Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Glenn Beck reviews new movie "Monuments Men" by blaming the Holocaust on progressives. Wait, what?

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:

Beck said the film made his blood boil because it never discussed the fact that President Franklin Roosevelt cared about saving works of art but made no effort to stop the Nazis from murdering millions of Jews because he, like progressives then and now, "are all anti-Jewish." 

"Forget about the art," Beck bellowed. "What about the people? What happened to be the people? No, we didn't care. We didn't care. Progressives didn't care and so all of those Jews died. We could have stopped them. Instead of Monuments Men, how about Auschwitx Men, how about Dachau Men? Why didn't we do that? Because they didn't care ... They were all anti-Jewish, just as much as they're anti-Jewish now." 

You know I really NEVER  watch or listen to anything that Glenn Beck says anymore, but this one was so crazy that it is being talked about everywhere.

By the way for those who have never seen a World War Two movie, we actually DID rescue the Jews at Auschwitz and Dachau.

And we also had the presence of mind to allow a small contingent of specially trained art historians rescue much of the priceless art that would have been lost without American intervention. NOTHING about this effort negatively impacted the effort to fight the Nazis or rescue the Jewish people.

At some point the Right Wing has to recognize that Beck is a paranoid schizophrenic and yank his pudgy ass off the air and lock him into the mental hospital where it belongs.


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I would like to point out we did stop the conservative Nazis.
    Why are all these wacko addicts the "stars" of conservative radio?

  2. Anonymous1:07 PM

    It's like this Glenny,16.1 million people served in WW2.A small number of them were organized into small units in order to achieve specific goals.The remainder were concerning themselves with "the people".See?

  3. Jim In Texas1:16 PM

    And this idiot claims, among other things, to be a historian. Our forces did, at considerable risk, rush toward the known camps just as soon as it was at all possible to do so. What the hell does Beck think we could have done? Bomb the friggin' camps? That would have been a real help, huh? Total asshole.

    1. Only a historian at Beck University, if you believe that gives him any creditability

    2. Boscoe2:04 PM

      I'm just wondering what brain-addled far-right conspiracy wingnut author's book Glenn is swiping from, 'cause you know he's never had an original thought in his life. Always turns out to be some deranged, disreputable old BOOK he found, while "doing his homework".

  4. Leland1:32 PM

    As much as I hate to admit it, Beck is right about ONE thing. We did nothing of any significance to stop the slaughter of the Jews before the war. Even going so far as to turn many back to Germany. Of course, it was also many other countries who did the same.

    That's no excuse, but facts are facts.

    Having said that, however, the rest of the garbage he is spewing is just that - hateful, inaccurate lies and garbage.

    The REASONS were not as he stated for one thing. It had nothing to do with being liberal or not. That is pure repube revisionist history. Besides, he completely forgets that the so-called loving christians have hated jews for centuries, if not millennia - openly. They were persecuted and driven out of most places in which they lived at one point or another. And many of them still hate the jews. Their reason? Simple. They killed Jesus. (The engineer with whom I worked in NJ, was jewish and he and I had a wonderful relationship. I came to pick him up one day and it happened to be easter. His daughter came to the door when I rang the bell and instead of saying good morning or anything nice, she looked at me and said, "I suppose you think we murdered jesus as well." She almost fell over when I looked at her and politely said. "No. Why should I think that? I'm an atheist." She almost literally fell over.)

    Of course, so-called christians like Beck completely ignore the fact that their so-called god had already ordained that was to happen, so....

    The theft of private property wasn't really understood until well into the war, and it wasn't until we reached Dachau that we discovered those rumors were true. (Yes, there were some who believed it was true, but the higher ups were generally more concerned about ENDING the war.)

    By that time, as well, we had begun to hear about Nazi atrocities against the allied soldiers as well.

    Beck is using history to lie and mislead - as usual. I just wish some of the nation's - or even better, the world's - historians would stand up and slap the shit out of this idiot. If that was done every single time these assholes opened their mouths with something like this, they would have to start watching what they say a little more carefully. I think they will never be able to completely shut up the radicals - and I mean the extreme radicals like this asshole - but most of them can easily be silenced with facts and outrage.

    Why don't they? Hell, I enjoy doing that!

  5. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I would love to see George Clooney educate this fat, white ass!! Beck is scum and fits in perfectly w/Palin, McConnell, McCain and Boehner! Yuk!

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      There is no educating individuals like Beck or Palin: facts and empiricism hold no meaning for them.

  6. It's hard to imagine there are people who will actually believe Beck's BS. Just how ignorant are his listeners, first to pay and listen to his show, and secondly to be so uninformed to actually believe the BS he spews everyday, and particularly what he said above.

