Wednesday, February 05, 2014

CNN reporter investigates the incredibly high number of rapes in Alaska. Well it's about time.

You know this is something that I have revisited on this blog time and time again.

However it does not always get much attention nationally.

That has just changed as CNN columnist John Sutter has taken a deep dive into data that not only reveals the number of rapes up here, but also explores the reasons why:  

The extent of Alaska's problem with violence against women is both horrifying and clear: Alaska's per capita rate of reported rape is the highest in the country, according to 2012 FBI crime data. An estimated 80 rapes are reported in Alaska for every 100,000 people. That's nearly three times the national average of 27; and almost seven times the rate in New Jersey, the state where reported rape is least common. Those comparisons are imperfect, of course. But localized surveys in Alaska paint an even bleaker picture. A majority of women – 59% -- have experienced sexual or intimate partner violence, which includes physical violence and threats; and 37%, nearly four in 10, have been raped or sexually assaulted, according to a survey of 871 adult women in Alaska, published in 2010. 

There was a time when politicians in Alaska argued rape survivors were simply reporting rape more often in this state than elsewhere. Those arguments, however, have been largely abandoned as the scope of the violence has become clearer. If anything, the taboos surrounding rape here would suggest that the crime is underreported in Alaska, relative to other states. 

What's unclear is exactly why the violence is occurring. "That's part of the problem," said Andre Rosay, director of the University of Alaska Anchorage Justice Center, and a national expert on this issue. "We can't answer that question. ..."

My rationalization through the years as to the reason why we have so many rapes up here has always been a combination of the fact that many rapes take place in isolated communities where help is out reach, our incredibly high rate of alcoholism, and some cultural obstacles which make it easier for men to prey on the young and helpless of both sexes.

However after his research Sutter offers his own theories:  

After talking with dozens of people in Alaska, here are the best theories I heard about why the state has the highest rape rate in the country: 
  1. The history of cultural trauma, abuse, disease and dislocation imposed on Alaska Native villages has led to a cycle of despair and violent behavior. 
  2. Rape is tolerated in some communities; when victims like Claire come forward, they're not believed or told to forget what happened. 
  3. Offenders are too rarely punished. Of nearly 1,000 cases of sexual assault studied by the University of Alaska Anchorage Justice Center, 46% were referred for prosecution and 22% resulted in a conviction. It's difficult to compare those rates with other states, said Andre Rosay, from the justice center. What's clear, he said, is that "the biggest hurdle really is in getting the case referred for prosecution, "especially in villages with no local law enforcement presence. Sexual assault cases are 3 ½ times as likely to be prosecuted in communities with a Village Public Safety Officer, he said. 
  4. The state is so large – four times the size of California – and so sparsely populated, that it's nearly impossible to police. State troopers must fly to many remote villages, and that can take days, depending on the weather. 
  5. Long winters make it easy for offenders to perpetrate the crime. 
  6. There's a high rate of alcohol abuse, which doesn't cause rape, but can lower inhibitions for would-be offenders and can be used as a date-rape drug. 

If I placed a bet, it would be on a seventh reason: the silence.

Those reasons seem as reasonable as anything, and as you can see many also reflect some of my opinions.

Sutter also interviews Sean Parnelll about his Choose Respect campaign. (An attempt that I have very little confidence in, but appreciate the Governor's attempt to at least do something.)

The article is fairly long, but I encourage you to read it, ESPECIALLY if you are a resident of Alaska.

I don't know what it will take to make a significant impact on our culture of rape up here, but it is certain nothing will change if we do not try.


  1. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Do victims still have to pay for their own rape kits? That could be a problem also, too.

  2. Anonymous4:24 AM

    CNN how about talking to former prostitute Shailey Tripp and her experience with Todd Palin.

    Human sex trafficking and rape are problems in Alaska that needs to be addressed.

