Sunday, February 02, 2014

The ad that the NFL would never allow to air during the Superbowl.

Courtesy of Films For Action:  

The National Congress of American Indians did not have the funds to run this ad during the Super Bowl. You should watch it and share it anyway.

Yeah let's face it, even if this group had the money to place a Superbowl ad this would never see the light of day. 

But it should, and that's why I am putting it here.

By the way the next time that you hear somebody pining for the America that our Founding Father's intended, while at the same time comparing our President to Adolph Hitler, you might want to educate them as to exactly what inspired Hitler's attempt to wipe out the Jews:

Hitler's concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history. He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild west; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America's extermination—by starvation and uneven combat—of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity. 

He was very interested in the way the Indian population had rapidly declined due to epidemics and starvation when the United States government forced them to live on the reservations. He thought the American government's forced migrations of the Indians over great distances to barren reservation land was a deliberate policy of extermination. Just how much Hitler took from the American example of the destruction of the Indian nations is hard to say; however, frightening parallels can be drawn. For some time Hitler considered deporting the Jews to a large 'reservation' in the Lubin area where their numbers would be reduced through starvation and disease.

Yeah America sure was a great place in the old days, if you were a white male Christian who did not have the misfortune of being born poor that is. 


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Excellent. I will pass it on. My biggest peeve with people who say "I want my country back!" is exactly THIS.

    1. Sally in MI5:15 PM

      What they want is a country that never existed..all white, mostly male, subservient ignorant women, and kids who worked their fingers to the bone instead of getting an education. If it wasn't the native Americans they were killing, it was the black slaves. Now it's pregnant women through refusal to allow D&C procedures if medically needed. I do not know how any woman with a shred more IQ than Palin can call herself a Republican. War kills our sons and daughters. Lack of education kills us all. Lack of contraception will result in MORE abortions, not less, and will result in more deaths. Lack of regulations for the oil and gas barons will cost us clean water, air, farmlands, and so much more. Lack of Jobs programs will mean even more poverty and need. And these are the "Christians?" Not so much. They are being ruled by a much darker force...greed and arrogance.

  2. OT:

    Well, a-don't you know about the bird?
    Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word

  3. Anita Winecooler5:34 PM

    Ignorance is a strange thing. We call Native American's "Indians" because the explorers thought they landed in India. Look what we've done to their Sacred Land, their people and their culture?

  4. Anonymous5:42 PM

    It really saddens me that hitler got inspiration from the genocide of the native Americans. It saddens me even more that the genocide is still happening. Sometimes I wish I was a billionaire.
    Sometimes money can be a good thing.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      I agree w/you 5:42! So many need help across our land.

  5. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Outstanding! This needs to be spread throughout our country!

  6. Anonymous5:58 PM

    We are moving more and more toward being a third world country. The poor are getting poorer, the middle class is sliding into the ranks of the poor and the rich just continue getting richer!

    There is also discrimination as to Indians, blacks, brown and Asian people in the USA as well as to the whites that are in the poor class!

    It is sickening to watch what is going on around each and every one of us!

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Our "great" leader has not helped. Policies that discourage hard work, discourage new businesses, and even in the Whit House, women make less. War on women? Look to the leader for how he leads.

      Sure, he says "we" in his speeches, then refuses to discuss and negotiate. His "we" means my way or the highway.

      Maybe we should split the country. One for Progressives, one for conservatives. See who comes out ahead in 5, 10, even 20 years. Wish we could.

    2. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Oh, puh-LEEZE, 6:31 PM. Do you understand the branches of government and how they work? Who's been the bully?

    3. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Anon at 6:31 PM
      Bristol is that you? By the poor spelling and sentence structure you must be an uneducated Palin.
      BTW John Boehner and his Tea bagger controlled congress were the ones that voted down equal pay for women.
      As for splitting our country you low lifes tried that once before, and you lost. If you are not happy here you are free to leave.

    4. Anonymous7:31 PM

      6:31 I so disagree w/you. He has tried to help create jobs and is continually blocked by Congress - House Republicans specifically.

      So many of the Republicans are against him because he is black...remember they were the ones involved I the KKK all those years ago.

      I voted for President Obama both times and would do the same again.

      It's way past time that Republicans act like human beings and care about the folks that put them in office! Most are millionaires and have no friggin' clue what it's like to live poor!

      We need to get rid of the likes of D. Issa, Mitch McConnell, the drunk Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, etc.

    5. Anonymous9:00 PM

      I swear, some progressives think President Obama is some kind of "magic negro," the kind you see in movies from time to time. He's not a dictator. He can't change the way policy is created in our country. He's been blocked at nearly every turn by the party of "NO."

  7. I moved back to Europe. When are the rest of you coming?

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      This is my land and my families land, I belong to the land here.

      Little Rabbit

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      I'm looking at it - many of my friends have moved out of the US. We are all retired and looking at places that are cheaper to live, have nice weather, not at war and democratic!

