Thursday, February 20, 2014

CNN's Wolf Blitzer calls out Ted Nugent for using Nazi buzzwords to insult President Obama. Later, true to form, Nugent chickens out of interview on CNN. Update!

Courtesy of Politicususa:  

“That’s what the Nazis called Jews to justify the genocide of the Jewish community,” Blitzer said in a Feb. 18, 2014, interview. “They called them untermenschen, subhuman mongrels. If you read some of the literature that the Nazis put out there, there is a long history of that specific phrase he used involving the president of the United States.”

The above exchange is in response to news that Greg Abbott brought Nugent onto the campaign trail to help bolster his credibility with the 2nd Amendment crowd and escaped mental patients.

In response Nugent took to Twitter to essentially say "I know you are but what am I?"

CNN's Erin Burnett set up an interview with the Motorcity Madman in order to give him a chance to respond to what Blitzer and others were saying.

In fact Nugent even tweeted about it.
However apparently that was before Nugent realized that he's a coward.

Courtesy of Media Matters:  

Ted Nugent canceled a planned interview on CNN's Erin Burnett OutFront after comparing the network to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels and lashing out at host Wolf Blitzer for condemning Nugent's inflammatory rhetoric, including attacking President Obama as a "subhuman mongrel." 

On her CNN show, Burnett revealed that Nugent had canceled the interview two hours before it was scheduled to air, citing illness.

What, he only used the old "I'm too sick" excuse?

I would have thought for something this scary he might have been willing to crap his pants again.

 And this, this is the guy that Greg Abbott thought would bolster his tough guy reputation with Texans?

The Wendy Davis campaign should send Nugent a fruit basket or something for all of his invaluable help.

Update: Wendy Davis weighs in with an e-mail to her supporters:  

When I read what Ted Nugent has said about women, I was outraged. 

Greg Abbott feels differently. His values allow him to embrace an admitted predator who takes advantage of young girls, calls successful women vulgar and disgusting names, and demeans and degrades not just the women of Texas, but anyone who disagrees with his narrow-minded, disrespectful point of view. 

If this is Greg Abbott’s idea of good Texas values, it’s simply repulsive. 

Greg Abbott calls Ted Nugent a “fighter for freedom.” Ted Nugent calls Greg Abbott his “blood brother.” I call their alliance repulsive. This is an issue for every father, every mother, and every family in Texas. 

We will not allow the women of Texas to be treated like this. Help me fight back. Contribute $5 right now to show Greg Abbott and Ted Nugent that their values aren’t Texas values. 

I won’t mince words -- I find Ted Nugent disgusting. And I find it disgusting that Greg Abbott is sharing a stage with him. 

But this isn’t just about my feelings. Every Texan should be offended by Greg Abbott’s decision to make a predator the new face of his campaign. 

Campaigning with a vile character like Ted Nugent is a window into Greg Abbott’s character. And we need to show him that we won’t tolerate it.

You know I think that Ted Nugent just handed the race to the first female Governor of Texas since the 1990's.


  1. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Saw Todd and Scott lending their emotional support in Nome. Love the comradartie.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Did you see Sarah Palin liking Ted Nugent's virtual ass? Did you see Todd Palin paying for sex?

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      You dont' mean Todd, the loser, the pimp, the murdering bastard Todd, do ya? Him and his loser buddy Scott? Is that who you're talkin' about? Not Todd the purse carrying woose, Todd? Oh yeah, THAT Todd, the one that takes advantage of women and is involved in human traffickking. He's probably there picking up Johns for his 'grils'.

    3. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Also, too, "LICKING Ted Nugent's virtual ass."

    4. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Good thing Sarah wasn't there or she would have cursed even more of the teams, and if by "camradartie" you mean whoring, drinking and smoking lots of weed, then yeah, that's what the teams were involved in while in Nome. What happens in Nome stays in Nome, believe me ;-)

    5. Anita Winecooler6:07 PM

      was that a hand saw, buzz saw, band saw or circular saw? inquiring mimes need to know!

  2. Anonymous10:00 AM

    The Texas Attorney General now embraces the support of the vicious, loudmouth bully, "The Nuge", in his campaign for governor of Texas.

    I had no idea just how utterly vile Nugent's album covers have been depicting women as pigs, or worse.

    Abbott embracing Nugent's political support contrasts dramatically with "educational programs ... funded by grants from the Office of the Attorney General... supporting anti-bullying and primary prevention of dating violence and sexual assault... Abbott stands proud next to a man who spews hatred and discrimination which are often the core to bullying, harassment and assault...

