Saturday, February 15, 2014

Having scored a decisive win in debate against Creationist, Bill Nye turns his attention to climate change deniers.

Courtesy of TPM:  

Bill Nye spent the 1990s providing science lessons to America's youth. Now he's pushing back against the country's know-nothing adults. 

Nye will continue his crusade against misinformation this Sunday on "Meet the Press" with a debate against proud climate change denier Marsha Blackburn, the Republican congresswoman who serves as the vice chair of the House Energy & Commerce Committee.

As many of you know Nye handed Creationist Ken Ham this ass in a recent debate, and now Nye is  girding his loins to take on these moronic climate science deniers, starting with Blackburn.

Blackburn as some may or may not remember once accused climate scientists of doctoring their research in order to attract further funding and manipulate politicians.

Oh yeah I think this is one MTP that I will make sure not to miss.


  1. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Bill Maher had Nye on his show last night as his individual interviewee. Love how Nye is a nerd, but has a great sense of humor and has been willing to step out of his comfort zone - i.e. Dancing w/the Stars, etc.

    Neat guy!

  2. Anonymous4:08 AM

    I'm glad you'll watch it Gryphen, I can't stand to watch David Gregory and his constant ignorant pandering to the the republicans.
    I look forward to your report.

  3. Anonymous5:55 AM


  4. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Here's just a taste of the ignorance he'll be up against:

  5. Beldar J Conehead6:03 AM

    Mazel tov on the decisive win, The Science Guy. Now, quit celebrating and GET BACK TO WORK! A nation of illiterate pious morons needs you:

    1. Beldar Kinder Conehead7:18 AM

      Hey, Beldar SmartGuy Conehead, didn't you mean, 'ignorant pious morons' instead of 'illiterate pious morons'? After all, these people can read, they just don't read the right books.

      Reply from BJC: Ouch! Ya got me! You're right. I'll be a humbler, kinder Beldar from now on.

    2. Anonymous11:32 AM

      A Conehead debate! Yeah!

      (my money's on Conehead)

    3. Anita Winecooler5:36 PM

      My money's on Conehead as well. Bet he plays a mean game of solitaire chess!

  6. Anonymous6:16 AM

    I gave my Vermont teddy bear a lobotomy ... and it still has more brains than Marsha and Sarah combined.

    You can not argue, debate or reason with STUPID people.

  7. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Do you know if they will be live streaming it on the internet?

  8. Anonymous6:39 AM

    So I see that little Marsha Blackburn's qualifications for her job as state senator include a B.S. (how appropriate) degree in home economics. And that, Children, is why our government is so fucked up. We have too many under-educated, overly religious AssClowns in Congress.

  9. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Missouri lawmaker proposes legislation requiring schools to notify parents if evolution is taught

    State Rep. Rick Brattin (R) is at war with common sense so much so that he’s proposing the most radical anti-evolution legislation in recent years. A Missouri lawmaker’s legislation would require schools to notify parents if “the theory of evolution by natural selection” was being taught at their child’s school and give them the opportunity to opt out of the class.

    Brattin’s thinking is along the lines of saying, I don’t believe in math, so I want my kid to opt out of class.

  10. hedgewytch8:17 AM

    While Nye is getting some great publicity, and showing just how stupid these people are, he won't change any minds that are already firmly entrenched in Creationism. Take a quick google tour with the words "creation debate Nye vs Ham", and you won't find one piece that shows that Nye "won" and Ham "lost", you will find many pieces crowing about how Ham won the debate without question. And that people, is the power of delusion.

  11. Anita Winecooler5:43 PM

    Marsha, Marsha, Marsha What a waste of skin! How she got where she has is simply beyond me, but this is gonna be good.
    I hope Bill Nye doesn't play Blackburn with kid gloves, you know, her being a woman and all that bullshit. I'll have to TIVO it or find it on the net.
    And, of course, Me and Mini Me will just HAVE to chime in with how the "librul" science man was "unfair" to "Blackburns constitutional right to believe that trees exhale carbon monoxide naturally and man has nothing to do with the subject whatsoever.


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