CNN instant poll on Obama’s State of the Union
— Jon Passantino (@passantino) January 29, 2014
I am just going to use this post as a one stop shop for SOTU attacks, ratings, and trivia.Above you can see the CNN instant polls.
Here ABC News gives you the breakdown by the numbers:
As all the talk about the words in President Obama’s State of the Union address begins, here’s the speech by the numbers:
80 applause interruptions
15 minutes, 36 seconds – total length of those interruptions
3 laughter interruptions
40 standing ovations (19 of them bipartisan, 21 Democrats-only)
36 rounds of bipartisan applause
42 rounds of Democrats-only applause
2 rounds where it was too hard to tell
Here is Rachel Maddow confronting Rep. Huelskamp over this tweet, and many others:
Obama politicizes the military to end his speech. Totally expected, Mr. President. #SOTU
— Cong. Tim Huelskamp (@CongHuelskamp) January 29, 2014
Maddow challenged Rep. Huelskamp on-air over his strange and arrogant comments. “I have to ask you if that was tongue in cheek — do you really believe that was ‘politicizing’ the military,” she asked.
Hueskamp responded that the GOP “actually invited our own veteran,” and claimed that the President “ran against the military” and “highlights them when it helps politically.”
Never mind that President Obama spent hours with the troops during his vacation in Hawaii over Christmas, and made most of that visit off-limits to the press — so it wasn’t “political.”
Maddow would not let the Tea Party member from Kansas get away with that.
“How did he run against the military?”
“It’s pretty clear — he wanted to bring the troops home, he wants to close Gitmo, he wants to do all kinds of things…”
“Is bringing the troops home your definition of being against the military?”
That’s when Huelskamp lost it.
“You know they’re hiding the truth on Benghazi,” Rep. Huelskamp said. “We’re looking for them to come forward, let those folks testify who were on the ground.”
“It’s also the responsibility of Hillary Clinton,” he added. “Just a few months ago she said what difference does it make? Two days ago she says it was the biggest regret in her life.”
As the interview progressed, Huelskamp accused Maddow of “being a cheerleader” instead of a journalist.
“Did you just call me a cheerleader?” she asked, shocked.
“I don’t know, maybe you have that history,” Huelskamp quipped. “If it was Bush, you would be jumping and screaming.”
“You’re amazing,” Maddow responded, clearly shocked and irritated.
Yep, that went well. What a douchenozzle!
Here are a few of the GOP responses:
First the official Republican response featuring Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the gist of which apparently was that she really wanted to thank God for allowing her to give birth to a child with Down syndrome. (The Rubio thirst starts to hit her at about the 2:00 mark.)
Then there is the Tea Party response courtesy of Sen. Mike Lee.
Yes this Mike Lee, seen standing between the Lunatic from Lake Lucille, and Rafael Cruz wearing his Brokeback Mountain jacket.
Then Rand Paul gave HIS response to the President's speech, because....well everybody else got to. (You'll be happy to know that Paul got through the entire speech without bringing up Monica Lewinsky. However he did call government stupid, which of course would be less true if he and Mike Lee were to resign. Oh, and House Republicans called it blatant self promotion.)
There was apparently yet ANOTHER response delivered by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtine of Florida, but I don't know who the hell that is.
There was also a response from the aforementioned Lake Lucille Lunatic, but it is so full of moosepoop that it is really beneath our notice. (Besides she didn't write it.)
By the way here is the actual transcript of the speech so you can see for yourselves that it was pretty damn good.
And finally here is the best expression of the entire night.
![]() |
Go ahead, try not to smile. |
In many ways I think THAT summed up the different responses to the President's speech last night.
“Is bringing the troops home your definition of being against the military?”
ReplyDeleteWhy, yes, Rachel, that's exactly the GOP's definition.
Because I'm sure that military families and their loved ones in uniform MUCH prefer that they be within range of bullets, bombs and IEDs, fighting a war that we can't possibly win (and another that was started under false pretenses).
DeleteBecause getting soldiers OUT of a war zone is really doing something bad...but only in the upside-down world of the Grand Opposite Party.
This guy has a PhD in Political Science from American University. Why is he such a fucking moron?
ReplyDeleteFunny how it's always people who's kids do not serve in the military are the ones wanting our military to stay in constant war. Personally, I think we should bring back the draft if we are going to continue to have wars, many of these young men and women serve multiple deployments, I have heard up to 12 for a few people, my son served 8 before losing his leg and almost his life( he is doing fine)
ReplyDeleteMaybe if the congressmen and Senators had to put forth a family member, an adult child or a spouse, they would think twice. And yes, I do know if we instituted the draft again the public would be outraged and I think that is exactly what we need , the population to be outraged we are at war, especially a war we jumped into for no reason.