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      That is exactly what should happen. A good journalist doesn't have to agree or believe what interviewees say, they are reporting a side. The other side can also have a say.

      Shailey Tripp is the ideal person for Cindy McCain. Shailey is not just mouthing words of what she says happened. She has back up and evidence and there is more.

      It makes no sense that there is no one in the media consulting with Shailey Tripp. Especially Cindy McCain on her new project. Cindy says she is coming from passion, compassion with her latest do good.

  3. Anonymous4:31 AM

    What's sad besides the high number of rapes is that former Mayor Sarah Palin made the rape victims pay for their own rape kits. Talk about adding more pain to these rape victims.

    1. Anonymous5:36 AM

      They put every 'victim' on trial, except for Born-Again Virgin Mother Bristol.

    2. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Bristol only had someone write for her to clean up her reputation and look like the good Christian who was 'date raped' by her son's father. She did attempt to walk back as far as smearing Mr. Johnston's reputation. However, there are many people that believe Levi Johnston is a failed porn star, rapist and worse. She can't give him back his reputation.

      Bristol would never have to worry about the price of a rape kit because her mother's business enterprise would cover any expenses.

  4. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Sarah Palin: "There's A Place In Hell For Women Who Don't Support Other Women"

    According to the Huffington Post, Sarah Palin flubbed a Madeleine Albright quote at a rally this morning in California. " "There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women," Palin said, when the actual quote is, "There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women." Apparently, Palin got the quote from a Starbucks coffee cup and decided to share it with the crowd. Well, you know what, Sarah Palin? There are a lot of places in Hell, I'm sure, but I was raised to believe that Hell is for people who sell their souls to the Devil, in a metaphorical sense, by turning their backs on what they believe is right. And Sarah Palin, I don't care if you're a woman. I think you're wrong, and there's no way I'm going to Hell for standing up and telling you so.This is the United States of America, and if you want the respect of me, or millions of other women, you should probably stop threatening us with hellfire and nonsense. And I don't think you, of all people, a woman who believes that rape victims should have to carry their rapist's babies, should be throwing around quips about hell and supporting other women. Maybe you should consider why so many women disagree with you, and if you really support your fellow women, you should be able to recognize, understand, and support their right to not blindly follow you just because we share the same genitalia. I don't know much about Heaven and Hell, but there's a special place on earth called the voting booth that I'll be visiting in November, and I sure as hell won't be supporting you. [Huffington Post]

    1. Anonymous5:35 AM

      One of her digs at Corey Booker running against her arsenal of $5,000 SarahPAC dollars for that whack-job Steve Lonegan for NJ Senate was that Mayor Booker's Newark crime stats were pretty bad. . .I think he pays for Rape Kits? I think he prosecutes offenders. I think he provides safe houses and aid to families torn apart by domestic violence and whatnot. Just another reflection of Sarah's lifelong 'felled' policies.

  5. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Wasilla Alaska's Bristol Palin said she was raped but what was strange about her rape accusation is that she kept on going back to her so called rapist for more sex.

  6. Anonymous5:05 AM

    CNN needs to investigate and talk to our Alaskan mothers, daughters and sisters who have been taken advantage by pimps and sex traffickers.

  7. Anonymous5:12 AM

    And then there are mayors who expect the victims to pay for the rape kits. . . .

  8. Anonymous5:15 AM

    According to her book, Bristol says she was raped by Levi.

    I think she was just a drunk slut.

    1. Anonymous5:33 AM

      Sexually active girls are no more a slut than their partners. Boys are sluts too then. Be fair.

    2. Anonymous6:38 AM

      Exactly, 5:33. In this day and age, we should really stop with all these double standards.

      The problem here is that Bristol isn't taking responsibility for her own behavior.

      The larger problem is that Sarah and Todd are terrible parents who had no idea what their teenage daughter was doing and didn't give her any of the tools or values she needed to make good decisions.