    It really scars me there are people out there who believe this crap and vote. I also have to admit that most of these people are from my generation who grew up during the Viet Nam War. When I looked back at the war and how unnecessary I thought it was at the time even then, I also go back to what I thought at the time about the people who decided we needed to go to war with Viet Nam, are now about the same age a I am. Because of that, I thought back then it was an easy decision for them to make, particularly since they didn't have to risk their own lives fighting a war. That was when the age to vote was 21 not giving us any say in the matter. I now look at it as how the Republican's help out our economy by spending tax dollars in the defense industry after they have declared war with someone, and all of the other support industries that also benefit by supporting the defense industry with materials and parts. But again, doing it at the sake of the young lives who will be lost.

    Not to get off the subject, but to point out these who are around my age are the same people who help make these decisions by who we vote into office. With what seems to be a rather large contingent of people who are uninformed, and probably under educated as well, by having say in who we elect, it really is scary.

    1. I'm actually a HUGE Glenn Beck fan. We rented Monuments Men, and I wanted to know what he thought about it. Stumbled across this blog, read everyone's posts and was a little sad-hearted. I'm not one of those people who will try to persuade a democrat into thinking that my "republican" opinions are correct. I do NOT think George W. Bush was awesome. I do not care for most of the republicans. Most everyone in office is slimy. Back to the subject.....I have been watching, listening to, and reading Glenn Beck for about 4 years. I guess either you like him or hate him. If you watch CNN, you hate him. Of course anyone would, the way CNN smears him. I probably would think he was a punk too, if I watched CNN. But I don't watch. If you dislike someone, you wouldn't enjoy watching that 'someone's' program. My 2 cents.... If a person actually watched his show, just for a few weeks, they'd be blown away. He is extremely well educated with history. He does back up his stories with fact. In the past, he's actually backed up a few topics with footage from CNN. He isn't the "right-winged-nut-job" most people on the left think he is. It's about principle, value, faith, the constitution, our rights as Americans, pulling together...even with people who may be opposite.... we can't change people. People are going to make their own decisions. If they are gay, pro-choice, black, white, jewish, christian....let people decide what and who they want to be. That's the benefit of being in America. Who am I to judge...? I'm not to. Period. I've learned a lot the past 4 years. I have prepared. Food storage, a safe, guns. Better to be safe than sorry. We pulled our kids out of school, thanks to common core (google the bluest eye common core....that's what did it for me!!). We are a closer family, I am closer to God....anyway, I think you all should challenge yourselves to watch him for a few weeks. I know it would challenge you! I know you'd probably want to throw things at the t.v.! But he's cool. Trust me, please, he's NOT who he's made out to be :)

  7. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Proof-positive that Beck is an apex lunatic.

  8. Caroll Thompson2:25 PM

    Did Glenn Beck even graduate from high school? His lack of education and his knowledge of historical facts are sorely lacking. That is all I have to say.

  9. Randall2:32 PM

    I don't know about Beck...

    I used to believe that Beck knows he's lying
    ...that he's playing conservatives for suckers and just like Rush Limbaugh (although not Sarah Palin) - Glenn Beck knows damned well he's lying and he's laughing all the way to the bank.

    Remember that time on Fox and Friends when he claimed that the President has a "hatred for white people and white culture"?
    He almost couldn't help but laugh at his own absurdity that time.
    He KNEW he was lying.

    But this time... I don't know...

    Maybe he's started to believe his own lies?

    I've heard it conjectured that Glenn Beck is just a few short steps away from playing with his own poop.

  10. Yeh, except that my uncle was part of the first troops to liberate Auschwitz, so WTF is Crazy Beckerhead ranting about?

    1. Anonymous8:47 PM

      My uncle was one of the first to free another camp although he spoke very little about it. When he did, it was rather horrifying, and he was injured himself at the time.

      Beck is an imbecile, and that woman is an idiot.

  11. Anita Winecooler6:52 PM

    "The Progressives" didn't care about the people? Screw You, Glen. Where were the Compassionate or otherwise "Conservatives" for that matter? Oh, that's right, they were in charge of stealing the money and gold. I can't wait to see this movie, and Glenn the assclown already chimed in and I bet all he saw was the trailer. He's right, we all turned our back on this atrocity, not just the "progressives".

  12. Anonymous7:36 PM

    No hint that most of the art was stolen from the jews? Nothing?

  13. Anonymous7:44 PM

    You know I really NEVER watch or listen to anything that Glenn Beck says anymore EITHER. Except for Right Wing Watch not clicking on any of it. Nope.

  14. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Yeah, all us progressive Jews hate Jews, apparently.

  15. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Beck is so confidant of the utter stupidity of his audience, that he WILL come out and admit his whole schtick is an act, and that he tries to outdo himself in terms of absurdity, for his own enjoyment.

    So, while he is indeed a scary individual, just think what those who dismiss hearing him admit he's a fraud, must be like.

  16. Anonymous5:30 AM

    the movie is racists drivel from Hollywood Jews. enough said!


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