs' Bristol and Willow are Spreading their word.

    3. Anonymous12:52 PM

      She isnt looking good, that's for sure. But I haven't and don't see any evidence of upper lip injections. How about some comparison pics anon 9:42?

    4. Anonymous3:30 PM

      "I certainly believe that what goes around comes around,” Palin said, smiling. "
      I hope she will be smiling when the pink cuffs go on her and Todd. Just sayin'...

      Other than that she is so flippin' grotesque! She looked mad when she talked about paying Wallows "har" skool. Or was it barstools "esthetician" skool...
      (G she DID say esthetican not skin) prob her new word for the day....right up there with "Vibrantly"

    5. Anonymous6:55 PM

      12:52 - where is her philtrum?

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I thought Willow paid her own way through 'hair school'. Isn't that what Sarah said in another interview?

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Yup. But like all liars, Sarah has a problem keeping them straight. Don't you remember how many times Trig's birth story and birth place changed?

    2. Anonymous10:39 AM

      She can't keep up with all her lies.

    3. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Story #1 Willow paid for hair school with the money she got for appearing on reality shows. She did not have any student debt.

      Story #2 Sarah paid for Willow's tuition, and continues to pay her (for highlights) by filling up Willow's truck with gas.

      Story #3 Guess who the official hair stylist will be for Sarah's reality show-- and guess how much Willow will get paid? Judging from the look of Sarah's hair, Willow must have been a Beauty School Drop Out. Sarah looks awful.

  3. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Palins "hair" isn't exactly a great endorsement for Willow's talent or hair school.

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Isn't Willow Palin pretending to work next door at a place called Snot Knots or Vermin's Liars? They use water from the nearby lake of death and pick up some of the used medical waste to give Sarah's hair that lack luster scum spirit.

  4. Anonymous9:56 AM

    OMG! She is such a school, hairdresser is what they were called in the 50's and 60's! I cannot stand that woman. I so want her to go away.

    1. We had a Cosmetology school in Thief River Falls. Everyone knew how to say “cosmetology.” Is that word too elitist for them, or can’t they remember it?

    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      DWTS learned their lesson. There will be no more Palins.

    3. Anonymous11:09 AM

      @Darlene "Cosmetology" is too long a word to fit on the palm of her hand. Besides, Sarah can't spell a word that long.

    4. Anonymous2:08 PM

      She thinks cosmetology is order in the universe.

  5. Anonymous9:57 AM

    She also said in The Insider interview that Tina fey should pay for piper diapers braces because of all the success Tina had doing her palin impression... Uh dumbass Tina fey is successful because she is a brilliant actress and writer

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      She is so vindictive; never forgets even the smallest slight.

    2. Anonymous11:11 AM

      I don't remember Tina Fey saying one word about Piper. Why should she pay for Piper's braces? Ohh, is it because she made fun of Sarah Palin? That's what happens when you decide to be a political candidate. People make fun of you. SNL makes fun of lots of politicians and people in the public eye.

    3. Anonymous2:05 PM

      She's making a "joke" about how Tina made money off the Palins (a workin' family who can't afford braces for their kid...eyeroll).

    4. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Oh I remember the comment about Tina Fey should pay for braces. I though WTF???

      The Palin kids get FREE medical and dental because of being Alaska Natives so where did she get off on acting as if they had to pay for braces.

      If indeed any of the kids had braces.

      And I'm not begrudging Native Health Care.

      I'm just reminded of a something that really bothered me at the time. Sarah acting as if she had to pay for braces for any of the kids. I guess it made her sound more "normal" and like the rest of middle America, and how they "struggle" like others to provide for their families.

      LIE. LIE. LIE. about having to pay for braces.

  6. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Bristol is a skin expert ... foreskins are her specialty.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM


    2. Anonymous11:17 AM


    3. Anonymous11:40 AM

      She' going to skin school to learn to play the skin flute.

    4. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Well she would have fewer abstinence babies if she learned to play the skin flute.

    5. Balzafiar2:29 PM

      From all accounts, she's already very skilled with the skin flute playin'. She had a lot of experience in high school, making each one of the five or six a night feel special, because it's "something she never does, but he's really special".

    6. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Good one

  7. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I must have missed Sarah and Bristol on the red carpet last night when I got a snack.

    What gowns were they wearing?

  8. Anonymous10:01 AM

    If Gryphen went to get a haircut from Willow, how many times would she stab him in the neck with her scissors?

    Or would she go for the heart?

  9. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Her lips are so greasy it looks like she used a jar of Vaseline on them. Also too I hate when she does her voice from squeaky high to manly low she sounds ridiculous

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      obviously having one of her bi-monthly herpes flare ups

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Sarah can't decide which part to play. They need to get her into rehab but I don't think they can see how she comes across to others. Todd must be on the sh!t as well. All of them. It may be the cult's passion potion, Jebus Juicy.

      Keep talking Sarah. Some sucker will give you a talk show if you just hang in long enough.

    3. Anonymous1:27 PM

      What kind of moose lubricant does Willow use on Sarah's head? Will she be selling that in her saloon?

  10. laurensd110:09 AM

    What rock did she crawl out from that she looks like the "fast" girl in town in the 1950's?
    The ones that were too dumb to do anything else had options, though. They worked at John Morrell, Horner Box Co., Campbells chicken noodle soup factory, the bakery in the grocery, or went to "THE School of Hair Design" to become hair stylists.
    Willow, the accomplished strong hair-bender, has Sarah's hair looking like she practiced plucking chickens at the soup factory!

  11. laurensd110:10 AM

    I just can't resist.
    "Hair" today, gone tomorrow.

