Friday, February 21, 2014

Here is the first look at a promo for Sarah Palin's new hunting reality show and it has to be seen to be believed!

"Prepare to be amazed?"

Yeah the only thing amazing is how she managed to keep that wig on with the wind machine blowing in her face like that.

I see she brought the girls out of mothballs to help with the tired old three dollar hooker look as well.

As for those quotes that are used. Yeah, don't let those fool you into thinking that Palin has received positive press coverage.

The one from Politico "Every Sentence she uttered was news," comes from a March 2013 piece essentially saying that her fall from grace now makes her the equivalent of a Kardashian.

Here is the quote in context: 

In January 2009, Sarah Palin had the world on a string. A potential Republican presidential field-clearer for the presidency, every sentence she uttered was news. A Fox News contract awaited her. So did book deals. 

Four years later, Palin is without a clear option for elected office — or a clear sense she has an interest in any position of real public influence. She never took an active, leadership role in the tea party movement, beyond showing up at a scattered handful of events and talking it up on television. For many Americans, her name is now primarily a punchline and if she is envisioning a comeback, it may simply be too late. 

And the Time magazine quote, "Poised, stirring, charming," was a description of her appearance in 2008 at the Republican convention. You know before anybody ever asked her a question, or heard her speak.

Nice try Sportsman Channel, but no matter how much Spackle you put on her crumbling visage, or air you blow at her faux follicles, or patriotic shoes you use to cover her gnarled feet, we already know that this is simply a repackaging of a crappy, poorly made product, that we did not want in the first place.

Update: It looks like somebody added more appropriate music.


  1. Anonymous4:09 AM

    I see she has the stripper on the 4th of July shoes on!

  2. Anonymous4:10 AM

    LOL!!!!! America's Political Prostitute!

    1. Anonymous5:45 AM

      She looks like a yeti walking across the stage! The saggy ass swinging arms...OMG no words!
      Love the Stripper one! Political prostitute. The Pimp and the prostitute!

    2. Anonymous6:39 AM Yep right here in the good old USA, USA!!!

    3. Anonymous8:47 AM

      So has A.I.P dropped there Secessionist policies? Why would a Traitor walk in front of the American Flag for publicity? Sarah Palin HATES the U.S.A.

  3. Anonymous4:16 AM

    America, prepare to be brain fucked. All Palin can do in market sex for attention. Now her worshipers have someone to fap fap to!

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      I do not find this video fappable

  4. Anonymous4:37 AM


    "Poised, stirring, charming," - I thought it was Bigfoot or Neanderthal man clopping across the stage.

    "Every Sentence she uttered was news,"- yeah right with the emphasis on WAS.

    Complex women fusing celebrity with stupid is more like it.

    Yes, I am amazed that she was the "best" the GOP could find. How much further can she fall?- spokesperson for lover's lane or fredrick's of hollywood.

    1. Anonymous4:57 AM

      Lipstick on a pig is still a pig!

    2. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Oh my! I watched it first with the sound on. Then, since I couldn't stand to listen to Sarah's voice again, I muted the video, made it into a full screen view and paused it every see this production up close and personal.

      Yikes! Tacky, tacky and more tacky. I was expecting fireworks at the end or at least exploding light bulbs. Agree with others that her pants are too long (even for those hooker shoes) and she looks like Yeti ambling across the stage. LOL. Extremely glossy light PINK lipstick that's far too young for her. Missing wedding ring (of course). Hair style is a complete must be her own thinning hair as it's too awful to be a wig.

      Sarah, you sure do like to wear your T-shirts tight, to advertise your fake chest and flabby, age-spotted upper arms. Oh, and don't forget to put a big 'S" on your chest lest we forget who you are! Let's see....Sarah, Superwoman, Swinger, Sociopath, Slut...we get the idea.

      Hey, it is disrespectful to put the flag on your shoes, but then we know better than to expect A.I.P. supporter Sarah to respect the U.S. and what it stands for--including it's President.

      Sarah tells us to prepare to be amazed. Well, I'm already amazed at how far she has fallen since she helped McCain lose the election in 2008.

  5. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Oh, lord...that's tacky. Only thing missing was her stripper pole.

    1. Anonymous4:55 AM

      Courtesy of disqusux:

    2. Anonymous5:03 AM

      "There's nothing I won't do for money."

  6. Anonymous5:01 AM

    One just has to wonder how mentally unstable one has to be to stoop to such a level. There is no pride or self-worth.

    1. Anonymous5:19 AM

      Either her advisers are evil manipulators or Sarah Palin's mental issues are overriding their advice.