    "... If only Abbott had the courage to stand up to the racist and sexist beliefs that Nugent spreads, he could have shown he is a true leader. People look to leaders for guidance and integrity. We expect them to be an example and surround themselves with those who share their values and goals. We must hold our leaders to a higher standards. Abbott has failed on all these fronts..."


  3. angela10:04 AM

    Ah yes, I remember how Theodore sat like a caged rat at the State of the Union address. Nugent is brave when surrounded by likeminded morons--you know, tea-bagger radio people, pandering GOP politicians and other cowards like Palin. But get him alone in a place where his creepy racist crap will stand out, ole Ted pisses himself and gets sick.


    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      He was easily chastened with the judge here in Alaska with his hunting violation. Meek and docile, practically wept and shit his pants.

  4. Anonymous10:05 AM

    CNN Gets Into Greg Abbott's Face After Tx. GOPer Palled Around With Ted Nugent (VIDEO)

    Texas gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott (R) was happy to campaign with conservative troll Ted Nugent this week, despite the fact the rocker once called President Obama a "subhuman mongrel."

    Asked repeatedly by CNN's Ed Lavandera whether he thought it was appropriate to associate himself with someone with such a history of vitriolic and racist remarks, Abbott deflected by saying Nugent was instrumental in going after his opponent.

    "Ted Nugent was a way to expose Wendy Davis for her flip-flopping on gun related issues," he explained about the Democrat's support of an "open carry" gun law.

    At one point in the video, Abbott's communications director tries to cut off the reporter in front of the camera.

    Watch below:

  5. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Abbott has now backed off that brainiac idea.

  6. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Someone must have reminded him that his litttle gal pal $arah doesn't have any power at CNN to protect him from those 'hard-line' Erin Burnett questions if he showed up.

  7. Anonymous10:09 AM

    What the heck is going on? Where are the moral majority when you need em'??

    Where's Michele Bachmann (scripture scholar who claims that if the people must turn from their wicked ways, God won't heal their land - 2Chronicles 7:14))??????

    Where are the "In God we Trust" christian right politicians voices, condemning this kind of talk?

    When a guy like bland, barnacle Blitzer gets shaken up enough to speak out about this, then we know it's bad.

  8. Anonymous10:12 AM

    9:58 AM WTF is comradartie? Where was that (sic)'comradartie' when Toad was headed home during the race? You are as stupid as the Dysfunctional Grifting Palins.

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      You know full well the poster meant camaraderie, you mean old asshole. If a typo makes one stupid, a hateful tone makes YOU as full of hatred and bitterness as any Palin.

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Relax, 2:19. Save your outrage for the OP who chose to post some Palin propaganda rather than criticize Sarah's BFF, Ted Nugent, for his racism.

    3. Anonymous7:36 PM

      2:19 PM Take your thumb out of your mouth and act like an adult.

  9. Sally in MI10:12 AM

    A basket of fruit? How about bananas and sour grapes? At what point are these people well beyond freedom of speech and into the territory of domestic terror? Do we have to wait until someone takes a shot at our President or his family?

  10. ibwilliamsi10:12 AM

    I think that fruit basket needs to include plenty of prunes. It's just what's called for with "Shit for Brains". Purge Ted Nugent!

  11. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Fucking know-nothing coward...just like a certain half-term, half-brained, ex-governor...

  12. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Ted Cruz Stands Up For Hateful Racist Ted Nugent During CNN Interview

    In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) defended Ted Nugent as a passionate fighter for Second Amendment rights and only mildly censured the has-been rocker for his ridiculous statements made about the President. At the same time, he made it appear that he’d allow Nugent to campaign with him at future events. Overall, Cruz said the bare minimum when it came to disagreeing with Nugent’s racism. You could sense that Cruz felt that Nugent did nothing wrong and that Cruz was just doing what he thought he needed to do for PR reasons.

    Cuban anarchist Ted Cruz (R-TX) knows virtually nobody is going to vote for him if he runs for president in 2016. So he has done the only thing he can do: attach himself to the Religious Right. He knows no matter how crazy he sounds, they will lap it up. It is a marriage made in heaven, or the bigoted, soul-destroying hell that passes for heaven in right wing circles: He is, as I have argued before here, the dominionist messiah. I mean, where else can you be a hero for praying for bigotry?

    So Cruz has been dishing out the standard fare at Religious Right love fests, saying that marriage equality is “heartbreaking” and that therefore asking his aberrant Christian followers (better known as aberrochristians) to pray for bigotry. Because bigotry isn’t heartbreaking. Denigrating and abusing people because you don’t approve of their lifestyle is godly. It doesn’t make Jesus cry at all.