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Oh, that is such a good one!

  12. angela10:14 AM

    Access Hollywood? Really?
    Hmmmm. Palin doesn't want to be one
    of those tiny Hollywood starlets--does she? Only she's really a boney quitter from Wasilla.

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Is that the same woman who made fun of Ricky Hollywood? Now, she wants to have her own talk show, just like Oprah and Ellen. The problem with that is that Sarah will do all the talking.

    2. Anonymous12:30 PM

      She would never be an Oprah or Ellen! She's too mean, evil and racist and the country knows it!

  13. Anonymous10:17 AM

    None of the Palin Tribe aspire to college, the most fantastical fantasy in her venomous xmas book was that she met up with her grandson on campus.

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      People explained that the story about Palin visiting her grandson on campus proved Sarah's total ignorance about going to college. Sarah imagined a trip in the future, visiting Tripp on campus during Christmas, only to find out that the PC police had banned Christmas (the War on Christmas, don't you know). The trouble is that colleges close for Christmas vacation, and there would be no reason to visit Tripp on a closed campus. So much for Sarah's own memory of going to college, any and all of them.

  14. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Looks like she's gotten rid of the wig, good for her! It looked so unnatural .

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Nothing about her is natural...except her stupidity.

    2. Anonymous12:12 PM

      That's a wig that she has on and she hasn't even bothered to comb or brush it.

  15. Anonymous10:20 AM

    The hell with her looks (and she looks like hell) what's with that aged hillbilly sex-kitten accent?

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      She has the affectations of a drug addict. That would mess with her brain and her speech. A year or so after a successful rehab she could possibly be easier to understand. Roger Ailes has the answer, don't listen to her. Some people turn down the sound and just watch her crazy face dances and her manic hands and body signs of going down hill.

      That is why IM is so popular. You don't have to experience the pain and lunacy of hearing her so much. You can check out the dose you can tolerate and read more.

  16. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Palin's word salad is getting worse with each interview, her upper is not quite as "virbrant" as the other parts of her face and her wig is a mess! In fact, she is the "most" worst that I've ever seen her. Odd that we could never see the interviewer. Sarah's reference to the "First dude"? More like First Spouse of a VP Candidate Who Was/Is a Pimp.

    My "most" favorite part though is when the interviewer says something about Palin's travel around the world. Rilly? They let Palin travel to other worldly places? And by "they", I mean her vibrant ghostwriters, her Vibrant Postage Department workers at SarahPAC and her most important and favorite vibrant drug dealers. Is so much vibrancy legal in Alaska?

  17. Anonymous10:24 AM

    What goes around comes around, $arah? Look how far YOU'VE sunk.

  18. Bristol is now in "hair school"? So what ever happen to her job at the dermatologist office she was supposed to have. I also see problems ahead for them by the way they put themselves above everyone else, particularly Bristol, and now they will be working on other peoples hair and have to take orders from their customers on how they want their hair to look. I don't think Bristol will last simply because she thinks too highly of herself and she has made too much money in the past basically doing nothing.

    1. Balzafiar2:24 PM

      She could still make a lot of money doing nothing . . . nothing more than just laying there, and the cameras would be on her, also too.

  19. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Well, I do believe in the "what goes around, comes around" theory.
    JUst look at Sarah, she was a Governor and then a VP candidate and now she is sliding down a hole of non return with reality shows that get worse all the time. Like this latest one, it is not even on the sat or cable programming of anyone I know. In fact, we have over 560 plus channels and it is no where in sight.
    As for pimp boy dancing, well isn't that special, maybe they could have a few of his hookers on too.

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Sarah was/is inept with ANY job she had. She is a very stoooopid, lying, ignorant idiot who has delusions of grandeur that are completely unfounded.

  20. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Whoa, she went a little overboard on the baby voice and batting the fake eyelashes! Gross on a 50 year old.

    Going through a mid life crisis there, sarah? LOL

    1. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Mid-life and high as a kite. They couldn't show Todd because he doesn't shower and is in the same old wrinkled shirts time after time. He doesn't sleep much due to what he does.

  21. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Glam??? She looks like she is the early morning hostess at a tittie bar. And, she sounds drunk enough that she might fall off of a bar stool before her shift is over. From her appearance and promotion of her daughters' stylistic talents, they are not ready for prime time.

    Also, too, Katie Couric has held down her spot in the interviewer;s chair over the past five years, While Sarah has bounced around doing her same ol' screech and put downs. If Sarah is so thick skinned when it comes to public criticism, she sure seems to have developed a flesh eating case of the red ass that can not be cured over the Couric interview. She could not say that the only things she read were the mags at the Beehive Salon.

    Our cable TV provider does not carry The Sportsman's Channel unless it is included in a extra pay sports package and it is not clear that it is carried at all here. I watched a clip of MeatEater and he and a buddy cooked and ate a Coyote. Said it tasted like over cooked duck. Also, on the TSC, during that hour that most of us get local and national news, they beam a show about news of 2nd Amendment Rights. Monday through Friday. Nuts, nuts, and more nuts....

    As far as Todd doing DWTS, bring him on. We've seen Todd and would love to see his moves. It would be great TV watching one of those Pro Gals whipping his old ass into shape. DWTS probably has had enough of the Palins. Cue up Joey Junker, sledder to the stars.

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      I'd rather see Junkers junk. DWTS would have to pad poor Toad and it might slip down his thigh.

    2. Anonymous12:16 PM

      We'd all be looking as his junk (if it can even be seen in his pants!) and thinking of it being two-toned as per his prostitute - Shailey Tripp - in her book "Boys Will be Boys"!

