Monday, February 03, 2014

Hillary takes a Twitter dig at Fox News.

Now the only question is, was Hillary talking about the Superbowl, or this bullshit "interview" before the Superbowl?

If she is talking about the latter, than the only "blitz" that happened was when the President pointed out that the IRS and Benghazi conspiracy theories were coming from Fox and made O'Reilly look like a chump, and he is also the one that should be "sacked" for being an arrogant, unprofessional asshole.

I mean this man was given the opportunity to interview the President of the United States, and all he could do was pepper him with the kind of ridiculous questions a late night host of Right Wing radio might ask, and demonstrate to the world that his cable news channel is actually a parody of American journalism.

The two losers yesterday were the Denver Broncos and Fox News. But at least the Denver Broncos are an actual football team that has the tools to do a better job next time.

Fox News on the other hand is a fake news outlet and they will never improve, or become more respected in the filed of journalism, as long as they put ratings and political influence over reporting the news and keeping the American people informed of the facts.

You know, REAL facts. 


  1. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I don't think she was referring to Obama's smackdown of Billo. I think she actually was referring to the game and that a blitz/sack was happening to a SPORTS team versus herself or other POLITICIANS for a change on POX.

    1. I agree. Hillary shows little to desire to support President Obama though he saved her career by appointing her Secretary of State.

    2. Considering when Hillary posted that Tweet, I think she was talking about Peyton Manning. Besides, she used the #Superbowl hashtag, not the #POTUS hashtag.

  2. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Fox News is no longer in my home. I can't stand listening to the propaganda and undeserved insults at people who are just doing their jobs.

    O'Reilly's interview could not be classified as journalism. He was acting like he was interviewing a convicted criminal, who was on waiting for his sentencing. O'Reilly treated POTUS like a Gestapo asking a prisoner questions, and that fake "viewer question" about 'fundamentally transforming' sounded like the questionner was Sarah Palin. Utter disrespect and he should apologize.

    He basically was bullying the President.

  3. Anonymous7:02 AM

    No kidding, gestapo tactics. Sh_t for brains new people need to do this to that sh_t for brains scarah. "How do you explain you big tummy in this pic and only a month away no big tummy?!" "Is Todd working in prostitution?!" What a crock of you know what Bill O.

  4. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Did you see that Doald Trump came on Fox and criticized President Obama for not wearing a necktie. Who would take fashion suggestions from a man with a dead animal on his head?

    1. Not to mention, a guy who has his menswear business supplied by sweatshops in China (Ed Schultz just showed that Trump appearance on Dave Letterman where Trump was railing against China, and Letterman piped up, "these ties are made in China!")

  5. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Good for both Hillary Clinton and President Obama!!!

    Does anyone feel as I do regarding the game yesterday? Had friends over to watch the game and we quit doing so right after the half. Started playing cards and eating the wonderful food and didn't miss a thing!

    Think of all the money folks paid for their seats to see a shut out like that!!! Boring!!

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Ummmmm, it wasn't ultimately a shut out.

    2. Anonymous8:43 AM

      The playoffs were better. Shot after the first play.
      Did not watch after the first half, did not miss anything.

    3. Anonymous8:44 AM

      8:19 Are you watching the media coverage today concerning the game? Some have referred to it as a 'shut out'.

      Do I have the definition wrong as to a 'shut out'? Please let me know!

    4. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Too bad the Broncos didn't sign on 70 yr old Joe Namath at half-time, then they may have had a chance. Either that or maybe they should have brought in the Puppy Bowl Team.

    5. Anonymous9:06 AM

      numbnutz @ 8:19,

      define shutout ... "ummm", i'm waiting ...

    6. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Good grief, a shut out is when one team wins without the opponent getting in a point. So, no it wasn't a shut out.

      Are you really fighting about this? (looking at you mr/ms Nasty @9:06)

    7. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Happily, I was driving home from snowboarding in the mountains at 5pm on a nearly deserted I-70. It's sweet to be living in Colorado and not care a whit about football.

    8. No, there are a lot of true Seahawks fans and a lot of johnny-come-lately bandwagoners who watched the entire Superbowl game and reveled in the Seahawks' dominance of the Broncos.

      It was a long overdue stomping of a media-hyped team by a media-ignored team.

  6. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Everyone needs to send a note to Bill O'Reilly at FOX today and let him know what you really think of him and that ridiculous interview of President Obama.

    Tell him to get some fucking class!!!

  7. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Interesting to look at the dynamics of the way Bill and our wonderful POTUS are sitting for the interview. President Obama is seated back in his chair, relaxed, and Billo is sitting forward appearing ready to pounce!!! Tells it all right there!

    1. I thought Bill O'Reilly looked more like he was trying surreptitiously to pass gas.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:15 PM

      I felt the same way, KaJo! Especially when he pursed his lips and his cheeks puffed out. How President Obama kept a straight face throughout the interview is beyond me.

  8. Anonymous8:06 AM

    ‘Dumocrap Slut’ Sandra Fluke Mulls Run For Congress, Right Wing Explodes With Misogyny

    So how is the right taking a possible Sandra Fluke run for office? Not well.

