Wednesday, February 19, 2014

From the documentary "Questioning Darwin" Creationist admits that if the Bible said that 2+2= 5 he wouldn't question the accuracy. He would accept it as true.

"I cannot even fathom coming from this little thing that crawled on the ground, to apes, to being human. It just doesn't, it just doesn't it--sounds crazy to me."

The lack of intelligence, and the inability to recognize the irrationality of their argument, makes having an actual conversation about the importance of science with these people completely impossible.

So much of their self identity is tied into their blind faith, that they are unwilling, and perhaps even unable, to entertain the possibility that they are incorrect.

Not only that but without the comfort of a faith which promises a place in heaven, these people have to accept that like every other creature, plant, and insect on the planet, they too will someday die, and after a lifetime of being told otherwise, that is too frightening a prospect to consider.

That fear of having their faith shaken in any way, compels them to attack anything which questions, or undermines its validity.


  1. Anonymous4:40 AM

    These are the adherents of the "vibrant" Bible, in which every word (through multiple translations) is The Word of God -- fossils, archeology, anthropology not withstanding.
    These are people who have to follow strict guidelines, or they don't know how to live in a free and modern world. They are Neanderthals.

    1. Anonymous6:46 AM

      except when they, themselves are breaking those "strict guidelines" because IOKIYAR!

  2. Anonymous4:43 AM

    It's also unbelievably arrogant and selfish. They want the world as MAN says it is, through a book, usurping the greater powers of the Universe.

    They want license to be horrible, condemning, judgmental, abusive and self-serving according to a higher power than that of their fellow man. American Christians, with nascent populations have always called the shots, acted with impunity and enjoy forgiveness for having fallen and all they have to do is ask Jesus to Take the Wheel as their get out of jail for free card. If YOU judge them, they tell you that you don't KNOW them and whatnot. It's a very convenient way of living, it's easy, it's simple, it's flattering and righteous.

    And that's why they can be horrible on this earth, because they live for the day they can be reunited with Jesus, a man who would not know them. Their scorched earth philosophy to suck up all resources without care for their legacy speaks to their sense of stewardship. They make a great deal out of a 'debt' Obama puts on their grandchildren, but it's okay if they don't have clean water or air to breath, cause they'll all be in heaven.

    So that's why they are enacting so many anti-constitutional laws with such frenzy, they are terrified that they are losing their choke-hold on "Americana." That is why the flailing demographic flocks to Fox News, the 700 Club, Sarah Palin, Huckabee, Santorum and other no-account bastards that run for ego and not with a servant's heart.

    I read an account of a hanging where the local population used their dominance to lynch a pregnant woman (WARNING, it is very graphic and you will be offended.)

    Mary Turner 1918 Eight Months Pregnant
    Mobs lynched Mary Turner on May 17, 1918 in Lowndes County. Georgia because she vowed to have those responsible for killing her husband arrested. Her husband was arrested in connection with the shooting and killing Hampton Smith, a white farmer for whom the couple had worked, and wounding his wife. Sidney Johnson. a Black apparently killed Smith because he was tired of the farmer’s abuse. Unable to find Johnson. the killers lynched eight other Blacks Including Hayes Turner and his wife Mary. The mob hanged Mary by her feet, poured gasoline and oil on her and set fire to her body. One white man sliced her open and Mrs. Turner’s baby tumbled to the ground with a “little cry” and the mob stomped the baby to death and sprayed bullets into Mary Turner. (NAACP: Thirty Years of Lynching in the U.S. 1889-1918 )

    So when Sarah Palin makes light of slavery in her ignorance of history, and Phil Richardson talks about how happy Jim Crow coloreds were, it truly makes you realize how un-evolved these Ugly Americans are.

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Would like to see someone ask Palin about Mary Turner to her face in a recorded interview......

    2. SHARON8:14 AM

      How many decades have blacks been called "savages"? It takes a seriously demented, hateful mind to even conceive of doing this. It was stories like this that made me leave religion in my made no sense that innocent people suffered so. If you believe in karma these poor souls have returned to live a good life, probably fighting against bigotry. This story goes beyond just racism...these people were psychopaths and serial killers.

  3. Our Lad4:44 AM

    Stupid is a powerful thing.

  4. Well, it also goes to the fact either of our proposed endings are not all that savoy.

    With some brand of faith, you're offered a crapshoot throw on a heaven or a hell, but at least it's some kind of continued existence.

    With atheism, you embraces a reality that This Is It, and when we croak, there's nothing left of us but food for earthworms and maggots. Whatever else it is. purging yourself of a faith in an afterlife, is quite an act of bravery.