      He'd be an idiot going on the show!

    3. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Sorry, but I don't see either Bristol or Willow actually working every day and having clients. Suspect they'll work on their mother and perhaps some family members. They don't have a work ethic due to having parents that have NOT set a good example for them.

    4. Anonymous1:27 PM

      I have 2 extra sports packages and still do not have that obscure channel( thank dog)

    5. Anonymous1:31 PM

      12:20 PM

      I am with you on that. They will do photo ops and pretend to be working like when Bristol was up at 5, freezing cold taking Tripp to sitter going to work and all the what nots. It's an act they know and they will repeat the repetition they know, like puppets.

    6. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Willow said in her interview for Hair School she didn't want to work Saturdays. That's the Palin's work ethic for you.

    7. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Damn 10:33, just cruising comments when my eyes roll across, "she looks like the early morning hostess at a tittie bar."
      Major snort, followed by rolling giggles. Thanks! Certainly tickled my funny bone.

  22. Anonymous10:35 AM

    In that photo, her nose looks so long....could it be because of aging? No doubt she is favoring the Heaths and it's not gonna be pretty...her Mom and Dad have not aged well.

    And, Todd on DWTS? Give me a break! Who would even be interested in watching the pansy?

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      The nose continues to grow.

    2. PalinsHoax12:01 PM

      Anon 11:08 am. Yes, her nose does continue to grow, doesn't it? Of course, her middle name is Pinocchio.

  23. Anonymous10:35 AM

    So... Alaska is again on the hook for paying for the whole fandamily's appearance on TV, correct? I mean, $he pushed through that TV tax-break, didn't she, just before she quickly quit her 1/2term governorship?

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      She didn't need a title to promote Alaska. What better way than for Todd to wangle family into unreality 'reality' filming. It is a win win for the Palins and the state they love.

      They are marketing geniuses to get all the product placements in that they can. Her fav products are her kids. Too bad she can't get more mileage out of Arm E. Track (Menard) Palin. He would bring in the cash with a tattoo calendar and his stories. He is the one with the body, if she is going to make her family look fit it is Track that can deliver the goods. Willow and Bristol are too odd looking and too many body issues. Now Sarah throws them under the bus blaming them for her hair and shoes.

      Track is her only hope. Hot bod.

    2. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Is that a pic of Track and Britta cross-dressing? Looks like them. How cute (not).

    3. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Yes, that is Britta and Track. Sarah also likes his warrior body and he now has tattoos. She talked vibrantly about all that when Roger Ailes allowed her on a Fox morning show. She was almost drooling over Track and super promoting his military stories.

      It would be monumental if she does not have him play a big part in her sportsman production. Who is the most relevant vibrant meat eating hunter in the Palin family today? THAT WOULD BE TRACK.

      Would his mother leave him out of an Alaskan American program? I can't think of a better way to encourage young girls to get out in the wilderness and learn to hunt and fish then to have a hot you bachelor who loves kick ass chicks show us how he does it.

      Track Palin is the best looking Palin and he can make things work for his family. He is not going to turn his back on them after all they do for him.

    4. Anonymous3:59 PM

      "Sarah Palin's Alaska"
      Track is an old hand with reality TV work. He has been out of work for a long, long time and there is no reason his family wouldn't give him his due in this recent family project.

      "My dad's one of the best fishermen around," says Track. "I got big shoes to fill."

    5. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Sarah seems to have an unnatural fixation on her son. I think a psychotherapist would have a field day with it, especially considering his parentage.

  24. Anonymous10:38 AM

    After this interview and her upcoming reality show, can everyone finally agree that she is no longer a "politician or political pundit? She has been a reality show celebrity longer than she was governor . She has as much political savvy as one of the Houswives of Orange County.

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Roger Ailes last endorsement was that he didn't hear what she said. In other words she is nothing but a shit stirrer. Republicans may find that "politician or political pundit" but they are on a death march.

    2. Anonymous12:09 PM

      I'm sure she is NOT regarded as an entertainer by those that are! And, she assuredly is NOT a politician and would not be elected as dog catcher anywhere in Alaska!

      At the best, I'd call her a comedic person that continually puts herself in the spotlight by saying obnoxious things on her Facebook page mainly. Very, very few take her seriously. We laugh and mock her (and hers) for so many reasons!

    3. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Sarah Palin is a cult fad. The entertaining mishaps are not from talent, just her freaky drugged up nonsense. People like Sheen do have talent and are more tolerable. All she has done for politics is to cause some people to not fall for the hype so fast. That is a good thing but not enough. She and her ilk must have full exposure. Sooner not later.

    4. Anonymous4:36 PM

      She hoofed it over to OMG Insider to speechify about her show (wearing the same outfit as breakfast).

      They had politician written at the bottom of the screen and the promo showed they were planning to ask if she was going to run in 2016 if Hillary ran. (don't know her answer since her voice was causing my cats to howl and I switched channels, but she snickered in the promo).

      I don't know how the interviewer could keep a straight face asking if she was going to run for president during an interview about her lame reality show.

      Someone needs a reality check and it sure isn't me, guess she needs donations to her PAC to pay for the new, obvious facelift.

      How long can an reality show "star" keep a PAC, as it was mentioned she has been out of politics longer than she was in?

  25. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Well, sounds like $he is grooming her daughters to keep all the SPAC money in the family...

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      A family that grifts together...

    2. Anonymous1:13 PM

      A family that grifts together... absolutely has to stay together. Too many secrets, damning secrets, to let any family member live an independent life.

      Mrs. Palin's daughters "owe" her and she will never let them forget it. Yeah, like cutting hair in Wasilla is so "vibrant!"

