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With three months of Obamacare enrollment completed, the effect of the Republican intransigence on health care reform can be seen in new data compiled by Theda Skocpol, professor of government and sociology at Harvard University and director of the Scholars Strategy Network.
Though it is a federal law, the Affordable Care Act is a program that relies on states. States had the opportunity to set up its own health insurance marketplace, and states were heavily incentivized to expand Medicaid to cover their poor -- though the choice was up to them.
Largely as a result of the entrenched opposition of state GOP leaders, only 14 states (plus D.C.) have built their own marketplaces, and just half the states decided to expand Medicaid in the first year. Heading into 2014, those two state-based decisions have created a huge disparity between states under the law.
Skocpol has quantified that disparity in the chart above. She's attempted to measure how much progress different groups of states -- those that both expanded Medicaid and built their marketplace, for example -- have made in signing their residents up for private coverage and Medicaid under Obamacare.
The difference between the top and the bottom groups tells the whole story. Those states, like California and New York, that have fully bought into the ACA have performed exceedingly well in enrolling their citizens. They're already 43 percent of their way toward their projected Medicaid enrollment, as calculated by Skocpol, and 37 percent of the way there on private coverage.
Ultimately the people who suffer the most from the Republican obstructionism are the people living in the states where they are in charge. (And that includes me up here in Alaska as well of course.)
The Republicans were hoping to use the website troubles and cherry picked, exaggerated, stories of people losing their health care or having to pay higher premiums and deductibles to defeat the Democrats in 2014.
But I think that the Democrats have a very good shot at using their refusal to cooperate with the ACA, and their attempts to sabotage it at every opportunity, against them.
In the end it may all come down to who reaches the voters the best. The GOP with their lies and exaggerations, or the Democrats with their facts and truthful stories of the benefits of the ACA, and how much more there would be if not for the Republicans they are running against.
Here in Maine, the Legislators are gathering for their annual four to six month get together and Medicaid expansion is at the top of the list of things to talk about. In 2010, the R's took control of all branches of government (that had not happened since 1962). Two years later, the D's took back the Senate and the House. Governor LePage, a Republican, is up for election in November.
ReplyDeleteThe candidates for Governor (an R, a D and an Independent) are all talking about it and it is getting a lot of press. The D's plan on having a vote to expand Medicaid. I predict it will pass, but will the Governor sign it is the question (all bets are he will veto the bill).
At last year's legislative session, several of the Governor's vetoes were overridden with both Democratic and Republican support.
So, it's shaping up to be quite the battle in Augusta (or as the locals call the Capital City "Disqusta").
Chris Matthews is back and he is mad as hell.
ReplyDeleteIn his opening rant he painted a very scary picture of what this country is going to look like next year at this time if Democrats don't show up to vote. Why do people vote against their best interests? Democrats MUST get out and vote for Democrats, Progressives, and Independents who will caucus with the Dems. Please Gryphen, keep encouraging everyone to get out there and vote AGAINST the Republicans. I live in Indiana and the Republicans have a super majority in the legislature so we Dems are getting NOTHING! We have a part-time legislature and I dread every new year to see what group is going to be the new punching bag for the Republicans to legislate against. Last year it was unions, the middle class, and working people when they jammed through the right-to-work-for-less for us. The previous two years it was teachers and public education. Indiana now funds 45% of religious-based schools with taxpayer money and everybody is okay with that. Problem is, if people don't have children going to school they don't care.
People get out there and vote for democratic candidates and keep the country from sliding back into the economic cesspool that we had under W.
I would think this midterm would be as big as a presidential election. The GOP has given us a horror list so damn big it never ends. The medicaid expansion is fact zero....they need to scream in those 23 red states that you are paying for healthcare in all the other states that approved it. Duh....the GOP cost 25 billion with the shutdown, won't approve minimum wage increase, immigration reform, unemployment insurance (real extension), jobs or training bill, infrastructure....blah, blah, blah. Th ey hardly work and when they do...its abortion or obamacare. I for one would like a refund for the last 3 years. I keep hearing how we can't take back the house and we might lose the senate...bullshit, I think we will get both.
ReplyDeletesean parnell sux koch
ReplyDeleteO/T...Baldy related....Me thinks that Krusty's is a victim of identity theft! Looks like Beefy has outed herself as our resident troll!
ReplyDeleteBeefy posted a pic on her FB page of "Baldy teaching Trig yogaaa"!
Link to the picture....
And YES that old...big "teefus"...Pebbles Flintstone hairstyle..rusty ass...ugly feet having old lady is....
Oooofa! What a hot mess! Did they dye Trig's hair? Or is this a new version? Where's Francie, the cow lovin friend of Sarah's? Willow's doing the "Greeting the Bull" yoga pose
DeleteGina, cute picture of Trig smiling having a good time with Grandma.
ReplyDeleteGrandma's having a good time. Trig is laughing his ass off at how stupid Grandma looks in that old, recycled picture. What's that knitted thing on her head? Does she know you're supposed to stuff a barbie's legs in a roll of toilet paper then button it up to look like a dress? I bet Trig knows : P
DeleteGive it time. States are not islands of isolation. All those red state voters have friends and acquaintances in other states. Some will be states with the exchanges and expansion.
ReplyDeleteJust wait until the have nots finally get a clue as to who is standing between them and having what everyone else has; affordable healthcare.
You can't reform stupid and a rabid R will always be a rabid R. But there are some independents out there that can tell the difference between hell and a hand basket. And given a choice, they'll take a basket full of healthcare and vote Satan out of their seats.