Saturday, February 01, 2014

This just in, Sarah Palin really, really hates Obamacare. I know, you could have knocked me over with a feather too.

This from the Hypocritical Oaf's Facebook page: 

We finally found someone excited about Obamacare! Obamacare is the greatest expansion of big government we've ever seen, so of course it also involves the most outrageous examples of waste and incompetence – from billion dollar broken websites to million dollar Richard Simmons live streams. Meanwhile, the government has taken away our health insurance and forced us into worse plans we can’t afford and don’t want. Families with special needs face new taxes, premiums and deductibles have skyrocketed, doctors are quitting, religious civil liberties are trampled on, and the nation heads off the economic cliff. So are you going to just roll over and take it, America? Or will you demand your political representatives (whom you've hired) do everything they can to slay this beast of a law? If they won't, fire them at the ballot box in November.

Let's see, making up stories about lost insurance policies, exaggerating problems with the website, ridiculing America's sweetheart Richard Simmons, and begging voters to vote out the people pissing you off.

Sounds like the Affordable Care Act is working pretty good to me!

My favorite part of this whole Obamacare thing is watching the Right Wing, especially the Tundra Twat here, lose their freaking minds over it.

As we have seen the Republican's entire strategy for 2014 hinges upon the their ability to round up enough negative stories about people "suffering" under the new law to convince people that it is destroying their lives instead of improving it.

The problem for them is, like we just saw recently, when investigated by actual journalists the stories rarely stand up to scrutiny.

Which leaves the pathetic Chicken Little's like Palin running around yelling "the sky is falling," when in fact the future for those receiving health care in this country has never looked brighter.


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    But i bet Willow is on her parents policy thanks to ObamaCare! BTW I pay my tax dollars towards Native Healthcare services also, no I am not bigoted in fact I am a Native American, I just have never used their services. But Sarah's children have, seems kind of socialist to me.

    1. Sally in MI5:11 PM

      Willow has native insurance from Todd. Freebies.

    2. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Did anyone find out if there is actually a Willow Wyckoff collecting Ak funds? Christopher Wyckoff?

    3. Anonymous3:08 AM

      IF one of the Palins got married, she would have made a big deal about it, unless of course it was Toad re-marrying.

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    The Exaggerater IN Chief has spoken.

  3. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Bristol's baby Trig is still covered under her Native Healthcare. He's actually double covered since his Grandpa is actually his father.

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      My guess would be his great grandfather. I'm sure Bristol was always losing her underwear.

    2. Oh, uuugghh. Anyone who was old enough to use their legs for running surely wouldn't put up with that old troll touching them, would they? Certainly anyone old enough to be fertile.

      I always figured Sally was too brain-addled to see her hubby as he really was, back in the '60s.

    3. Anonymous4:00 PM

      @2:42 They would have to produce the paperwork, and no matter how much control Sarah thinks she has in Alaska, she would never risk producing papers. In her emails, she was asked over and over for the paperwork for Trig for him to be covered by her hospitalization plan.

    4. Sally in MI5:10 PM

      Wonder if that's why his glasses never fit, and he has no hearing aid. And doesn't talk, nor is is potty trained at six. Such a poor excuse for a mother he has, and although Todd seems to love him, he is as clueless as Sarah. What do they think is going to happen when they are 60 and Trig is a stout and sturdy 16 year old?
      If they cared, they would do everything possible to make him as independent as he can be, instead of totally dependent on his caretakers. It is truly sad, if not criminal.

    5. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Sarah should get with Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers. Her DS son who is slightly older than Trig can read. Maybe she could give sarah some pointers on how to raise a DS child and what type of therapy they require to reach their full potential.

  4. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Poor little Brouhaha Barbie has got nothing to do in her life on a weekend than bitch about something to get the stupid to donate to her PAC.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      She is competing with the major leagues: Christie scandals the Super Bowl Weekend. No one will notice her.

    2. Sally in MI5:07 PM

      You mean she isn't setting up a warming tent in Times Square to sell her autographed Christmas books for $50 a pop? She could have Piper sell hot lemonade and they could bake cookies on her EasyBake oven. Mommy-Daughter time.

    3. Anonymous3:11 AM

      The only member of that family who is likely to be "doing business" in NY right now would be Jethro.

