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Essentially his take is that because many people get their information from sources other than cable news programs, you know like Fox, they had a skewed version of who Palin was.
O'Reilly: "There are two things at play that I want to bring to your attention, Number one you get a mass approach, so the perception is that a certain politician's a moron. And then they all gang up. And not only do they gang up on the politician, usually a conservative, but it goes out on all the websites now. And so it isn't just the three million watching Jimmy Fallon, or Kimmel, or Letterman, it's all over the world. This person's a moron, and here are six people saying that person's a moron in a variety of different ways. The impact then can destroy, can destroy."
Goldberg disagrees with O'Reilly saying that Palin is still around.
O'Reilly: "Have you seen her approval ratings, have you seen her approval ratings Bernie?
Goldberg then goes on to point out that Palin had much to do with her own low approval ratings, because she said things that "were not Aristotle-like."
He agrees with O'Reilly that the liberal media is harder on conservatives, but says that Palin damaged herself with her statements and gave them the ammunition they could use to "smear her" on their various shows.
You know I could lay out a litany of stupid things that Sarah Palin has said or done in the past that made her the laughingstock she is today, such as quitting her job as governor, starring in a crappy reality show, writing a poorly received book defending Christmas, and so on, but I doubt there are too many people who know that better than all of you.
I think that what Bill O'Reilly, and the rest of his Fox News cohorts, need to understand is that the reason people laugh at conservative politicians is NOT because liberal talk show hosts pick on them, but because the crop of candidates they have come up with in the last several years have been one dangling wheat stalk shy of being a regular on "Hee Haw."
That is one of the stupidest things I ever heard. Who needs to watch late shows for Palin jokes....just watch her speak on prime time, anywhere on any subject. Not to mention the fact the tried and true blue Palin fans are still around because they are so old they can't stay up that late and only watch Fox. They must have paid Bill extra to say that.
ReplyDeleteThe comedians "destroyed" her b/c they repeat what she "herself" says...?
DeleteShe is destroying herself, and that is why she isn't on fox news anymore :) she is on beerfart!
And why are cons the biggest fucking whiners evah? They bitch about POTUS watching the flippin' TV!?
I guess Billo HAD to say that to excuse why she hasn't been on lately.
Its b/c your not "hawt" anymore you old methbag!
He should talk to the camera people who had to patch in her appearances from Wasilly. They called the Palins "The Bitch and the Eskimo" He KNOWS she is dumb as a post, why doesn't HE interview her? Bill-O is looking really worn out lately, big under eye bags. Too many late night phone calls, sexually harrassing young interns?
DeletePerennial Maybe-Candidate Sarah Palin Mean-Girls Nerdy Reporter For Perennial Maybe-Candidate Donald Trump
ReplyDeletePerennial Maybe-Candidate Sarah Palin Mean-Girls Nerdy Reporter For Perennial Maybe-Candidate Donald Trump
Read more at http://wonkette.com/542285/perennial-maybe-candidate-sarah-palin-mean-girls-nerdy-reporter-for-perennial-maybe-candidate-donald-trump#P5ySjiKGH4Tg2XTk.99
Also read "Sarah Palin and right wing media very upset with Buzzfeed for being mean to Donald Trump": http://freakoutnation.com/2014/02/19/sarah-palin-and-right-wing-media-very-upset-with-buzzfeed-for-being-mean-to-donald-trump/
DeleteFree Beacon Mocks Breitbart with ‘Breaking Exclusive’ Global Expansion News
Sarah Palin's reputation was ruined when we met her husband and children.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin's reputation was ruined when she was asked the simplest softball question in the world. "What do you read?"
Sarah Palin's reputation was ruined when John McCain had to hide Sarah from the public and wouldn't allow anyone to ask her any questions. John McCain realized he picked an imbecilic beauty pageant loser to be his running mate.
The media originally had nothing to do with it. It was all Sarah Palin.
Two thumbs up^
Deleteand two more! What's so funny about this is that no one thinks sarah is more of an ignoramus than Bill-o. He can't hide the amused smirk on his face when she appears on his show babbling utter nonsense with that "oh so serious" look on her face. He demands answers from her and toys with her like a big cat taunting an angry little rodent.
