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President Obama and daughter Sasha volunteer at DC Central Kitchen charity. |
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Michelle and Malia rolling burritoes. |
The gall!
On the complete opposite side of the coin Sarah Palin weathered a well deserved firestorm of anger and ridicule for her hateful remarks yesterday.
In fact I don't think I have seen such universal revulsion directed at Palin since her now famous blood libel video came out.
If I were the owners of the Sportsman channel I would have been sending Palin e-mail after e-mail telling her to shut up and sit down before she drives away every potential viewer imaginable for her new "I'm pretending I know something about hunting" show.
Not that it would have helped. Some people's hatred is simply too ingrained in their personality for them to ever let go of it.
(Photos courtesy of The Obama Diary.)
Petty, vindictive, provocative, attention-seeking disordered Sarah Palin celebrating MLK's birthday, by flipping "send" on her facebook post, dissing the President yet again.
ReplyDeleteAnd here is a mixed race POTUS, with his family, working at a shelter, serving ethnic food to a variety of races, ethnicities, who are needy and appreciative.
What a contrast.
Does she realize she insults the troops and military and veterans when she insults their Commander-in-Chief like this? All those white, brown, black and in-between colors who served side by side for one goal, to protect and serve? What has SHE ever done, except to deflate, insult, degrade, berate, mock?
Others serve and do good. All Sarah does is open her disgusting mouth.
You said it all for me! Notice also too how quiet the trolls were yesterday. She was mocked appropriately in everything I read and on television. She and her ilk never THINK, they only ATTACK.
DeleteExcellent comment. I'd love to see this posted on her FB page and on Sea of Pee.
DeleteI think the Bitch and her offspring were also performing an act of community service, by washing out all of Todd's wash cloths yesterday.
Deletewell stated. :) dumb twunt sits on her bony ass blasting insults at our president while our president and his beautiful family volunteer.
ReplyDeleteher innards are as putrid as excrement and thus
every verbal utterance is the equivalent of a fart
Wow, what a great visual! And so appropriate, also too!
DeleteOr in simple language for the trolls, she is full of shit, and every sentence is a fart.
DeleteIt is impossible to picture Sarah and Todd instilling the very same quality of empathy in any Palin offspring that our president and first lady are demonstrating for Malia and Sasha.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I look forward to Hillary, moments like this make me wish we could give Barack a third term also.
ReplyDeleteAnother photo op for Hussein and Mooch
When will the divorce papers be filed by Mooch
Who will she blame?
Helle or Yingluck
fuck off, sarah, you're such a bitter shrew.
DeleteCall ORKIN...we have a troll that is exhibiting brain wasting disease and is wandering around in the daytime when they are usually nocturnal. They can be baited with moose chili and s'mores and their thighs will rapidly enlarge making movement difficult until the exterminator arrives. Small children and the elderly are most susceptible to their venom.
DeleteSarah; you are a rude fool. The Obama's aren't like you, dear. Go find someone else to spout your idiocy at; we're tired of you
DeleteIs that you Creepy Chuck Jr.?
DeleteAnon 9:29 I heard antibiotics worked well if you get the STD in time. But if you let syphilis go too long—there goes your cognitive abilities and your sanity. Then you start posting comments that make people turn around and notice the rotting smell. Just sayin'.
DeletePoor widdle $arah.Still being ignored by president,Get over it $arah you lost.Your a fucking loser and a quitter.Your done.
DeleteSo Hussein is President Obama's middle name, so what? WTF is Mooch supposed to mean? Clearly you are racist and it chaps your sorry ass that (HORRORS) black people are in the WHITE house. You are a turd and nothing more, a waste of skin.
Deletelol, a palin has the audacity to label anyone a mooch? lol, that's rich. I'm sure both the Obama girls will receive a fine education and flourish at any college or university they choose to attend. Unlike your mooch kids who would rather live in mommy's garage and mooch off their mother rather than take one college course.
DeleteYou know you're so jealous of Michelle's beautifully toned arms, lol, aren't you two the same age? Yet you have those unsightly batwings no matter how much you starve yourself. haha.
