Apparently Trump took exception to some of what Coppins wrote in the piece published last Thursday.
Things such as this:
But after this morning, Trump can no longer escape the fact that his political “career” — a long con that the blustery billionaire has perpetrated on the country for 25 years by repeatedly pretending to consider various runs for office, only to bail out after generating hundreds of headlines — finally appears to be on the brink of collapse.
The reason: Nobody seems to believe him anymore.
This was evident earlier this morning at the Politics & Eggs forum — a longtime rite of passage for presidential prospects looking to get face time in the Granite State — where Trump triumphantly announced that he had drawn the biggest audience in the history of the event.
It was true: A few hundred Republicans had reshuffled their Tuesday morning schedules to take in the spectacle. But as soon as he opened his mouth, it became clear he was aiming his remarks at the reporters in the back of the room, peppering his speech with deliberate tweetbait like, “I wish I would have run [in 2012] because I would have won” and “[Chris Christie] is one email away from disaster.” His rambling style of public speaking, in which he drifts from one subject to another without a thematic anchor, occasionally landed him in choppy rhetorical waters. “Whether or not you liked Saddam Hussein,” he inexplicably told the crowd at one point, “he used to kill terrorists.”
Standing by the press riser in the back of the cafeteria, I kept looking around to see if Trump’s comments were setting off the sort of frenzy he routinely generated in the political media during the 2012 campaign cycle. Instead, I saw a bored gaggle of blank-faced cameramen and sleepy local reporters begrudgingly there on their editors’ orders. Some chatted idly with one another, ignoring Trump’s speech entirely, while others swiped casually at their iPhones. I became mildly self-conscious when I realized I was the only reporter from a national outlet who had ventured outside the Acela corridor to see the Donald in action. All morning, I got the same question over and over from the local reporters.
“You didn’t come all the way up here for this, did you?”
Oh yeah, THAT'S going to leave a mark.
In response the Right Wing outrage machine kicked into high gear. (Okay, maybe it was only medium gear since this thing is already a week old and I am just now hearing about it. And it was only yesterday that Trump himself spoke to Breitbart about it.)
So looking for Right Wing firebrands to come to "The Donald's" rescue, Breitbart made contact with Palin and asked her to contribute a little venom for the cause. And of course she was happy to do so:
"This nervous geek isn't fit to tie the Donald's wingtips," Palin told Breitbart News after Trump ripped Coppins for lampooning him with what he alleged were out-of-context quotes and boorish behavior at Trump's Florida resort. "Don't ever give him attention again."
This is something Palin knows all too well. In 2008, she was the running mate for a candidate who once boasted that the mainstream media was his "base." But just as soon as John McCain secured the GOP nomination, the mainstream press savagely turned on him. They asked him questions on his "Straight Talk Express" bus about things like viagra and birth control in a seeming effort to make him look old, cranky, and out of touch against the "exciting" Barack Obama, whom the press neither vetted nor criticized as they drooled over his "historical" candidacy.
But even that paled in comparison to how they vilified Palin, the "Caribou Barbie," during and after the campaign. The low point may have occurred when Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ) was shot in 2011: CNN, which by its own account did not have any evidence whatsoever, suggested Palin's political rhetoric may have been a cause of the attempted murder.
Palin has said she does not need to cooperate with outlets and reporters from the "lamestream" press that have a track record of biases and distortions.
So essentially Palin's advice to Trump is to avoid any real reporters and stick to sympathetic conservative propagandists who will cover for his lack of credibility and try to not make him appear to be the clown that every other media outlet knows him to be.
I mean after all, look how well it is working for her.
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Photo from Palin's new realty hunting show, "Look out she has a gun!" |
Hey Donald: "You're Fired!" You incompetent, mulch-banckrupt rube.
ReplyDeleteHoly cow! He looks like a wax stiff in that WH pic.
DeleteOr a blowup doll. He is full of much hotair.
She's trying real real hard to thrust her water bra falsies out there for the old white guys.
DeletePitiful middle-aged woman still trying to impress her daddy. Every Republican that I know considers her and Trump to be credibility-killers.
DeleteBut as long as the GOP continues to play footsie with the extreme right wing fringe, these nuts like Sarah and Trump will humiliate the Republicans in the primaries and the national general elections.
THIS is Sarah rill chest
Remember her obligatory ass-kissing of the press in her blizzard of words to Katie Couric when she thought the interview would be a love letter?