    2. Anonymous5:39 AM

      It seems she really thinks this is attractive - her values are trailer trash values. Never seen anyone so totally self-unaware, and incapable of it.

    3. Anonymous6:56 AM

      I informed the TV station that she is a fraud, that her father has to load a rifle for her and tell her which direction is North!! I said they must "vet" their on-air "talent" as well as the McCain people did. Between Palin and Nugent, they now have the DREGS. What happened to $carah's arse, it disappeared!!

    4. Anonymous7:23 AM

      You're right, you have no pride or worth Anon.

    5. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Anonymous7:23 AM

      You're right, you have no pride or worth Anon.
      touchy, touchy little you widdle feeling get hurt? Boofuckinghoo!
      Watch this again:
      you're hero walks like a yeti! She wears stripper shoes with flags on there, so presidential don't you agree?
      She is married to a pimp. First dud.

  7. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Wow, when you take away the speech writers, she is really, really awful on camera, isn't she? No screen presence whatsoever, and such a terrible voice.
    Also, those ARMS. Anyone who still believes Sarah's an athlete hasn't checked out the saggy skin on those biceps. Repulsive.

  8. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I'm laughing so hard at the 2nd version I got tears rolling out of my eyes. Muah to whoever made that!

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      So it's GOOD to steal people's work?

      Yeah, what Id expect from you, a trashy POS

    2. Anonymous8:00 AM

      It's parody, 7:22.

      SarahPac using a 9/11 and slapping their logo on it for fund raising purposes is stealing.

      You are a schmuck.

    3. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Steal People's work? Isn't SarahPac being sued for that? You talk tough from your Pig Sty, but we understand that you are Mentally challenged. At least other Trolls take a break.

    4. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Okay, dope @ 7:22. Let's break this down, shall we? Satire and parody are indisputably legal and upheld as fair use by the courts. Stealing is appropriating property for your own use and profit, as Sarah Palin did with the famous copyrighted 9-11 photograph. Got it?

    5. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Satire is too truthful for the trolls, just like billo said comics destroyed palin. No, they just used her very own words.
      The person who made the "Satire" video just used a more appropriate musical selection. Shows granny at her finest!
      Trolls don't get Satire. Well b/c true hurts. That REAL video of her is a EPIC FAIL!

    6. Anonymous12:07 PM

      "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by The Sportsman Channel inc.."

      What was the musical selection in the satirical video? Walk Like a Man?

  9. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Glenn Rice wouldn't screw that 60 year old again.

  10. Anonymous5:14 AM

    "America...Prepare to be Amused" is more like it.

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      "America...Prepare to Gag" is probably closer. I read at USA Today that the show would feature Americans who make this country great, including Sarah's own family...doesn't that figure? And if they film in Alaska, she can collect even more from the fund she initiated. The woman may be an idiot, but she knows how to rake in other people's money.

  11. Anonymous5:15 AM


  12. Anonymous5:17 AM

    She's a dunce, a dud, and a dork. She has absolutely no grace whatsoever. This video actually looks like a cruel joke on the weird, unpopular girl, like when Carrie won prom queen.

    1. Anonymous7:06 AM

      YES! All she needs is a bucket of blood to fall on her head!'re totally right!

  13. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Why is Sarah Palin standing in front of a American flag? Shouldn't Sarah be standing in front of a Alaska Independence Party flag?

  14. Anonymous5:20 AM

    The only thing missing is the slot for quarters.

  15. Anonymous5:22 AM

    "Prepare to be amazed!"

    "Come one, come all. Marvel at the wonders of the biggest circus freak show in the world! You will not believe your eyes. The world's smallest man! Lobster boy! The bearded lady! Sarah Palin!"

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      "She walks! She talks! She slithers on her belly like a reptile!"

    2. Anonymous11:11 AM

      @7:59. Of course, you're hollering that in the proper carnival barker voice, right?

  16. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Isn't Sarah Palin too old for the Miss Alaska beauty pageant? What's next, will she blow .... her flute

    1. Anonymous6:57 AM

      Well, obviously she had to blow something to get this gig.

    2. Anonymous1:07 PM


      With those thin mean lips I doubt that the act was pleasurable :-)

  17. Just the thing to welcome the fleet back into port.

    1. Anonymous5:43 AM

      They took one look and headed back out to sea. Scurvy was preferable.

    2. abbafan8:03 AM

      Anon @ 5:43 A.M. - "scurvy was preferable". Beauty retort! Fuckin' A Bubba!