DeleteO'Reilly: "There are two things at play that I want to bring to your attention, Number one you get a mass approach, so the perception is that a certain politician's a moron.
ReplyDeleteWow! Even Bill O'Reilly perceived that Sarah Palin is a moron.
I think Bill just took advantage of another opportunity to call Palin a moron. Seems like he likes saying it.
DeleteDon't let billo fool you, he detest $arah as much as we do, he just can't say it. So he lets others do his dirty work while his hands are clean
DeleteYou are so right: "the reason people laugh at conservative politicians is NOT because liberal talk show hosts pick on them."
ReplyDeleteLiberal talk show hosts pick on them because normal people find a lot to laugh at in these dopey conservative politicians.
Frothy Mix stated it perfectly in his infamous quote, "We will never have the smart elite people on our side."
DeleteJust try and watch the Fox News rebuttal to Colbert and Stewart, "The Half Hour News Hour".
The acting (?), and ancient canned laughter is painful. This is the best they could do against skilled talented comedians. The Republicans get the same caliber when they put up candidates.......
Since Bill obviously can not even stand this woman - why is he doing this? Is he getting some kind of mega bonus? Still does not make sense. He knows what a joke she is - and she is by far the most ridiculous "politician" I have ever observed.
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
I agree. It's strange, isn't it? The first thing I wondered when I read this was, "What's in this for O'Reilly?" Also wondering when she was last on Fox. It seems like it's been awhile but since I never watch Fox, I could be wrong. Anyone know??
DeleteNew Years Eve was her last appearance. She's been on Hannity a couple times by phone since but not at length.
DeleteMaybe there's something in her current Fox contract that she "appears" regularly, like once a month. I don't think she's been interviewed since New Year's Eve or New Year's Day, has she?
DeleteAccording to Fox News lawyers, this discussion that mentions her name probably fulfills the letter of the law.
Isn't it obvious. O'Reilly just called her a moron and then "defended" her. It's the beginning of the official trashing she is going to receive from Fox news. The best way to destroy her is to use defense - she only knows offense. Palen is toast.
I'd first thought that O'Reilly defends her because he wants to fuck her but she's about 30 years too old for him.
DeleteIt's pretty obvious that FOX did not renew her contract....
Deletewha wha wha....poor stupid reputation which SHE made for herself. That reputation has been created by the woman, her offspring and kin. lol....now they want to blame someone else. The story of their life "blame blame blame " and play the victim. wha wha wha sob sob sob
ReplyDeleteOh, BillO, Sarah screwed herself and continues doing so today with her idiotic statements on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteKatie's interview high lighted how inept she was and not prepared to be VP of the USA! That was the beginning of her massive fail/downfall!
And, don't forget that later it came out that the McCain group didn't vet her properly in Alaska! They were blind sighted as to how ill prepared she was for a national position of any kind! She ended up having to memorize her lines for the debate w/Joe Biden!
And, thereafter (FOX) provided her the questions she could expect on their shows so they could be researched. She would then memorize her answers (or read them off the teleprompter) for each of her appearances.
Remember the interview McCain had on national TV w/her where he answered the questions, keeping her pretty silent, so as not to further embarrass the campaign?
We rarely see her on FOX anymore. Her contract was not renewed. I find it interesting that BillO (of all of them!) would come out in support of her? Wonder what is up his sleeves. He was the one that called her an idiot at one point!!! (Factual and proven - on video!) Is it because the ratings of FOX are dropping as well as that of BillO, Hannity and Greta?
Palin pulls negative attention and the media has kept it going for years! Cannot imagine being in the skin of Sarah Palin! She's a total mess! Poor girl!
You may be right Anon 1:19, about Faux trying to up their ratings by having Bill put in a good word for Sarah. I can't think of any reason why he'd do it...unless he was paid extra money or was forced into it.
ReplyDeleteMc Cain, himself drew the most attention to the queen of dumb. Who runs for President, then shows footage of his running mate being "Coached" by a stream in his back yard with a pile of index cards? Then bans her from being interviewed by the press?