    1. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Yep. But it does give you the freedom to make the most of this life - it's te only one we've got. But if you want a laugh, read Mark Twain's Letters from earth. In particular the part about Christians being reluctant to spend even an hour a week or so in church, yet the heaven they picture is largely a 24/7 church service. they are illogical about everything.

    2. Leland8:18 AM

      I have to admit that the one thing I regret about feeling I have no afterlife is I will never see my Love again when I die. On the other hand, it means I treat her better and love her more strongly BECAUSE I have only one shot at it!

  5. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Study the Talmud, young people, study how many great thinkers have changed their minds based on new evidence,
    Then, if you think your "vibrant Bible" has all the answers, instead, pls. go live in shanties and lean-tos, use no -- modern medicine --- travel by donkey on unpaved roads, and be ready to starve to death in a famine. That's the holy word of Your Lord. Become Amish, or live in the woods -- but without any firearrms (not mentioned in the Bible). Let us know how you and your vibrant Bible followers are faring a year from now.

    Oh, did I mention, no tv, smarthphones, take-out meals, snowmachines, iPads, reality programs -- anything not specified by the lord, in writing

    Also, of course, no central heating, no gas or electric stoves, no refrigeration, no microwaves, no gas-powered cars or snowmobiles.

    Thus endeth the lesson for you vibrant ones.

    1. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Oh, please, the Amish is a mindful rejection of 24/7 convenience, but it is by no means a total lack of them. the Amish have phones -- many "English" have lucrative businesses serving the Amish business need for modern communication. They rent cars and ride planes, trains and buses. They vacation. They utilize modern medicine.

    2. Leland8:10 AM

      You forgot:
      No tampons or sanitary napkins.
      No make-up for the average person.
      No showers in hot water.
      In fact, no indoor plumbing. (And that means holes in the ground for bodily functions.)

      These people haven't a clue what the life of a luddite would be and wouldn't last an hour. Heck, most of them can't successfully live WITH modern conveniences.

  6. Randall6:32 AM

    "I think sometimes our culture has like a overly heavl hevhev heavy reliance on like, science."

    ...he's wearing glasses.

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      yea that was my favorite idiotic comment of all. i think it would be more accurate if the word science was removed and the bible replacing it.

  7. Anonymous6:39 AM

    God made us in his own image? Then he created the scientists.
    Prayer is the answer for the individual to find salvation, and we see football players praying for a win, but not the babies who are abused or raped? And not the millions that die from disease, war, or terrorism?

    They have no answers to the fear that comes with living and surviving. Or death. So they rely on stories to comfort.

    Every argument they gave in that video was an argument a non-believer could give.

    I do wonder if there is more to our world, maybe spiritually, or if there is something much more out there than this world of flourishing organisms. Nature is a magical wonder, and someday maybe scientists will discover, with facts, that there is more. Or not. But believing the bible is like living in a false security. If we can prove more about ourselves and the universe scientifically, how wonderful would that be?

  8. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Freud, Marx and Peirce had it right.

  9. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I feel sorry for these people. They are so insecure and frightened. They need to know something powerful is taking care of them or they can’t face life. So they create a mythical being who can give rewards. Very sad.

  10. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I gave up trying to set these dimwits straight a long time ago........destroy their underpinnings and the result is not pretty.....

  11. Leland8:16 AM

    I've been saying it for almost as long as I have been participating here: These people are too STUPID to know any better because they have been brainwashed form birth and are too afraid to try to learn because it would mean they are doubting! Definitely a no-no with these idiots!

    I would love to see someone take two stones - in front of that jackass - and then add two more and have him PROVE it was five - without reference to the bible - ANY bible!

    The counting system says one, two, three, FOUR, five.... It doesn't go one, two, three, FIVE, four!

    IDIOT! Anything person would - when faced with that conundrum - have begun to wonder at least. Not these fools.

  12. Anonymous10:30 AM

    The one woman appears to be trying to convert Darwin himself...........she agreed to be interviewed and answer questions about Charles Darwin but obviously didn't bother to google the man and find out that he died 132 years ago. What an incurious mind!

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      You are being awfully generous.

  13. Anita Winecooler5:55 PM

    I learn something new everyday. God made us in the image of Alfred Hitchcock, another dimbulb believes two plus two equals five....(good luck explaining that to the IRS) and some lady can't fathom her interpretation of evolution. The Bible clearly says man was made from dirt, woman from man's rib. Hey lady, which would YOU want fries with?

    The question remains, can stupid be fixed?

  14. Anonymous4:55 PM

    These people are crazy. religion is their drug.... it wouldn't matter what is said to them they don't believe in facts just myths.


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