Thursday, February 13, 2014

Awesome response by local Dallas sportscaster concerning the possibility of the NFL drafting its first openly gay player.

Damn, now that was awesome!


  1. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Once in a while, it's good to be a Texan. So proud of this guy!


    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      He is originally from Logan, Iowa

  2. Anonymous4:17 AM

    He forgot the NFL also welcomes dog killers...

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      I was waiting for that one also.

  3. Anonymous4:22 AM

    it was even more awesome coming out of Texas, Land of the Hypocrites!!

  4. Leland4:29 AM

    "Damn, now that was awesome!"

    Awesome? Yes. I am wondering, though, what it is going to cost Mr. Hansen.

    1. LisaB25956:56 AM

      Nothing. Dale is very a very secure in Dallas.

    2. Leland11:35 AM

      Uh huh. That's Dallas.

  5. Lawrence O'Donnell ran it last night too on MSNBC. It was hard to believe your ears. Good news this morning too in Kentucky, where a federal judge has ruled the state must recognize out-of-state same sex marriage, and in Nevada which has, like Virginia, opted not to defend its own anti-gay marriage ban in court. Bit by bit the forces of ignorance get ground under the wheels of progress.

  6. Anonymous4:45 AM

    A white, middle aged sportscaster from TEXAS discussing gay rights. Hallelujah!

  7. Anonymous4:48 AM

    OT Gyphen.

  8. Glad I saw that it was Andy Borowitz and his on-the-mark satire. Just telling the facts about these idiots in the RW sounds like parody until you listen to them.

  9. Anonymous5:29 AM

    I'm told by my Texan friends that Hansen is actually quite a hero of the conservative set down there. This makes his words all the more awesome and surprising. Here's hoping a few of those backward-thinking teabaggers heed his words.

  10. Anonymous6:12 AM

    As everything in life, it all comes down to the dick. WHY is that.

    1. Leland6:57 AM


      You DO realize, I hope, that what Mr. Hansen can also be said for FEMALE professionals, right? And the last I heard, THEY didn't have DICKS!

  11. Anonymous6:15 AM

    O/T EXCELLENT article --
    Chris Christie's Entire Career Reeks
    It's not just the bridge

    A couple good lines from the comments:
    "Christie's warmed over Ralph Kramden schtick charmed people"
    "Christie cannonballed into the cesspool"

  12. Chenagrrl6:27 AM

    So nicely stated. It is wonderful to see and hear. Not mean, not ugly just practical.

  13. Anonymous6:33 AM

    That was incredible. Good on him.

  14. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Sam should learn to be a figure skater
    No fags in the NFL

    1. LisaB25956:59 AM

      Why don't you walk up to Michael Sam and say that?

      Or is it easier to say that anonymously online than to a 6'2", 260 lb football player?

    2. angela7:00 AM

      Lovely. Now—since your brain and mouth are basically in your ass, are you one of those idiots who actually thinks in all the years of the NFL that there have been NO gay players? You probably put up a few posters of some of them. Worshipped them even. And I always wonder at people who are so obsessed with hate at who someone else sleeps with.
      Never bodes well for them or their inner fears.

    3. Leland7:05 AM

      Ignorance is curable. Stupidity likes yours isn't.

      Go away Boggans. You can't even see you have already lost.

    4. Anonymous3:02 PM

      8:41 -
      I saw some footage of the skaters on the news tonight. It was slowed down so you could see how high they jumped and how many rotations they made before landing on an impossibly short, thin blade.

      Like dancers, they are deceptively well-muscled and strong, and any of them could whip most people's asses.

  15. He quoted the poet Audrey Lorde!

    I love this human!

    1. Ailsa8:09 AM

      I know! You could have knocked me down with a feather.

      Then again, he is doing a "Lordean" thing here -
      When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak.

      I lived in Dallas for 15 years and, despite being a sport-ignoramus, I certainly know who Dale Hansen is. I am surprised and thrilled and reminded, once again, not to make assumptions about people.

    2. Balzafiar3:14 PM

      As a former Dallasite I too know of Dale Hansen and was quite surprised to read his comments.

      One thing in particular that he said, however, sums the entire situation up better than anything I've ever heard or read:

      "I'm not always comfortable when a man tells me he's gay; I don't understand his world," Hansen adds later. "But I do understand that he's part of mine."

      We can only hope that someday everyone will be so accepting.

  16. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I read this somewhere yesterday and was absolutely delighted. I think his comment had more of a punch as he mentioned the behaviors of some of the sports "heroes" and the terrible things they have done - but still welcomed and admired.

    Love this man.

    Pat Padrnos

  17. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I liked how he was honest about his uncomfortableness, and thought it irrelevant. I'm not glad he is uncomfortable, I just thought it was very authentic to own it, and then own it as irrelevant. I thnk it's a great model for many people who are uncomfortable, and think that's a good enough reason. While I wish no one was uncomfortable, it seems to me that making comfortableness irrelevant is a very good step towards everyone becoming comfortable. I wish we didn't need to take steps on this path, but I'm glad to see steps being taken.

    This wasn't/isn't about being comfortable. It was, and is, about human rights and values.

  18. Our Lad8:32 AM

    Show me a guy who rants and raves and is obsessed with gay men and I'll show you a closeted homosexual. Almost always, seen it all my life.

  19. Anita Winecooler5:10 PM

    THIS is how it's done. Have to give him a lot of credit. He used the proper term "Acceptance" and not "Tolerance". Bravo!!!

    I always wonder why, when homosexuality is mentioned in sports, the homophobe's minds go directly to the locker room and not on the person's sports acumen and achievements?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.