  5. Sally in MI2:54 PM

    "Whom?" Sarah has never used whom correctly in her life. Careful RAM, you're letting your education show.
    And just how have precious Sarah's premiums gone up? Come on, facts. You know, those pesky journalism rules you supposedly learned in college? Speaking of which, there is another nail in the Sarah never graduated story. People with college degrees realize how important they are, and make sure their children have the same opportunities.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      If it's RAM writing that post I can understand it. RAM has never met an exercise or diet program that she liked. Richard Simmons is an easy target for her. The video was posted to encourage California people to sign up for the ACA, and RAM lives in California. She can't have that happening in her state.

    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      She doesn't want the kiddies going off to college. She wants them dumb and close to home so she can control them and keep them from leaking the family's secrets.

    3. Anonymous5:51 PM

      I’m with you 5:30. She is abnormally invested in their dependency.

  6. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Funny, I am going to do as she suggests, and vote for the people and party that helped me finally get insurance!
    Before the ACA, I couldn't get insurance, and my husband paid for catastrophic coverage, which we never needed to use. Now, he and I are covered for less than he paid for himself, and the co-pays seem like nothing, compared to what I used to have to pay.
    So, phooey on Sarah Palin, who my tax dollars have been covering for far too long while I went without.

  7. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Whatever would Palin do to the people around her if there wasn't some outside person or issue on which to lob her anger?

    I wonder what Todd or Bristol or Heather has done to stir her up this time. Or is her recent assholery evidence she's renegotiating her Fox News contract?

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      I suspect she doesn't have an actual contract w/FOX anymore. I hear Hannity is the only one having her appear - Bill isn't and the manly looking woman doesn't appear as close to Palin as she once was!

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Maybe she's jonesin' for more oxy. Do the world a favor palin, when you do score, take the whole fuckin' bottle. Go out with a bang, think of the press you'll get.You Lying fucklump.

    3. Anonymous4:59 AM

      If the last contract renegotiation switched her to a per-appearance deal, as people were speculating at the time, all they'd need to do is let the number of appearances dwindle down.

  8. Anonymous3:01 PM

    She has a very large tongue and I think perhaps that is why it is always stuck out or lazily lolling out of her mouth. Miley's tongue has nothing on that thing!

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      A very large tongue riddled with canker sores and non functioning taste buds.

    2. Sally in MI5:05 PM

      I suspect she was never very good on the flute with that mouth.

  9. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Funny that she'd pick Richard Simmons to mock since CoveredCA is working quite well. Simmons and Californians are justifiably excited about the ACA.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Richard Simmons is everything she's not: self-made success, compassionate, and educated about exercise and nutrition. Moreover, a lot of people like him.

  10. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Oh you poor uninformed bitch, Sarah Palin! You and your family have native insuranc coverage, so all is cool w/your family, huh?

    I'm someone who has a preexisting condition and am now able to obtain coverage.

    Republicans that STILL want to repeal the law are not going to be able to do it. Way too many folks now have coverage and are happy and feeling much more comfortable. Many more getting medical attention they've not had in years!

    So, shut the fuck up, Sarah Palin! You know nothing about what you say - as usual - you've been showing us your idiocy from eons!

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      According to sarah that word is spelled "ions". Remember?

    2. Anonymous7:02 AM

      she gives new meaning to the term uneducated moron.

  11. Anonymous3:09 PM

    It's criminal how the right wing has been portraying Obamacare -- every time one of these people comes forward about how much higher their rates are, it turns out that they didn't even look for insurance on the exchanges, almost as if they're afraid. I know, I know…it's they're fault for being retarded and listening to the noise…but…it doesn't help that a certain faction of the population has been going around making it seem like Obamacare is going to steal your soul and piss down your throat.

    1. Anonymous5:02 AM

      I've heard from a few who seemed to have individual policies that were gawd-awful, in terms of insanely low yearly caps, etc, but they had been fortunate enough to not ever be really sick, to their "reasonable" premiums suited them just fine.

  12. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Well, if the sky falls, Chicken Little, I hope a large house falls on a certain witch with hooker shoes.

    1. Sally in MI5:04 PM

      And when Dorothy arrives, the Good Witch will tell her not to go near those wicked shoes!

    2. Anita Winecooler5:32 PM

      Please, someone toss a bucket of water on her, put her and us out of our misery!!!!

