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State Rep. Steve Hurst. |
An Alabama lawmaker has proposed legislation that would allow public school teachers to lead students in a daily prayer.
State Rep. Steve Hurst (R) introduced the bill last month to allow teachers to read verbatim one of the opening prayers recited by chaplains or their guests before sessions of the U.S. Congress.
“If Congress can open with a prayer, and the state of Alabama Legislature can, I don’t see why schools can’t,” Hurst said.
This could take up to 15 minutes each day, according to House Bill 318.
Hurst said the quarter hour would not be wasted, because it would help students learn about history and civics.
“They could read the prayer from the day war was declared in World War II (or) they could read the prayer the day after Sept. 11,” he said.
Or, they could use that fifteen minutes to actually learn history, instead of being indoctrinated into this idiot's religious belief!
No child should have to be subjected to the prayers from a religion to which they do not belong, assuming they belong to any at all.
This knuckle dragger does bring up one good point though. It really is not fair that schools get to avoid being subjected to prayer, and Congress still has to listen to them.
So I think the only fair thing is to outlaw them there as well.
There fixed it for you.
Why are the most vocal 'defenders'
ReplyDeletef the constitution, the very ones out Founding Fathers were protecting our free country from?
Why are all these assholes fat, white, Republican and physically unattractive? Shoving religion down throats of Americans is going to cause a revolution! I see it coming!
ReplyDeleteThey hate the fact America is becoming less 'white' and less 'christian'!
Prayers should only be allowed during the teaching of creationism instead of science.
ReplyDeleteThey should be praying for brains.
OH I agree totally: no prayers in school, no prayers in Congress.
Presumably the prayers will be bleached of all references Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. principles. However, I don't think children should be subjected to the presumption that god is male. It makes the boys think they are superior and makes the girls have to fight another battle to maintain self-esteem.
ReplyDeleteOnly evangelical Christian prayer allowed. Which is far worse than exposing the kids to Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, or whatever.
DeleteWell heck, why don't we just save some tax payer money and combine the churches with schools? Soon you won't be able to tell them apart anyway.
ReplyDeleteWhile we're at it, how about veterinarians working on the people that bring pets in? And the garbage men could deliver the mail?
An excellent point. I'm going to share this with a radical mailman friend. Giving you full credit of course.
There is a major distinction between the US and State Congresses and schools: The elected officials are there VOLUNTARILY!
ReplyDeletePublic prayers are just too intrusive. I recently had surgery in a Catholic-run hospital, first time there, and frankly was quite uncomfortable in the pre-op room when a prayer was said over the PA system. It just felt so wrong to me.
ReplyDeleteI am taking a good look at that photo of Hurst. His face looks like it's at the corner of Crazed Avenue and Evil Boulevard ... not too far from Suppressed Drive.
ReplyDeleteAs if Alabama didn't have enough problems already---just being Alabama. I weep for the sane people in the state.
ReplyDeleteO/T but skank was on hannity and said Todd was joining her in a late night hot yoga class and he was "getting namasted up"!
ReplyDeleteShe said that twice!!! Namaste is basically a salutation-it means I bow to your fineness and other similar things so how in the heck do you get namasted up??? Such a feckin idiot!!
My spin instructor (who is also a physical therapist) told us hot yoga and hot spinning is, at best, a worthless gimmick and, at worst, dangerous.
DeleteAt her age and lack of nutrients, Sarah could have a stroke.
hot yoga == group sex.
Deletenamasted up == greased and ready; come and get it!
DeleteSince December 31 Sarah has only been on Hannity's show and only by phone. What's up with that?
I thought ultra right wing religious zealots like Sarah thought Yoga was something the devil used to corrupt you. Lots of evangelicals won't allow yoga to be used in P.E. Classes because they think it's religious. Wonder what they think of Sarah doing hot late night yoga with Todd. Btw her sexual innuendo about Todd namasteing up made me puke a little.
DeleteWhat the hell was that she said? Toad's doing hot yoda? And he's masturbating up at night?
DeleteThat is great if you go to a private religious school but prayer doesn't belong in public school that I pay my taxes to.Why isn't it enough to pray before and after school? And if they think praying every day makes the Christians more moral I have news for them. I knew personally two Episcopal priests with large congregations that lacked any integrity. I would not like for them to teach morality to my children.
ReplyDeleteGryph, my apologies for the OT, but Brancy just got my goat with this post.
I heard Bristol made a sex tape ... and will pray we never have to see it .. amen
ReplyDeleteYou can likely find it online. Just search for "bestiality in a tent". That should turn it up.
DeleteExtremists usually lose. Rather than accept a moment of silence as a compromise, the right has repeatedly injected "God" into the argument. When they do, they lose. The more they inject unreasonableness into the discussion, reasonable people pull away from what the right wishes to accomplish. The Right are the ones who challenged moments of silence. They were sure to lose the challenges, but they couldn't help themselves. They believe they're crusaders for Christ and they become inflexible. And, that largely has become the basis for the attack on public schools by the right. They preach the public schools are nothing more than a bunch of liberals who indoctrinate children into like-thinkers. However, on the contrary, the right is a closed society -- you either think like them or there's no room for you in the tent.
ReplyDeletePrayer in schools.....here is an excellent example of how that sometimes works out. Before you ask, it didn't actually happen in Texas but the story starts here.
OT - be sure and check out what is going on at Malia Litman's blog. The guy who will be doing the "Boys Will Be Boys" movie will be doing - I believe - a 2 hour radio program.
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
So I suppose the guy would be thrilled to have a Jewish prayer or a Muslim prayer..a Catholic, an Espicopalian, a 7th day Adventist, a Mormon? No thought not...but see, sir, that is why we outlawed public prayers at school...freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. Idiot.
ReplyDeleteIt amazes me that these teabagging GOP legislators, both in state legislatures and in Congress, are so good at giving their versions of the First and Second Amendments without understanding either of them. As for the rest of the Constitution, they are like George W. Bush and consider it only a "piece of paper." How frightening it is to think that they are in positions to determine our futures.
15 minutes a day !!?? My, that's some lengthy prayin'....Most peoples' minds start to wander at the 45 second mark.
ReplyDeleteImpeach Obama.
ReplyDeleteRepeal Obamacare
Send the Mooch and Hussein back home to Kenya.
Take back our country.
Call your doctor he needs to up the meds
DeleteI agree. Take it back and give it to the original owners. Mexico and the Native people.
"Ok, students, unroll your prayer rugs, take off your shoes and open your Quorans to Chapter 3, verse 6."
ReplyDeleteYou know, as a non believer, this is a law I'd like to see pass. Since the constitution is so long, and all that, maybe Assclown doesn't realize the can of worms he's opening? It would take the entire day to cover every faith!
"Why can't little Johnny Read?"
"He's too busy praying to every God ever prayed to in the history of the human race"