    Cruz told gay-hating Janet Mefferd Monday that,

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      (hey, Ted Cruz...Nugent thinks you're a mongrel, too)

  13. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Michele Bachmann Says President Obama Got Elected Because of Slavery

    Republicans aren’t even trying to hide their racism anymore. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) that Barack Obama was only elected president because white people felt guilty about slavery.

    Bachmann told Cal Thomas that she didn’t think America was ready for a woman president, then she gave her race based theory of why Barack Obama was elected:

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Shelli took in disabled pregnant girls so she could sell their babies. She will be brought up on charges soon enough. The girls are talking about what happened to them while under her care.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:03 PM

      And Shelli got on the intelligence subcommittee because she can yodel, eat corndogs and dance with Mr GQ Marcus while selling babies on the blah blahhh blaaack market.

  14. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Hey Sarah, FLOTUS is on Jimmy Fallon tonight, were YOU invited? Aren't YOU the most popular Woman in the U.S.A.? BWAHAHAHAHAHA, Sarah Palin is still Valley Trash.

  15. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Nugent and Abbott Big TV News This Week, Except on Fox

    This week, decorated (with poo) veteran (of phallic gun fantasies about other men) and Cat Scratch Fever-sufferer Ted Nugent has been the subject of a shitstorm that isn’t in his own pants. The Motor City Madman was called out by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer for using Nazi terminology against President Obama, then campaigning onstage with Texas Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott (R-TX). The story has been all over cable news this week, with the exception of Fox News.

  16. Beldar Amboy Conehead11:09 AM

    Wango tango, my ass, Ted!

    Just deleted any traces of The Nuge from my iPod. He was never that good, but it was fun throw-back 70s tuneage of a long forgotten youth. No loss to have it gone.

    To clear one's aural palate of that distasteful piece of shit, I heartily recommend these incredibly talented Canadian metal kids - including Sara, their awesome ELEVEN YEAR OLD singer - who will literally melt your face off!

    Figuratively speaking, of course. (For your protection, always wear ear and face protection when exposed to metal music)

    I dont know what their politics are, but I almost don't care

    \m/ \m/

    1. Beldar! Thank you for that video.

  17. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Wendy Davis: Greg Abbott’s Embrace of Ted Nugent an ‘Insult’ to All Texans

    ...“I think the fact that Greg Abbott is embracing those values is repulsive. And that Texans should consider it and will consider it,” David told Dallas’ ABC affiliate WFAA. Regarding comments Nugent has made about women in the past, she added, it’s “an insult to every women in in Texas and it should be an insult to every man, father and husband and son.”

  18. Anonymous11:11 AM

    CNN vs. Ted Nugent, Day 3: CNN Wonders Why It’s Covering ‘Not Relevant’ Rocker

    ...“When the guy isn’t relevant – Ted Nugent I don’t think impacts anyone’s life beyond whoever wants to listen to him,” she continued. “He can say whatever he wants. Thank goodness for the First Amendment. Doesn’t mean we have to listen to him.”

    “He’s not relevant. We shouldn’t be giving him a louder megaphone,” Bouldan declared.

    She then let out a heavy sigh and continued to rail against what she indicated was Nugent’s ubiquity in politics, appearing at what she regarded as inappropriate venues like the State of the Union Address.

    “We cover Ted Nugent because he’s a spectacle and he’s not necessarily newsworthy all the time,” anchor Don Lemon said with some introspection.

    In spite of this self-awareness, the feud between Nugent and CNN is unlikely to deescalate in the near-term.

    Watch the clip below via CNN:

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      The problem, CNN, is that people who want to hold political office in this country feel it appropriate to appear on stage with Nugent, who is despicable, ignorant, and, well, just plain creepy. If the candidate for governor in Texas wants to be a buddy of Ted Nugent, then the news media needs to address the relationship and question the sanity of the candidate. Seriously, how crazy is this GOP candidate and how crazy is the media if they think it's just okay for the GOP to sink to such depths? Wolf Blitzer, for once, did the right thing in calling Nugent out for what he had said about President Obama who has done absolutely nothing to hurt Nugent or anyone else in this country.

      I am so sick of these loudmouths (like Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin) saying outrageous things and then trying to hide behind the Constitution or accusing everyone else of being Nazis or Communists or lying or distorting what they've said.

  19. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Who is the brainiac that came up with the disgusting idea for CNN/Erin Burnett to give the despicable and indefensible Nugent air time to defend himself?

  20. Anonymous11:17 AM

    While campaigning for Greg Abbott, Ted Nugent says he never said those things we all heard him say

    ...When reporters questioned Nugent about his past comments, he told them that “all the negative stuff is dishonest, all the really wonderful stuff is accurate.”