  13. abbafan3:12 PM

    This stupid bitch is really pissing people off! Her brood of morons get free healthcare because of Toad. Enough already; shut your uneducated pie-hole, you stank skank!

  14. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Haven't read the comments so this may be redundant. OT: has anyone else noticed that Trooper Wooten of the infamous Troopergate debacle is no longer with the AST?

  15. The GOP is well and truly on the wrong side of the ACA and the remaining dregs of sanity in the republican party are realizing attacking health care is not a winning strategy.

    The fact that many reps have refused to help those they represent get access to health care, that many red states have opted out of medicaid expansion - will be shown to be a BAD strategy at the next election.

    I predict another dozen states will expand medicaid before November as a political strategy - not because GOP governors want their poor to have health care.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      well, of course, whilst the rest of the wingnuts are waking up and smelling the coffee, dumfuk is just now jumping on the bandwagon and screeching like a stray cat in heat.

  16. Anonymous3:33 PM

    She does make some valid points. While HCR works for many, it DOES hurt many.

    And honestly, her post wasn't remotely negative. Nor did it attacking anyONE.

    Shame on twisters.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Go back and do your homework.


    2. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Sarah is mocking Richard Simmons. That is not how he appeared in the California State Video promoting the ACA. That's a photo from five years ago. Simons is not dancing in the streets. He has always stood for exercise and diet, and preventing child obesity. If Sarah is mocking him for that, she should stuff another Twinkie in her mouth. And, some s'mores for Michelle Obama, too, also, because if there's one thing that Sarah can't stand it's people being healthy.

    3. Well, the tone of Palin's message certainly unleashed the haters and homophobes in her comment section. That seems to be Palin's stock in trade -- throw red meat to the ravening hyenas, and watch them from a safe distance.

    4. Anonymous3:58 PM

      "...her post wasn't remotely negative."

      Honestly, you are a dumb shit.

    5. The only valid point she makes is to vote out those that do not represent me. Won't ever vote republican again.

    6. Super Fan In Atlanta4:37 PM

      I'm learning that the people ACA is hurting are those whose REPUBLICAN governors did not expand the Medicaid/Medicare option.

      How sad and pathetic it's so easy to trace where the challenges to access lie in this critical shift towards healthcare reform.

    7. Anita Winecooler5:30 PM

      Bristol's got "Twister" in her hope chest. They make excellent bedsheets and are easy to clean.

    8. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Hey Willow go twist on a dick why doncha?

    9. She would not know a valid point if it was a block of concrete that landed on her head.

      The only folks "hurt" by the ACA live in the imagination of GOP fools and their sycophant supporters. Even the folks whose governors have refused to provide them access to medicaid are no worse off than they were pre the ACA - both times they have no health care

    10. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Twisters? What happened to those other words the troll used to use? The photo of Richard Simmons dancing in the streets is 5 years old, and it is not how he appeared in the California video. That is distortion, and since Sarah claims to be a journalism major, then she knew that she was manipulation our impression of Simmons by posting that photo. That was insulting to Richard Simmons, whose greatest crime is to be an advocate for healthy eating and exercise, just like someone else that Sarah dislikes, Michelle Obama. Sarah doesn't like the ACA, and she picked a California video that was meant to encourage people to sign up for health care. How about Sarah launching some new campaigns, like telling people not to see a doctor, not to vote, not to go to school, not to read books, she's good at that negative stuff.

    11. Anonymous11:00 PM

      Twisters? We're all against tornadoes. Huh?

    12. Anonymous4:15 AM

      No one has taken away the free health care that Palin's husband, children, grandchildren and extended family on his side are entitled to, because their ethnicity is given special favors by the federal government, a redistribution of my tax dollars to benefit certain people and excluding all others, like my family for instance. I pay for that, and did paid for that the whole time, decades, that I had to buy BC/BS catastrophic policies. Where was Palin when fishermen and other small business owners in Alaska, before Obamacare, were forced to deal independently with the insurance providers, while public employees in Alaska are provided with lucrative pay, excellent health benefits, and cushy retirement? How many in her own extended family are on the public trough?

    13. "While HCR works for many, it DOES hurt many. "
      No. It does not. You are a liar or stupid or both. Some people may possibly have to pay a higher premium but the likelihood is that they will also have more benefits in that policy.