      And being Mommy Dearest's Mini Me has made Bristol into her mother's dancing monkey, putting her in situations for which she is not prepared nor able to pull off with grace and dignity.

      Track the Troglodyte still lives in the basement with his needy buddies.

      So it looks like all the Palin kids are tied to mommy dearest's purse strings. Where will they be in five years? Or where will they be when the PAC money runs out?

    3. Anonymous1:47 PM

      1:13 PM

      Well said.

    4. Anonymous3:45 PM

      A family that grifts together, stiffs together.. Curtis Menard Jr.

  26. Anonymous10:48 AM

    One of her tics that she hasn't employed recently, but did twice here: "there."

    CBS is "there," as is "ABC."

    In any event, she sure pays more attention to Katie Couric than KC does to her. Memo to Sarah: the 2008 election has been over for a while now. You can't suddenly pretend you're smart now, when six years ago you were thick as a plank.

    As for Tawd dancing -- with anyone. Are you both such gluttons that even making yourselves laughing stocks again doesn't deter you from trying to get inn the limelight? We'll, of course, if they give him a paycheck, he'll be willing to play the clown

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      I would feel sorry for whomever got Todd as their partner on DWTS. But we have to remember that he is use to 'following' the bitch, so that part of the instruction should come easily to him.

      Remember how they rammed the votes for Bristol? (Even though she is supposedly religious and dry humped her partner on the dance floor on DWTS!) Sarah was far more popular back then and isn't today.

      Interesting isn't it that she brought up this talking point? Hummmm!!! I'll bet the DWTS dancers would NOT be excited having another Palin back in their midst.

  27. Does Palin know that if you give a wig a haircut it does not grow back?

    I am looking forward to "outdoor" scenes and photos being exposed as just part of her green screen scheme.

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      I have a feeling her latest crap will be 98% product placement. You know, all those amazing Americanans she will visit. Good money in product placement. Even is this isn't viewed by over 3-4 people it will pad the resumes and lead into more film tax credits and product placements.

      Funny she is obsessing on Katie' ratings. She must realize she will tank and look at Katie instead. Sarah thinks she will keep coming back for more showtime. She still has the religion channels to work over.

  28. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I think you missed part 2 of the Access Hollywood interview.

    Palin goes into more detail about the show and her roll in it and continues her manic and maniacal facial and vocal contortions.

    Some of the episodes are already in the can and Palin's roll will sometimes be minimal...."introducing to viewers what it is they’re gonna see, giving them some more background. Actually being a part of some of the episodes. [sing-song] Probably makin’ a fool of myself once in awhile...but I’m used to that, too."

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Thanks. "sometimes be minimal" that must be her way of saying green screen. Nothing like a frontier woman standing in front of the green screen. She can keep the "glam" and her props on payroll.

    2. Anonymous12:37 PM

      hahahahaha!!!! you can see the glare of the teleprompter on her stupid ugly granny glasses....hahahahahahahaha....I couldn't even finish listening because I was paying too much attention to the upper part of her granny glassess. look and see....what a joke!

    3. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Not being a typo freak here, but "her roll in it" is wonderfully hilarious. Thanks for the chuckle.

  29. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I think her new show should be called "Fuck Dynasty."

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      "FuckED Dynasty"...?

    2. LOL, 11:11. That is perfect.

    3. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Dreck Dynasty
      Ick Dynasty
      Duhhh Dynasty

  30. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Look at those HUGE pupils of hers! If that is not a sign of drugs, I don't know what else they need.
    Hint to $arah: next time you do grubs, WEAR SUNGLASSES in your interview!

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Pupil dilation is a symptom of meth use.
      It can be a symptom of other meds too.

      Pay no attention, look away like a good cultist. $END MONEY!!

    2. Anonymous12:26 PM

      I'm not saying this is what we see with Sarah Palin but it is a top possiblilty.

      Not only do meth users get the dilated pupils, but there is a co-symptom that happens from smoking it or snorting it that gives it away. I've forgotten what causes this medically, and I don't know if I ever knew the term for it, but, there is a certain temporary facial-nerve affectation that happens when they smoke it or snort it and lasts for a few hours...a sort of slight "numbing" of the superficial muscles and skin in the cheeks, eyes and area around the upper lip and nose area. They don't move their upper lip much. So you will notice when you talk with someone who has just smoked or snorted meth, that they appear to have sort of "The Overly Botoxed Look"

      Opiates and or amphetamines, or both are possible.

  31. Anonymous11:13 AM

    The Katie Couric thing is sickening.

    Congratulations to the Sportsman's Channel for choosing the nastiest woman on the planet to 'raise' their profile.

  32. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Mario Lopez deserves whatever he gets for feeding the bitch lines. He should STFU.

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Mario Lopez is an asshole. He'd pretty much do anything to stay on tv.

  33. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I invite your opinion-- drunk or on drugs? What a mess!

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Drugs but that can include with cocktails. Any and all.

  34. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Who hasn't seen Todd Palin awkwardly shuffling his wife around at her inaugural ball, pumping her hand so hard that you wonder if he's trying to break her wrist? It's gotta still be on Youtube. No wonder he turned down DWTS in 2010, he'll never live down his first public performance.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      OMG that inauguration dance video was hysterical.
      Toad would be voted off after the first practice!

    2. Anonymous12:15 PM

      A couple completely without grace (and not just in the physical sense).

    3. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Link Please?

      Also, too, and whatnot. Didn't Shailey Tripp say that Todd wore the tie SHE GAVE HIM to the swearing in ceremony? Light blue, as I remember, but I could be wrong.