  18. Anonymous5:23 AM

    I watched it with the sound off, and, like Gryph said, couldn't believe my eyes. That was one cheap commercial. It's like they were promoting a show that proves Bigfoot exists, so they show you tiny glimpses of the beast and then wham! there she blows!
    Also too, I've been watching the t.v. series "Lie to Me" and I would love to know how Palin's facial expressions would be interpreted. That smirk has to me "I'm a Liar who thinks you're all fools!".

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      She was actually featured on one of their shows. Ha her and todd can be the basis of the show they lie like rugs!

  19. Goshes, I was so impressed by all the lovely glimpses of outdoors America in all its natural beauty in that ad, weren't you?

    Also too, the shot of her crossing the stage in profile was so bizarre with that unnatural look-I-can-suck-my-belly-button-right-back-against-my-spine walk.

  20. Anonymous5:30 AM

    I just threw up in my mouth. You know this was her idea. Either that or the sportsman channel is having a big laugh. The only thing missing is the pole. I honestly thought she was gonna start sticking out her tongue and start tweaking a large Miley Cyrus.

  21. Anonymous5:37 AM

    I thought the show was about America not Sarah. Everything this woman does is a love letter to herself. Seriously a t-shirt with an "S" on it? Blech!

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      "The Amazing Super Sarah!"

    2. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Maybe the S stands for "Shithead" or "Skank" or "Shit for Brains"

    3. Anonymous9:08 AM

      I bet Sportsman Channel is selling those...hurry...get your own Sarah Palin shirt!!! Only $20 and free shipping! And for another $20, we'll throw in an autographed set of Palin's best sellers!!!

  22. Beldar Screechy2016 Conehead5:48 AM

    Yeah, Gryphen, you go right ahead and mock her. But I got a little secret for you: SHE'S RUNNING!!!!!

    To prove the point I direct you to the semi-official Screechy2016 campaign site which soft launched today. I have to say, it is highly professional and very impressive. Good job, Screechy!!

    Flashy Flash graphics, lots of videos, position papers, testimonials, bright color, short words, etc. Everything you would expect from a world class presidential campaign based in Alaska and Arizona..

    I know it isn't fashionable to say it around this defunct blog, but I think, despite her rapidly decaying carcass and inability to say anything beyond her tired old Screechyisms left over from 2008, she has a real chance of winning the presdiency. (Not in our lifetimes, of course, but someday.)

    My only suggestion, and I say this not as a highly paid campaign consultant, but as a sincere admirer of the Screechy brand, is that they change the slogan.

    Sure, "Never Good Enough" is going to appeal to her base because, let's be honest, they aren't very bright people, but if she wants to attract voters outside of that narrow band of aging, delusional, morans she's going to need a better slogan.

    I cannot fathom what on earth that slogan could possibly be - except maybe a picture of a dog with a gun to its head with the caption "Vote for Screechy or we'll kill this dog" - but if she can come up with an awesome slogan and never give a real interview to a real journalist, I think she has a chance.

    Especially if the Democrats decide not to run a candidate against her.


    1. Randall6:29 AM

      Wanna bet?

    2. angela9:08 AM

      Oh Beldar! I do love you . . . .

  23. Anonymous5:54 AM

    When that old whore walked on stage was that Pee Wee Herman who pulled up his pants and asked for his money back?

  24. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Can you say "Narcissist"?

  25. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I thought Sarah Palin was going to walk on stage and give her 2008 concession speech from the McCain campaign.

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      The McCain campaign could actually afford to hem her pants.

  26. Anonymous6:00 AM

    She is the epitome of tasteless and classless.

    1. Anonymous7:01 AM

      6:00 Clueless also, too.

    2. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Yes you are.

    3. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Go fap off in your mom's closet to your sarah calendar, pathetic one.

    4. Anonymous8:25 AM

      7:21 AM CRAZY ALERT!!! The Insane Asylum Escapee is here again. Maybe the Troll Trap will take care of her.

    5. Anonymous1:10 PM

      Oh come on people, anyone that can find that video worthy of praise isn't even worth our time to "refudiate".

  27. Anonymous6:01 AM

    What's next? Sarah will roll onto the floor and some DWTS dancer will mount her?

    1. Anonymous6:05 AM

      Maybe a DWTS janitor?

    2. Anonymous7:02 AM

      6:01 ?The dancers on DWTS are getting ready for the next season, none of them want to risk getting bone splinters from the skank.

    3. Anonymous7:21 AM

      She and Todd go dancing. She's right in saying she can't dance. But doesn't stop her from enjoying time with hubby.

      Grow up

    4. Anonymous7:51 AM

      That's hilarious, 7:21!

    5. Anonymous8:37 AM

      sorry Sarah - taking a shower isn't called dancing in the real world. Kinky pee sex in the shower isn't dancing either... But happy to hear you take one occasionally.