      As for any other aspect of the plan, no. The provisions in ACA/Obamacare do not hurt people.people.

    14. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Go fuck yourself & then go pay the emergency room to pull your dik out of your butt, k?

    15. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Twisters, baby spinners? Always entertaining to watch 'em twist.

    16. Anonymous10:22 AM

      The Tundra Twat is declaring war on and lying about Richard Simmons now? The man who put out a couple of books about (light) exercise and dieting, the man who has spent his own time and money to support people who were morbidly obese to help them lose weight and cheer their efforts? The guy who put out a series of very-low-cost exercise tapes set up to help even the most out-of-condition people to get up and start moving, with an uplifting message? Wow, she's sunk even lower than her previous lows.

  17. Anonymous3:35 PM

    That's our Queen Esther with Christ in her heart! Hate to say I told you so but.....

    Just keep spouting, girlfiend. You are irrelevant.

  18. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Just like Sarah,a majority of Americans disapprove of Obamacare.
    It will be repealed eventually

    1. Sally in MI5:02 PM

      Nice try, but the people who have signed up like it fine. And MOST of America already had insurance, and are grateful that others can be healthy too. Personally, I'd prefer that my grandkids go to school with kids who have their immunizations up to do, wouldn't you?

    2. 3:39 PM ONLY people "like Sarah" are ignorant enough to disapprove of ACA and fortunately, those people are not "a majority of Americans".

    3. Anonymous5:42 PM

      wrong all polls show a Strong disapproval of Obamacare by a wide margin in America.

    4. 5:42, wrong again. Only Fox News' skewed polls show that.

    5. The polls show those with no healthcare are against the ACA (and only when it is called Obamacare)

      Fact - the group without healthcare is getting smaller and smaller - all that is left are the fools who cut off their noses to spite their faces. They would rather be bankrupt than have affordable health care - that is how stupid they are.

      The true victims are those whose governors are fighting night and day to stop getting health care.

    6. Anonymous8:17 PM

      NO it won't, it will be changed to single payer in the next 12 years but people will never give up their healthcare. Now Bristol run along and hold your knees tightly together so you don't have to use that socialist Native healthcare for another abstinence baby.

    7. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Pure bullshit.

    8. Anonymous8:46 PM

      The truth is that there are very few people like Sarah. Thank Goodness.

    9. Anonymous10:59 PM

      @5:42 - forgot your last period again. Back to 2nd grade for you!

    10. Anonymous7:10 AM

      The palin's word view is no broader or further than the walmart in wasilly. Just sit down & shut up you idiotic, uneducated hicks. My freakin' cat is more worldly than your entire klan.

    11. Anonymous9:20 AM

      All polls and not just Fox
      RCP Average 1/3 - 1/26 -- 38.0 51.9 Against/Oppose +13.9
      NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 1/22 - 1/25 800 A 34 48 Against/Oppose +14
      Rasmussen Reports* 1/25 - 1/26 1000 LV 43 52 Against/Oppose +9
      ABC News/Wash Post 1/20 - 1/23 RV 47 48 Against/Oppose +1
      FOX News 1/19 - 1/21 1010 RV 36 59 Against/Oppose +23
      Associated Press/GfK 1/17 - 1/21 1060 A 27 42 Against/Oppose +15
      Quinnipiac 1/15 - 1/19 1933 RV 38 56 Against/Oppose +18
      GWU/Battleground 1/12 - 1/16 1000 LV 41 56 Against/Oppose +15
      Gallup 1/3 - 1/4 1020 A 38 54 Against/Oppose +16

    12. Anonymous2:55 PM


      Nothing new. Missing periods aren't unusual in the Palin household.

  19. Let's see, making up stories about lost insurance policies, exaggerating problems with the website, ridiculing America's sweetheart Richard Simmons, and begging voters to vote out the people pissing you off.

    You should probably add copyright violation to that list for the use of the Richard Simmons photo. Sarah never learns!

  20. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I'd like to stick something in that stinking pie hole of her's. And no it's not what you're thinking. What I'm thinking is more like a hand grenade or a stick of dynamite. To hell with you sarah heath.

  21. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Sarah wasn't content with most Americans thinking of her as an idiot. She's determined to keep it up until all Americans know she's a vindictive, malicious idiot.