    4. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Here's a pic slideshow from the Juneau paper. Interesting that her hair style from the above interview is very similar to that in 2007.

  35. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Palin and Christie...two peas in a pod.

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      No no, no podmates here. Christie might be a total a$$h@le but he is an intelligent human being who earned a (real) JD degree and had a (real) career before becoming a (real) Governor, and he speaks in (real) sentences. No discernible resemblance to the five-college-no-degree-no-brain former half-term Governor from Alaska. Also too, we don't have to play Where's Waldo with Christie, we know which state he lives in.

  36. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Enough of this bitch already!
    Someone needs to take her the fuck down.
    I am soooo sick of writing this and then the next day, here she still is, being a bitch to th intelligence of Katie Couric.
    WE all know, Sarah, that the ONLY reason you have your kids doing your hygiene is so that NO ONE has unfettered access to your DNA.
    You are a scared little wabbit. You KNOW as soon as the right person gets a hold of some hair or skin - the DNA will prove you are not TRi-G's birth mother.
    What a pathetic way to live your vibrant life lol!!!

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Anonymous 11:49--I agree with you about Sarah wanting to control access to her DNA. I've also thought for a long time that Palin doesn't want the DNA of any of her birth children tested. Someday, Track, Bristol, Willow and Piper will get together and say "let's all get tested to see if Todd is our biological father"! Surely Track already knows or suspects he's a Menard.

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      She will be worse than Howard Hughes if she lives long enough.

  37. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Plus, he is looked at nationally as an idiot falling behind his wife, carrying her purse, being a horrible speaker, having a girly voice and known to have a two-toned dick! How absolutely embarrassing these two people would even want to show themselves publically. It's amazing!

  38. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Let's see.... the entire family had a reality show. Bristol had DWTS and then she, her son, and Willow had a reality show. Todd was on that military wannabe reality show. And sarah is starting another one.

    Give it up c4p. You're wasting your dollars on a rich family that has no intention of giving up the Hollywood celeb lifestyle and the cameras. I dare anyone to take a look at that video and tell me that woman is running for political office.

    I-am-not-a-witch O'Donnell has more gravitas.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      They're too far gone at the Pee Pond. It doesn't matter to them how many reality shows Sarah does, they want her as POTUS and leader of the free world.

      Example of the delusion:-

      aaron66krohn • 8 hours ago −
      It will be the Sin of Sins if this woman does not become our 45th, and first female, President of the United States!!
      She would be the most accomplished, most battle-hardened, most entertaining and funny, the happiest & most compassionate, and by FAR the most beautiful woman (and person!) we could possibly elect!!!

      RUN SARAH RUN!!!!!
      They obviously don't see what a train wreck she is. While the rest of the world considers her to be an imbecilic laughing stock, they have placed her on a pedestal and are worshiping at her feet. Insane!

    2. Anonymous1:43 PM

      1:27 PM

      Typical cult.

    3. "Happiest"...?!?

      Many, many adjectives can be used to describe $arah. We find many applicable, on a daily basis.

      That is NOT a "happy" woman, even by the low-low-everyday standards of the PeePond. Manic, vindictive, envious, livid, yes. "Happy"? Never.

    4. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Mrs TB, "happiest" AND "most accomplished"


  39. Anonymous12:04 PM

    What does Sarah say in those interviews? Celebrate me, adore me, worship me and my family.

    She demonstrates she's living in her small fantasy world. Her children are her employees, her husband is her manager, her parents and siblings are her protectors that keep her from reality, and the whole family are con artists.

    She's no different now than Octo-mom. Her face is all she has, she has no conscience, integrity, foundational beliefs in anything that has an inkling of helping others. She's all about "others" celebrating her wonderful life, all the time. Sarah believes she is the center of the universe.

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      _________She demonstrates she's living in her small fantasy world. Her children are her employees, her husband is her manager, her parents and siblings are her protectors that keep her from reality, and the whole family are con artists._________

      CULT: great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book). Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing. Of, for, or attracting a group of devotees.

      Cognitive dissonance and denial are complex mechanisms, but together they boil down to the odd fact that, even if the subjects notice the boss has feet of clay, or see a mismatch between the boss’s version of reality and what their own intelligence tells them, they will close their eyes to the difference.

  40. Anonymous12:14 PM

    She may have a huge ego, but she is classically self conscious. All the animations and cutesy voice changes are a cover for it. She is obviously tickled to be in the Hollywood spotlight in this interview. She is playing with different roles and personas because she knows the real person underneath is nowhere near as "cool" as the fabricated one.

    psych 101

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM


      And, I suspect, some of the mannerisms were learned early in an abusive situation.

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      That's right, she is overcompensating for an extremely low self image.

    3. Anonymous2:47 PM

      I agree with you 110%. She really, really, overdid it though with the cutesy act. Wonder if she did that as Mayor and Governor?

    4. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Agree with above. This is as clear an example of someone with serious mental and other problems.

      Exactly the type of behaviors and visuals the RW, Fox, Roger Ailes and the like will absolutely ignore and go into denial. It is time for more Christie-type excuses and cover up, lie and more lies.

  41. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I think what went around came around with Sarah.

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      She looks like someone made many arounds over her.

  42. Anonymous12:27 PM

    She's an old drunk and I'm tired of her.

  43. Anonymous12:29 PM

    That Herpes sore on her upper lip is quite prominent. The Lip Gloss brings it out. Sarah was a busy sex kitten.

  44. Anonymous12:40 PM

    The great "con" of the Palins is the fake political, religious, all-round american patriotic outdoorsy folksy image they sell.