DeleteI think that Sarah Palin ruined her reputation when she became a member of the town council/commission of Wasilla way back when. She is simply too ignorant for public office at any level. Whatever was John McCain thinking when he agreed to take her on as a running mate! Or maybe we should be wondering why was he forced to take her on. . . . O'Reilly is just setting Sarah Palin up for one of her victimhood rants on Fox News or Facebook. Okay, Sarah, we know what you're going to say and we simply DO NOT CARE.
And, those were the days that she and Todd were members and associated w/AIP - the organization that wanted Alaska to pull away from the USA. Todd was a proven member for years, but once Sarah was affiliated w/the McCain campaign, no proof could be found of her membership. But, she did speak to their organization while Gov of Alaska (before she 'quit'!).
DeleteShe and Todd are liars and frauds - check w/Alaskans and records! McCain's group didn't properly vet her/him and that has been proven time and time again throughout the years.
Building a sports arena while mayor, on land that doesn't belong to the city is the best joke of all, and she wrote it herself!!!
DeleteIn the meantime, Sarah is defending "The Donald" on Breitbart.
ReplyDeleteAnother day, another GOP circle jerk.
Again, Sarah crucifies herself due to the national people she tries to attach herself to!!! That tells Americans all about you Sarah Palin! I wonder how many of them even want to claim her?
Deleteshe'd need help, that last nail is impossible!
DeleteCry me a river! If she wasn't so stupid, comedians would not have had any material to joke about. Look how Hillary, Bill, and President Obama have not only been made fun of - the the Clinton's case for decades! I think Bill us just jealous that no matter how hard Fox News, Limbaugh, etc try to malign the Obama's and Clinton's, it just doesn't work because they are smart and have done good work. Biden says some dumb things, but his work balances that out. Sarah quit her job and dies reality tv now or writes Facebook posts. She doesn't "do" anything else!
ReplyDeletePoliticians have been made fun of on late night televison since the days of Steve Allen and Jack Parr. BillO was put up to it, he certainly doesn't write his own content.
DeleteJeepers they destroyed her just like they did Bill and Hillary Clinton? The Clintons have been fodder for late night comics for a long time--Bill's infidelity and Hillary's tough lady cankles-- and I do not believe that either one has been "destroyed" as Mr. Fox News is professing. Comics still make jokes about the Clintons and the Clintons are two of the most respected people in the world.
ReplyDeleteDick Cheney shot a guy in the face and that was late night humor , too. It didn't seem to stop him at all.
DeleteNow that both Christie and Walker are looking like toast, fox and the conservatives are just trying to bolster up poor little picked on Sarah. As if she never picked on anyone - just think of how many people she threw under the bus. The only reason the media covers her is that she continues to force herself on us. Just go away, Sarah. You were toast long before Christie and Walker.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin pals around with perverts like Poopy pants Draft dodging Pedophile Ted Nugent, and Dominican Boys loving Oxycontin addicted Pedophile Rush Limbaugh. She has killed her own sorry reputation. Most of her endorsed candidates have lost. Sarah Palin has been cursed by herself.
ReplyDeleteAnd, remember when McCain and she lost the race against our wonderful President Obama - McCain specifically told her to stay away, or not get involved, with the folks like Rush Limbaugh, etc. He realized for more about her than we thought!
DeleteOf course, she didn't follow his suggestion and look at the men she has affiliated herself with since then.
Sarah Palin listens to no one and assuredly doesn't follow rules or laws!
ReplyDeleteYeah . . .not so much Bill. We all kinda knew Palin was a moron long before the comedians got their hands on her idiocy. Anyway, she keeps showing us the comedy.
ReplyDeleteWhy are they trying to clean up Palin? O'Reilly knows what a case she is. Naughty Roger. Sarah must not be pulling in the PAC money and they are trying to help her out 'cause Ailes won't raise her fees.
If there is one person most responsible for Palin's downfall it is Palin herself. And this would be so even without the aid of late night comedy. Excuse me, "Bill-O," but didn't your media whore savior star on a certain late-night talk show?
ReplyDeleteSave your fucking hypocrisy for the apocalypse you twat.
"Number one you get a mass approach, so the perception is that a certain politician's a moron."
ReplyDeleteThat was no perception - she did it all to herself - all the comedians did was quote her own words. Then she compounded it when she went on one of the shows.