Photo ops? Who knows better than the Failin' Palins about "photo ops" Toad has to pretend to be a real husband (rather than the ex) whenever the Bitch calls, otherwise NO PAYCHECK for Jethro.
DeleteHaha. Your bitterness and jealousy and envy of the Obamas and their happy, successful marriage and their beautiful, talented, intelligent, educated, cultured family is showing.
DeleteIt must really gall you to know how happy they are and how empty and worthless you and your life and your marriage (if any; doubtful) are.
Suck on the bitter gall of that, loser.
9:29 AM,
DeleteTurn that around to face "Palin vs Palin".
Anonymous9:29 AM
DeleteAnother photo op for Hussein and Mooch
When will the divorce papers be filed by Mooch
Hey Baldy Hollywood! When were YOUR divorce papers filed? When Toddy boy was singing "you light up my life" to Shay?
Karma's a nasty thing Bitch. You never know when it will raise its head and bite your off! And talk about Photo ops who knows more about photo ops than the GRIFTER QUEEN!!!
"Whats in it for us"!
Fuck Off methed out bitch!
"WTF is Mooch supposed to mean?"
Mooch is RW RACIST TROLL SPEAK for Michelle.
All the fuckers duckfuckers call her moochelle, really funny hardy har har....bunch of *RACIST* tards.
But ya know that they are palin panty sniffers.... who can expect intelligence from knuckle draggers....?
They are letting her have it on FB. She is a vile, disgusting bitch. May she rot in hell. And as far as I am concerned - the sooner the better.
ReplyDeleteI saw that too. She can't be that blind as to not notice that the majority of "likes" on the comments are saying how wrong she is. Probably won't stop her from race baiting though. Wonder what kind of stupidity she has in store for Presidents Day Feb. 17. I hope for once she would STFU and stop trying to ruin every holiday.
DeleteDonations to SarahPac must really have fallen off since she isn't paying anyone to scrub the unflattering remarks off her page.
DeleteI love that the Obama family are in the White House. I love that Mr. Obama is our President.
ReplyDeleteI finally have personal health insurance at a cost I can afford, thanks to his energy and intelligence.
Sarah Palin can kiss my butt. She is vile and evil, and getting so ugly. What a waste she is!
She had better have good security around her (that she has to pay for!!!)....she has angered Americans AGAIN!!!
ReplyDeleteThe most evil, racist and ignorant woman in America!
When was the last time Palin was ever seen serving anyone but her own self interest? Her “servant’s heart” narrative has yet to be seen. The loser-quitter-governor-wanna-be is only moved by hate.
ReplyDeleteI almost feel sorry for Sarah Palin.. she is so pathetic in her attempts to get any kind of acknowledgement from the president. She is like the kid on the playground nobody wants to be around, but she pesters for attention making it even worse.
ReplyDeleteApparently she has not recovered from the President ignoring her threats to run in 2012 in a Barbara Walters interview back in 2010. Here is a copy and paste from the article on-line:
President Obama is refusing to take the bait on Sarah's Palin statement that she could beat him in the 2012 presidential race.
ABC's Barbara Walters tried to get a rise out of Obama on Palin and 2012, but the president said: "I don't speculate on what's going to happen two years from now."
Pressed by Walters, Obama said: "What I'm saying is I don't think about Sarah Palin."
Link: (http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2010/11/obama-i-dont-think-about-sarah-palin/1#.Ut6n2dLnbsM)
Great comment: "She is like the kid on the playground nobody wants to be around, but she pesters for attention making it even worse."
DeleteBeing ignored is one characteristic that the sociopath just can't stand.
DeleteIt galls her no end that the President pays her no attention, doesn't care what she says, and is blissfully unaware of her bitchy racist comments.
Gets to ya, don't it $arah?
That's why she was so obsessed with track's dad..he didn't want her either...
Delete11:32. So true, it is amazing how sociopathic her behavior is regarding the president.
DeleteOkay, call me stupid, but how is the President "playing the race card"?
