Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sarah Palin watches the Sochi Olympics.

This image showed the other day on Reddit.

I actually wasn't going to post this until I read the comments that accompanied it, and found a small yet aggressive group of trolls trying desperately to suggest that this was unfair because it was Tina Fey, and not Palin, who said "I can see Russia from my house," and that in fact living so close to Russia DID give Palin foreign relations experience.

On the first part, yes that is true, but Palin made a slight exaggeration like that incredibly easy, which is why it stuck. And on the second part, no it didn't!

Palin's interactions with Russia were virtually non-existent, and in her own words really only amounted to the scrambling of American jets when Russian jets would penetrate our air space, which happens occasionally, and which the Governor of the state has NOTHING to do with.

However the point of this Reddit post is was that Palin is a joke. Not only a joke but a joke so recognizable that her name itself is often the punchline.

So the handful of pro-Palin trolls can grind their teeth and pull their hair all they want, but over the years Palin has proved her detractors right repeatedly, and proved that the wishful thinking of her supporters is simply a fantasy based on nothing but wishful thinking.

By the way just to demonstrate how split the Republican party is these days, Palin has been invited to speak at CPAC again.

And the sad fact is that she will NOT be the craziest person there.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    What is UP with her mouth? Is that from all the surgeries?

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Actually stoopid DID say that in her interview with Charlie? She said:The're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from places here in Alaska..."when Putin raises his head... Where does he go? Alaska"
      and of course the asshole troll had to email in on Shay's radio show about the movie, but she used a troll name and was immediately busted by Shay as one who make "Death threats".
      I guess Sunny did not prosecute the bitch after all. Why wouldn't she is her daughter was threatened?

    2. The only place in Alaska where one can see Russia is from the teeny tiny island, Little Diomedes, in the middle of the Bering Strait. About 2.5 miles away is a somewhat larger island, Great Diomedes, which is owned by Russia. On a clear day...........

      These two insignificant baubles play a fun role in Armisted Maupin's "Further Tales of the City." To add to the fun, Lea DeLaria plays a straight airplane pilot whose Russian boyfriend is stationed on Great Diomedes. Not to be missed.

    3. Anonymous7:38 PM

      she s pursing her lips..... u goof ball...

  2. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Will you please put your disgusting tongue back into your huge bubble head you deranged fucking retard.

    1. Anonymous7:42 PM

      sarah is a beautiful Christian woman and quite intelligent as well. .. cant say that about most of the women in the lib talk shows

    2. Anonymous7:48 PM

      I will bet this a womans comment .,,. sarah is a beautiful woman with interesting outlook on this hell bent world... read the comments below and see if I am not right..

  3. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Sarah is watching the Jamaican bobsled team and dreaming of her night with Glen's big manhood.

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      She never spent the night with him, she was with him for 10 minutes as he got a quick blow job from the person that was supposed to interview him. Just some white chick with jungle fever willing to blow a guy she didn't know was all it was. Mr Rice has been very nice not to talk about it, but it may be he really doesn't remember her from the crowd of other groupies over the years.

    2. Anonymous12:37 PM

      11:17 Bullshit, Rice has said that he talked with Sarah by phone several times after that night.

    3. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Anonymous11:17 AM
      Really trollie? Glen Rice has a different story. Maybe your the one with "Jungle fever"!

    4. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Molly ... thank you for clarifying the encounter between Sarah and Glen.

      Good to hear Sarah did not leave a wet spot on your dorm bed.

    5. Anonymous2:02 PM


      that was me that got the "quick" BJ from skank under the bar way back then at Hoopies Roadhouse in wasilla

      LMAO !!

    6. Anonymous3:18 PM

      THat what he said yrs later and he may have called after the BJ, maybe he wanted to do the actual interview. And it wasn't surprising that after Sarah gave him a blowjob instead of an interview that she was let go from her temp position with the local TV network.

    7. Anita Winecooler6:01 PM

      Step up to the mic

  4. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Another weird photo of her - mouth/tongue/lines?

  5. Anonymous10:00 AM

    1) Why does she have a fisted hand around Bristol's neck?
    2) Why is her orange drink not a Big Gulp?
    3) Is she leaning on Bristol for support?
    4) Why is her hair is streaked and messy?

    In sum, for a grifter whose only appeal is her "looks," why does she appear in public so bedraggled and rag-tag?

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      the bedraggled thing falls back to the just rolled out of the sack naughty librarian come fuk me look - it's all's she's got, all's she's ever had, and she still fuks that up - on account in reality she's just a dried up crosseyed skank with really, REALLY bad hygiene

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      And why does she have a big bald spot on the side of her head?

