Sunday, February 02, 2014

Forget the game, I already did all of my yelling and cursing while Bill O'Reilly was throwing every ridiculous conspiracy theory that Fox News ever created at the President.

O'Reilly trotted out every Right Wing faux scandal imaginable to confront POTS with, from Obamacare, to Benghazi, to the IRS "scandal," and Obama smacked them all down in turn.

I kid you not I am so angry right now I can barely type this out.

The accusatory, disrespectful tone  utilized by O'Reilly is inexcusable, and to my mind should exclude Fox from hosting the Superbowl until at least the end of Obama's term. No screw that, they should NEVER get it back.

My daughter was standing in my office while this interview was taking place and she kept yelling "Who is that asshole!"

"Nobody, honey, nobody." Was my reply.


  1. You are right. I saw it and that's what I said. He had a laundry list of Fox lies. I like when Obama pointed out that Fox was the culprit for spreading these obvious lies. I hate O'Reilly and for good reason. He is an ugly, ugly man, inside and out

  2. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Those fuckers on the right never learn! Bill O'Asshole's last interview is only remembered for the number of times he interrupted President Obama. This will be remembered for not only the interruptions but the number of questions asked that have already been completely examined and proven false. I'm so sick of FOX...they have NO shame.

  3. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Gryph, I love ya but no WAY in double hockeys will I click on that video. @sshole is MILD for what he is.

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Me either, I will not let FuckNews ruin my day.

      But GO HAWKS!

    2. Caroll Thompson2:47 PM

      I also cannot bring myself to turn on the video. And yes Go Hawks. And Go Democrats in 2014. When the Dems take back the House, I'll be watching O'Reilly every night for at least a week to see him freaking out.

    3. This is FUNNY folks - no agro at all. The GOP answer to President Obama is

      Benghazi!!!! Completely debunked - and so many more similar issues with Bush
      IRS - completely debunked - left and right equally checked - shame they let the woman resign that started it all - after she took the 5th - interesting to see her emails!
      ACA - the longer it goes the more popular it becomes.

      So funny - the President swatted him away like a fly. Look at the body language & you will see who has a problem - it isn't the President

    4. Anonymous6:25 AM

      I have NEVER seen a President take so much disrespect as President Obama. Through it all he has kept his dignity, kept cool which makes the so-called "interviewer" look much more foolish than he already is. The President stands head and shoulders above these clowns who try to take him down on TV.

  4. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Some people say...

    The President did a good job.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      The president did a great job.

    2. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Epic smackdown of a pesky gnat who was way WAY over his gnatty little head. It was awesome.

  5. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Time to boycott the Superbowl........

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Boycott what? There's a Property Brother's marathon on HGTV.

    2. I am going to marry the Property Brothers. Both of them, ha, ha. Switching back and forth between them and the game and IM and TOD.

  6. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Off topic but Sarah posted a tribute to Chris Kyle on her Fecebook. Says he was murdered? Why was he murdered? Because of his own stupidity by taking a mentally ill man to a firing range.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Sarah who?

    2. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Let's hope they take the retard to the firing range soon!

  7. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I hope that smarmy cocksucker chokes to death on his next "Holy Communion". Just another deadbeat fox ultimate loser.
    Other than that I really like the guy.

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      1:54 I agree with you, but wish O'Reilly worse than that! He is a fucking asshole and will never change his mind no matter what President Obama says - same as the likes of the rest of the FOX crowd!

      They (and asshole Bill) have such a hard time w/President Obama having been elected twice - being smart - classy - and cool as hell under fire!

      Not one individual is like that at FOX!

  8. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I watched it too and was pissed!!! I think President Obama should say 'fuck you' to ANY of the FOX doesn't matter what he says or what actual FACTS are out there, they will not stop what they are doing.

    I don't know how President Obama kept his cool w/the likes of O'Reilly who is an arrogant ass!

  9. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Ha! You're too easily fooled Mr. Gryphen. The man O'Reilly interviewed looks like Pres. Obama but he's really a stand-in. There's no way the real Barack Obama could respond to questions using complete sentences rather than slogans and without the aid of a teleprompter or notes on his hand.