ReplyDeleteMs. Palin didn't elaborate on her heckling, and all I can think of is that the Democratic Party, as a whole, is inclusive and appeals to the whole spectrum of our society.
Otherwise, to say that a man who's entering his sixth year as President is pulling some kind of racial fandango? Sarah, he was twice elected by the majority of the population, who clearly have ignored race as the basis for their vote.
Would/could someone pls. tell me what I don't understand?
DeleteI would be very glad to explain it to you - AFTER I figure it out myself in a few centuries!
Could she have a different definition of race from the rest of the world? That was a rhetorical question, folks! No need to respond. I already know she is dumb enough to have just that! After all, she is the ONLY ONE I have EVER heard claim that Mr. Revere was riding to help the British! Even the British laughed at that one!
He’s governing while black. She really is that shallow.
DeleteHe is "presiding," Darlene. She governed....and QUIT.
DeleteWell he's playin' the race card, b/c he's half white and has spoken about what its like to be Black and not accepted as White or black. It should be a uniting factor but the duckfucking retards are too damn stupid to understand.
DeleteJust like the racist who found out on the TV show he has black blood most of the duck fucking racist prigs would be shocked to find out they are "part black" heck even John McCain has black in his family. His great grandfather or grandfather was a slave owner. The family has a gathering everyear on the plantation, he doesn't attend.
you imagine having that old white cock as a relative?
Hahaha he didn't even get their votes!
Anon1217pm: She didn't govern...and QUIT.
DeleteThere I fixed it for you :)
I really wish politicians- doesn't matter what party, didn't do these types of photo ops. It is always, in reality, highly disruptive to those who do volunteer every day- to simply get pushed aside for an hour or two so that some high up politician can come in and slap an apron and some gloves on and pretend to assemble a couple burritos or whatever, lots of pictures, and they are out. This isn't a dig at Obama personally, they all do the staged farce.
ReplyDeleteFair point, but getting across the message of volunteerism is greatly enhanced by such visuals, even if they temporarily disrupt the process.
DeleteWatch what we do, not just what we say.
With all due respect, 9:59, and I really do understand where you are coming from, but tell me something? Where do you see anything that says how long the First Family stayed there?
DeleteYes, I can see a problem with a high muckamuck barging in and staying only long enough to take off the jacket and have a few photos snapped. I would agree with you if that is all that was done. (Romney coming into a place during the campaign - while the place was closed no less - comes to mind!)
And if that is what was done here, then I can agree. But ASSUMING that happened here? Not good.
Anon 9:59--As someone who has volunteered locally for over twenty years, I take issue with your remark. While I am sure that you didn't mean to imply that the President was "pretending" to work, even just a photo-op increases the visibility of the efforts and causes people watching at home to think, "maybe that's something I could volunteer for." So I am sorry your charity is so disrupted by publicity but as for mine, we'll take any attention we can get.
DeleteI know what you mean but on the other hand, if it inspires one adult, family or child to go into volunteer work then it can't be that bad.
DeleteThe Obama family has a history of doing this type of community service long before Barack became a US Senator. This IS who they are. Sorry if you think it is a photo-op , but this is how the Obama's choose to live their lives. It adds "vibrancy" for them to help their fellow man.
Delete9:59: What you are describing is exactly what Paul Ryan did; show up, put an apron on, pretend to wash dishes for a minute (later shown that the dishes were already washed), then left. Truly a photo op only.
DeletePlease do not associate that same mentality with President Obama. He has championed the idea of Americans contributing a day of service; as he has done and his whole family has done (actually they do far more than just one day).
Please be careful with your comments, that you aren't putting shallowness onto people who truly are working hard to make a difference.
I've never seen a charity, especially a food charity turn down even an hour of help and certainly not a second of publicity. Your "fake" concern is very transparent. Now run along a find a doctor for Brisket, she'll be dropping that next throw away child any week now.
DeleteWhat 9:59 said is most certainly NOT a fair point, 10:26.