    6. Anonymous9:05 AM

      7:21 AM Does Todd go to the Mugshot Saloon with Sarah? I have always seen her alone there, trolling for sex.

    7. Anonymous11:00 AM

      7:21 Thety are divorced, why would they fgo ANYWHERE together, unless there is a paycheck involved. Oh, wait, who'se hubby are we talking about here?

    8. Anonymous11:34 AM

      were they ever really married?

    9. Anonymous1:13 PM


      I'd like to see Todd's schedule, only to find out where Mrs. Palin is penciled in. She must be in between the time scheduled for the sweet young thing he brought to Nome, when he was being all "comradartie" with his buddy Scott Davis.

  28. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Todd, I wouldn't pay $20 bucks for that.

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      I wouldn't accept $20 for that, even if I had to do it with Todd's tiny two-toner.

  29. Anonymous6:04 AM

    What's Sally Heath doing on stage?

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Beautiful woman inside and out.

      Unlike commenters here.

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      7:20 AM How the Fuck do you know, Stalker? You don't even know how to write coherently. You need stronger MEDS, you are awake too long. If you live with anyone, they must be climbing the walls.

    3. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Might I point out that you seem to be a frequent commenter here, 7:20am?

    4. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Anonymous7:20 AM

      Beautiful woman inside and out.

      Clomp,clomp, clomp!
      see the beautiful yetiwoman, she walks she talks she grifters like a grifer, put $5 in her belt please.... LOLOLOLOL!!!

    5. Anonymous11:40 AM

      It is hard to tell if that is Todd doing Sarah or Sarah doing Todd.

  30. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Damn! Sarah Palin can't do anything right. Sarah look at the picture above. Count the number of stripes. Do you see anything wrong? You're missing a red stripe on top you fucking idiot.

  31. Sarah just can't come up with anything original... she is doing a parody of "Tootsie"

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Maybe Dustin will have the Spotrman Channel pull that video where Palin steals his icon.

  32. Anonymous6:21 AM

    How the mighty have Anyone remember Tanya Harding?

    Now we know where Bristol got her stage talent from. So much underlying sexual messaging with those religious Palins.

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Funny you should say that. I say some documentary on Harding before the Olympics. She is, of course, innocent as a baby about what her husband did to Kerrigan. Innocent, I tell you! And she is so hurt that her life was ruined, and she couldn't resist whining about how Nancy
      was upset and crying. I wonder if Harding is related to Sarah?

    2. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Which is why a year and a half later she was prosecuted for hitting her new boyfriend over the head with a hubcap. Pure as the driven $arah!

    3. Anonymous11:42 AM

      No Tanya is not related to Sarah Palin. Tanya is similar yet different to Palin. Different: Tanya had true raw talent. First woman to complete a triple axel in competition. History making. If you follow skating like I do, that is a true feat. BUT, like Sarah, Tanya came from an uneducated white trash background. Her single working mom had a hard time paying for this sport of the elite rich. The USFSA was in a bind - here is raw talent but she and her family are white trash. What to do, what to do.....well they didn't do much to help her financially. Tanya saw which way the wind blew. So she took matters into her own hands. Psychopathically....yet I do understand how she got there.
      Nancy ?Kerrigan - gah I can't stand her. She was not of the elite class either, but she had two Irish Catholic parents, a cop dad and a blind mom. She had snapdragon teeth that the USFSA paid to fix for her before the 1992 Olympics. What happened to her was a tragedy, but when she lost the olympics, she was a whiny brat.

    4. Anonymous11:44 AM

      PS Nancy's drunk brother killed their father in a trailer trash brawl - and Nancy married her much older "manager"

    5. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Good take on Nancy/Tanya

  33. Anonymous6:26 AM

    OMG! How funny. She's got her inflatable boobies and her patriotic shoes on...she's so presidential looking isn't she? 

    What the HELL does that have to do with being a 'sportsman'? Are they selling SARAH or SPORTS? And using old quotes? Why not use something more relevant? What the hell is this turd of a teaser? They are truly 'whoring her out', aren't they? Why not do a teaer with her engaged in sports rather han struting around like a stripper? God, she's so cheap.

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      One comment at the pond was "Hillary better watch out!!"

      Some were surprised they went with a "political" theme rather than a more "sportsman" look!!


    2. Anonymous7:04 AM

      6:26 "she is so cheap" You hit the nail on the head, they could not afford anyone with talent. Nugent is on their channel also, too.

    3. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Shitter & Quitter 2016!!!

  34. Randall6:27 AM

    I wonder who they'll get to dub her voice-overs?
    I mean... they surely won't go with Sarah's own fingernails-on-a-chalkboard voice will they?