    3. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Holding hands in a fist is stress. The mouth? I think she's "gone dry" (menopause)

    4. Anonymous11:50 AM

      That is not Bar$tool. That is Willblow. Still has her natural face, u like Bar$tool.

    5. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Will someone please find that turkey in Alaska, and give him back his neck. PLEASE!

    6. Anonymous3:16 PM

      that's willer.

    7. Anita Winecooler6:03 PM

      Yeppers, Willow, the first prize four h winner for snorting out used pee sticks from the trash.

    8. Anonymous7:51 PM

      this is the ugliest and most disgusting comment post I have EVER been to.. demons in hordes are present here.. I fear the reckoning day for most of these postersl..

  6. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Is Sarah Palin going bald?

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      do bears shit in the wood?

  7. Anonymous10:12 AM

    That is their screen test.... when they tried out for the leading roles, for the upcoming movie ... "Dumb and Dumber 3"

    Producer told them they were too stupid to get the parts.

  8. If Sarah wants to make points she should be holding onto a RED Solo Cup... the true mark of a Christian/American patriot.

    Google "Sarah Palin watching the Sochi Olympics from her house": This picture and tagline has gone viral. You can hear the exploding heads from the Palinbots as they scream how smart Sarah is and Russia actually is visible from Alaska.

    Thank you Sarah...for brightening up my day.

  9. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Elderly folks work their mouths like that.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:05 PM

      Ventriloquist puppets, also too!

  10. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Gryphen----watching from her house?!!?!! Where's the snow? Where's the parka & gloves???????

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      I think the photo is from the time of her earlier reality flop-show, a few years ago. It was filmed in the spring or early summer I think.

    2. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Pre-chin implant.

  11. Anonymous11:10 AM

    So she can see Sochi from her house? She looks like she's salivating, hearing those competition cowbells, thinking of beef next to the mashed potatoes.

  12. Anonymous11:36 AM

    O/T Happy Darwin Day!

    Celebrating Science & Humanity

    Darwin Day is a global celebration of science and reason held on or around Feb. 12, the birthday anniversary of evolutionary biologist Charles Darwin.

  13. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Where is her wedding rings?

    1. Is her children learning?

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Yes, they all has a GED diploma doncha know/

    3. Anita Winecooler6:08 PM

      wedding rings. ROTFL What do any Palins need those for? She's got a ring through Todd's nose- does that count? Bathtub ring in the kitchen sink from bathing those babies. But wedding rings? Bwaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaa!!

  14. Anonymous11:47 AM

    That's one FUGLY WEIRD EAR she is sporting there! Never saw one like that (not even on her!) wonder, if that is the result of all those face/neck/brain lifts she has gotten over the years?

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      What is that in her ear? A hearing aid?


    Broadcast is on live now in New Orleans regarding the movie.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      I'm listening!

    2. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Tune in tomorrow because they're giving away an autographed copy of Boys Will Be Boys!

  16. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I googled "sarah" + "sochi". This picture is all over the internet! LOL

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Well, she is viral but not in a good way.

    2. Anonymous7:55 PM

      so many sick comments toward a woman of God.. she must be a beautiful person if hell is so threatened by her .

  17. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Sarah Palin turns 50 today: 5 favourite moments

    While she hasn’t been front and centre since 2010, Sarah Palin comes out of the woodwork every so often to surprise and entertain us with her quips.

    To mark her 50th birthday, we look back on some memorable Sarah Palin moments.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Did you see the drop dead gorgeous FLOTUS at the State dinner last night Sarah? The ball gown that she had on was stunning. Now that is how you are suppose to look at age 50, not that dried up, prune face that you are rocking. No wonder Todd is getting his pecker sucked somewhere else.

    2. Anonymous7:56 PM

      sarah looks fab for 50 even when she is not dolled up.. shes very cute,.

  18. slipstream1:05 PM

    Now, Gryphen, you just don't understand international defense.

    When Russian jets head toward USA airspace, the US Air Force generals have absolutely NO IDEA what to do. Sometimes they run around in circles screaming in fear. Other times they hide under their beds.

    Fortunately, one of the colonels said, "hey guys! Why don't you call Sarah Palin and ask her what to do?"

    Well, actually, they had to message her on her Blackberry.

    She didn't blink, Charlie. Stalwart and heroic, she messaged back: "I think you should go to hair school."

    No, wait . . . that was a different story. She messaged back: "be sure to watch Bristol on Dancing with the Stars this week! Gorilla costume! LOL!"

    Oops, no. Oh yeah. She messaged back: "why don't you send up some of those real pointy jets to meet them? And put big nukular missiles on them! That should get them Russkies all wee-wee'd up!"

    And all the generals said, "Thank FSM for Sarah Palin!"