DeleteVolunteers, and that includes me, are immensely grateful for high profile publicity for our organizations and our efforts. These visuals bring other volunteers, funding, and contributions to our organizations.
BTW, 9:59 is the "oh, I don't know" and "there's more to the story" and "all politicians do X" troll.
Agreed, 11:15 AM, and no doubt why the snark Facebook post appeared.
DeleteOh please 11:15 really you need to get with reality. Posts like yours are the mirror image of c4p posts in praise of their queen Sarah every time she does something in public. I'll wait for his future post-presidency endeavors to assess his level of humanitarianism.
DeleteLeland, I appreciate your response, I'm gonna go on a limb and correctly assume they were there for no more than 2 hours...but probably less, as sitting presidents have more important things to do.
Agreed 11:15. The President and his family has been volunteering before he became a US Senator and President.
DeleteRemember Dubya, carrying a plastic turkey that Thanksgiving Day in Iraq? THAT was a photo op. He started the wars, then pretends he cares about the troops who are in harms way. What a guy. Laura and his kids were not there, they stayed home where it was safe.
Deleteanon at 11:37am
DeleteSorry, but the Obama family has always volunteered in the communities they have lived in and I only have to look at his pre presidential community service to see that. Now run along back to your bridge, some goats may get over it before you get back.
Its a photo op 12:30. Don't be so naive just because you like the guy and/or support his presidency. You know at C4P they also call anyone who strays from the herd mentality a troll just because they shed a little reality into the conversation.
Delete@anon 12:55pm
DeleteI am not naive nor do I blindly follow anyone. But the fact jack is that the Obama's have always volunteered in their communities since BEFORE they got married. Your repeating yoiurself will not change that fact at all. AS for President Obama he is much too nice and much too conservative for my taste overall, but I certainly voted for him in both presidential races since he was head and shoulders above McCain and Mittens in class and intelligence. Now run along back to the puddle, it's drying up faster than Todd's last load he shot into a wash cloth.
Photo op. Naive.
DeleteI am so proud of my country today! Every day that passes, we know we made the right decision in 2008 and again in 2012 and we elected the right person for the office.
ReplyDeleteGo USA!!! I have so much hope for the future after I read the comments to SP's facebook post!! She is getting nailed on the internet!!!!
Not only Facebook, but every blog and article I've read.
DeleteYes, can you even imagine what McCain would have done in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, or how he'd deal with Putin?
DeleteMcCain wouldn't give a fuck about diplomacy, he'd start a few more wars.
We'd have Granny Palin mouthing off every day about rill 'Muricans, "ceptional 'Murica," and causing crisis after crisis from her racist rants.
McCain wouldn't even be alive, A.J. The Palin Mafia would have seen to it.
DeleteSarah once again demonstrated her utter ignorance and hatred with those vile remarks. Here we have a President and family that understands the value of service. Palin and her family only understand serve US. If there's no monetary value to the Palin's forget it.
ReplyDeletePalin is the loser high school girl that will do anything to be accepted into the cool kids crowd. She fails to see those cool kids might let her hang around but they mock her to her face. This woman will never grow past 7th grade which I couldn't care less about if she'd disappear from the stage.
Anonymous9:59 AM, this "staged farce" serves a purpose. It shows "hey, if they can do it, maybe I could be out there doing it too". Maybe I could roll a couple burritos, or drive a couple nails for Habitat for Humanity, or walk a dog for the Humane Society. Maybe I could organize a coat drive for the local shelter. I may not save the world, but maybe just a little part of it.
ReplyDeleteIt's inspiration. It's a call to arms. It's for us to get off our duffs, put down our beers, and get to work. Something Sarah Palin and her spawn will never do, also, too.
Never EVER. "Servant's heart" my @SS!
DeleteHere is something to think about, the only retired Presidents who volunteer are Democratic ones. The republicans are only taking care of their own.
Deleteanon @ 12:22... you are absolutely right, and I thank you for reminding everyone here about that fact.