Liberals are also much smarter and can see that the conservatives are stupid and it is funny!!
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is nothing more than a comedic joke!!! Just watch the movie "Game Change" or read any of the books that are out there about her - written by people that worked with her, etc.
ReplyDeleteShe was an emotional mess during the McCain campaign and would NEVER survive in her own campaign.
We know so much more about her today....she'd be up against nothing she's ever experienced in her life. And, would be an idiot AGAIN to think she was qualified and ready for a national office.
She'd never make it past the primary - IF even that! Remember, she has to memorize everything in order to come off half way decent! (Or, would have to have the teleprompter to aid her!) Would she object to doing debates because she knows she'd fail? Would she only communicate via Facebook? Remember, she was the one that tried time and time again to give a speech when McCain and she lost in spite of the fact John and the campaign manager told her she wasn't going to give one! She'll try to do whatever she wants - in spite of rules, laws and prior procedures.
There isn't a soul out there that would want to work with her! She's a bitch and total disaster!
Besides, Hillary Clinton would make her head swim as she is far smarter, better educated, long on experience in the filed of politics, a much better mother and wife and a lady that is quick on her feet and ready to handle the negative! Sarah wouldn't know what hit her!
No way is she running, she can't, isn't that right $arah? Hmmmmmm? Would I ever love to see her attempt to debate Hillary! There isn't enough popcorn in the world....
DeleteRemember she had to ask Biden "Can I call you Joe?" because she kept calling him O'Biden when the McCain people were prepping her. This is all about $$$ for her Pac, she will never run. Maybe she COULD run with Nugent?? Those two have the same "values" and cancel appearances when the heat gets too much.
DeleteAnd, the idiot still called him O'Biden during the debate! It's on tape - proven - fact!
DeleteThe hypocrite of all hypocrites destroyed herself with her own hatred, stupidity and ignorance. Every time she opens her mouth, she proves her lack of knowledge and truth. Besides the fact remains that she is a lying criminal.
ReplyDeleteLOVED how Goldberg had to pause a couple times to think of a euphemism for stupid. Just SAY what we all KNOW, Bernie!
ReplyDeleteThat woman is an idiot!
"... so the perception is that a certain politician's a moron."
ReplyDeleteNo, Bill, the fact is that a certain politician is a moron. People perceive her to be a moron because she is, in fact, a moron.
The republicans could have picked any number of conservative women, intelligent, educated, experienced, able to explain their points of view and so on.
I disagree with these women on just about everything, but it wouldn't occur to me to make fun of them, nor have the late night comedians, because these women are not drooling, caterwauling, uneducated, dumber than a box of rocks, bat-shit crazy loons. (Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Kay Bailey Hutchison and I am sure there are more.
Palin is 100% responsible for the perception that she is a moron.
Also, as far as O'Reilly supporting her, it reads more like a nicely choreographed way for someone to say, on the air, and on a fox show, that "Palin had much to do with her own low approval ratings, because she said things that "were not Aristotle-like" and "Palin damaged herself with her statements and gave them the ammunition they could use to..."
Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Kay Bailey Hutchison
DeleteI have NEVER seen or heard a comedian make jokes about their intelligence.
Blackburn, Palin or Bachmann? Absolutely.
Only a person with severe mental problems would boast of boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high risk (over age 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriages) and then by-pass neonatal intensive care unit equipped hospitals to drive many miles to a small regional hospital not even equipped to handle twins to be (supposedly) induced by a doctor that rarely handles child birth.
ReplyDeleteOf course Sarah Palin has frequently said things that "were not Aristotle-like". But even more dangerously she's said things that prove she is mentally unstable.
Anon 2:27 pm Thank you, thank you, thank you.
DeleteThis description of Palin's ludicrous, insane, implausible "wild ride" needs to be broadcast far and wide, day in and day out.
The wild ride is a crazy story and i am shocked more women have called her out for it. I am 42 and just had my son 4 months ago. Second pregnancy, not special needs with known medical issues and no history of miscarriage. I was banned from flying at 26 weeks and yold to stay within an hour's drive of a hospital with a nicu at all times. One thing i know for a fact is that doctors are extra precautious with advanced maternal age moms and i was considered high risk for age only.
