Saturday, February 01, 2014

New Rules from last night's Real Time are a must see.

"Why is everyone in the Western world better about sex than America?"

Because THEIR countries were not established by uptight Puritans running away from a religious environment that was not as oppressive as the one they wanted to establish.

By the way I think I might be willing to join that "Perverts with Principles" party. Sounds like my kinda people.


  1. And the GOP look after their own adulterers - while calling out those on the left as the greatest sinners of our time.

    Will the hypocrisy never end?

  2. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Ann and Mitt felt the pain of those people who lost their jobs while on the road during the campaign, but they don't have a problem going to one of their many homes or spending the hundreds of millions they made on the backs of people they made unemployed when Mitt was CEO. Yeah Ann, it's just business, you frigging bitch!

  3. Is this the Maher show everyone was in an uproar over?

    He's a comedian. Get over it.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.