    1. You're a bigger fool than Biily boy.

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Your comment doesn't dignify a response.
      Instead I will say that it appears to me hat o'reilly likes and respects my president-including his last words saying obama's heart is in the right place. This does not preclude the fact that he is an asshole and mouthpiece for fox.

      Frankly I thought the last interview he did with president Obama was much more disrespectful-at least this time he didn't cut him off every time he spoke.

      Frankly I look at it as "asked and answered" now move on both fox and republicans!!

    3. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Sue, I think you missed the snarky tone of the commenters post.

    4. @ Anon 1:55
      You jest? Right?
      If not, you WISH it was a stand-in.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Anonymous3:40 PM

      It's kind of obvious that certain commenters here don't read Wonkette....just sayin'

    7. Anonymous8:45 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHA, 1:55 PM Just described Sarah Palin. Any unscripted question asked of Sarah Palin is a 'GOTCHA' question to her, because she does not know the correct answer.

  10. "Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances."

    This is a saying Obama knows and Obama lives. He's more than shrewd enough to know what O'Reilly is after, a piece of temper or loss of control his network can then play over and over and say "See?!" And he ain't gonna do it. It's the very reason Obama won't even drop Palin's name: she's too insignificant to make note of. Obviously, he understands "lead by example" too.

  11. EVEN O'Reilly's fans say he went A-HOLE x 3:

    I usually enjoy watching Bill oreilly. He is eloquent and well spoken. However, today hoecake across as ruse and abrupt. The office of the president demands respect and he should have let President Obama finish a sentence prior to I terrupting him

    1. O'Reilly is a blowhard who interrupts his guests - most of the time. Maybe he sounds good to anyone who watches lots of Fox - because he is probably better spoken than many others there - the best of a disgusting bunch is still disgusting.

  12. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Ugh no way will I watch bill o'reilly.

  13. fromthediagonal2:10 PM

    Oh really, O'Reilly? What a pompuous nincompoop!

  14. Anonymous2:11 PM


    "Bill, I cannot imagine an Al Qaeda operative sounding any more disrespectful to America, and its President. What drives you to be this Anti-American?"

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      He is anti- dem and probably anti-minority.
      Nice combo for a "fair and balanced" news commentator, don't you think?

  15. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Bill O' Just wants to scrub Obama's back with a falafel :-)

    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      You mean a loofah, don't you. (Although rubbing his back with falafel is a pretty funny image, with or without tahini!)

  16. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I think it's admirable that our President takes time to sit for an interview with a man who has admitted freely that his own show and his entire network are nothing but "theatre".

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      I don't think Obama should give them even a moment of his time. It is no better than responding to Sarah "who"? (I wish).

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      2:51 It's a little different with O'Reilly, he is in (ugh) the media. Pres Obama is doing what no chicken Repub would do, go into territory that isn't 'friendly' to their cause. I give him huge kudos for that.

      Sarah? She is a nobody and should get no attention from anyone.

    3. Anonymous5:48 PM

      woopsie, comment at 5:00 was meant for 2:51

  17. .

    O is a WISE and SAVVY MAN....

    Jujutsu is a Japanese martial art and a method of close combat for defeating an armed and armored opponent in which one uses no weapon or only a short weapon.

    Ju can be translated to mean "gentle, soft, supple, flexible, pliable, or yielding."

    Jutsu can be translated to mean "art" or "technique" and represents manipulating the opponent's force against himself rather than confronting it with one's own force

  18. Anonymous2:34 PM

    It is very apparent that O'lielly thinks he is a very smart man. Perhaps he is, tho I doubt it.President Obama is brilliant.It amazes me how he has kept his cool and outsmarted the Repugs time after time.President Obama made that jerk look like the fuckking asshole that he is. What is really sweet is O'Lielly knew it.Good Times.

    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      2:34 You are correct.

  19. Anonymous2:48 PM

    And The Winner Is….44

  20. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I coudln't stand it,and about 30 seconds in I was kicking myself for giving a hit to this video.

  21. Anonymous3:09 PM

    O’Reilly began by asking about the ACA website. Obama said, “Now we got the website up and running.” O’Reilly disagreed because of a poll that says that Americans don’t think it is working. O’Reilly wanted Kathleen Sebielus fired. The Fox News host tried to get Obama to admit that his biggest mistake was saying that if you like your insurance you can keep it. The president wouldn’t bite.