    CNN Wolf Blitzer weighed on on some of Nugent’s comments to which he responded by comparing the network to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

    According to the Star-Telegram, Nugent said his comments about Obama, insulting women or calling feminists “fat pigs” are simply all “lies.”

    He said, “They’re lies. They’re inaccurate.”

    Here’s a video of Ted Nugent saying some of the things he’s now denying. Courtesy of Media Matters:

  21. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Poo Stain should shave the pubic hair off of his chin. It's bugly.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      maybe he'll slip and cut his throat.

  22. Anonymous11:27 AM

    NC High School Students Win Right To Launch Atheist Club

  23. Anonymous11:36 AM


    Here is Katrina Pierson mugshot pic:

  24. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Bristol Palin So Sad About All Those Lazy Millennials, Wishes They Were Awesome Like Her


  25. Randall11:48 AM

    First question for Ted Nugent: "Do you know what the statute of limitations is for statutory rape?"

  26. Anonymous11:50 AM

    The establishment GOP is horrified by this bunch as are we liberals, however, we liberals have made them our puppets, which the GOP itself was never able to do. Funny how it all worked out, here on this 5th anniversary of the TeaParty. Most likely not at all as they predicted :-)

    1. Yes, the Tea Party was intended to be the GOP groundhog that comes out at election time to influence the low-information voters.

      Instead, the Tea Party refuses to go away between gigs, thanks to Sarah Palin and other paid hecklers who stir them up year round. The GOP created their Frankenstein monster, then lost control of it.

    2. Anonymous2:21 PM

      If the "establishment GOP" is "horrified" by Ted Nugent appearing on stage with GOP candidates, then the "establishment GOP" had better start doing something about it. Ever since the 2008 presidential campaign and John McCain's wimpy response to the crazy lady accusing Barack Obama of being an "Arab," we've heard absolutely nothing from the "establishment GOP" as the crazies have heaped unbelievably nasty and irrational accusations on Democrats holding or seeking office. Are the members of the "establishment GOP" afraid of their crazies? If so, then they have no right to hold political office at any level. Leadership requires moral courage, something that has become totally absent in today's GOP.

  27. Anonymous12:36 PM

    O/T but Oh. My. God. Gryphen, this is a doozy! I have seen this movie, a number of times, and for this woman to find these messagesin it is absolutely absurd.

    Repeat after me:
    Persecution complex

    Just goes to show that Mormons can't but help and see sex and gay everywhere. It is like they are obsessed. They can't even leave it out of children's movies.

    This ‘Well-Behaved Mormon Woman’ Says the Disney Movie ‘Frozen’ Has a Gay Agenda

  28. Anonymous1:47 PM

    If Abbot is good enough for Ted Nugent, he's good enough for me.

    Sarah Palin

  29. Anonymous3:27 PM

    The nuge is popular in Texas
    What he thinks of Obama is common there.
    He will help Greg Abbott

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      All Ted Nugent will help with is turning Texas blue. Anyone who agrees with "the nuge" is a racist piece of shit, and a dumb one at that.

  30. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Andrew Sullivan takes note:

  31. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Will no-one rid me of this meddlesome Nugent?

  32. Anita Winecooler5:51 PM

    Congratulations on your landslide win, Wendy! Don't hold back!

    You heard it here first. If it's starting off this bad for the GOP opponents, it can't end well for them.

  33. Anita Winecooler6:11 PM

    Wow, behold the power of CNN. If they keep going at this pace, their new catch phrase will be "And Cough" or "And kiss your ass goodbye", since MSNBC already got "Lean Forward".

    Good for Wolfie, and even better for Wendy.

  34. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I contacted Sportsman Warhouse about ted wearing their shirt - Subject: Considering future loyalty to SW

    Is it true that Ted Nugent is a paid spokesperson for Sportsman's Warehouse?
    Thank you for contacting Sportsman's Warehouse Customer Support.

    We have not had an affiliation with Mr. Nugent in many years. In fact, we continually send cease and desist letters to organizations that use photos with our logo. We have send letters to Getty Images regarding the Ted Nugent photograph, we have learned that the infringing photo is actually co-owned by Getty Images and another large media company based in France called Agence France-Presse or AFP. Also, there are not just one but several infringing photos being licensed from these organizations. We have sent letters to AFP in addition to the letter to Getty Images so we can try to take all of these photos out of circulation but apparently they are still in use.

    If you see a photo in use please let us know.

    Please let us know if we can be of further assistance for this, or any other issue.

    Jennifer A.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.