DeleteCongrats on the birth of your son. Must have been quite a relief to give birth, huh?
DeletePoor wittle hate monger. So in O'Really? world, she and her RWNJ peeps can make up stories from whole cloth about the President (which then get passed around), call him vulgar names (which then get passed around), lie about his birthplace and education (which then gets passed around) and before long their 'perceptions' are seen as some sort of RW 'truth' which is used in the hopes that spreading their evil will destroy and logjam his presidency.
ReplyDeleteBut, that's all ok with Bill-O eh? It's so ok that he doesn't seem to mind the fact that this scurrilous varmint made big bucks running around spouting lies and innuendo hoping to build herself up by attempting to drag Obama and liberals down. Of course it passes his smell test as it's pretty much the same formula he uses to rake in his own undeserved millions.
If President Obama was guilty of just one of the numerous fake-toids of Palin's life, I wouldn't support him either but so far they can't make any of their shit salad stick to his wall.
Gee, I don't know, but she could have stepped up to the plate and proven all of them wrong, but for some reason she didn't. Wonder why that is?
ReplyDeleteShe has! She has been trying for 5 years to get in the media, tweeting and facebooking like mad to prove them wrong!
DeleteSadly, it has not only proven them right, but at this point they don't even bother with her. They know. It is pathetic.
The editors of the ........ For Idiots books are rushing their next manuscript to the printer..
ReplyDeleteSnow Machine Repairs for Idiots will soon hit the shelves with a special section for people named Palin.
Ha! As if Sarah Palin knows what a wingtip is!
ReplyDeleteAll of the Fox hosts must play both sides of the fence; the establishment GOP and the Teabagging Fringe GOP must get equal time and equal respect from the AilesHeads. They have to be nice to all of them because ya never know which ones might end up in the primary and then in the general and it would be bad form to be caught denigrating the one that ends up running on the GOP ticket, even if it's one of the idiots.
ReplyDeleteThose are two seriously revolting guys. Bill's got a dead left eye drifting off, Bernie's got a Palin-style reptilian tongue flicking going on. They lie to themselves so they can lie to us. Seriously, taking Palin out of context? The context is worse than the sum of its parts with her! Did a good job as Governor?? She quit the fucking job! Who chose this hugely phony, reeking-of-shit segment and why?
ReplyDeleteAny woman on TV who looked even 1/2 as bad as Bill-O would not get camera time. He looks like HELL. Double chin, baggy eyes, droopy jaw. Certainly not a babe magnet he seems to think that he is!!
DeleteIt's no shock that there are some nasty people in the comedy world who use humor to attack and say nasty things. Watch the beginning of Undefeated. JUST the beginning.
ReplyDeleteAnd there are definitely nasty bloggers like this one here and commenters who live to spread lies and hate.
Problem is 3:27 - this blog has not been spreading lies ONLY pure facts. Sarah has done the evil, racist, hateful commentary since she lost the campaign for McCain! Deal with it!
Delete@3:27 Watch the tape of Sarah Palin bragging about boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak. The "Undefeated" nonsense can never beat that for evidence of mental instability.
DeleteThe Undefeated was propaganda.
DeleteYou Palins must love election years.
Make sure she wears the DDDs.
All that money from the stupid.
Gryphen, have you ever wondered if ::insert democrat in DC here:: were republic, if they'd be anywhere near their office today?
ReplyDeleteI mean:
Obama - no jobs or accomplishments (senate non voter and rumored bathhouse junkie who hit on old white men)
Biden- ignoramus as proven in most interviews namely couric, protected by media and his people who "lock reporters in rooms" at benefits. notice you didn't post about that?
I mean, you're a man of average intelligence. You MUST see the above as fact.
But youll continue to pen filth, lies and propaganda to push some weird blogger agenda.
chuck_tard jr,
Deletego fuk yer ignorant inbred fat ass self - do it today !
Sarah, Becky, Nancy, Bristol?
DeleteThe males of the family sucking up the crumbs from Sarah's grifting?
Good Job, Gryphen!!!!
Delete"rumored" - a favorite word of trolls and RW idiots alike.
DeleteGlad to see you're getting your posting done.
Got to earn that postage.