    And they sent up the jets and we were all saved!

  19. Anonymous1:10 PM

    When Sarah was selected to run for VP, she had no foreign policy experience. She had not traveled outside of the US, except for a. visit to a military base. She was so desperate for foreign countries to count that she included Ireland, even though it was just a refueling stop. So, Sarah's comment about sharing a maritime border with Russia was supposed to boost her foreign policy experience, in the same way that walking past the UN added to her credibility.

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      As with all things Palin, she attempted to bullshit her way through the question. The woman has zero substance and a truckload of bs!

    2. Anonymous7:58 PM

      I would bet that most of these vile posters are low information libs that have never really listened to her in entirety.... she speaks with substance and common sence something the libs couldn't understand..

  20. Anonymous1:34 PM

    God damn it you guys! Come on. It is not nice to make fun of the petite brained.........but I just can't help it.

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      foul language from a foul mouth... you and most of you all need to hit your knees to the floor because there is a day coming for all of us.....

  21. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Where's Sarah Palin's wedding ring? Is she still married to the pimp?

  22. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Gryphen, since you didn't supply the thread you were referring to, is this is? (your Reddit link only took me to the front page, not to the subreddit) But the image you are using is from another thread which only garnered on comment, so did you combine the threads? Anyway, this is the only thread that has a 'pushback' from someone regarding St. Sarah.

  23. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Actually, she's looking towards Canada (Palin is just that clueless.)

  24. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I think that she is watching Mr. Putin in the one man shirtless bobsled competition:

    Archie Butt

  25. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Impeach Obama
    Repeal Obamacare
    Send the Mooch and Hussein back home to Kenya
    Take back our country
    Will be great to see Sarah at CPAC

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      go fuck yourself bristles, everyone else has.

    2. Anonymous3:47 PM

      3:31 PM RETARD, Your Sarah will be getting 'TEABAGGED' by Glen Rice if she ever makes it to a tour of the WH. That is the only way that Sarah will see the WH. You Inbreds are too DYSFUNCTIONAL to even lead a colony of ants. AIP Sucks and Pimps
      are less than human.

    3. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Sarah's a has-been
      A shadow of a could-be
      No longer a star

    4. Anonymous8:57 PM

      She never was a star, at best a small but fiery meteorite hurtling to its eventual extinction through an uncharted but potentially lethal course.

    5. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Anon 3:31--You can't really be that stupid so I guess you are here posting your infantile not-haiku just to get us "stirred-up." We aren't outraged by your idiocy, just amused. Is that the best you've got?

    6. Anonymous8:01 PM

      ditto friend

  26. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Zoom in on Sarah Palin's ear. Why is it fucked up? Looks deformed.

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      I knew a family whose ears were messed up due to inbreeding.
      I'm not saying that's what we see here. I don't know their family's history.

  27. Anonymous4:39 PM

    "Sarah Palin watches the Sochi Olympics."

    Sarah Palin looks pissed. Is it because her North Korean friends didn't qualify?

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      No mom that's not a North Korean athlete. Look at his eyes, I believe he's from Japan. (jk Palins)

  28. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Is that Willow standing next to Sarah? How come Willow isn't in high school?

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      You don't want to go there.

  29. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Palin's interactions with Russia were virtually non-existent, and in her own words really only amounted to the scrambling of American jets when Russian jets would penetrate our air space, which happens occasionally, and which the Governor of the state has NOTHING to do with.

    Say what you want to say but those Russians never attacked Alaska on Commander Sarah Palin's watch.

  30. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Bristol in case you didn't know about this.

    Sign up as a fan NOW and gain FREE ACCESS to the FIRST CHAPTER of " Boys Will Be Boys: Media, Morality, and the Coverup of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal " by Shailey Tripp - the book on which the movie is based.

  31. Anita Winecooler6:15 PM

    Of course, that's an early photo. Mama Griz holding a cup of Willow's pee while waiting at a Canadian Clinic to dip a test strip in in before she mistakes it for lemonade.

    Yeah, she didn't say the exact words, but she intimated the factoid that one can see land in russia from land in alaska. She even lied to Charlie when he asked her if she ever had to initiate action vs the russians invading airspace. "Well, Charlie, when Putin rears his ugly head and invades the airspace of our country, where is it that he goes? Alaska!" "Why, yes, we've had trade missions......."

    The inept buffoon who got punked by canadian shock jocks into believing she was speaking with Sarkozy and saying she saw "Nailin Palin". Knows squat about anything.

  32. Anonymous9:07 AM

    She said you can see Russia from an island. And curious why no one refers to Biden's STUPID statements. Laguardia anyone? guns?

    oy democrats. masters at bias


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.