    Sandra Fluke is figuratively everything the right-wing hates in a woman: she’s intelligent, passionate, attractive and liberal. So, of course, the very idea of Fluke running for office brought out the misogyny from the right. Here’s a quick peek at the comments sections of a few right-wing websites:

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Plus, she has the sweetest smile!!!

  9. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Five things you need to know about Bill O'Reilly's interview with President Obama

    ...President Obama is the nicest dictatorial tyrant ever. In most countries with brutal dictators like President Obama, political critics like Bill O'Reilly and Fox News would be summarily executed. But not only does Leader Obama not use his Unlimited Power to put Fox out of business (if not in jail), he actually granted this interview to the relatively low-rated Fox News network simply because tradition says that's what presidents are supposed to do. If the rest of the world's tyrannical thugs were as nice as President Obama, the world would be a better place.

  10. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I do think Obama walked into one trap in this interview, although overall he did a great job handling that jerk Billo. He said there was NO corruption at all at the IRS, just dumb decisions or something like that. Mark my words, the RWNJ will find some even minor impropriety and blow it up as come big IRS corruption thing -- and turn it into another "everybody can keep their same health plan if they like it" alleged lie. That may come back to bite Obama.

    I believe in a robust conversation & date about issues, but I'm increasingly convinced that the stress of being POTUS is 80% having to deal with the political BS like this and 20% about the actual job. Obama has competent people in their jobs so really if he did not have all the ridiculous lies & vitriol coming at him constantly it probably wouldn't have anywhere near as bad as the BS he has to deal with now. 80/20.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      With you on that! 100%

    2. Anonymous9:18 AM

      8:26 I don't think President walked into ANY trap yesterday on this interview. He knows better than anyone what FOX is spewing - he was ready. Admire him and think what he has to put up w/to be pure bullshit!

    3. Anonymous10:41 AM

      POTUS knew exactly what he was going to get while sitting with BillO that's why he did it. He's done it before and realizes there's no better way to coalesce independent and Democratic support than to sit with a loud mouthed bully and let him make a fool of himself.

    4. Anita Winecooler5:21 PM

      I loved his measured response to Bill McSpittle O Reilly's questioning sincerely why Cathleen Sebillius wasn't fired. So O'Reilly jumped to the next index card and changed "Cathleen Sebillius" with " Susan Rice", and got the same measured response.

  11. Anonymous8:37 AM

    How President Obama Turned The Tables and Humiliated Roger Ailes and Fox News

    It’s clear that Roger Ailes and Fox News had big plans for their Super Bowl interview with President Obama. They were going to use the biggest stage of the year to prove that the president is a failure. Instead, it was Obama who humiliated Fox News.

    ...It is always bad for Fox News when a host leaves the door open for a guest to talk about the misinformation that the network spreads. It is a disaster when it happens on national broadcast television during the Super Bowl pregame show.

    The ultimate humiliation for Ailes and Fox News came when O’Reilly ventured into another favorite right wing conspiracy theory, the IRS scandal.

    ...President Obama controlled this interview. The president put O’Reilly on the defensive, and used his conspiracy theory based questions to demonstrate that he and the Democratic Party represent the center of current American politics. An interview that was supposed to be ultimate Obama trap, ended up revealing why Fox News is a network that is only watched by about 2 million Americans.

    Barack Obama blew up Roger Ailes’ plan, and humiliated Fox News. O’Reilly and Fox News will be puffing out their chests and claiming victory today, but this interview was a resounding humiliation for the interviewer, the network, and the old man in his bullet proof office who calling the shots.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      8:37 I agree 100%, I'm not a body language expert, but when Obama pointed his finger directly at o'reilly and said it's you and the channel you're on that tell these lies, that was Powerful, is it me or did o'reilly conceded to President Obama? when he said he believe the President's heart was in the right place

  12. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Between a humorous tweet, a Cheerio's commercial and a Coke commercial the "Christian Reich" certainly had a lot of hate going on during their holy day of worship.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:29 PM

      I love it! That sweet girl is going to have a baby brother, she's thrilled over it, and the RWNJ Bigots are exploding at the seams. I suppose it reminds them of the conception and birth of one of the best Presidents to ever hold office.

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      The expression on her face when she said "puppy" made me laugh out loud! What a cutie she is!

  13. Anonymous10:43 AM


  14. Anonymous11:05 AM

    President Obama is confident because he has TRUTH and INTELLIGENCE on his side. He knows exactly what O'Reilly is, and is not. He has taken enough disrespect and false naratives for long enough, it was time to set Bill-o straight, and he did. By the way, Bill-o had better watch it, his chin is sliding into McConnell territory. Simply being tall and a loud mouth is not enough to make THIS President cover.

  15. Anita Winecooler5:25 PM

    Hillary cracks me up, she tweeted that using the classic "I got this one" viral photo meme. Despite all the pressures of the jobs, I imagine their sense of humor helped let off some steam.


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