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Divine interventions certainly didn't help this guy. |
Whether it’s with a good luck dance, whispering a curse or prayers sent directly to God, half of American football fans believe supernatural forces are at play right alongside their favorite quarterback.
A study from the Public Religion Research Institute found that a full third of all football fans pray directly to God to help out their favorite teams.
With Super Bowl XLVIII just days away, the study forces the question: Will God be rooting for the Broncos or Seahawks?
No the study forces the question, how can so many people be so fucking stupid?
I always think it is such an insult to the athletes who trained so long and hard for this chance to believe the outcome is simply based on the whim of a supreme being who feels the need to meddle in the affairs of man.
After all if it is simply up to God to pic the winners why bother running drills, lifting weights, and taking all those steroids?
Well all i know is that I am looking forward to watching a bunch of over paid future Alzheimer's patients, playing a testosterone infused children's game, interspersed with expensive advertisements for products whose name I'll never remember, while drinking myself into a state of slobbering beer soaked euphoria.
And I don't want any supernatural interference to ruin that experience.
Go Seahawks!
I won't be watching. Not even the overhyped commercials.
ReplyDeleteGod does NOT decide who wins the Super Bowl!
ReplyDeleteC'mon, sheeple, that's just stupid! God has WAY too much to do controlling every single molecule in the known universe and beyond, to waste any time determining the outcome of professional sporting events! Mold stains that look like Jeebus don't just create themselves, ya know!!
But I will admit it's likely that He does take advantage of His divine omniscience to make money in heaven's Super Bowl pool. Yeah, it strikes me as a little... I dunno... small for the Creator of the Universe to use His Awesome power for financial gain like this but, hey, whaddya gonna do? It's just human nature, right?.
Anyway, it's probably not illegal and even if it was, what prosecutor is gonna haul in god for cheating like this? And say you do bring god to trial. How's He going to be sworn in to testify?
"...and nothing but the truth, so help me Me."????
So God would swear in on his biography? :-) Can you imagine a jury of His peers?
DeleteThanks for the laugh this morning, Beldar. I sure needed it.
G-d took away Philip Seymour Hoffman today, so I'm not on speakers with Him for awhile...
Delete10:33 Such a coincidence that Hoffman died (drug overdoes) overnight because they showed his movie (the one he won the Oscar for) "Truman Capote" on cable last night and I watched. He truly was outstanding in it!!
So sad to read about Hoffman today. He was from a suburb near me and has always been very supportive of the arts in our metro area. Such a talented man and such a loss to film and theater.
Delete" I always think it is such an insult to the athletes who trained so long and hard for this chance to believe the outcome is simply based on the whim of a supreme being "
ReplyDelete" watching a bunch of over paid future Alzheimer's patients, playing a testosterone infused children's game, interspersed with expensive advertisements for products whose name I'll never remember "
"Go Seahawks!"
My sentiments exactly. Thanks Gryphen!
Is it wrong that I LOVE watching men beat themselves up? Yeh, I'm female.
DeleteStupid Americans believe stats like this.
ReplyDeleteYou mean, asking more than 1,000 people at random actual questions, and tallying their actual responses? Yeah, that's highly suspect... *snark off*
DeleteResults of the PRRI poll:
One-in-four (25%) Americans who report being a fan of a particular team (any team sport) believe that their team has been cursed at some point in time.
More than one-quarter (26%) of sports fans report having prayed for God to help their team (any team sport), while more than 7-in-10 (73%) say they have never done this.
Roughly 1-in-5 (21%) American sports fans report performing a ritual before or while watching their favorite team (any team sport).
Football fans stand out in their belief in the supernatural. Compared to other fans, football fans are more likely to see supernatural forces at work in their favorite sport (55% vs. 44%).
The margin of error for the survey is +/- 3.1 percentage points at the 95% level of confidence.
Sounds about right to me. And, gauging by the usual number of NFL players who, in post-game interviews, will attribute their victory or loss in some manner to God's interference, they're as addled and deluded as about half of the fans.
It's exactly the same mindset that shows up in every disaster in this country. Either God's will (you died) or a miracle (you lived), same shit different venue.