ReplyDeletePALIN: I’ve read most of them again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media, coming f—
COURIC: But like which ones specifically? I’m curious that you—
Whaa? "Great appreciation for the press"? The same "lamestream media" she reviles because they found her out?
What the hell does she have stuffed in that shirt?! She looks terrible. Pick a color of hair.. you look old with those streaks!!
Sarah ADORED the press, courted them, ordered none of her staff on the Mayors office or Governor's Administration to speak with the press but her. She used state money to hire a PR group to press her frontier narrative to reporters and magazines all over the country. She wanted the press when it was fun and flattering for the 'breath of fresh air' that this neocon hockey mom benefitted from it. But once the national trail revealed her in over her head, her snarky, imbecilic sharp elbows came out and there is nothing more presidential than calling the Fourth Estate the lame stream media.
ReplyDeleteLook at what all she has been doing of late to get the attention drawn to her and her new show. I wonder how her 'payout' works on this? Wouldn't it be fun to know?
ReplyDeleteI'll not watch it, but will enjoy reading the reviews! She fails at everything she does, so doubt this will be a national success. I find it amazing that they would pay her 'up front' not having a clue as to its success. She only has a minority in America that follow her! Must create stress to her - (if that is possible) - she is the breadwinner for her entire family. She has so much to be proud of - NOT!
BWAHAHAHA, Sarah has Todd's washcloths stuffed in her shirt.
ReplyDeleteGive it up, Granny, you are Old.
She is a fucking a$$hole with no cojones along with the "lame stream media" who will not do their job and report on her...and her crimes. And YES she was responsible for the Assassination attempt on Gabby, same as Charles Manson is on Death row for Tate-LaBianaca he wasn't there either.
ReplyDeleteMay Karma and the great spirit catch up with her and her family in a "huge" way.
Great comparison with Manson. I'll remember that in future.
DeleteDonald Trump - as signified by that photo - a pompous ass!
ReplyDeleteSister Sarah has her belmonts on again in that photo! Remember, she uses them when she thinks they are needed for the guys - i.e. hunters that might follow her!
Can hardly wait to read the reviews on her new show.
$carah--- looking every bit of her recent big 6-0.
ReplyDeleteShe sure has aged - not the best photo of her! Not her boobies - just trying to show the false ones off to the hunters!
ReplyDeleteI hope they remember that when she takes them off she is either flat as a pancake or they hang - remember she is 50!
Sarah tits droop like a couple of floppy fried eggs. Stuffing her bra at age 50 is a sign of just how desperate she is for attention.
DeleteI thought wearing camouflage was supposed to make one disappear into the background. Sarah it just ain't workin' for ya. We can still see you......
ReplyDeleteTrump and Palin are peas in a pod. They make their riches off OPM and aren't running for squat. Attention and name in the headlines are what they're about.
ReplyDeleteIt looks as if Sarah's show will be short on substance, so she has to attract the drooling guys by ordering the Belmont Babes in a bigger size. What is that in the background? The Coach's pyramid of success or a Mayan temple? And seriously, what did Willow do to that wig? Willow, please return your consultant's fee for that unbecoming style.
ReplyDeletethat photo of Sarah is a cut and paste montage of strips right? I mean, it doesn't look real, or right, or something. And her chest is all puffed up.
ReplyDelete"When they do that, people have got to realize there are consequences to that action." -Gabby Giffords on being in Sarah Palin's crosshairs (interviewed after her office door was smashed immediately after the ACA vote)
ReplyDeleteHow dare anyone infer that Sarah Palin's crosshairs being talked about after Gabby Giffords was shot in the head at point blank range was in some way unfair.
Sarah Palin put up her crosshairs on Democrats purely for the purpose of putting money in her pocket- which they did- and she can't complain that her plan backfired on her.
Will Sarah Palin ever take responsibility or be accountable for anything she does? The woman's a fucking 50-year-old baby!
The D leaves me speechless. What can you say about stuck on comb-over? The P is boring now and can only see a rotten mother
ReplyDeleteThis is degenerate Wall Street
Audio, Photos Reveal Totally Degenerate Nature Of Wall Street
In Palin world this is cute 23 and 19 year old with 30 year old and unknown having fun
Another scandal swirling around a republican governor... couldn't happen to better ahole.
