Friday, February 28, 2014

Hillary Clinton comes out in defense of the Affordable Care Act and clearly demonstrates that she is planning to help improve it once she becomes President.

Courtesy of Politico:  

Hillary Clinton offered a defense of Obamacare — but struck a note of concern for small-business owners who’ve complained about mandates required by the law — in a twin set of speeches in Florida on Wednesday. 

“I think we are on the right track in many respects but I would be the first to say if things aren’t working then we need people of good faith to come together and make evidence-based changes,” Clinton said at the first event, the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society conference in Orlando, Fla., according to CNN. 

Clinton highlighted the problems voiced by people owning a “small business of 50 or more” as well as those “moving people from full-time work to part-time work to try to avoid contributing to their health care,” CNN reported. 

Those are the very voters who Democrats are concerned about appealing to in the midterm elections and to whom the most targeted messaging on the Affordable Care Act is taking place. 

“Part of the challenge is to clear away all the smoke and try to figure out what is working and what isn’t,” Clinton said. “What do we need to do to try to fix this? Because it would be a great tragedy, in my opinion, to take away what has now been provided.” 

“This is going to be challenging and I don’t think we should throw the baby out with the bath,” she added, according to CNN, saying the debate has been rife with “misinformation.” 

Of course as all of us know Hillary was the driving force behind the idea of  universal health care in the 90's.

Of course the Republicans took a giant dump all over that plan, but miraculously President Obama was able to pass a version, while not exactly a match for the Clinton plan, can be modified to become much more similar.

And let's face it Hillary really IS the natural choice to move the plan forward and help make the modifications that Obama cannot make now due to conservative obstructionism.

I'm not saying that there will not be attempts to trip Hillary up, I'm just saying that by 2016 the Republicans will have far fewer tools in their toolbox, and likely nothing for which Hillary is not prepared.

And this speech should not only comfort Americans about the survival of Obamacare, it should also embolden red state Democrats campaigning for reelection. 

After all if Hillary is courageous enough to boldly state her support and hope for its future, that will provide cover for Democratic Senators and Congresspeople doing the same.


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    She's a winner! 2016!

  2. Anonymous10:00 AM

    The woman is going to knock Republicans on their asses and I can hardly wait to watch. She will run, she will win and she'll be perfect in carrying on the Affordable Care Act!

  3. angela10:01 AM

    I don't know. Some of Hilary's statements about the ACA seem a little disingenuous to me. She seems to be treading the cynical middle. We'll see.

    1. She never did manage to get a health care law passed when she had the opportunity - but thinks she can "make this one better". Her politics would be better spent getting a dem house elected in the current year.

  4. F U McCain!10:10 AM

    Oh shit y'all! !

    Bill (Love Boat to Alaska) Kristol has DUMPED the Palin!

    Sarah's former love slave is sniffing around Kelly Acolytes petticoat

    Telling the world KA is ready for the big leagues in 2016,

    As Captain of the ship, Sarah - not First Mate.

    Burn baby burn.


    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Still, what the fuck is wrong with Bill Kristol? Is he that much of a pushover that a pretty smile will send the blood rushing from his brain to his pants?

    2. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Like the people who cover for Obama here when lies are proven

    3. angela11:43 AM

      Kelly Ayotte always looks like she's running from a serial killer and she sounds like she is perpetually getting over a cold. As usual--Kristol is wrong.
      And yes Anon11:12 he's still looking for a looker with no brain. Of course he went all in with Palin and Ayotte was Mccains sock puppet----so . . . . .

    4. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Anonymous11:37 AM

      Like the people who cover for Obama here when lies are proven
      What LIES...BOT? BE SPECIFIC. All usual you can't b/c you are one of the agents of Palin little dumbassed sycophant!
      Can't wait until Palin and the Pimp are busted. Then all the c4p bot will want to commit suicide.
      Now that's funny.
      Just like they did when she Quit.

    5. Anita Winecooler5:53 PM

      Speaking of President Obama's brilliance, check this out

      Troll might want to avoid this one, wouldn't want to get a chunk of chewed foil stuck in a cavity.

  5. In 2008, amid all the euphoria, even I couldn't convince myself that in two terms Obama might undo the majority of damage of Bush & Cheney's eight years. In retrospect, yes we should have guessed how abominably uncooperative Republicans would make themselves, though the ugliness was worth awe, and Obama did lose significant momentum making rejected overtures.

    Lacking some of-age offspring of Obama's own intellect and leadership qualities, Hillary Clinton is the only sane successor.

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Hill will not put up with this TEABAGGING nonsense.
      Nor will she put up with a do nothing congress or a lying has been mouthing off.
      Nope. Or a bullshit media.

  6. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I was at that HIMSS conference in Orlando. Good to hear her public remarks. She made some behinds the scenes comments as well that seemed to indicate that she will indeed push the ACA and clean-up some of the loose ends. But we need a DEM Congress & nuke the fillibuster so she won't meet up with the same obstruction as Obama.

  7. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Cheeky D ‏ Feb 24
    Can't tell you how amusing it is that it's now normal for me to walk into yoga & have Sarah Palin say "Good morning" & call me by name.

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM


      $arah don't "do" mornings, fool!

    2. Anonymous1:52 PM

      good try bot. The only exercise that bitch does is a silver spoon to her nose, and pick up her dumbphone.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:55 PM

      Do you squat before her and recognize the look of recognition in hers? If not, try it next time, preferably while she's taking a shower.

  8. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I think the Republicans in the U.S. Congress will try to obstruct Clinton just as much as they have Obama. But, she's been up against them many times already and has a lot of experience in dealing w/adversity.

    President Obama did not have that experience - plus - he wanted to be reelected so was careful in how he responded to them. Now, he has nothing to worry about as he'll not be up for election again. He knows they will not work w/him and still asks for their support/compromise. But, he has alternative plans and works around them. Love watching him progress in this second term.

    Truly think he'll go down in history as one of our best POTUS.

    The majority of the country does not like or respect Republicans. They are against women's rights, blocking the minority vote in many states and are known racists! Screw them on all levels of government - national, state and local. Vote, vote, vote - get them out of office wherever possible!

  9. Plus, there's the non-significant perk of watching both the race and gender POTUS glass ceilings shattered in our lifetimes.

  10. Anonymous3:13 PM

    "likely nothing for which Hillary is not prepared"

    Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

    Go get 'em, Hillary!!!

  11. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM

    After watching how she handled herself during the Ben Ghazi Inquisition and GOP horse and pony show, I have every confidence she'll go far if she chooses to run for president.

  12. Anonymous9:56 PM

    We have a new healthcare issue brewing in Kansas. Governor Brownack is try to get a bill pushed through to get Kansas to withdraw from Medicare! Almost half a million people in Kansas rely on Medicare. Many can barely afford the premiums, but certainly could not afford healthcare at their age even on the Affordable Care Act marketplace. Republicans are cruel bastards.

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      How do these guys keep getting elected?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.