Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Much too good not to share.

Yeah the Right Wing can keep right on hating those intellectual elites, but you just can't beat'em for getting the facts straight and doing a butt load of research before going on the air.


  1. Anonymous2:14 AM

    One need not be told these three are college dropouts.........nor told they have mental instability........nor that they are greed driven......don't need a college degree to perceive that.

  2. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Only one of them has any self-respect; the others have consciously traded theirs for money. And they all know it.

  3. How 'bout an integrated perspective, and overall comprehension? Those too.

  4. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Like Rand Paul calling her stupid, they will discredit her anyway they can. She made mincemeat of the dude panelist (can't remember his name) on Real Time With Bill Maher last Friday night, at one point clapping her hands in delight and exclaiming, "oh, that RICH!" over something he said.

    If it's anything that scares these nuts more, it's an intelligent woman!

  5. Sally in MI2:59 AM

    I love that! Whenever I comment about those three buffoons, I also add 'college dropout' before their names. And when Sarah is finally exposed for being the same, I will add it before her name as well. It is so awful that a lot of the country celebrates ignorance, isn't it? Go Rachel!!! (Oh, by the way Chuck Todd is ALSO a college dropout..and look who he supports most of the time..the GOP.)

    1. Anonymous6:51 AM

      If Sarah actually graduated from the U of Idaho, as an important alumni she would have been asked to speak at a commencement or symposium there. Or, awarded an honorary doctorate in Culinary Word Salad or Fake and Switch Political Platform Shoes? She could speak on Degrees, Debt, and the Death of Common Sense Caused by Higher Education. Or, Hair School, Everyone Has Some Somewhere.

    2. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon11:15 PM

      Isn't there a way to find out if someone received a degree from a particular college or university, or is that confidential. like medical records?

  6. Anonymous3:15 AM

    I like Alec Baldwin, but in his latest manifesto that goes about 30 paragraphs too long, he disparages Maddow as a phony. It's a breathtaking pity-me project and he insults as many people as he can in the so-called apology.

    But one wonders, where has she been or has she been directing that sniveling MSNBC CEO in all the odd firings and suspensions of liberal talent?

  7. Anonymous3:18 AM

    But what about the supposed learned of them? A question mark should go under the Palin's family pic. Michele Bachmann is an attorney? Does Liberty U really count as an accredited education? Darryl Issa? Ted Cruz? Rand Paul? et. al.?

  8. Anonymous3:21 AM

    My not so guilty pleasure, following Rachel and the 'bridge-gazzi' drama in New Jersey, and of course following IM. thanks! makes these long winter days more bearable!

  9. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Do the females on Faux have to have college degrees, or do they show up for their interview wearing bikinis?

  10. Anonymous5:25 AM

    In Uganda, Maddow would be in prison, or worse, while the trio of butthead dropouts would be free to spew their hate and bigotry all day long. Heck of a deal you've got gonna for you there, Uganda.

  11. PalinsHoax5:33 AM

    Rachel Maddow: head and shoulders above the rest!

  12. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Now they don't dropout they just attend Liberty University, kindergartens know more then their faux college grads. Oh I forgot about Beck University............. sorry my key stuff during another fit of laughter, I crack up every time I say Beck University......... how stupid can people be?

  13. SHARON5:58 AM

    When you hear sour grapes about Rachel being the "queen bee" at MSNBC.....I really think that is the perception of lesser staff that is jealous of her success. Her delivery style on the most complicated issues is what sets her apart. The research team she has is second to none and how many times has she gone where no one else has. I never miss her show....connecting the dots, bringing it all together in the end is usually a surprise considering where she starts. Not to mention....I have seen her on tons of other shows as a guest or panel and she is exactly the same. Rachel is the real deal so of course she is huge target for the asswipes.
    Did you ever see her high school yearbook picture? She is a natural blonde and very hot.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:54 PM

      The qualities you mention are why she's one of my favorite journalists. I also like when she finds an error she made, she admits it and corrects it and moves on. She's honest, solid and fair.

  14. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I try never to miss Rachel's show and have been watching her now for a number of years. She is bright, has a terrific sense of humor and is a great teacher. I've learned so much from her about politics! She and her team research thoroughly and when something wrong has been said (which is not often!), she always notes it and apologizes.

    Recommend her to everyone!! She's sharp as sh--! Plus, every once in awhile she makes terrific alcoholic drinks on her show - giving their recipes!

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      She's got a tremendous amount of the one quality that seems to be woefully absent in the media today - integrity.

      You can trust that what she says is the truth and, in the rare instances that she's wrong, she quickly and publicly acknowledges her mistake.

  15. Anonymous6:39 AM

    There's nothing wrong in being a college dropout, i am one, i didn't like the system and always was more practical than theoretical kind of guy. The main difference, is that i activelly encourage people to try higher education (when possible, where i live it's really inexpensive so no excuse), it's a nice experience.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      I agree --structured education is not for everyone. But all of us can be curious, inquisitive

  16. Anonymous9:43 AM

    The nation owes Maddow so much, acknowledged or not. She exposed Rand Paul's plagiarism in his written column and his speeches, costing him the loss of his weekly column.

    She supports Kornacki in his very, very important pursuit of the New Jersey debacle - both the GWbridge and more importantly the slush fund that was to be the source for the storm that devastated NJ.

    Kornacki is a MUST see on Sat and Sun mornings as he too combs for facts to expose Christie so we don't get stuck with him on the national stage.

  17. I wish you would (could?) give a link to these great things you post...I'd love to pass them on. This one is priceless.

  18. Anita Winecooler4:46 PM

    Even if all three of the idiots at the bottom did graduate college, they'ed still be bigoted racist, sexist hate mongers. What company would hire them even WITH a college education?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.