DeleteASU fraternity suspended after 'offensive' MLK party
ReplyDeleteTEMPE, AZ (CBS5) -
A representative for Arizona State University said school officials have suspended Tau Kappa Epsilon's chapter operations while they investigate an unregistered Greek event that has many on campus offended.
Pictures from the event, coined "MLK Black Party" by the group, show members and guests dressed in basketball jerseys, flashing gang signs and even drinking from watermelon cups.
It's amazing this shit is still going on, even though every single year, fraternities are called out (and often disciplined) for it.
DeleteOT: Another shooting. I live 20 miles from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. My son attends the university. He was in class two buildings down from where the shooting took place. One killed the suspect arrested. Scary. Hug your children. Too much hatred being spread around by the likes of SP.
ReplyDeleteGlad your son is safe. Much sympathy to the family of both the victim and the perpetrator.
DeleteAmen. We live about 20 minutes from Virginia Tech, and the daughter of one of our good friends was in class on the floor immediately above where the shootings took place. This is a crazy world. Never let the opportunity to say I love you go by.
DeleteThe Wasilla Alaska folks know for a fact that Palin calls the native Inuits , "Alaskan Arabs".
ReplyDeleteHer father said that she left Hawaii because "there were too many Asians there".
When Palin got elected Governor, she immediately let go people of color from the staff because she doesn't like being around them
It's widely reported that Palin was overheard by a waitress in a restaurant just after the nominations in 2007 saying , "Well, I guess Sambo beat the bitch"
This latest racist bullshit of hers is typical hateful nasty Palin, just showing her true nature by insulting the President of the United States.
Some day $arah, you're going to get slammed and shamed into silence.
She was referencing people who refuse or have no ability to listen to the President with an objective ear, and as a result allows his to get away with pretty outrageous statements. Statements NO republican would survive.
ReplyDelete11:18 AM - do they know you are wandering about unsupervised?
DeletePlease give a couple of examples of these outrageous statements. Thanks.
Deleteperhaps I have poor cognitive abilities, but I just can't make sense of your post, 11:18 What are you trying to say?
DeleteHave you met Sarah Palin? She is the definition of getting away with outrageous statements.
DeleteDownright STUPID things are what "she" says and no one calls her on them. Thanks for playing!
DeleteProjection IS the peebots' middle name.
The real question here is can the Republicans survive the outrageous statements that their own members make? Or live down the fact that McCain unleashed a nasty mouthed seditionist who has torn apart their party and adds nothing of intelligence to the political debate. She shoots off her mouth, retreats behind her facebook until she finds some little offense to reload another quote inspired snark attack.
DeleteSarah Palin does not have an objective ear but only listens and looks for things that she finds objectionable and then it is tweet a dee dee, dum dum.
Nice post, 12:22. I totally agree with you. Too bad the Republicans don't have a clue and can't shake that raging pubic rash that is Sarah Palin. I would imagine that they can't help but thank McCain for that.
Delete11:18 fuck off you pathetic bottom feeder. Sarah's so drug addled she has no idea what she says or what that fat ass ram wrote for her...
DeleteTime to adjust your meds ...
DeleteFunny. You claim the GOP played the gender card in picking Palin, yet Obama, who's her equal in political unreadiness, is a FINE candidate.
ReplyDeleteIf he were repub, it'd be "GOP using the race card."
YOU KNOW IT WOULD. especially since this is a man who's refused to make any on the record statements regarding ANY poilitical decision leading up to 08.
Cowardly bastard who probably knows nothing about nothing.
yikes, let me count the ways of your ignorance and stupidity...
Deleteno, you are not worth a second of our time.
Steve Schmidt HIMSELF said they picked Palin because they needed to do something they considered bold.
DeleteI can guaran-damn-TEE you he knows a hell of a lot more than your 83-IQ queen!
The didn't play the gender card. They picked someone morons like you would vote for. Thankfully, there weren't enough of you.
DeleteSarah, time to stop using your Caps key and, instead, make your points with facts.
DeleteEvery vote that Barack Obama made as a Senator is on record. As for the rest of your BS, you are a complete idiot.