    3. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Bristol's parents failed her when it came to an education, as they did for their son as well. Bristol is unable to write her own lies. Bristol is dependent on her parents consultants to put words in her mouth. Yes, Bristol was used and abused by her own parents so they could pursue their life of 'what's in it for us?". As a diminished and arrested developed adult she took the path of fame and fortune and least resistance. She will always remain a tool of the worst part of our election system.

    4. Anita Winecooler5:12 PM

      Bristol Palin is in love with mirrors. They reflect light but aren't too bright. Her mom was running for a shot at the Vice Presidency, and Bristol "forgot" to cast her vote.
      The problem is she hasn't cut the apron strings and is totally incurious about what real single mothers go through.

  9. Anonymous5:15 AM

    "CNN reporter investigates the incredibly high number of rapes in Alaska. Well it's about time."

    How come former Alaska mayor and governor Sarah Palin never did anything about these rapes? You would think as a FOX commentator and a chronic facebook user, Sarah would have used these platforms to combat rapists and sex traffickers in Alaska.

    1. Anonymous5:32 AM

      Her idea of "progressing Alaska" translates into, "progressing the Palin Brand."

  10. Anonymous5:31 AM

    You are saying he's 'trying something?' A slogan?

    Guess what Captain Zero has put out there in his re-election materials "... Our Choose Respect initiative has freed Alaskans from domestic violence and sexual assault."

    You call that doing something? You call that results? You call that making a difference whatsoever? It's a meaningless, toothless fucking slogan and he invests NOTHING in Alaska's women and children. No health care, no school breakfast or lunch subsidies, nothing that makes a difference in our lives than what he and his Prayer Warriors give that costs nothing.

  11. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Maybe Sarah will bring cookies to the victims.

  12. Super Fan In Atlanta7:17 AM

    Interesting! Is this a way for a national conversation to start leading up to the release of Boys Will Be Boys the movie *** cough, cough Malia Litman***? There are no co-inky dinkies, right?

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Cindy McCain, Amy Klobuchar, Chris Christie, Jan Brewer, and others are saying sex trafficking needs more local, state and federal action. Harsher penalties for perps and better for victims.
      (NFL sports event is one of the largest drivers of the sex-trade industry, no mention of the problems with the military). Parnell is doing his version of paying attention to sex trade and related crimes.

      If what the Palins said about their young girls in Juneau was true they would feel like victims and respond to this as such. As was written for Bristol in her book she would feel victimized. With so many Republicans taking a stand and doing something, why would the Palins not be helping women and all victims of sexual assaults, abuse, trafficking?

    2. Anonymous8:22 PM

      The Palins avoid all posts about Sex Trafficking, too close to the Pimp Daddy Todd Palin.

  13. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Speaking as a woman, I know for a fact there are far more sexual assaults that aren't reported. With that in mind the AK numbers would be staggering.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      So true. Like has been said many unreported when it is someone you know. Sometimes never even mentioned in private. The guilt and shame is internalized and comes out in destructive and abusive ways.

  14. Anonymous7:50 AM

    John Sutter asks readers, especially women from Alaska, to contact him if they are willing to share their story. They can share without divulging their true names.

    It's unbearably sad to hear all of this. One of the women in Juneau, an advocate, was profiled and she had been sheltering abused women in her houseboat for many years. To think that the Governor's mansion in Juneau was sitting there empty, unused for several years because Sarah wanted taxpayers to pay her to live in Wasilla, is heartbreaking. For the forgotten, there is a God; who will issue judgment for the heartless, and mercy on their victims. In the meantime, it's merciful people who have to speak out and do something.

    I know there are atheists here. But, consider for a moment, that, it's in our inner hearts to want justice and righteous judgment from a righteous judge, who knows the evil snakes who hurt the innocent. It's times like these that makes everyone wish a divine hand would intervene and open the lid off of the truth. Maybe Alaska will soon experience a great reconciling and finally get rid of the corruption and crime.