DeleteIf "he" exists at all "god" is a like (and I quote Keanu Reeves in Constantine) a kid with an ant farm. Every so often he shakes it up to see the ants run around with their antenna on fire.
That said, I think the broncos will win, those golden retriever puppies on Jimmy Fallon's show already predicted it...
Of course this makes about as much sense as saying god will pick the winner. It's just way cuter.
The ignorance involved in believing that thing chooses who wins the super bowl is incredible! I mean, for crying out loud, COME ON!
ReplyDeleteIf he doesn't give a shit about the babies all over the world who are starving to death or the number of people who are murdered every day IN HIS (HER?) NAME, why in hell should he give a DAMN about the super bowl?
Unless it just goes to prove how crass and uncaring he actually IS?
DeleteWhenever I hear or read something like this I remind myself that by definition, approximately half the population is below average intelligence.
ReplyDeleteI didn't even thing 50% percent of the population believed in the same god
ReplyDeleteIf God is playing dolls with our lives, and he chooses who will be wealthy, who will be poor, who will be athletic and who will have a diseased body or mind -- that would be enough to make the majority of people not believe in him. Or they be asking for a better script, or role in his game of dolls.
ReplyDelete150 million people believe God can decide who wins the SB, but 6 million jews were out of luck during WWII.. How fucking stupid has religion made people!
ReplyDeleteTebow certainly didn't help us, but now we have Peyton and things are looking real good.
So, when god and jesus aren't cruising prisons, (you hear about the millions of convicts that have found god/jesus in prisons) or rushing to people's bedrooms as they scream, OH LORDY! OH GOD! OHHH JESUS!, They're at the stadiums deciding games?
ReplyDeleteBusy guys.
Go Seahawks! WTF? I thought you were my friend?
It is in my nature to choose the under dog.
DeleteI saw some stats yesterday and it had the Broncos out in front!! Yea! Sincerely hope they win! Love the Manning guy!
DeleteI'm a Christian, and I don't believe God gives a rat's ass about who wins the SuperBowl or who is elected in politics. That's just retarded. Oh yeah, I used the "R" word.
ReplyDeleteGo Seahawks.
That's the great thing about God! You can ascribe to him (or her! Or even it!) any attribute you wish.
DeleteFor example, YOUR God isn't a football fan and doesn't follow politics. But a scary percentage of the U.S. population's God DOES care who wins the Super Duper Bowl (and apparently permitted a Kenyan socialist dictator to be elected President of this Christian-founded, Christian Constitutionally directed nation, but let's not talk about that!).
Seriously, then, what makes YOUR God the accurate one? You don't know that he (or she! Or it) DOESN'T care who wins the game, any more than they know that he or she or it DOES care.
Do you? I mean, how WOULD you?
GOD... AKA the supreme deity that YOU create to suit your own personal god fantasies! Comes complete with pious assumption that your fantasy is the only correct one.
Good on ya, 7:53!
DeleteThere is no god! He or she (I get confused - people have different takes on their god!) is ALL man made as it is the supposed good book, the bible!
DeleteGryphen-----Hey! Noooooooooooo! GO BRONCOS!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWomen are too smart (most of us) to do stupid stuff like play football, but it sure is fun for us to watch men do stupid stuff. Nothing like sitting back and watching a group of males engage in planned stupidity of any kind. Am I sexist? No. Go peruse the Darwin Awards website. How many stupid males compared to stupid females? I rest my case. LOL
ReplyDelete8:00 It's like being back in the Roman days when the lions and/or tigers were put in the rings to fight and kill men! All egged on by a huge audience screaming and hollering and bets being made!
DeleteAmericans like seeing the members of the football teams put out there to a huge crowd (w/betting) to view them almost kill each other, give each other concussions, break arms and legs and paralyze some!
Don't forget too that taxpayers across the country are paying for the football stadiums that are being built in their cities!
Plus, Americans pay huge amounts to purchase a seat to attend the games, the players make millions (probably deserve more) and the owners, coaches and managers are multimillionaires and billionaires! AND, football groups have 'tax free status' much like the churches across the country! Figure that out!
Do we have this screwed up at all?
Like it or not, the majority of Americans are religious. I pray for a good game with no injuries. I do believe that God will use the outcome, regardless.