Investigation Surrounding Scott Walker Even Bigger Than We Thought
DeleteJust one day before Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) was elected governor in 2010, a judge widened an ongoing investigation to also include four of the governor's top aides.
That's according to documents from 27,000 emails and 434 pages of search warrants related to an ongoing secret investigation of Walker released on Wednesday.
According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, the documents show that on Nov. 1, 2010 there were raids on Walker's campaign office, the Milwaukee County executive office and the residences of a number of Walker aides, including Kelly Rindfleisch, Walker's former deputy chief of staff.
In 2012, Rindfleisch was convicted of misconduct in office. Specifically, Rindfleisch was found to be doing campaign work for a Republican candidate for lieutenant governor on official government time, which is a felony.
The investigations are regularly referred to in Wisconsin as "John Doe investigations," which is a type of probe where it's illegal for anyone involved in the investigations to talk about them.
Scotts in deep shit! Some crass racist anti Obama e mails in the mix. Think it's time to step down and spend more time with the wife and kids.
DeleteNew Caption Contest: Donald Trump Occupies The Oval Office
In a Stunning Turn Poll Shows Hillary Clinton Could Make Louisiana Blue in 2016
ReplyDeleteAccording to PPP, “All the Republican contenders for President lead Hillary Clinton in hypothetical contests, but the margins are closer than they’ve been in the state since her husband was on the ticket. Christie leads her by just a point at 44/43, Jindal’s up 2 at 47/45, Paul leads by 4 points at 47/43, Huckabee has a 5 point advantage at 49/44, and the strongest Republican with a 7 point edge at 50/43 is Jeb Bush.”
Hillary Clinton’s numbers represent the best showing for a Democratic presidential candidate in the state since her husband Bill Clinton won Louisiana by 5 points in 1992 and 12 points in 1996. George W. Bush won the state by 8 points in 2000, and 15 points in 2004. McCain beat Obama by 19 in 2008, and Mitt Romney defeated the president by a margin of 18 points in 2012.
Former Sec. Clinton would not only be the most competitive Democratic nominee in the state in 20 years, but she would reverse a trend of growing Republican margins of victory. The fact is that Mrs. Clinton has a chance to turn Louisiana blue. Polling in states like Texas and Georgia has revealed that Clinton could also turn those states blue.
Hillary could turn the USA blue, progressive, and working again!! Sarah? will still be whining in 2015, right up until someone shuts her up for good...if we turn Alaska blue, will she finally be held responsible for her actions?
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, Sarah, NO ONE thinks that rack is yours. Not even Trig.
Jon Stewart Highlights The Racist Idiocy Behind Stand Your Ground Laws
ReplyDeleteDuring Tuesday night’s episode of The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart started the show off by discussing the verdict in the Michael Dunn trial. Dunn was convicted of attempted murder, but not convicted of the actual murder of Jordan Davis, who was killed by Dunn after Dunn fired nine shots into the teenagers’ fleeing car. Stewart showed clips from the trial and pointed out the silliness and outright lunacy of Dunn’s defense.
Stewart picked out moments from the trial to show just how outrageous Dunn’s defense of his actions really were.
“This nervous geek isn’t fit to tie the Donald’s wingtips,” Palin told Breitbart News … “Don’t ever give him attention again.”
ReplyDelete"Instead, let's talk about me. " she added.
Even if there were an infinite number of fucks I could give about this venomous hag, I still wouldn't. And that goes double for Sarah Palin.
ReplyDelete“Don’t ever give him attention again.”
ReplyDeleteThe ultimate rejection, isn't it sarah? YOUR worst nightmare! hahahaha
God how embarrassing, she's sucking in and puffin up the tits like we used to do in high school.........
ReplyDeleteThe photo of "The Donald" is a hoot! Clothes made in Bangladesh of no iron polyester single needle quality stitching. Hair made in Bangalor, shipped to Key West to be bleached by daily spritzes of sun in for a month, then sent by hurricaine to NYC. Who's on the photos behind him? Sarah? naaah Any/all of his wives? nope..... All photos of "The Donald". Nothing oozes Presidential like "The Donald"
ReplyDeleteAnd Sarah rushing to his defense! LMAO! Guess who's positioning herself for a Trump VP pick? Yep, you guessed it! The Seventh Dwarf with a water bra!
First order of business, chapter 11
Second, the Birth Certificate
Third The concession speech.