Sarah cut the wood with her caustic, castrating commentary and and banged her head time and time again like a log splitter repeating the same phrases over and over. And, her brand is now a pile of kindling. So if the media, comedians, and bloggers started a fire, she is responsible for the burn. She a provided a pile big enough to stoke the jokes for years to come.
DeleteBill O'Reilly needs to ask himself why does Sarah Palin have to a ghost writer for her Facebook.
ReplyDeleteBecause Sarah Palin is a fucking illiterate asshole.
There is everything wrong with that video. While Bill showed pictures of Letterman and accused him of sliming Sarah Palin, the truth is that Letterman has not made a joke about Sarah after his bad taste joke about Palin's knocked up daughter. And for the record, when you're the VP candidate, it is not a good idea to parade a pregnant unwed teen daughter on the national stage.
ReplyDeleteYes,the late night comedians made fun of Sarah, and lots of other politicians, too. The audience won't laugh or accept the joke if it is out of line. You have heard Bill Maher's reaction to a joke that fails, "Too soon?"
As for a network that does slime politicians, I give you Fox News whose format is to encourage lies about President Obama. Oh yes, he is a Muslim from Kenya and a communist, too. Our friends who are brain washed by Fiox believe it, but they are smart enough to know that Sarah Palin really is stupid. And, Palin continues to reinforce that impression with each Facebook post and tweet.
People have asked why Bill would be defending Sarah when his interviews with her were awful. He interrupted her and seemed impatient if she didn't get to the scripted point.
ReplyDeleteFrom time to time, Sarah's fan bombard Fox or a particular program demanding that they give Sarahvsome air time. Maybe this is one of these times. Sarah hasn't been on Fox since NewYear's Eve.
Bill must know how stupid Sarah really is, and it has nothing to do with seeing the Olympics from her house. My favorite moment was Sarah's garbled version of Paul Revere"s ride. When asked what meaning Sarah got from visiting the Statue of Liberty, Sarah said that it was a warning not to go making the same mistakes as Europe made. That's stupid! And it comes from Sarah, not a late night comedian.
Sarah will live forever through her videos on the "You Tubes". The Katie Couric Interview shown side by side to Saturday Night Lives Tina Fey repeating Palin word for word to hysterical laughter is a classic will follow her the rest of her life.
No sane person should ever take that grifter seriously.
She just does not realize her stupidity has become an American institution...not one to be proud of
I just read a comment - somewhere - made by Palin concerning Abbott who is running for Gov in Texas and his new "blood brother" Ted Nugent. Palin's comment was something like "If he is good enough for Ted Nugent - he is good enough for me".
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
Don't you just love how quick she is to hog up the spotlight?
DeleteWhen the day ever comes, there's going to be a line of people waiting to piss on her grave.
ReplyDeleteIs that you Todd?
DeleteNo it's Alaska.
DeleteThat's why Sarah runs off to Arizona.
Sarah is considered a piece of shit up here.
I doubt they will bury her in a casket because of what could happen to the grave site...hell, someone might even try to dig it up!!
DeleteSuspect she'd be burned and the ashes put someplace in one of the family members protection.
Don't forget too - she's very likely going to burn in hell due to all of her dastardly deeds!
I suspect there would not be a huge attendance at a service for her - especially in Alaska! The majority throughout the USA would be more than happy never having to hear her voice again!
Bill had Bernie on the show so Bernie could trash Palin. Front man and side kicker. Bill stays clean and he doesn't have to shower with a falafel even though he would enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteAll kidding aside, O Reilly and Goldberg DO have a point. If Sarah, after losing the campaign, remained as Governor of Alaska, brushed up on world affairs, got a voice coach, perhaps got her PHD in Political Science and played her cards right, she'd STILL be the laughing stock of the world.
ReplyDeleteTheir main achille's heel is they're giving her way too much credit. But then they're on FOX News, where real journalism goes to die and no one has a sense of humor.
Whew, it was difficult typing that while laughing hysterically!
Anita. Well said!! Agree with EVERY word.
DeleteBill O'Reilly is the FOX guy that called her an 'idiot'!!! We've seen him interview her where the expressions on his face were priceless, due to her word salad answers!
DeleteCan't help but wonder what is behind this weird action of O'Reilly's?