DeleteWe voted for Obama because we liked him and he was much, much sexier than Sarah Palin. So he got the woman's vote and Sarah got the low T, Tea Party votes.
DeleteGood LAWD! The size of the trolls thighs @ 11:20am must be H U G EEEEEE!
DeleteSeriously troll....how are you able to sit in a chair and type the stupid ass shit you do?
Oh...it's you RAM...my bad...no explaination needed...I know that food is your friend and ya gotta earn your penguin pellets posting on here!
Carry on Penguin! LOL!!!
sarah, go wash your hair and maybe douche or something. we can smell you from here.
DeletePress 1 for english
DeletePress 2 for spanish
Press 3 for word sausage or hang up quick.
I wonder if every negative Comment re her MLK post will be deleted and the person deFriended? Years ago, I put a mildly negative, if logical Comment on her FB. It was almost immediately deleted and I was banned.
ReplyDeleteI am still not able to post.
If she is still deleting all the negative Comments, she will have to deFriend half of her dwindling following.
Scary reading, those remarks by folk that still like her and hate anyone "Other". So un-evolved and frightened and angry -- and they have guns...
I wonder how much she pays for the Likes on this post. I hear the going rate is about $49 per 5,000 fake Likes these days.
They're called "click farms" --- outfits in Bangladesh, Indonesia and other dirt-poor countries that put two workers on each computer to "like" as fast as they can.
DeleteModern piece-work slavery.
Would be wonderful to know if some SarahPAC money is flying overseas.
I've been keeping track of her FRIENDS on FB, and it seem like you might be right about the number going down, what with all the anti-Palin comments. It sure isn't growing at the same pace as it was when she was on her book tour.
DeleteI hear ya! Like GinaM, I perise the pee puddle for grins and giggles. They monitor her "likes" constantly and don't seem to get the big jump in one day means "bought." Not the brightest bulbs, that place.
DeleteMy guess is that Sarah Palin is inviting those death threats Ailes talked about so she can play the victim. At the same time, she's throwing red meat to her moronic supporters.
ReplyDeleteIf there were any death threats why didn't she call the police? There were never any, except maybe one from Tawd's girlfriend.
DeleteWhat an example the President and Michelle set for their daughters. Too bad Failin' Palin was MIA when her daughtrers needed someone to look up to. How soon before we see the group serving in a homeless shelter? Don't hold your breath.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Palin and her purse carrier Todd both came to the Wasilla friendship dinner at the ice arena for a few hours this year. She had the audacity to bring a box of her books and sign and sell them and barely did any food service or clean up. That's the Palin idea of "volunteering".
DeleteI feel for your community. Ever the self-serving grifter our ex-quitter governor ...
DeleteOk, somebody gave this comment over at the Huffington Post regarding her MLK blurt:
ReplyDelete"Why is she relevant ? this is why tell me where Obama had any experience to be a President . Under her leadership as governor, Alaska invested $5 billion in state savings, overhauled education funding, reformed the state's employee pension program, and protected Alaska's natural resources. She created Alaska's Petroleum Systems Integrity Office to provide oversight and maintenance of oil and gas equipment, facilities, and infrastructure.
A proven fiscal hawk, Palin cut state spending by nearly 10 percent while also reducing federal earmark requests by more than 80 percent. She used her line-item veto to cut more than a quarter billion in wasteful spending—the largest veto cuts in the state's history.
During Palin's first year in office, three of her administration's major proposed pieces of legislation passed—an overhaul of the state's ethics laws, a competitive process to construct a natural gas pipeline, and a restructuring of Alaska's oil valuation formula.
To eliminate waste and make government more accountable and transparent, Palin sold the governor's private jet, eliminated the governor's private chef, increased accessibility to the governor's office, and put the state's checkbook online."
Somebody from Alaska should respond to this load of crap.
why repeat the lies?
DeleteMany statements not true!!! I'm a senior citizen and have been in Alaska since 1950.
