Thursday, February 13, 2014

Apparently the Dalai Lama does not understand religion.

You know I hate to tell Christians this but their religion has been changed by science and social change as well. That's why the majority of them go to the doctor rather than praying to be healed, and don't stone women for adultery, or panic when there is a severe change in the weather.


  1. Randall3:06 AM

    I'm always amused when a devout fundamentalist Christian is ranting at me ...while wearing their glasses.

  2. Anonymous4:13 AM

    One thing science has taught christians and caused them to "evolve" is the universe away from our solar system. Now they latch onto this hysterical meme of NOTW.. Not of this world crap.. I say NOTW? Then GTFO now!

    1. Leland7:52 AM

      Yeah, 5:10. I don't read texting shorthand either.

  3. Anonymous5:08 AM

    He's not talking about "religion" he's talking about Buddhism.

  4. Ailsa5:32 AM

    Does he put this into practice, however?

    After all, Gyatso’s [Dalai Lama's] form of Buddhism includes a strong belief in reincarnation (otherwise he wouldn’t be the current Dalai Lama). Yet a scientific perspective and a belief in reincarnation are pretty much irreconcilable. No, we haven’t proven reincarnation never happens, but it’s an extraordinary idea that that demands extraordinary evidence. Not only is there no extraordinary evidence, there is absolutely no evidence at all that can withstand scientific scrutiny. What evidence we do have strongly suggests it’s not real. And yet Gyatso continues to believe in reincarnation.

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Yes but the Dalai Lama isn't trying to shove reincarnation down everyone's throat! He is not insisting that HIS beliefs be taught in public schools to secular school children.

    2. Anonymous12:24 PM

      There is no true, concrete proof either way and as he is believed to be the, I think, 13th or is it 14th incarnation of the Dalai Lama, he can continue to believe in reincarnation all he likes. It comes with his territory. Long before I converted to Buddhism, I did a lot of research/reading on Reincarnation. It has been a recurrent belief throughout human history. Heck, they even had a show on cable called The Ghost Inside My Child, that was about cases that very strongly suggested reincarnation.
      Another thing I love about Buddhism is that they don't come after you trying to convert you. If you want to know more, you have to go looking for them...or at least the texts.
      You can take it or leave it. The Buddha said that himself by the way.
      M from MD

  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

    The Catholic Church had to power to place Galileo under house arrest for daring to consider a solar system not centered by the Earth.

    Science's most important job is to defeat religion.

  6. Anita Winecooler5:03 PM

    He makes a valid point. Why mislead people or keep them in the dark as far as science goes?

  7. Anonymous8:01 PM

    If he really believed in reincarnation he wouldn't have snuck out of Tibet to escape the Chinese. He doesn't really believe in that crap for a minute.


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