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      I disagree with the 2nd part of your comment, she's determined to grift and bleed the paint chip eaters for all they've have, realizing she's a vindictive, malicious idiot.

  22. Irishgirl3:51 PM

    Sarah, stick something in your throat.

  23. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Auntie Sarah since this is Black History month can you tell me about your one night stand with Glenn Rice? Was it good and satisfying? Is that why you are so fixated with President Obama?

  24. I always liked what Cruz said last week and what other Republican's have said in the past about Obamacare, using their words,or words very similar to with the same meaning, "Once Obamacare gets started, it will be impossible to repeal because the people will like it like it too much once they've experienced it". If the Republicans know that, why would they even want to get rid of Obamacare if that's what the people want? It makes it very obvious they're not working for the people anymore, but for corporate interests such as the Koch brothers.

    Palin knows her cult members have heard all of the lies about Obamacare from FOX and others, and she is just trying to further get their support (donations) by telling them what they want to hear.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      4:00 Where in the hell are you coming from? The Republicans haven't been working for the American people for eons...anti women's rights, anti gay, anti Obamacare and on and on. They are utter jerks and should be voted out of office on the national, city and local levels. I respect NONE of them!

  25. I think I know why Sarah Palin resorted to this scattershot screed on her Facebook page, and nowhere else.

    Seems Greta Van Susteren passed her over (I suspect), and instead invited Gina Loudon onto the program to complain about CoveredCA's video featuring Richard Simmons.

    Someone at another site speculated, and was probably right in thinking Sarah Palin is trying to raise her profile by increasingly bizarre rants.

    All that being said, I have to admit, I was appalled at the tiny segment of the Richard Simmons CoveredCA video I saw via the link above. It looks straight out of the early 1980s, horribly amateurish with hopelessly nerdy people on set.

    I have to agree with Greta: THIS was supposed to attract young people to sign up with CoveredCA????

    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      That was really bad reporting on Greta's part. The promotion was a general education effort aimed at all demographics and NOT just at young people. Richard Simmons was only a small part of the promotion effort which went on for 8 hours and featured a variety of entertainers.

  26. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Meanwhile, the government has taken away our health insurance and forced us into worse plans we can’t afford and don’t want. 

    What do you mean "WE CAN'T AFFORD? " ya grifting scamming multimillionaire? As if you can't afford health care.

    1. Anonymous3:24 AM

      Well, $carah can not afford healthcare AND "postage"! You don't expect her to pay from her own money, do you? Let the morons who donate to her assinne Pac pay for it (even if she is covered by the taxpayers under Toad's coverage) Maybe since they are divorced, she has to get her own insurance?

  27. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I LOVE it that Sarah Palin can't help but continually screech bitch & moan. When her FB and tweets aren't enough she uses Bristol and make her look just as horrible.

    The more this dingbat from Wasilla screeches with her effed up nutty word crap, the more mainstream America sees what a pathetic, spiteful moron she is and the more she gets ignored.

    When Sarah finally catches on (if she ever does) that she becomes more & more irrelevant with every hateful, racist screed and ruins hers & Bristol's reputations, she will have to come up with something even grossly more astounding!

    Who knows, maybe she'll put Trig in a run-away balloon and blame it on Obama. You know she's sittin' there 24/7 thinkin' up ways to get attention. I mean playing her race-baiting card was a big one but how in the heck will she follow that up?

    It has been fun all these years watching Sarah sink her own boat and indeed she has.

    1. Anonymous3:27 AM

      The reputations of the entire family were ruined once anyone with more than room temperature I.Q. paid attention to them. Bristol is pathetic, going after Harvard educated Wendy Davis. Wendy has more brain cells in her big toe than Bristles has in her huge head.

  28. Ratfish4:19 PM

    So Palin's husband and kids stopped getting there free, government supplied health care at the Indian Healthcare Service?

    And big government? Does she mean the nearly 30% in crease in the state budget during the short time she was governor- far greater % increase than Obamacare- even her wildest dreams.

    p.s. She must need more dough to maintain her lavish lifestyle,

  29. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Palin is done at Fox...