    The way they con is to live off the donations of those they promise to keep the political, religious and patriotic protected. They don't work at regular jobs. They work towards keeping Sarah up on a pedestal of spokeswoman. She speaks of things that everyone already knows and she encourages people of doing what they've already done, but she packages it as a NEW thing. So, her buyers are all excited that she's selling a piece of moose meat, but rebranded as caviar. When they send her their dollars, they think they're getting gold and silver and the land of milk and honey. But, it's still rotten moose meat. None of her supporters and fans benefits from her con. They just keep pouring more money into her; she uses her Pac money as a consultant image firm that keeps her in the limelight, so she can snap up those lucrative job offers from Fox News, reality show creators, publishers, and rich political benefactors. She becomes rich, and keeps her family on the 'con' teat, and all is well in the Palin family.

    If no one can see this, they have to be completely blind.

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Can't add anything to that! Well said.

    2. Anonymous1:41 PM


  45. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I'm surprised Sarah and Co. haven't started a side business selling bottles of alaska air, for $100, with a signed copy of her book.

    1. Balzafiar2:15 PM

      Anyone want to bid on a lock of Scarah's nasty hair for $200? Anyone...

      Oh, the possibilities are endless...consisting mostly of things eBay won't allow.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:43 PM

      Bad idea. Someone can get DNA and find out that her dad is "Mr Ed" and her mom is "Ann Coulter"

  46. Anonymous12:48 PM

    OMFG! That, my friends, is Sarah Heath Palin unplugged. There is simply waaaay too much to comment on.

    Yeah, you go girl! You and your awesome family will surely be the Kardashians of the Great Outdoors - all of you living so vibrantly that you will supernova all over the Silver Screen...

    Oh wait, what was that show again? Sex and Stream? Hookers for Hunting? Guns are Glam?.

    Sarah does whoever is front of her - any of them, all of them, with a great appreciation...blah ick ect.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

      I wonder who's name comes up in "Tent erector" in the credits?

  47. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Sarah Palin won’t rule out a possible run for elected office... "

    Dog Whistle. Send more money.

  48. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Re: Pimp Daddy Todd on Dancing with the Stars. I betcha they have already called Mark Ballas to be Todd's dancing partner. Some man-on-man action ought to get the ratings - you betcha!

    1. Anita Winecooler6:41 PM

      Bristol tilts her head to one side and asks if it counts as a "trial uncle" for Tripp

  49. Anonymous1:23 PM

    The young meat, teacher of meaty young ones and best salesman for Palin's outdoor hunting sport show of Alaskan Americans is Track Palin. If they don't feature Track it is because they are not mediocre frauds, it will be because they are total drug addicted frauds. Track is where it is at! His part in this latest family show is vital to how they will be perceived. Most of all with Track's military experience and all he can do for his brothers or buddies. The only thing that will hold him back is a chronic drug problem that they are trying to hide from their fans.

    Not many will see the show but it is pivotal to the Palin image how Track is perceived. Someone will see it and film how they feature Track Palin. The family's whole reputation hinges on Track. The girls are chewed up old meat, not even healthy or fit to begin with. It is Track Palin's turn, it is all about now.
    A chip off the old block.
    The hands of tomorrow are in his hands today.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      That caribou Track is riding sure looks like his mother.

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      How much is chuckles Jr begging for a walk on on Sarah's newest vanity project? Imagine how many emails and phone calls he's sent her. Poor Chuckles, Jr. Hahahahahaha

    3. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Sure, Chuckie wants in on it. How much $$ did he make on "Our $arah?" His well is drier than SPAC.

    4. Anonymous2:43 PM

      If the Heath/Palin klan are hanging their hopes on Trace keeping them in front of the camera, they might as well forget it. They should have kept Levi in the family - he was/is good looking. Track, not much to look at.

    5. Anonymous3:02 PM

      She will probably do 3-4 segments on Chuck Jr and how the beautiful wholesome life of Skagway gold mining and goat hunting Chuck Sr taught and made them what they are today.

      Will she visit with any people that are not blood related or someone she needs to pay off?

    6. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Between Sarah and he, "any of 'em all of 'em," who's to say who'd be the highest.

    7. Anonymous5:26 PM

      3:09 PM
      Sarah raves on about body warrior Track, he would get her vote to be featured. Chuckles Sr. is no longer able, Chuckles Jr goes for the gold, not much of a hunter, Todd is a poser and rides snowmobiles, Trig and Tripp too young. Track has previous experience working in reality TV (Sarah Palin's Alaka). He was trained in the military to handle a gun and he teaches his nephews. If that dead Caribou photo isn't faked he looks like he would be the best hunter in the family. Sarah wants to inspire and attract young girls, who would be the most attractive for that purpose? It is sexist to use the females, daughters and herself, to attract, and not having an attractive male is just wrong when she has an attractive young male in her untied family. They are there for each other. Why would Track do Sarah Palin's Alaska and not come through for the family now. Did something happen to Track? Track may not be your type, but he will be fine for others.

      Track is an old hand with reality TV work. He has been out of work for a long, long time and there is no reason his family wouldn't give him his due in this recent family project.

      "My dad's one of the best fishermen around," says Track. "I got big shoes to fill."
      'Sarah Palin's Alaska' with Track Palin
      Sarah Palin's Alaska

    8. Anonymous6:02 PM

      "My dad's one of the best fishermen around," says Track. "I got big shoes to fill."

      That must have cost Palin or SarahPac a small fortune. I hope the IRS is looking into these pay offs. You know Track is not working a job with her and being paid peanuts.

  50. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I believe I'm going to need a translator for her babble............if one can be found....