    Who could stand that for a half-an-hour?

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Even in that ad, it sounds auto-tuned.

      Fake, fake, fakety-fake-fake.

  35. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I think I'm gonna throw up.

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Todd is that you?

  36. Wow. That's pathetic.

    And she clearly doesn't get the irony of the tagline "Only on Sportsman Channel".

    What's next on her sad, humiliating inevitable descent into anonymous invisibility:

    "Only on community access television"
    "Only on Discount Shopper's World closed circuit video security system"?

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      "Sarah's World, Party Time, Excellent" Only on your local cable access channel :-)

  37. Anonymous6:38 AM

    How much did Willow make to groom that mess on Sarah Palin's head?

  38. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Is it me, or does it look like SP is wearing gloves during the first part of her "strut"? At the end of the promo, her bony bare hands are resting on her bony hips. The whole ad is just weird in SO many ways!

    1. 'wearing gloves'

      it's an illusion created by her bony/wrinkly hands and the laughably over-sized and under-attractive 'wonder woman/captain amercia' magic* flag bracelet.

      *the magic being that it makes the wearer think they are smarter, more popular and more successful than they ever have an any chance of being.

  39. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Stop complaining and be happy she didn't drop her draws and show you her hairy grey testicles.

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Ew Ew Ew! I don't want that thought! To quote lady MacBeth - out, damned spot!

  40. Anonymous6:59 AM

    The Belmont Girls!
    "Every Sentence she uttered was news," does not imply that it is GOOD news. I honestly thought the NPD was going to break in 2012 but she kept the gravy train going. When this show fails, as we know it will, what happens then? I also thought previously that she might be waiting for cancer man to die so she could run for his seat in AZ. She may still have that plan.

  41. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Sarah Palin got nothing on Shailey Tripp, am I right Todd?

  42. Anonymous7:07 AM

    It has to be a freaking cold winter in Alaska before I let that thing get into my bed.

  43. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I think the Sportsman Channel is trolling Sarah Palin. There's no other clear explanation.

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      It is easy to come to that conclusion. It's as silly as she is. They should have added a monogrammed cape to complete the effect. This is perfect fodder for mirth.

  44. Anonymous7:17 AM

    That promo did nothing to tell me what amazing American stuff would be featured on Sarah's show. Maybe Sarah thinks that strutting in front of an American flag made out of red, white and blue light bulbs is amazing. But I was amazed that she could walk in those 4th of July strper shoes, considering that her pants are much too long for her. What's amazing is that anyone would give that woman a show considering that she is already scraping the bottom of the barrel.

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Sarah herself is the amazing American stuff. If you weren't a ugly jealous liberal you would know that. Sad.

    2. Anonymous7:44 AM

      She's "stuff" all right........

    3. Anonymous8:17 AM

      7:32 AM Stuff is what Sarah Palin does to her Padded Bra with Todd's washcloths wrapped around used condoms. But you wouldn't know anything about condoms, you have no use for them. Self pleasure does not require condoms. Are you looking into a mirror? UGLY best describes you, Troll. Sad is what describes your grammar and spelling.

    4. Anonymous9:18 AM

      nonymous7:32 AM

      Sarah herself is the amazing American stuff. If you weren't a ugly jealous liberal you would know that. Sad.
      So flippin' amazin'!
      Your right troll. It IS amazing. We had no idea that the Sasquatch was alive! Now we can see "her" in all her glory.
      So quaint that Sassy is wearing 6" stripper heels, so charming....

    5. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Also, too, her shoes are a size TOO BIG for those fugly whitish-blue feet.

    6. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Sarah is the "amazing American Stuff" alright; the poster child for trailer park women who drink and smoke themselves into anorexia and sit around their above ground swimming pools rememberin' the good times when they were 15 and only had one baby.

  45. Anonymous7:19 AM

    It appears people like you dabble in copyright violations Gryphen.

    A tagline could also be, "no one more slandered."

    Gryphen knows ALL About the spreading of slander and propaganda when hes ignorant.

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      It's a little early to be drinking, isn't it?

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Copyright violations? Slander? So, sue! Your comment is so ignorant and uninformed, it's laughable.

    3. Anonymous8:00 AM

      "No one more assinine."©

      "No one more full-on STUPID."©

      "No one more phony."©

      "No one less deserving of time on TV"©

      "No one as mean and ugly."©

    4. Anonymous8:00 AM

      It's called libel not "slander" you silly stupid ignorant moron.

    5. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Since when is it a copyright violation to post a video a tv station put out for publicity purposes?