And what can I say, I love me some Joe Biden :)
I'm sorry to hear of your son, 12:45 PM. Thank him for his service. I agree about the congress and senate,and that's one thing that irks me about the "warrior body" bragger. As soon as he enlisted, I told my husband that he'll never see combat because of her VP nod, and now we all know he didn't no matter how what she says.
DeleteI love me some Obama/Biden! Ooh la la! :)
Good to hear that your son is doing well and thanks to him for his service and sacrifice. I worked with many amputees when I was involved in adapted sports years ago and they were often amazed at how much they could accomplish despite missing a limb (or more).
DeleteAs for these idiots in Congress, they may not have family members in the military, but you can bet they have connections, investments and supporters who provide some of the goods and services needed to wage these wars. Stop the wars and the profits dwindle down, and we just can't have that!
By the way, I love me some Joe Biden too, and I'm happy to say he was spreading some smiles in my town today! A friend of mine was able to get pictures of the plane and cars he used to travel to and around here.
As for Cathy Mcuteri police, isn't she abandoning her child by cavorting in DC, wouldn't that make her a whore? Or is that only what the Palin's call Wendy Davis for getting an education and working.
ReplyDeleteBTW Cathy Mcuteri police called for the government to stay out of healthcare last night, but this morning she voted for controlling other women's uteri.
Did SP aka Stain, really say she was drivin' kids to ball games in her truck and couldn't help but listen to the sotu? What kids? Tri-G, Tripp? Where's Bristle/Wallow, Track/Toad to do the haulin'? She's fallen so far down politically that she has to respond on FB
ReplyDeleteShe is a stain on everyone in the US.
maybe just maybe skank'll get hit by a truck
DeleteNo president in history has done as much for the US military, whether they are on active service or they are veterans, as President Obama has: benefits improved, VA hospitals improved, respect shown for returning injured or killed, end of major military involvement in Iraq, end of Osama bin Laden, and on and on. And Michelle Obama and Jill Biden have worked tirelessly on behalf of military families since January 2009. What did Laura Bush and what's-her-name Cheney ever do for military families? The Republicans know how much this President and his administration have done for the military and that is why they lie about it over and over and over. Lying about it to Rachel Maddow was a pretty stupid thing to do though. By the way, was the Duck Dynasty guy with the flag headgear the GOP version of bringing a member of the military to the State of the Union speech? Or maybe someone dragged Ted Nugent along for the speech? What, neither of them served in the military! Oh, my.
But, but...that other guy wore that cool flight suit and stood under a giant banner on an aircraft carrier!
DeleteIsn't that more important than doing things that will actually save lives and then protect those lives after they return home? Isn't that more important than making sure veterans have the benefits and health care they've earned?
Isn't it more important to have no-bid contractors with cool names like 'Blackwater', 'Xe' and 'Academi'? So what if those contractors lose billions of dollars in cash and their shoddy work kills soldiers in the shower!
Helping actual soldiers and veterans? silly!
she's stewing because that other republican woman who responded to the sotu had the audacity to bring up that, she too, has a DS kid. How dare her, that was sarah's claim to fame...
ReplyDelete1:28 Sarah Palin has a DS kid living in her house that is NOT her kid. She was never pregnant w/him, didn't deliver him in Wasilla or Anchorage hospitals and doesn't even provide him motherly care!
DeleteI think someone flashed their bewbs at Biden! LOL
ReplyDeleteThey are having a "caption this" contest over at Wonkette for the Biden photo. If you have an account over there you should go post this (unless you have already) it was really funny!
DeleteThank you Gryph for not including the idiot's FB post. It really is beneath us to read her ghostwritten bullshit. I had an interesting thought today; if all the Sarah Palin "haters" stopped focusing on her then she'd be left with her dwindling hard-core fans. I'll be so happy to not read anymore of stupidity. It's getting damn tiresome because it's the same shit over and over, just a different day.
ReplyDeleteAt least 65 % of those that comment on Granny Lulus fecesbook page are fake profiles( and yes I did check last week when I was laid up after a minor surgery----it was that or Justin Beiber)
DeleteI disagree with including the tundra twatwaffle as providing one of the responses to the SOTU. And the Kentoupee idiot, for that matter.