    1. Anita Winecooler6:39 PM

      I think if you play it backwards, it's bible verses with all the nouns missing.

  51. Anonymous1:38 PM

    What happened to the old goat hunter from Skagway? Can he still talk? Make Moose Chili ?

    Here is an old, old picture of the cult doing something with a moose. Who is the demon with the pointed ears? Looks like the devil himself. No wonder they have such a small view.

    Does this prove that Sarah Palin was ever anymore than a dish washer?

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      That is the devil.

    2. Anonymous3:29 PM

      I can't wait to learn if her father, Chuckles Senior can still coherently speak. Last I knew it was Sally that had to help him. Which is fine. I would just like to see the family be honest about it. They will be able to do retakes and cut and edits until he appears not to be going senile. I suppose they do similar for Billy Grahame.

    3. Anonymous4:25 PM

      $arah didn't even go home for his bypass surgery. What does THAT tell you?

  52. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Cold sores can be side effects from having filler or a chemical peel.

  53. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Crap, does Tawd have to sit in on interviews now like McCain had to? She's drugged up all right. In the other segment, her eyes go completely closed for a few seconds before she looks straight into the camera. Creepy.

    That she thinks she's on the same level as Oprah and Ellen is snort-worthy. Same for her pimping the pimp for DWTS. At least we know one thing we've been right about all along: her kids may have "jobs" but not of their own doing, no matter what the trolls say.

    I don't know about fellow IMers but I'd say they're a little too old to still be sucking on that teat.

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      ...and judging by her hair and get-ups, they aren't even good at their "trade school" jobs she paid for.

  54. Anonymous2:24 PM

    "where the interviewer literally gushes all over Palin for just under four minutes..." So, is that considered to be
    "Journalistic Bukkakke?" Ewwwww

  55. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I can't watch the videos right now. Does Sarah ask Mario to help her with the gun under her bed?

  56. Once again, so stoned she forgot to comb her hair.

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Done on purpose. Sexy "bed head."

    2. Anonymous3:24 PM

      3:11 PM

      It doesn't work so well on an old gal with no sense of style. But if she gets her SarahPac packed from old white men in Depends it is fine with her.

    3. Anonymous4:02 PM

      If that's what her hair looks like in the morning, no wonder Todd sleeps in his chair.

    4. Anonymous4:08 PM

      I doubt Tawd has ever slept with her, he married her because the Menard's paid him to.

    5. Anonymous4:11 PM

      3:11 PM here. Just watch....she's not running for anything. Her version of Ivana Trump that she thinks she is and wanted to be.

  57. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Mrs. Palin is looking more and more like a moose in rut.

  58. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Why would she be bragging about paying Willow's way through hair school when she has said before that she was so proud of Willow because she paid her own way through hair school and had no student loan debt? Now we find out Sarah paid so she can keep Willow as her stylist slave? This woman lies so much she can't keep any of them straight. So which is it Sarah, did you pay for Willow's hair school or did she?

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      And the troll swears Bristol still has the dermatologist office job she's always had in Alaska. Thanks to drugged up Mommie Dearest, we learn that's not the truth. No wonder "have you seen pimp Tawd?" was there. Just a matter of time.....

    2. Anita Winecooler6:36 PM

      She's lonnnnnnng on lies and short on memory. Trig was "born" in Matsu AND Anchorage hospitals!! Wanna see her stretch marks???

    3. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Sarah paid for Willow's 'Hair' School to keep Willow from exposing the Family secrets. One of these days the Palins will have a Civil War over all of the LIES.

  59. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Palin says she is talking to interesting people and it turns out she is featuring her family members. Real fascinating. It's called nepotism. That symbiotic bunch need to develop independence and forge a head as individuals. She is enabling them as much as they enable her. That much sickness is not going to hold up.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:34 PM

      Well, once you showcase a fan who crouches before her, kind of makes her family seem "interesting", and all they do is pee themselves

  60. Anonymous3:30 PM

    She is higher than a kite! and trying way too hard to be cute and chirpy, at best she sounds like a 14 year old ,first dude? Oh come on! She wants a talk show so bad that she sounds desperate.Pathetic wretch.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      IF she was talk show worthy, Fox would have offered her one. For someone who poo-pooed Hollywood, you see? Two-toned Tawd for DWTS too, please. THAT'S what she lives for. Unfortunately for her.....

      "Always the bridesmaid, never the bride," and THAT'S why she's drugged out. She has no one to blame but herself.

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Sarah Palin owns a Pimp. Todd has been getting work for her for years. Now she is several sheets to the wind she figures it will be the sos.

      Sarah: "Todd, I want to have my own talk show."

      Todd: "Yes, deer."

    3. Anita Winecooler6:32 PM

      Always Grandma, never mother of the bride. Kind of feel sad for her, kicking all them doors and nothing to show for it, except lip gloss and herpes sores.

  61. Anonymous4:22 PM

    And she's 100 times nicer than EVERY commenter here.

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Yeah, we've seen how nice she can be. I feel sorry for you if you think THAT'S nice.

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      For the "Jesus servant's heart," she's spewed for the last six years pumping up hate and division with her vitriol? Oh YEAH, she's nice, all right. When she's drugged up beyond BELIEF.

    3. Anonymous5:41 PM

      You have no verification or proof. Waste your own time. No one here wants to win a popularity contest. Palin is the one for sale and needs to try and pretend she is nice.

      Here she is known as a criminal that will soon be in prison. If she lives long enough. We do want her to live. It is Roger Ailes and John McCain that have the power and most reason to kill her off. All they have to do is ignore her sickness.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:30 PM

      Can't fix stupid, all you can do is laugh at EVERY troll

    5. Anonymous6:45 PM

      4:22 PM Sarah was NICER to Glenn Rice. Now go suck an egg, Batshit Crazy woman.