    Bill-O then turned to Benghazi. (This interview is nothing more than a 2014 Republican campaign ad.) Obama said, “Understand that by definition, anybody who is attacking our compound is an act of terror.” O’Reilly then tried to play the Susan Rice card, and he claimed that he was just a confused American. Obama accused Republicans of creating a political agenda over protecting Americans. O’Reilly got hammered when he asked if it was a terror attack. O’Reilly used the patented Fox News folks believe line, and the president replied, Folks believe it, because you are telling them that.

    O’Reilly tried to grill Obama on the bogus IRS scandal, and royally flopped. On the IRS, O’Reilly used the Fox News line, “some people are saying.” Obama said things like the IRS keep resurfacing because Fox News keeps promoting them. Obama said there were boneheaded decisions, but not a smidgen of corruption at the IRS.

    Bill O’Reilly broke out the fundamental transformation of America line via a viewer letter, and Obama said, “I don’t think it is necessary to fundamentally transform America.”

    Fox News tried to use the Super Bowl interview as a partisan vehicle to attack the president. This was a totally different interview from the last time these two men sat down at the Super Bowl.

    The president seemed to catch on very quickly to what their intentions were a blasted Fox News twice for dredging up dumb conspiracy theories that have no basis in truth.

    This is how far out of touch with reality Fox News and the Republican Party are. They got their chance to sit down with the president, and don’t bother to ask about the things that the American people really care about, like jobs and the economy. Instead, they use the time with the president to talk about nonsense like the ACA website, Benghazi, and the IRS.

    The O’Reilly interview wasn’t a tough discussion of issues. It was crazed conspiracy theories. O’Reilly was so far out of touch with reality that he should have asked Obama about alien abductions, and the whether the moon landing was real or faked.

    President Obama did a great job, as O’Reilly and Fox News fell flat on their faces in front of the biggest TV audience of the year.

    1. O'Reilly forgot to ask about the birth certificate - he will be chastised by his viewers

  22. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I'm sure POTUS knew what he was doing. Billo is nothing if not totally predictable.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      You know that and I know that but millions of brain dead droolers like palin will think Bildo really put our prez in his place. Thankfully, another case of fox preaching to their choir.

    2. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Remember too that the people watching FOX are NOT the majority!

      Also, remember that President Obama has been elected TWICE by the 'majority'.

      They (FOX announcers) scream and holler, but basically it does them no good.

  23. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Krugman’s point was an extremely strong one. Most presidents don’t get one major reform done in a term. Obama accomplished two major reforms in his first two years. Is is still a little known fact, but President Obama accomplished 85% of his stated agenda for his entire presidency during his first two years in office.

    By the time Republicans took control of the House in 2011, it was already too late. President Obama had accomplished almost everything that he intended. This is why House Republicans have been obsessed with rolling back everything that this president has accomplished. They got to the game too late, and have been left with nothing to do but unsuccessfully try to play catch up and repeal.

    Barack Obama has been the most significant presidents that this country has had since Ronald Reagan. His accomplishments are likely to live on for generations. He has not only made significant policy changes, but his candidacy helped to change the make up and face of the electorate.

    Even some of his supporters sometimes forget what this president has achieved. Krugman’s comments were a nice reminder that era of Obama will go down as a significant time in American history.

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Agree totally 3:11

  24. Anonymous3:13 PM

    O'Reilly is an obnoxious buffoon!!!!

    "I don't know about that...." responded O'Reilly when POTUS told him that the ACA site was up and running and 3 million were able to register. I cannot imagine a reporter basically telling the President of the USA, no, you're wrong about that, because some poll says otherwise.

    Disrepectful tone the whole way.

  25. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Totally agree -- what a fucking asshole !!! Constantly interrupting and disrespectful. Asks very leading broad inflammatory questions about the typical bullshit "some people believe" crap that Faux News spreads and then acts like Obama must respond because so many people falsely believe it. He also did the same crap he & Hannity do on their shows where if the other person is giving a good response/rebuttal they just cut the person off with another broad inflammatory statement.

