Monday, February 03, 2014

Inside a "science" classroom in the Bible Belt.

The ignorance in the classroom is mind numbing.

"We didn't like evolve from anything, that doesn't make any sense. I mean, how can like an African American person evolve from a white person? We're different skin."

This last question indicates how completely this school, and this teacher, have failed the students.


  1. Anonymous4:43 AM

    I think this speech by Neil de Grasse Tyson is far more interesting and thought provoking.

  2. Anonymous4:47 AM

    You cannot get pregnant while drinking wine coolers in a camping tent....

  3. You're right, Gryph, in that the parents, schools and teachers failed these students. However, you can't fault the students for being ignorant because this is what they were taught. We can only hope that they will question these teachings as they grow up. Some will; some won't.

    This is a major problem with the adults that continue to teach creationism. They never questioned "authority."

    Those of us who did, well... we're the evolutionists.

    1. I pretty much wrote the same thing.

    2. Anonymous3:59 PM

      I almost don't care. Makes acceptance into any school/profession that requires actual knowledge (like genetic decoding, knowledge of biology) so much easier for my kid who is actually learning biology. Bwahahhahahaha.

  4. Anonymous4:53 AM

    How do you communicate with people so stupid and pig-headed that they're incapable of learning?

  5. angela5:15 AM

    Holy shit!

    Future republican values voters. And yes these kids are going to be sad bumpkins, and that teacher is an example of de-evolution. What the hell does he mean he just couldn't tell them they were wrong or that there is a thing called science and they may want to accept the possibility that sky fairies didn't plant us on the earth as we are today? How about they don't have to discount basic philosophies of faith like goodness and love for your fellow human to believe in evolution and science; hundreds of millions of people do it every day? Its called "teaching".

    And the poor ignorant kid who thinks skin color has something to do with evolution . . . . . Poorly educated, racist and clueless is no way to let these kids go out into the world.

    Conservative christian schools; dumbing down the country one child at a time.

    1. Anonymous5:25 AM

      A friend taught science in a public technical high school until recently. She said even in this bluest of blue states, out in her rural district she had to be very careful about teaching evolution. Folks out there were armed and angry.

  6. angela5:21 AM

    I didn't realize this was a public school. Scarier and scarier.

  7. Anonymous5:41 AM

    we have this huge struggle for one group and the other to win. the creationist, and evolutionist. it's a quandary in this country. it's sad to hear how these young people are grappling with this subject and the teacher is waffling. no learning whatsoever.why don't we agree just to teach math, grammer you know the basics and then we'll concentrate on indoctrination of either kind at home or in church.

    1. Sally in MI5:59 AM

      Because we need kids educated in science if we are to have another generation of engineers, chemists, innovators. The key word, though, is 'educated.'

    2. Anonymous6:06 AM

      Because evolution is science and creationism is religion. One has a place in our public schools and the other is just myth.

    3. Anonymous6:34 AM

      Teaching science is "indoctrination?" Is this the 16th century?

    4. Anonymous8:57 AM

      If science is indoctrination then isn't mathematics also indoctrination? You don't make any sense at all.
      BTW evolution HAS been proven, the average height of humans has increased substantially in the last 150 yrs, that my friend, is evolution. Keep your faerie tales out of public school or pay and send your children to private church schools.

    5. Anon 8:57, actually increased average height over the past 150 years is not the result of evolution, but the result from better nutrition. Agriculture efficiency has increased over the years which has decreased the price of food and has given us a greater variety of food to choose from. As a country we were fortunate to have started out with a vast amount of land that was very fertile. The fertile land and improvements in agriculture practices allowed farmers to feed more people then before, allowing others to pursue other professions that helped our country to prosper.

  8. Anonymous6:04 AM

    "Different skin"
    That speaks volumes.

  9. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Is this Dayton OHIO?!
    They have southern accents there?
    No snark, I'm honestly surprised. I had NO idea!

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      She is obviously a "transplant".

      We Daytonians pretty much come from "some place else". No Southern accents from the locals.

    2. Those are Texas accents so that's probably Dayton, Texas. It's suburban Houston.

    3. Anonymous3:20 PM

      This is Dayton, Tn, the home of the "Monkey Trial" (Scopes). This teacher should be fired ASAP. Those poor dumb kids deserve better than this.

  10. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Ironically, some people homeschool their kids so they are not they are not brainwashed by this nonsense.


  11. Anonymous6:53 AM

    "how can like an African American person evolve from a white person? We're different skin."