  62. Anonymous4:33 PM

    If Willblow does her mother's hair, and Bristol picks out her wardrobe, then Mrs. Palin better hire people with a better sense of style than teen whore.

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      One gets the feeling Sarah has promised to take care of her daughters, financially, in exchange for them keeping her secrets.

  63. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Sarah Palin's face looks like something you would see in a casket.

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      I disagree with you. Sarah Palin's face looks like something you see in a toilet bowl.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:26 PM

      Ok. it's a tie! But I vote for the toilet..... the composting kind.

  64. Anonymous4:46 PM

    She's not bald. She's baldING. That beehive lady said so, herself.

  65. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:11 PM

    Did they shoot that wax figure through a fogged windshield? Sorry to tell ya, Sarah, but that's the last stand for aging actresses--only you don't have the talent to stand up to, say, a Bette Davis or a Marilyn Monroe, whose sex kitten mannerisms you're trying to imitate. The pinking sheared, pseudo-David Cassidy wig doesn't help. But why the artificial crapola when you're supposed to be a "hardy", "natural" huntin' woman, hmmm?

  66. Anonymous5:14 PM

    She's not as wired as she has sometimes been; but REALLY laid-back...Atavan or something like that.

    She quite literally is re-cycling her very limited repertoire of stories, images and phrases...she is an empty box, echoing her own confabulations...and I betcha she is successful at the short term, at least.

    Raw Story has a post up about a Texas supporter of Ted Cruz inviting Texans to shoot at California cars on sight:

    There was a very thoughtful comment by Disqus member 'Hans Meyer' that included the following. (He is discussing this book : David Neiwert, author, The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right.)

    "The Eliminationists describes the malignant influence of right-wing hate talk on the American conservative movement. Tracing much of this vitriol to the dank corners of the para-fascist right, award-winning reporter David Neiwert documents persistent ideas and rhetoric that champion the elimination of opposition groups. As a result of this hateful discourse, Neiwert argues, the broader conservative movement has metastasized into something not truly conservative, but decidedly right-wing and potentially dangerous.

    By tapping into the eliminationism latent in the American psyche, the mainstream conservative movement has emboldened groups that have inhabited the fringes of the far right for decades. With the Obama victory, their voices may once again raise the specter of deadly domestic terrorism that characterized the far Right in the 1990s. How well Americans face this challenge will depend on how strongly we repudiate the politics of hate and repair the damage it has wrought."

    These are her people.

  67. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I have NEVER in my life seen such a pathetic family that rill America said, "I don't THINK so," whore themselves out as they do TO matter. They just don't get it.

    "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools."

  68. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Hmmm....why does her hair fall out at damn near fifty? A good Google search will tell you why. SMH at you, 4:22 PM.

  69. Anonymous5:45 PM

    What are you smoking?

    Tell us she drove from Arizona to some ho-dunk place in Wasilla that she could buy off to lie for the family.

    Snots Knots is for thuglife hoodrats, not over the edge old grizzled up liars.

  70. Anonymous6:17 PM

    It is impossible for Palin to answer a simple question with a simple straightforward answer.
    Everything must be answered with a long , rambling soliloquy.
    Always delivered in a hyper and high pitched voice.
    She could barely sit still.
    Palin thinks of herself as some type of pastor and life coach ministering to her flock of sad sack
    tea party groupies.
    She believes that her pathetic followers have no idea how to live until she instructs them on her reality show.
    That I agree with .
    The setting for the interview is hilarious.
    The ground floor of some motel, with tons of foot traffic in the background.
    A- list celebrities get interviewed in the luxe suites, Palin gets the glorified broom closet.

  71. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Palin has two washed up old girls now. Just ask Phil Robertson. There is no reason at all to pump them up to promote her show. Those sportsmen want the young ones. The only reason Sarah is using her daughter now is to deflect.

    DEFLECT DEFLECT DEFLECT When you hear the hair/skin/Willow/Bristol crap THINK DEFLECTING AND DISTRACTION.

  72. When you see that open door, you bust through that open door. Wait, what? Why would you need to bust down an open door. Crazier, even, than usual.

  73. Anita Winecooler6:24 PM

    Does she remember saying that Willblow earned her way through hairschool and that she and todd didn't have to pay, that willblow is an entrepreneur who isn't in debt? (In other words, a lie. Any hair school graduate needs clientele, a paid shop or rented space, loans, mortgages, equipment, etc.)
    Some debt in business is a "good thing", but let's pretend Sarah's right.
    Then the old chew toy, Bristol is going to" skin school", Good luck with that, Beefy. It involves chemicals, injections, abrasions, cremes, massages, and it has to be done without causing burns and scars to the skin.
    A woman who can't find a trial daddy worth keeping, is going to work on the public with skin. Who's day caring Trig? Tripp? While Mama's going to school? Another lie.

    No matter what, Sarah won't be able to keep her "beauty secrets" secret for long, none of them have been working since the RNC did major body work. '

    Todd on DWTS. SNORT. I can see it now. Todd Palin and Bristol, the first father/daughter team on DWTS. Start working on those abs and upper arms, oh and sweat a lot. That cow loves licking when she's through ! Just replay you tube!

    What comes around goes around. We're gonna see Sarah fall on her face, again. I hope they have clips on the net, no place near me has the show.

  74. Anita Winecooler6:29 PM

    She's a big, vibrant tipper! That, and she smears chia seeds on her scalp and paints them black with blonde streaks. syh, hard


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.