ReplyDeleteI know that I will probably be made fun of, but oh, well. Won't be the first time!
They may be religious but not all the same god or belief system.
DeleteHow will god use the outcome? Explain please. I know asking for proof is asking a bit much.
Delete"I pray for a good game with no injuries."
DeleteI haven't been much into prayer for the past few decades, but if I had to pray for some outcome, this ^ is a good one to pray for.
There are many medications now that will help your delusions.
DeleteWhat bullshit 8 a.m.! god has nothing to do w/the game or games! Keep your religion and thoughts in your own church and home. The majority of us don't want to hear about your god!
DeleteYou need to pay attention to the fact that America has fewer Christians than ever before, more atheists and agnostics and many others honoring different gods than your specific one!
Get use to it - America is a changing as well as the world! You, my friend, will be in the minority!
In our area of the South, there are not enough Catholic schools to have their own leagues, so they compete in the public school leagues based on student populations. While they were tough in the minor nonrevenue sports like golf and tennis, we loved to kick the shit out of them in football, basketball and baseball. Oh,and track also,too. So my takeaway was that catholic god didn't like contact sports unless but the baptist god liked the aggressive, physical manly sports, nothing too cerebral. That meant that real men didn't play golf, tennis, or chess in high school. Nor did they go to college except for the local JC for a semester before your girlfriend (who was still in hi school) got preggo. Oops, when abstinence failed, then it was time to go to work. And to think that some of my teammates parents thought of myMom &Dad as "uppity" for having an office at home with REAL college diplomas framed on the wall, just like fancy pitchers n shit. And if we didn't study in hard AP classes, no sports nor car to tool around in. I tested them ONCE, and ended up missing half of baseball season, part of football spring practice, and worse, rode my bike (bicycle NOT motorcycle) for 9 weeks in spring of my junior year. No car for prom and no double dating. All because I made two C's--- in Physics and Advanced Chemistry. After that dose of tough love, I didn't make anything lower than an A- after that until my Jr year of college. God told me to tighten my ass up or I'd be a virgin the rest of my high school days and wouldn't sniff a seat in a college class if I didn't get my ass in gear. Praying didn't help if I didn't bust my ass in classes. Funny how I got so lucky and made high GPA with scholarship and stuff with hard work without praying.
DeleteLOL!! If God picking the winner was true, wouldn't the Saints win every year?
ReplyDeleteI'm so sick of 'god' being connected to this game! god has nothing to do w/it! It's the skill, abilities and practice of the players.
DeleteKeep god out of everything (to include public schools and our government) except for when attending your own churches or in your own private homes.
Remember - the majority in America are no longer Christian and many, many are atheists!
DeleteOuch. As a lifetime Saints fan, we lowered our expectations, were thankful that most of the time we could take a cab down to the dome an hour or so before kickoff, and there were always corporate types handing out tickets on thecrosswlk to the adjacent Hotel where the players stayed there night before
---tickets that their company couldn't give away to clients. My dad had given me forty bucks one time and I offered a man the $40 for a couple of tix I saw sticking out of his pocket in the hotel lobby He laughed and said couldn't sell them to me but that my friend and I.(we were 16 or 17) could sit in their luxury box and that if we had 2 other friends, they were welcome as well. We called two friends whose parents dropped them off and we killed the buffet in the luxury box and even sneaked beer and wine from the fridge into big black saints cups. But the games weren't too pretty. The nice guy that gave us the tix saw us sneaking some beers and we thought we were busted because he called me over. But he was cool and said he couldn't watch the Aints without drinking,too, but to be cool and low key and we'd be okay.
God usually smiled on the saints for a 3-13 or 4-12 season record, but for usually $10 bucks, we'd be sitting close to midfield at the lowest level and could hear players' conversations and talk to them after games.
National TBI Day! Just another day of overhyping entitled divas getting paid to sacrifice their cognitive abilities, and any chance of a meaningful life after they leave the National Religion.
ReplyDeleteHallelujah! God is testing them dudes with record cold! How is the snow in Alaska? There is something better for Arizona.
ReplyDeleteA Task Force on Human Trafficking started last year.
Cindy McCain is taking it national
Think she knows a dirty little secret or two about the Palins? LMFAO!