DeleteSarah Palin was found unethical by the Alaska Legislature, quit as governor mid term and was known not to work!! The members of the Alaska Legislature actually wore pins on their suits saying something to the effect 'Where's Sarah"? Plus, she moved to Wasilla while serving as governor (didn't like Juneau and Juneauites didn't like her) and took per diem from the State while operating from there. The rules were changed after she quit! She was caught charging the State of Alaska for her kids travel (she always took them w/her!) when she did business traveling. The State made her reimburse the funds!
She was a horrid governor! Is already known for being the Worst Governor Alaska has ever had!
Huff Po circled the drain, for me, about the time Zsa Zsa tossed in her vig and sold out. I was a regular contributor with four badges, dropped them and never looked back. I seldom go there unless there's something of interest with a link from a blog or source I trust.
DeleteOh btw Fuck Ted Nugent.
"Semi-fossilized bigots like serial race-baiter Ted Nugent who said today:
I have obviously failed to galvanize and prod, if not shame enough Americans to be ever vigilant not to let a Chicago communist raised communist educated communist nurtured subhuman mongrel like the ACORN community organizer gangster Barack Hussein Obama to weasel his way into the top office of authority in the United States of America. I am heartbroken but I am not giving up. I think America will be America again when Barack Obama, [Attorney General] Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, [Sen.] Dick Durbin, [former New York City Mayor] Michael Bloomberg and all of the liberal Democrats are in jail facing the just due punishment that their treasonous acts are clearly apparent.
So a lot of people would call that inflammatory speech. Well I would call it inflammatory speech when it’s your job to protect Americans and you look into the television camera and say what difference does it make that I failed in my job to provide security and we have four dead Americans. What difference does that make? Not to a chimpanzee or Hillary Clinton, I guess it doesn’t matter.
Your idiocy is duly noted.
DeleteYour, meaning TED
DeleteWhat was the lame ass cable channel that decided to hire Sarah? Seems like it might have been this one? She might fit right in.
" National Rifle Association board member and Outdoor Channel spokesman Ted Nugent called President Obama a "subhuman mongrel" and argued that he and other liberal politicians should be punished for treason.
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines mongrel as "a dog with parents of different breeds."
Nugent made the comment during a January 17 interview with Guns.com at the 2014 Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show), an annual gun industry trade show that draws 60,000 firearms industry professionals. Nugent was representing the Outdoor Channel, which airs his hunting show Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild. Nugent and Outdoor Channel recently announced a multi-year endorsement deal where Nugent will make "talent appearances on the network's behalf at top consumer and industry trade events." In announcing the deal, Outdoor Channel's CEO said that Nugent "symbolizes everything that is right in our industry."
In addition to describing "Barack Hussein Obama" as a "gangster," Nugent said the president and other liberals should be jailed and face "the just due punishment that their treasonous acts are clearly apparent":"
... signs of a fried brain sizzling before the fat cools and whateve unsinged contents remain congeal...
DeleteJust responding to the questions about what SP means when she accuses President Obama of playing the race card. I believe she's referencing his statement in a New Yorker article wherein he says that he's sure that there are people who don't like having a black president. He goes on to say that there are likely blacks who like him, and give him the benefit of the doubt, because he is black. So, SP takes this thoughtful and nuanced comment, and twists it into a dog whistle for her Sarah PAC losers. She is disgusting, and I don't think she has ever picked up a New Yorker in her entire life.
ReplyDeleteThe idea that's so hard for "What's in it for us?" is that President Obama didn't need to respond to her at all. What she did on a day to honor a good man proved Martin Bashir correct. She's clueless when it comes to racism, black history and the many contributions black people have given to make this country better, despite how their ancestors were treated.
ReplyDeleteMLK and President Obama are prime examples, and her sheer stupidity is the only way she has left to get any attention.
OT. I've noticed a trend in my area (Philadelphia Suburbs). Everyplace that sold "Duck Dienasty" stuff either no longer carries it or it's deeply discounted and not moving at all. Anyone notice the same where they live? Just wondering if TLC will keep them if they're already a non marketable entity.
The ratings were already dropping. Like most reality shows it had run it's course and the controversy was created to try and up those ratings again.