    6. Anonymous8:07 AM

      7:19 Our daily ILLITERATE Troll. Sucks to be you.

    7. Anonymous8:50 AM

      You are an idiot. If you would like to now about copyright laws I would suggest law school not hair school.

    8. Anonymous9:19 AM

      copywrite violations? He is not using the hobag to raise money?
      choke on it!
      It is really funny....

    9. I think the Palin Troll is trying to tell us he/she already put in a call to the Palin Mafia, who then called the Sportsman Channel to give them a heads-up about the parody video.

      It's been taken down now, courtesy of a "copyright violation" claim by the poor sportsmen at the Sportsman Channel.

      Don't worry, Troll, it won't be long before someone creates another parody video....and another....and another.

      In fact, SNL will probably produce one before tomorrow night!

    10. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Sarah Palin is her own self-slandering con. Schools will be using her propaganda for how not to do it. Even the most fundamentalist Christians will use her to teach the history of propaganda for anyone who doesn't want to make the mistakes of this defeated pimp wife. Sorry, but her products suck big time.

    11. Anonymous9:55 AM

      I think that's right KaJo. She's a tattle tale and the Sportsman Channel threatened the creator of that parody video even they they don't have a case. Poor troll doesn't think brave, strong, dynamic Sarah Palin can withstand a little parody.

    12. Anonymous11:17 AM

      well her stupid video is one HUGE parody as Bigfoot clomps across the stage. I hope the parody video person sues the sportman's channel. Everyone should complain. WHINING fucking cons! Big BABIES!

  46. Anonymous7:45 AM

    "Sportschannel watchers, all twenty of you, prepare yer rubbing lotions".

  47. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Gryphen you are really giving the poor troll a workout this week! Bet they haven't slept in days

  48. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Loving how active the troll is this morning- early, or just stayed up all night replaying the promo, again and again? Let's see if this merits a response...This is actually a promo for the new season of CSI: Sarah is the past-due-date hooker on the stroll, seen in the opening credits, soon to become the decaying body-dump. Cue: Lights! Camera! Action! CSI team murmuring concerned comments and cracking naughty jokes.

    Wild Tortoise

  49. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I thought this is supposed to be a sports show. What's that moose doing on stage?

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      That's not a moose, that's a 50 year old granny tween with anorexia and a stuffed bra.

    2. Anonymous9:21 AM

      No its sasquath with fake tits on!

    3. Anonymous11:16 AM

      @ 9:21

      What was the video? Sportsman Channel had it pulled due to copyright infringement.


    4. Anonymous11:37 AM

      It's the same commercial but the music was "The Stripper Song" - perfect!!

  50. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Does this woman think that she is some sort of sex symbol or something? Good lord, her body is showing it's wear and age, her upper arms are flabby and mottled, her fake tits are obvious as hell, her wig looks like it got chopped off in a weird way, her body silouette shows a saggy ass, her pants are too long for her fancy, retarded flag shoes, and that stupid, stupid 'S' on the front of her shirt? Is that for 'sportsman'? For 'Sarah'? For 'superwoman'? It's just tacky, tacky, tacky, across the board. If this is the kind of quality (or lack thereof) that the Sportsman channel displays, I can't imagine dreck that will be coming out of that show. Couldn't they have done a 'teaser' that had something to do with SPORTS or HUNTING? What the hell does Sarah parading around in front of a flag have to do with the content of the channel? What a pathetic joke this teaser is, it's embarassing, low class and appealing to base instincts. But then, that's our Sarah!

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      It's a FAKE REALITY show, so it features the Queen of FAKE. Fake hair, fake glasses, fake teeth, fake boobs, fake brains. Thank goodness we don't get the Sports Channel, so I won't accidentally click on the whore.

    2. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Well, let's not forget the other "famous" person who has a show on that channel is ted, poopy pants, pedophile, nuge. Lol, a pair made in heaven. Neither one of them look like they bathe on a regular basis...the studio at the sportsman channel must reek like a big cat zoo cage.

  51. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Lol, her gait always reminds me of my grandma when she would pull on those muck boots and stomp outside to slop the pigs. Same determined, hunched back stride.

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      I'd thought her desire to be cool and kid like was behind her copying the keep on trucking icon, but that character is far more graceful and tasteful. You are right about her gait.

      She and Bristol read the Bible also, too. If you can't read, you need one with great pictures.

  52. Anonymous8:11 AM

    As if the American flag in lights in the background isn't enough we see her stupid flag bracelet and her tight t shirt with a red white and blue star and a big letter S, I suppose that stands for "Super Sarah" or "Stupid Sarah" and if that wasn't enough overkill for everyone lets throw in the flag stripper heels because nothing screams patriotic like walking on a symbol of the American flag.