    Obama held his own & he has a huge audience here, but Obama isn't gaining anything with this asshole O'Reilly and should just stop the Super Bowl interviews. He was beyond gracious not to throw the asshole out of his office.

    And the HuffPo headline is about how Obama slams Fox. Unbelievable !

  26. .

    you just know the TP-idiots are going to go ape-shit with THAT Coke commercial....

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Oh yes!

    2. Yes, I agree about the Coke commercial! And what about the Cheerios one too??

    3. .

      our country is changing into a diverse and accepting people. and THAT is freaking them out; ah, lovely that!

    4. Anonymous7:23 PM

      LOVED that Cheerios commercial. That little girl is just tooooo cute!

      And the Coke commercial made me misty-eyed. I read a few nasty comments online that the song (incorrectly referred to by several as the National Anthem) should always be sung in our official language of English. First of all, we have no official language, and second, if we did, it should be one of the Native languages because they were here long before anyone spoke English on these shores.

    5. Anonymous9:05 AM

      they're so fucking dumb they think America the Beautiful is the national anthem.

  27. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Watched a movie on Netflix called Night of The Living Dead Reanimation- at the 20 odd mark or so, tv is on and is on a channel called FIXD NEWS and there is a character called Sister Sarah- no guessing whom character is based on (hair, glasses etc.). The character is featured at several times, and at one point asks if she wants a drink, and says don't forget the bendy straw! Worth watching!

  28. Boscoe4:23 PM

    While reprehensible cowards like Sarah Palin pretend to "challenge" our president from behind the safety of Facebook and Faux Snooz, Obama goes AGAIN (what's this, the third? Fourth time?) right into the lion's den and confronts his detractors face to face without a script, without pre-vetted questions or conditions.

    And you KNOW that tomorrow there will be no whining or playing of the victim card because Bill was mean to him, or tortured pretzel logic as he tries to unsay some moronic thing he said.

    Everything this man does makes the rightwingers look as craven and insignificant as they truly are.

  29. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Hollywood Circles The Wagons Around Woody Allen After Sexual Abuse Accusations Resurface

  30. Anita Winecooler5:26 PM

    Can you please add the gif of President Obama dusting off his sleeve? OR better yet, swatting an ignorant buffoon fly?
    Yeah, it's not good for your blood pressure, but POTUS only does these few "Fox exclusives" with Brillo so they can't stomp their feet and whine that they're being snubbed.

    O Reilly thought he came prepared, but POTUS was light years ahead.

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      The POTUS always is.

  31. Anonymous6:19 PM

    February of 2014 is the second anniversary of publication of Shailey Tripp’s Boys Will be Boys.

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      She's collected an entire $114 for her movie. I don't expect this thing to see light of day on either big or small screen.

    2. Hahaha That's bc she's a freakin liar.

  32. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Doesn't the president always do an interview with the network hosting the superbowl? Just so happens to be Fox this year...

    1. I believe that only started with this President - some previous ones would probably not understand sport as well as does this President

  33. I actually think Obama was having fun with O'Reilly. As someone above pointed out, O'Reilly and Fox are so predictable with their questions. Obama took the opportunity to answer the stupid questions with grace. (As usual).

    By the way, let's start getting out the vote for November. And in 2016, it doesn't matter if Clinton or another Dem is president if the Republicans control the House and Senate.

  34. Great Tweet from Madam POTUS 45:
    Hillary Clinton ✔ @HillaryClinton
    It’s so much more fun to watch FOX when it’s someone else being blitzed & sacked! #SuperBowl
    8:44 PM - 2 Feb 2014

  35. Anonymous5:50 AM

    The were two great beatings yesterday
    Seattle over Denver
    O'Reilly over Obama

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      go wash your hair sarah, it's been a month.

    2. Anita Winecooler4:18 PM

      Sarah always washes her hair. And she's an avid recycler. She washes with the moist towelettes Tawd lovingly packs up and brings home to her. It's a beauty secret she learned in pageants and six years of college.

  36. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I didn't think he was disrespectful. He was professional. An interview with the president that isn't The View, is not a chatfest. It's a way to gather on the record info, something that democrat obvously hates.


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