ReplyDeleteThe republicans provided a planned, expected, official response. The Tea Party wanted to? Okay, fine, their members decided that Mike Lee should speak for them and they are the republican base, after all. I don't know if there was anything official or requested about the Florida woman's Spanish response, but, hey, okay, it served a purpose.
Who asked that moron Palin to speak? What group asked her to listen to the speech and present the group's reaction? She no more gave a response to the SOTU than all the other Americans that take to their facebooks to voice their opinion on anything .
I didn't listen to any of the Republican rebuttles...not interested.
DeleteAnd poor Glenda Beck wasn't happy either......
ReplyDeleteGlenn Beck was not a fan of President Barack Obama’s fifth State of the Union address last night. The host made that fact very clear on his radio show Wednesday morning, calling the speech “horrific from start to finish.” But the “worst part,” according to Beck were the “continued pronouncements that he fully intends to trash the Constitution of the United States.”
Beck was referring to the president’s promise to use executive orders to push through action that Congress can or will not pass. “America does not stand still – and neither will I,” Obama said in his address. “So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, that’s what I’m going to do.”
“Over and over again, looking us in the eye, he said he would use his executive power to get his way,” Beck said. “He bragged about it repeatedly.” He urged his audience to remember this moment, because “this was the State of the Union where our president declared he would become America’s first dictator.”
But “the most chilling part of the speech” according to Beck, was that half of the Congress “who are about to lose their power, cheered him like the lemmings that they are.”
And where were these assholes while Bush was signing executive orders with complete disregard for the laws passed by congress? Where were these assholes when they turned the constitution upside down with torture and the patriot act? Fucking hypocrites. When it's a black guy in the White House, then he's a dictator, a tyrant, but a white guy gets a free pass. For the record, Obama's executive orders are way less than ANY president in history!
Heaven worse than Bush's executive orders were the signing statements on hundreds of bills giving him the right to ignore the law. But Beckie was fine with those. Bunch of idiots trying to start a Civil War.
DeleteThe Republicans are so afraid of President Obama! He has passed fewer executive orders than any POTUS serving before him (for the same tenure).
DeleteBoehner is threatening impeachment if you can believe it! Fucking amazing! You can be sure that President Obama has a legal team to assure he does nothing wrong or would be against the Constitution. Do they really think he's some kind of an idiot?
WOW just WOW !!
ReplyDelete"congressman kansas" has obviously a sustained intake of high octane lead paint chips,
dude's "thought process" body language and speech pattern indicate a serious mental situation - if he doesn't already he should get a thorazine script that or up his present dosage -
I just saw Maddow completely dismantle Huelskamp's #Benghazi rant by using his own vote on funding for embassy security.
I don't know how Maddow kept it together w/that jerk! Another nasty piece of shit from the right!
ReplyDeleteYeah, Obama gave a good speech, all right! BECAUSE HE COPIED IT WORD FOR WORD from George W Bush's awesome 2007 SOTU and German Chancellor Joseph Goebbels' rousing 1945 Staat der Gewerkschaft Rede!!
And no less a national treasure than a former Bush speechwriter (and 1992 Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes winner) caught Obama RED HANDED!!!
Read the details and weep, buddy boy!! Read 'em and weep!
A Grimm spectacle
ReplyDelete...But Grimm’s most notable public dust-up took place in 1999, four years after he joined the FBI, where he was tasked with investigating Wall Street corruption. At a club in Queens, N.Y., Grimm got into an argument with his date’s estranged husband and, according to Gordon Williams, an off-duty N.Y.P.D. officer who spoke to The New Yorker in 2011, pulled a gun on the husband and threatened to kill him. Grimm later returned to the bar with another F.B.I. agent and a group of N.Y.P.D. officers and, according to Williams, forced everyone of color against the wall in an apparent attempt to find the date’s husband, who was of Caribbean descent. The following morning, Williams was informed that he was being investigated for “interfering with an F.B.I. investigation,” according to The New Yorker report.
That Grimm boy is one nasty guy. He threatened to murder the reporter! Why isn't he in jail or being brought up before the Ethics group back there in D.C.?
DeleteIf he did that in the private sector, he would have been fired and rightly so! He and Chris Christie smell exactly alike! Bullies and assholes!
Pretty much no one has posted about Sarah's bullshit FB rant on SOTU. Politico and Politicususa are the only ones I could find on Google News. And the comments on Politico are spot on! They've soooo got her number!
She no longer is getting the coverage she once did and the donations to her PAC are also decreasing. Plus, no one on the right asks her to be a part of their national speak anymore.
DeleteShe's embarrassed herself, Alaska, women and the nation!
