Wednesday, February 05, 2014

I have been saying this for years now.

There are so many things about the Christian religion that I simply do not understand, but why women believe that it benefits them is perhaps the most mysterious to me.


  1. Because most christian women don't a live a biblical life, Therefore they don't see it as bad for them. If they did they would run for the hills from it. Reading the bible is what made me turn away from it, it doesn't truly come from God. It is wholly a man made idea.

  2. Leland3:29 AM

    "There are so many things about the Christian religion that I simply do not understand, but why women believe that it benefits them is perhaps the most mysterious to me."

    Frankly, Gryphen, I am surprised ANYONE could live by the guidelines for men and women in the bible - or any of the monotheist religions, for that matter.

    I mean, how could a MAN say he truly loved a woman if he subscribed - even subconsciously - to those guidelines?

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Remember, most of that stuff is in the old testament, the Hebrew bible. Christ had women friends and they were the ones who didn't abandon him. If you only read the new testament (minus the letters of Paul- what a crank!) your view of women, gays (who are never mentioned ), abortion (not mentioned either) the story would be different.

  3. I used to wonder “why do women support this?” The Ladies Aid did most of the work of the church. Yes, it was their social life, but they really believed. I think they took comfort in the stories of Jesus. Maybe the crafters of the Bible recognized that was necessary.

  4. Anonymous5:44 AM


  5. Pastor Belder JC Conehead, DDiv, ret.6:45 AM

    "why women believe that it benefits them is perhaps the most mysterious to me"

    ...and, by the gods, it's not so great for lots o'men either, quite frankly....

  6. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Why women in America would believe the bible or Republicans is beyond me!

    I love getting into discussions w/religious women (kindly and not confrontational). I always ask them lots of questions and their answers never fail to amaze me! Many I know - are in it hook, line and sinker!

    America is a frightening country!

  7. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I don't understand what women get from the Jewish or Muslim faiths either. Buddhism, Hindu, Shinto, etc. might offer more for women, I don't know.

    Overall, I think women are pretty much stuck with a choice of equal evils when it comes to picking a religion.

  8. Anita Winecooler4:59 PM

    My Aunt belongs to one of those multi level theater type christian churches. She was born into the Roman Catholic Church, and when she fell on hard times, one of the members of the "theater" bought her a used honda civic for 350 bucks and had it fixed at a trade school for free. And she gave her "housing" in an unheated attached garage. Of course, bible study and converting "X" amount of people was mandatory payback. When she got on her feet, she sold the honda civic for for a profit and all her worldly goods were signed over to the church.
    Anyway, Divorce and a woman not submitting to a spouse is a huge no-no. So her son in law was given an ultimatum. Change religions or sign "annulment" papers. After a marriage that lasted ten years and produced four kids. Seems it's not a "sin" because of a quote from the Bible that speaks of two oxen being unevenly yolked cannot work the land properly.
    Divorce is only the biggest sin in the world if other people do it, for them? It's just a slap on the wrist.
    The photo says it all. Keep her on a short leash and make her "submit".
    The irony in the Catholic Church is that nuns do the bulk of hard work and get no recognition whatsoever. The other female members of my family feel that "Suffering brings them closer to God". My Take? Rubbish. A mother can have more than one child and love them equally, even a man can understand that.


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