    3. Scott, we did. Left Alaska and the United States in 2006, and it's not cheaper where we live, it's just better. BTW, both family lines left Europe in the late 1800s; we've simply returned as you note.

      Kept our US citizenship but have taken on dual nationality now. It's good.

    4. Anonymous8:56 PM

      My great grandparents were driven from their homes in Eastern Europe. Their villages, let alone their homes, aren't there anymore and I certainly don't want to try my luck returning to Russia/Poland/Germany. The US was my great grandparents' land of promise and I'm not about to give up on their dream.

  8. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Is Peyton's Chronic Choking covered by Obamacare?

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Yes, but perhaps the Republicans have a better remedy (NOT!)

  9. Anonymous6:18 PM

    The white european culture is the winner in the culture war. Regardless of how much we care about indigenous cultures and their way of life the white european culture has been accumulating land and assimilating cultures for the last 1000 years.

    Nothing about our domination and either enslaving or putting native residents into reservations is morally or ethically correct, however, this tale is as old as man itself and there are winners, losers and those that are simply lost to history.

    Sadly, this is the way of man and little will change, just because we modern progressives wish it to be.

  10. Anonymous6:46 PM

    You forgot that they literally stole our children until 20 yrs ago. Come and steal them and warehouse them for profits from the fostercare system, many also ended up in white homes to be abused and worked like slaves.
    My Grandfather was stolen and but in a mission, he and his siblings escaped and stole 2 horses and made there way back by the stars traveling over 500 miles. 4 children 12 and under raped, abused and the oldest, a girl who was impregnated by the Christian missionary. My Grandfather's sister did not survive the pregnancy. 4 children's childhood stolen and no help for their family. When the children got back the all headed deep into Canada.

  11. SHARON7:20 PM

    This was a great statement done very well. I read an article along time ago about Hitler and it made me ill. The Costner's great movie Dancing with Wolves really depicted the culture of the plain native Americans and their respect for the earth, animals..and each other. The elders were revered and "gay" members accepted....their wars were for food, not greed. Of course they were not all the same, but they were all here first. The white man killed the red man and stole his land. The white man kidnapped and enslaved the black man to work their fields and build their fortunes. The white man used the yellow man as slaves to build our railroads. Yeah...we sure have a great history of being Christians too after leaving England for religious freedom and then making all the new laws even stricter based on the bible and violations ending with death.

    1. The rich white man enslaved the poor white man to build this nation. Indentured servants. And then the tenant farmers.

  12. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Could someone please tell me the steps in transferring this video to my Facebook page so that I can share it w/others? I think it's a message that need be put out across the nation.

    Wonder why the video did not name the Cherokee nation of which I am one?

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM

      724 scroll up at the end of the commentary, under Gryphen's name, you'll see the symbols for twitter, facebook, just click on it

    2. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Thank you, 9:07 PM! Appreciate your help.

    3. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Because there are hundreds of tribes, or were, many were totally wiped out.

      Little Rabbit

    4. Anonymous10:38 AM

      9:03 There are Cherokee throughout the nation. Would love to know why their name was omitted in this video. Perhaps it was just an oversight?

  13. Anonymous7:27 PM

    You know, it's funny (or not) how America saw (and continue to sees) fit to build its "tough-guy" reputation on defeating the "savages" it sought to usurp but still refuses to acknowledge the errors of its way like some chicken-shit bully for doing so.

    The NFL's refusal for permitting this ad only strengthens the point of my contention. And no, I am not a Native American: I am a Caucasian Canadian who sees all-too-well the hypocrisy of an organization bent on denying the voice and reason of a peoples whose on voice and reason far surpasses its own.

  14. Anonymous8:17 PM

    That was powerful. It is a total and disgusting disgrace that Washington, DC's football team is named for a racial epithet.

  15. Anonymous10:27 PM

    The documentary referred to in Gryph's most important post, Broken Rainbow (1985) can be seen on youtube. Heartbreaking, much of it fairly recent and most appalling of all is that it continues...


  16. Chenagrrl7:50 AM

    As my cousins say, "Hanta Yo, baby!"

  17. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Kind of humorous because my great grandfather's family name is actually Redman and he was Native American. We are very proud of our heritage and while it some may consider is inappropriate I've always loved the name.

  18. Anonymous11:34 AM

    9:53 I don't find that humorous at all. I'll bet your great grandfather's family name of "Redman" was given them by a white person originally!

  19. Anonymous1:38 PM

    makes me sick

  20. Anonymous8:32 PM

    One of the things that makes me sad about this story is how that paleface jack abramoff scammed the American Indians Casino owners out of $85 mill, otherwise the National Congress of America Indians would have had the money to make the commercial.

  21. It took me a while to get the ending. I'm afraid I'm just not familiar enough with sports.

    All I could think was "Indian". Wait didn't they use the word Indian when the add started. I've been using Native American for years.

    It took me a while to finally figure out what it was. Redskins. Duh. That was it, right?


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