    Stated by the white person that spends the summer getting a sun tan. (ignoring of course first man was found in Africa)

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      I'd be interested to know why he thinks African Americans evolved from whites.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:07 PM

      I can't possibly speak for him, but it must have to do with the depictions of Jesus and family in art and the bible. And we ALL know they were here waaaaaaaaay before African Americans :eyeroll:

  12. Randall7:06 AM

    The teacher who admits he hasn't the education to coherently explain the difference between a simple-minded creationist view and a thoroughly developed science should be replaced with a teacher who does have an education and who can explain the difference.

  13. Anonymous8:20 AM

    We are in a rural, conservative southern school district. This stuff is spewed by teachers all the time. This is why we, as secularists, home school. There are Christian home schoolers who pull their kids out of school because they want them to be indoctrinated with religious garbage. In the south, some atheist or agnostic home schoolers pull their kids out to KEEP them from being indoctrinated with religious garbage.

  14. Anonymous8:31 AM

    It's the other way around, silly girl. White people evolved from African people. No wonder the evangelicals want their followers to be ignorant. They'd explode if they ever realized that "white" is an aberration.

  15. A fresh crop of new republican voters. Oh, the irony of a racist white child refusing to acknowledge he evolved from black skin.

    republicans are destined to live in poverty because they’re ‘Born Into Ignorance’ -Neil deGrasse Tyson

  16. eclecticsandra9:12 AM

    I'm wondering if the concept of evolution is disliked. Surely these people understand how disease causing bacteria and viruses evolve. It seems that they have a problem understanding how humans could have evolved. They have to be "special."

  17. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Juxtapose this into a Liberty University classroom setting, just as sad. Exceptional my ass.

  18. His students seemed to be very narrow minded, and incapable of visualizing the processes involved in evolution. Not just how a single cell organism can evolve into something vastly different, but also in understanding the vast amount of time it takes for evolution to occur. The time it takes is probably the hardest part for them to visualize. They remind me of someone, and it's very probably true, who had religion pounded into them from a very early age and have a difficulty visualizing anything different then what they've been told. The student's statement of "How can an African-American person can evolve from a blackman, we're different skin," was probable a misstatement. He probably meant to say a 'white person' instead of African American.

    I just think it's a shame how these young people seemed to have lost their ability to visualize something other than what the were taught early in life. Religious propaganda starts early in a child's life and it just goes to show us how powerful propaganda can be, whether it's religion, governing, or how cult can be formed.

    1. eclecticsandra10:15 AM

      You are right about the lack of understanding of the time span. As humans we are so limited in our conceptualization of time and space. The Bible discusses creation in very limited ways. All of a sudden there were humans who were interacting with god and satan. The visuals of this always seem to have fully developed humans who are always white. How else could it be?

  19. eclecticsandra10:45 AM

    I wonder if an intelligent and educated teacher could survive in that district. This teacher seems very defensive about being a "hillbilly." Could be he has suffered a lot of discrimination because of his origins.

    I wonder how they teach genetics. If farming is common in this area certainly they understand about genetic changes. How could any of them account for differences in skin color among all humans. Differences in size? This could be an area where there is not much genetic mixing. Interesting film Thank you for posting it.

  20. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Same people that believe and think like this:

    That Snow Down South Is Fake, Say Conspiracy Theorists

    "...lots of people with Internet handles like “WakeUpAmerica” are posting stories and photos and videos of snow that won’t melt, or turns black when held to a flame. Some are saying the government and/or terrorists must have dumped fake snow on the South as a chemical attack."

  21. Anonymous10:58 AM

    The future face of food stamps and welfare and a low wage job at the local Walmart. Nice.

  22. cckids10:58 AM

    The other thing that creationists get consistently wrong is their belief that evolution explains "how we got here"; for instance, the girl talking about how a "supernatural power" had to have put us here. Evolution describes the change & development of species, not the beginnings of the universe & life. They need astrophysics for that (I think :)

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      The term is abiogenesis.

  23. Super Fan In Atlanta11:07 AM

    Totally O/T

    California gun nut stands ground against Girl Scout selling cookies door-to-door

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Ya. Holy shit. Next think Kenyan Marxist Muslims will be knocking on peoples doors.

    2. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Well, those cookies can kill ya you know. I try to stand my ground against their tempting tastiness, however, I don't do it with a gun :-)

  24. Anita Winecooler5:02 PM

    That clunk you may have heard was my chin hitting the floor. I'd like to ask mr. "different skin" if he knows about hybrids in the plant kingdom and how some hybrids produce the most beautiful flowers. And if his "God" "believes" "Different skins" don't evolve, then why is it that interracial couples can and do reproduce?
    I hope he's never in a burn ward and needs skin grafts.
    And I'm sorry, the dude with the white shirt and red striped tie isn't a science teacher. He's not even an educator. Religion and Science are like oil and water, they don't mix.


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