    This moron is clueless, many have died for that flag and what it symbolizes! It was and is never meant to be used as a cute prop for a self aggrandizing witless poser, perhaps a trip to Arlington would do her good but i think not after all she may wear her patriotic shoes and walk over the graves of those who along with their families would not find those shoes or her the least amusing.

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Her shoes are a violation of flag code, but nobody respects the flag anymore. Sarah disrepects the flag more than most because she chooses to wrap herself in it. Probably wears a flag for underwear too. She's right up there with DD fool that wears the flag for a sweatband.

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      She would need to start with self respect before she can have any respect to show.

  53. Anonymous8:18 AM

    OMG!!! I'm still speechless on how ANYONE could have possible considered this chepo as presidential And yet her "followers" or paid followers still think she has political credibility?
    Every time I need a good laugh I pull up her chick-fill-a picture, her granny mouth "gulp" picture, or her fox return street-photo with her pink shirt and ridiculous snake shoes. LOL

  54. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I feel bad for her. She's 50 and looks 60 and acts 15, and she think she's a sex symbol. And I bet this was a "final" cut with her best "assets" or her clan told her she looked great. lol..

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Sorry, she acts 9 , 11 tops.

  55. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Sarah please eat something.... you look like a walking skeleton!

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      I think it is a real hoot that the I-Dream-of-Sarah’s-Eyes crowd invest time and money into skeletal and she has to use so many of her old pictures to promote her bones as if they will be running for office.

      Those poor fools That send her money for blow need to tell her more and more how great she looks and please tell her that she needs to put on a few more pounds.

    2. Anonymous10:13 AM

      oh gosh no! She looks humungous in the belly and butt...she needs to go on a diet...FAST!!!

  56. London Bridges8:41 AM

    Mommy Dearest!

  57. Anonymous8:41 AM

    HAHAHAHA!!!! she's trying to look sexy! A 50-year-old wanna-be-teen she thinks she's vp this woman be serious? Maybe that's her biblical proverbs work ethic? Man I can't stop laughing!

  58. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Leni Riefenstahl she is not.

    One of Palin's biggest flops and oddly self promoting movie was amazingly defeated at the box office. Not even campy enough to qualify for humor. It was more documentation that she truly does have a serious mental disorder. Thankfully, she and Breitbart's Bannon are sticking it out together with their love affair with propaganda.

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      I'm going to go see the new Harry Potter movie this weekend. That Sarah Palin movie Undefecated looks like a total suckfest.

  59. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I'm sorry, but it it disgusting anyone would wear something with the US flag on their feet. This is nothing more than stomping on our flag. Sorry, I guess I'm old enough that this is just not acceptable.

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      This is what she does. Screams about patriotism, then wraps herself in a flag for a mag cover (Runners World in stockings...remember) signs the US flag at events (totally disrespectful and illegal) and wears flat clothing and shoes (disrespectful and ugly.) She is about as patriotic as a two year old. I just wondered where her guns were in that shoot? I mean, then she could be mistaken as one of Charlie's Angels. The dumb one.

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Sarah Palin is severely passive aggressive and can only show her hatred of America through the prism of her diseased mind. There is no cure for bad taste and she is unreachable when it comes to being respectful.

  60. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Well that got old peter-the-food-stamp-eater up!

    Thank You, PETER
    You should be receiving an email [..] as a receipt for this transaction.
    This verifies that you donated to Sarah PAC in the amount of $3.00 for the duration of 12 months
    Your transaction id is: [..]
    Please print this page for your records.

    Hey sarah! You got a $3.00 tip! Keep shakin it!!

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Wading in the pee pond is always such fun!

    2. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Peter, you idiot, Crunch Wrap Supremes are $3.59.

  61. Anonymous8:57 AM

    God I hope the national media pics this up. It'll be the nail in the coffin for people thinking she's presidential. I can't wait til Wonkette gets a hold of the video.

  62. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Jesus fuck, what was that?!? Franklin J. Schaffner is spinning in his grave.

  63. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Love how you found the actual quotes. They had to search long and hard to find any quotes that they could take out of context to make them sound positive. This has to be a joke , right cuz I'm laughing my ass off.

  64. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Well I see that you picked out the Promo that didn't make the final cut to ridicule. Typical libtard. Why don't you be brave Gryph and post the final product?

    ~Little Bit

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Her hair looks much more real in the final cut, doesn't it?

    2. Anonymous9:33 AM

      As well as her boobs.

    3. Anonymous10:34 AM

      9:17 AM Typical REPUG comment, aren't you the brave one, ~Little Bitch.

