Friday, February 21, 2014

Why it often does not pay to have conversations with Fundamentalists.

I think that this point was made incredibly obvious during that recent "debate" between Ken Ham and Bill Nye.

The smoke and mirrors that Ham threw up to obfuscate the weak points in his argument were stunning.  And it served him well in throwing up an intellectually dishonest force field that repelled the logic of Bill Nye's rebuttals.


  1. You fancypants elitists, you're all the same!

  2. Anonymous2:58 AM

    I will never understand why religion and science can't peacefully co-exist. For believers, didn't God give you a brain and natural curiosity to figure out how and why things work?

    1. Anonymous5:23 AM

      If God says 2+2=5, who are we to argue?

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      I agree, Anonymous 2:58 AM. I think most people allow/want science and religion to peacefully co-exist. It's only a small percentage of extreme right folks who do not want this happening.

  3. You can’t reason with them and they’re best avoided.

  4. Randall the Atheist4:23 AM

    IF The Church is valuable in instilling moral values then please explain this:

  5. Olivia6:36 AM

    In the reptilian brain, magic beats logic every time.

  6. hedgewytch7:20 AM

    I have actually walked away from "conversations" using a statement much like the above. "If we can't find a common ground about the meaning of simple concepts, the acceptance of basic facts, then this conversation is over".

  7. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Exactly! The very definition of "rational" -is based on or in accordance with reason or logic. So if I have a rational person in front of me, I will give reasons. If I have an irrational person, or a dog or young child, I won't bother. Add to the latter group, fundamentalists (or almost any "real" theist.)

  8. Anonymous10:15 AM

    "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

    - Hitchens' razor

  9. Anonymous10:46 AM

    O/T but related:

    Andrew Sullivan's continuing conversation on Ted Nugent's comments about our President includes this"

    'The fact that Sarah Palin, a former candidate for the vice-presidency, would openly celebrate Nugent as her arbiter of what is good and true in politics, is equally horrifying even as it is completely unsurprising.'

    (ps, little Sacha is growing up...lovely girls.)



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