  15. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Parnell must have been shaking in his shoes doing those interviews with a CNN reporter, knowing full well that his Administration is still a Palin mafia-run machine. If the man had any human decency, and really show he cares about these statistics and this epidemic, he'd refuse to run for re-election. He'd want to be free of anything having to do with the Palin legacy.

    I don't believe that man didn't know what was going on behind the scenes while he was Lieutenant-Gov, nor now. He must have had a role in a cover-up. How he can now say he's concerned about victims of rape, simply isn't believable.

  16. Anonymous8:31 AM

    OT, but I wonder how Mama Morlock is? Any more problems that require a protective order? I would like to know more about that situation.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Me too... what situation? Can you say more. please.

  17. We cannot forget that most rapists were sexually abused themselves. There is a profound cycle operating here along with all the other contributing factors.

  18. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The worst part about this is that most of these women were raped or abused by men they knew: boyfriends, husbands or even relatives. This isn't random violence on dark street corners, it's planned violence by those closest to these women.

  19. Anonymous11:52 AM

    In Okinawa Japan they don't have to remain so silent about the part the US military plays in violence toward women. How is the military effecting the problems for women in Alaska? We all know how much an expert Sarah must be on the military especially in Alaska, she has Track to consult and his research is legendary. When her son was in the Army they kept her close and informed, they were all her 'boys'. Did she only exclude 'girls'? Sarah Palin should be someone that is well aware of women in the military and what they face. Why never a word from her?

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Fuck Sarah Palin

  20. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Add the need for specially trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners, Gryph. They can make a world of difference.

  21. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Anonymous1:53 PM

    Cindy McCain, Amy Klobuchar, Chris Christie, Jan Brewer, and others are saying sex trafficking needs more local, state and federal action. Harsher penalties for perps and better for victims. 
    (NFL sports event is one of the largest drivers of the sex-trade industry, no mention of the problems with the military). Parnell is doing his version of paying attention to sex trade and related crimes. 

    If Cindy McCain is serious then she should sponsor the movie Boys Will Be Boys and help Shailey Tripp get her story out about sex trafficking in Alaska.

  22. Anonymous2:16 PM

    TigerLily on February 5, 2014 at 11:02 am

    And madam sarah and pimp daddy todd helped along the way by making women pay for their own rape kits. How do people just excuse sarah away like that? I thought they were all about the sanctity of life. I guess not once you’re out of the womb and heaven forbid you’re a woman. Yeah, right. When it comes to sarahs pimps she made it easy for the rapists to continue raping…knowing the women wouldn’t have the money for the rape kit to convict anyone and could never make a case against the rapists because of her and her crooked cop ties. And that’s because sarah protected the rapists. So its okay with you women on the right that sarah supports rape? And you still give her your money when she cries abortion..sanctity of life. Be glad you didn’t live under her ignorant rule and quit just before they could of put her sorry ars in jail. She’s a seriously disgusting piece of work all the way around. And satan smiles as he awaits you for all your good works sarah.

  23. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Although Sarah Palin has not announced any plans to run for the U.S. Senate, she trails Begich 44-40 in a hypothetical match-up. The once popular Alaska Governor is viewed unfavorably by 55 percent of Alaska voters, compared to only 39 percent who view her favorably. 

  24. Anita Winecooler5:23 PM

    Thanks for the link, I'll have to watch the entire thing. I remember seeing a documentary years ago (on Frontline, if I remember correctly) that showed the plight of the Native populations across Alaska. The high rates of alcoholism, domestic abuse, selling young girls to the drug trade, money laundering in casinos and the dip in survival rate due to overfishing and outlawing whale hunting. This was maybe ten years or more ago, and even then silence and police corruption were two factors that went a long way in describing the culture of rape and the cycle of abuse against women and children.

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      This will soon be forgotten. In another 10 years it will be at least 10x as bad. Sad.


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