God bless Katie Couric!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGod Bless Uncle Gryph!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBill O'Reilly if Sarah Palin was worth her weight in gold, then how come Sarah Palin spends all her time on her Facebook like some jilted junior high school girl and is rarely ever seen on FOX?
ReplyDeleteFuck Sarah Palin and her dumbass family. They all need to run off to Arizona. We don't want them in Alaska.
ReplyDeleteThey all have run off to Arizona but for some reason they keep on coming back.
DeleteI would prefer to have Forrest Gump as my senator or president instead of Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteWhy? Is it because Forrest Gump is an honest person?
DeleteYep - honest and kind! Just some of the basics!
DeleteSarah only has herself to blame for what we think of her. The woman could not name a single publication she read because she does not read anything other than gossip rags. She thought Paul Revere made the ride to protect the 2nd amendment (which at the time of the ride did not exist). She thought Africa was a country. When asked by Bill O'Reilly what she would do to solve the BP oil spill, she said "call the Dutch".
ReplyDeleteSarah has taken the Republican party back to its roots - to the Know Nothing Party.
The woman is an idiot.
DeleteBill why did Sarah Palin's SarahPac spend so much money on consultants? Because Sarah didn't know anything and needed consultants to tell her about world events. A lot of money went to consultants and a couple of dollars went to political candidates.
ReplyDeleteSeems that her "consultants" must be family members sucking off the extra $$$$ from her Pac. No self respecting "consultant" would take the job of trying to make this moron appear intelligent.
DeleteSandra Weaver > Sarah Palin
ReplyDelete3 hours ago · Wish you all the best in the Senate race. You are the best and so is your family. Loved watching Bristol on dancing with the Stars.
Sandra what Senate race? Do you know something we don't know? Sarah Palin is too chicken shit to run for the Senate. Be careful, it may be another scam.
Ed Rock > Sarah Palin
ReplyDelete1 hour ago · * SARAH.... PLEASE DO AMERICA PROUD...
Ed why do people like you keep asking Sarah Palin to run for president. It ain't gonna happen. Sarah is too weak.
David Chappell > Sarah Palin
ReplyDelete1 hour ago · Sarah I really need an answer here. How can I stop Obama for abusing his authority. Just voting is not enough. I need to contact the Iowa Tea Party. What else is there that I can do?
This guy sounds scary. Maybe the Secret Service should keep an eye on this person.
They're all fairly unsettling. Each in their own way.
DeleteRobert Johnson > Sarah Palin
ReplyDelete1 hour ago · Love you, your family and all you do. please help put America back on track and please, please protect our constitution. Behind you 100%
Kathleen Malice > Sarah Palin
ReplyDelete32 minutes ago · Thank you for what you and your family went through for your beliefs and your love of your country !
What? For what your family went through for your beliefs?
Bristol was sent away to live with her aunt because of mono? Why didn't Sarah take care of Bristol? Maybe it wasn't mono? I don't know.
Willow was known as Sarah's Wild Child. Maybe if Sarah was more of a mother and not self centered then maybe Willow would not have participated in that house break in.
If Sarah paid attention to Track then maybe he wouldn't have been involved with those school bus fiasco?
It goes on and on.
Louis Cruz > Sarah Palin
ReplyDelete25 minutes ago · Sarah,give them hell...................Don't mess with the Wasilla grizzly lady,she is a straight shooter! God bless you Governor Palin.
Louis you must not have seen Sarah Palin's Alaska. Sarah can't shoot a non moving caribou with 5 shots. What do you mean a straight shooter?
Randy Sims > Sarah Palin
ReplyDelete2 hours ago · It's folks like you that give America a glimmer of hope in these days of darkness. Thank you and God bless.
Randy we hope the Palins permanently move to Arizona.
Jim GhostWalker West > Sarah Palin
Sarah needs to be a better mother to her children.
Ya really gotta wonder what it is that this guy is looking for.
DeleteJames Geib > Sarah Palin
ReplyDelete12 minutes ago · Just wondering if you, Sarah Palin, would run for congress?
You can stop wondering. Won't happen in your lifetime.
What liberal media? There is only corporate media on tv, ratings and money not truth