Then there was the predicted local reaction to this truly inspiring speech. Some cartoon, ‘er cartoonist named Summers, who plies his ink-stink from the Orlando Sentinel and let’s the Tribune Content Agency spread it throughout media land, drew a first panel showing the president at the SOTU podium stating “I’m willing to work together.” The second panel has him holding out a pen. He asks, “Right?” as the pen responds “RIGHT!” The reference is obviously to Barack Obama finally taking Executive Order leadership into his hands after years of a kindergarten Congress refusing to entertain any Democratic initiatives. Of course, at least 85% of the local population will nod their heads in enthusiastic affirmation of the message of the cartoon since they know nothing of a speech they didn’t bother to listen to.
ReplyDeleteThe speech was what I would term an intellectual stem-winder.
....As for the president, he delivers a different kind of passion; not blood boiling, but mind roiling. Barack Obama stimulates contemplation and deliberation. He’s a craftsman and modulator. He makes few, if any, mistakes. You know by the tenor of his voice when he’s serious and he commands your attention. He was in full command of his speech faculties Tuesday night.
The Instant Spin Room
ReplyDeleteThe dueling conservative and liberal Twitter responses to the State of the Union.
Obama is betting that Americans will side with labor over capitalism. He’s right.
ReplyDelete...People will tell you this was a boring speech. Don’t believe them. It was a speech with a sharp edge. It distinguished the free market, represented by Republicans, from the work ethic, represented by Democrats. If that’s the debate in 2014, Democrats stand a good chance of winning.
This asshole just doesn't know when to quit!
ReplyDeleteCruz told reporters that he no longer believes that January 1 was the deadline to stop Obamacare. "I believe we will repeal Obamacare," he said.
The reason Cruz thinks the law can still be repealed is that he and others had the high-profile fight to defund Obamacare in the first place. "I think we are seeing the fruits of the battle that so many millions of Americans engaged in last fall to stop Obamacare," Cruz said. "I think the direct result of that fight was to elevate the national debate about the harms that Obamacare has caused. And as a consequence, I think the terrain has changed, and I believe we will repeal Obamacare."
How do they repeal Obamacare now when millions are using it already! Don't they realize doing so would create loss of votes to them in the upcoming elections?
DeleteRemember, if the House repeals it, it goes to the Senate. It'll either be stopped there or President Obama would veto it.
Republicans continue spreading fear and negativism which is so, so old. Vote as many as you can out of office wherever you live!
...As I listened to the President’s speech, I found myself thinking about the media’s role in creating the tense, toxic atmosphere of the past decade. We do gridlock a lot better than we do compromise. Our pages and broadcasts are overstuffed with fanatic pessimists. There is a chronic optimism deficit. We have been inured to this by a mudslide of shockingly bad news, from 9/11 to the Great Recession, and we have exploited it by succumbing to the entertainment value of contentiousness. We have wrapped ourselves in a straight-jacket of cynicism.
ReplyDeleteAnd then comes a moment like Obama’s concluding celebration of Army Sergeant First Class Cory Remsburg, nearly killed by a roadside bomb, struggling to rebuild himself, to regain his voice–a metaphor for our country’s slow recovery from the bombs and crashes of the 21st century. The President drove this message home, but he didn’t need to: just the sight of Sgt. Remsburg awkardly–but triumphantly–waving a hand and trying to smile was enough: If he can, we can.
I was expecting "good", but everything about it was beyond "excellent". The First Lady looked radiant, President Obama was composed, stayed on point, and gave a speech that had the perfect cadence and balance.
ReplyDeleteI could watch that gif of Joe Biden all day. He had a blast during the speech, compared to the dark orange constipated fella sitting next to him.
What got me was the four responses. Last time I checked, we had a two party system, and they had three male assclowns and a female asshat explain their "vision" of "A Merry Ka" The lady spoke as if her audience were kindergarders. I kind of felt the democrats should have had three more replies to the replies. Wendy Davis, Claire McCaskill, and Liz Warren would have been perfect, but heck, anyone could do.
POTUS is getting it done, one way or the other, and he isn't tossing anyone over balconies or threatening to fold them.
"Hueskamp responded that the GOP “actually invited our own veteran,”
ReplyDeleteDid they invite their own Black and their own Gay, as well? I see they made their woman sit in another room and give a statement by remote video...
The constant negative on President Obama's speech was interesting to watch from the right. They are saying things he never said - what they thought his speech was going to be about - which it wasn't!
ReplyDeleteFriggin' idiots - amazing they have a following! Vote out ALL Republicans when next you have the chance!