DeleteHey, 8:38 a.m., it's going to be in the 40's back there when they play today! Check the weather channel!
DeleteThey are going to be just fine - except for the fact Chris Christie has put a foggy hue on the game - you know New Jersey and all! They booed him yesterday which was totally fitting
and appropriate.
Go Broncos!
Is it Gods will that "Good Tidings and Great Joy" is ranked at #70,619? Book has only been out 2.5 months.
ReplyDeleteIt said 24000ish this morning. How can it change so quickly?
DeleteAnd the Quitter Queen Sarah quit her book tour halfway through also too.
DeleteBut, but, but - is it god's will that no doors are opening for the retarded woman from Wasilla?
DeleteThere are no coincidences. It's unquestionably God's will.
DeleteI'm pretty sure GOD was making a clear and loud statement when he made sure that BOTH teams in the Super Bowl were from the only two states that have legalized marijuana for recreational use.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, that's it! God Loves Weed!
DeleteHaha! Good catch, Randall. I may just have to roll one up in Her honor this afternoon... :)-~
DeleteGod made weed didn't he? Didn't he supply it for his children?
DeleteI am so sick of the topic of Tebow and 'religion'! Football players win the game on their own due to practice, physical abilities and skill.
ReplyDeleteKeep religion out of ALL subjects except for when in church.
And, go Broncos!!!
Gee, who knew that God was a bookmaker on the side?!? I guess that omniscience doesn't pay as well as it used to.
ReplyDeleteGo Hawks!
Jesus Christ. Really? Half of Americans??
ReplyDeleteIt really is time for me to leave as well.
Once you break free of religion, it gets harder and harder to put up with all the stupid deluded people on the world. It really does.
I remember before I woke up to the farce that is religion, I spent an entire year saying a rosary novena to win a national skating competition. And for a year at 3pm and 3 am I said a magical prayer , the mercy chaplet, that is supposed to guarantee the prayer that their wish will be granted. Every fucking day and in the middle of sleep I would say that prayer.
ReplyDeleteWell, needless to say, despite all my crazy fundy catholic friends telling me that i would win, I did not win. Not even close. 4th. I still kept believing in religious superstition another 10 years. Thank dog I woke up and i am not mad at myself, just at my parents, as children are indoctrinated and I was nothing if not an obedient child.
I also wish I had had more sex also, too, when I was younger, but again an obedient catholic girl. Oh well. I'll never get those years of my life back, but I'll try to help my kids grow up more balanced.
Timmy's doing just fine, thank you very much. What insecurities you must have to relentlessly go after a guy who has never done anything evil or hateful in his entire life. Oh, but I forgot. He's a Christian. He prays in public. It makes you "uncomfortable." Reminds me of people who feel "uncomfortable" with same sex relationships. Well, too bad. You have no constitutional right to not feel "uncomfortable." More anti-religious assholery from the guy who hypocritically claims that a person should not be judged by the church they attend, but by the quality of their character. Epic fail, All you EVER do is judge people by their religious beliefs. You are a hypocrite whose character is definitely lacking.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't make me uncomfortable, it makes me laugh. Even if there is a God I doubt he cares about the outcome of any football game. BTW uncomfortable and discriminatory are two different things, now run along and change your bed pan Krusty.
DeleteSo glad he's doing just fine! He's starring in two cell phone commercials during the superbowl! Every Football Player's dream job!
Delete3:40 He makes me want to barf!!! Sick of religion being rammed down American's throats....it's man made every bit of it! Just continue giving your money to which ever church you attend - they are tax free - use their congregation members by taking your money - teaching untruths, etc.
DeleteReligion is changing in the USA - fewer christians - more varied religions that worship different gods, etc.
And, there are many more agnostics and atheists. If there is a heaven or hell - it is right here on earth. Life after death? A heaven or hell? Come on! It's more like dust to dust and our bodies will enrich the earth for other things to grow!
I don't fear death either. It is the cycle of life and nothing more or less!
Half of Americans think God influences the outcome of a football game? I bet even more believe she influences the lottery,
ReplyDeleteGee, one would think a God would have more pressing issues to stick his nose in. World Peace, Hunger, Atomic Weapons and all those things we hear in beauty pageant interviews.