    4. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Wow @ 10:34.

      I see sarcasm was not taught at your home. To bad, it always made us laugh when times were tough. That's okay though, I forgive you.

      ~Little Bit

    5. The burden is on you, Little Bit, to add *something* to indicate that your comment is snark, as it presently has no indication that it is.

    6. Anonymous11:56 AM


      Aside from the blatant link that says "Tootsie CON Dustin Hoffman"


    7. Anonymous12:03 PM

      10:48 I saw no indication of sarcasm, your comment seemed to be that of a troll. If not, then I apologize. We have been continuously attacked by the resident Troll of many names, and it is hard to discern the difference. BTW did you mean 'too' bad?

    8. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Watch the fucking video people, that's where the snark was. I swear to god, this group is too fucking serious sometimes...

  65. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Palin is just a step away from a Kim Kardashian Ray J type video.
    It will the next step in her descent into the gutter.
    Is she on the SpermsMan Channel ?

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Can I be the on to pee on her, please?

  66. Haha! They're using quotes from 2008 before she did any media interviews. There's nobody saying that shit now. Poor $arah. The world has moved on and she's still stuck in 2008.

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      They use old photos now that she is so scrawny. This maybe a prelude to running a cadaver for President. The Democrats can't claim that first and it would be a first for Republicans.

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

      She can be embalmed with glycerine and trotted out on the trail just like Evita was.

      "Don't cry for me Waasillaaa, the truth is I starved myself to death, but never fear, I am still here, I broke all my promises, but I'll be around forever".

  67. O.T., but yeah!

  68. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I'm waiting on the Democrats to use this clip against those republicans politicians she's backing, oh its on now

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM

      I'll bet there's a lot of snickering in DC today on both sides!

  69. Those silhouettes look strange. Take some screen shots, she is wearing gloves in part of it. Something is hanging off her ass in another part, there is some kind of covering over her body in another looking like she is wearing some kind of suit to puff her up and the shots all look different, weird. Very strange looking. Maybe they added it all digitally to cover up the cachexia.

  70. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Ha! The "better" version was yanked by Sportsman Channel who must have complained to YouTube to get it taken down.

    That sure was fast. Did you read about the new video here, Sarah, on this defunct blog, and complain?

  71. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Ugh. She walks like someone pretending to be Bigfoot.

  72. Anonymous11:54 AM

    WOW should have watched that before lunch!!

  73. Anonymous11:54 AM

    And here we have the elusive S. Palin in her natural habitat:

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      That Palin walks with a better stride. Not so awkward and has a better stylist.

  74. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I noticed this yesterday and it still hits me the same today.

    At about 2-3 secs in as she "walks" across the front===she looks very much like those National Geo videos showing how Cro-Magnun and other pre-homo sapien species walk.

    I found a photo/illustration. This is Neanderthal on the left.

    I also found this nugget of wisdom on the evolution of upright walking which I think fits in any discussion of Sarah Palin. If it was a quiz, I'm sure we'd all get 100%.

  75. Anonymous12:08 PM

    "When Fascism comes to America it will come wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis

  76. Anonymous12:36 PM

    As a woman nearly Palin's age I work very hard to keep my butt firm, and muscular. That thing hanging off her tailbone is never, ever going to come back. She's simply starved herself too far and lost critical muscle mass and it ain't pretty. I'd suggest she invest in some "belmonts" for her bottom end because the saggy ass "pooped my pants" look just isn't attractive.

  77. Anonymous12:36 PM

    This was shot front of a green screen. LOL

  78. Anonymous12:38 PM

    My god, she has hands and arms like a gorilla, and walks like one too! Amazing is right, an amazing amalgam of female body parts that don't really fit together correctly!!

  79. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Sarah Palin IS Amazing! She's come so far! From the dizzying heights of a Vice Presidential candidacy in 2008 to the host of a reality hunting show on a network that's only available to 1/10 of the US population! Her backwards momentum is astounding, simply astounding! Perhaps she peaked too soon, or maybe Mrs. Palin is just "going rogue" and riding the "fame train" in reverse?

  80. Boscoe12:44 PM

    If Palin had any self awareness whatsoever, she would feel utterly humiliated by the fact that they had to dig up old quotes and take them out of context to make her look good.

  81. Anonymous1:20 PM

    She's fading away.Can't happen soon enough.

  82. Anonymous1:34 PM

    All I could think when I saw this was what a classic example of a narcissist in full bloom. This trailer has nothing in it remotely related to a "sportsman's" channel. This should be shown in psychology 101 classes as an example of delusions of grandeur. What a piece of work she is.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.