  30. SHARON4:21 PM

    Honestly I am more interested in what is going on in Kentucky. The fact that the gov is a democrat and setup his own exchange and it has been sooooo damn successful that it is brought up constantly as the poster state for the ACA. Then the damn fool expanded Medicaid with glee and all those poor people that have voted for the turtle man for 30 years now have healthcare!!!!!! Grimes is really turning the knife with a "real" jobs is going to be so sweet. McConnel not only losing his job, but the senate..whoppee!

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      McConnell is the 'worst' Congressman in D.C.! Kentucky needs to wise up and vote him out of office! He is nothing more than an obstructionist. Get the folks out to vote as the vote is the most competitive thing against the Republican money machine.

      Bill Maher hopefully will go after him based on his show last night! Damn, but I want to see McConnell's ass creamed!

    2. Anonymous10:57 PM

      Maher should go after Issa; Issa is killing USPS!

    3. Anonymous3:29 AM

      McConnell spent 3 weeks in the service. He was discharged after "an incident in the showers" So, getting his "ass creamed" is something Mitch enjoys, apparently.

  31. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I live in WY, which according to everything I have seen to date, is the most expensive state in the nation for healthcare. For the past two years I have checked into getting insurance and have been quoted approx. $430/mo. That is with a $5000 deductible and 80/20 after that.

    Guess what? I just signed up for insurance and got 90/10 with a $500 deductible and &1700 total out of pocket for get this................under $100 per month!!!!!

    I will never, ever, ever, vote against my own best interests. I'm thinking as time goes by and more people get signed up and the word gets out, no one else will either.

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      I suspect that, as the ACA starts to affect more and more people, there will be many who will still claim to support the GOP because that is what is expected of them based on where they live.

      However, when they get into the voting booths where no one can see them, they will make the right decision and vote for the party that actually values them as more than slave workers for the rich.

  32. Super Fan In Atlanta4:33 PM

    Hey, if she's out there telling the people who listen to HER to vote their own people out of office, I have no problem with that.

  33. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I think all of us can honestly say this woman never read the purported words of Jesus Christ.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:23 PM

      Yes, And we could technically substitute "Anything published by Sarah Palin" and it would still be true.

  34. Anita Winecooler5:21 PM

    Bitter Grapes. Sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of the trailer park! She's starting to sound like the adults on Peanuts cartoons "Whaa whaaa whaa ....whaaa. whaaa... whaaa.."

  35. Anonymous5:45 PM

    The nerve. Her family is covered by Native Health, she has never paid a medical bill in her adult life.

  36. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Anyone who is pregnant with a baby with a Native Alaskan father receives free healthcare during pregnancy — no matter what. It might be a way to determine whether Trig is her birth son.

  37. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Fuck Palin! And anyone who buys into her stupidity.

  38. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Comment from Sarah Palin's FB

    Recent Posts by Others on Sarah PalinSee All

    Silas Friend Oh oops! Looks like I clicked the wrong link and ended up at Bullshit Mountain.
    a few seconds ago · Like

  39. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Does Track get free Native health care even though his father is Curt?

  40. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Cathy McMorris Rodgers has a boy, Cole, about Trig's age with Down Syndrome. He seems to be getting his needs met. Why won't the Palins try to help Trig? If they won't try, why won't someone in Alaska, Arizona or the United States bring attention to the neglect?

  41. Anonymous6:37 PM

    DNA, DNA - we need it badly from the retarded child, Sarah and Bristol! Levi's might be of help too. Toad too! Sarah did not carry nor deliver that child and that proof has to be shown! She's a friggin' liar and fraud! And, joke to America!

    1. Anonymous3:35 AM

      If she decides to run (doubtful) her opponents on BOTH sides have a full binder on her and her family, even both Chuckles Sr and Jr. The shit will hit the fan, so she does not DARE to even think about it. Someday, it will all be exposed, the truth will come flowing out and I suspect it will be even worse than we imagined. It might be sooner rather than later if $carah and Bristles insist on keeping themselves in the spotlight. Going after Wendy Davis was a big mistake. When is her latest "reality" show supposed to air?

  42. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Pathetic Palin is not well read, well educated or well traveled.
    She never will be because she is lazy. Her only goal in life is
    to have her face continually in front of a camera and her palms.
    extended for cash. This is the mindset she has passed on to
    her children. No way would she take time off from her "look at me" life style to help them out of ignorance. She knows if they
    ever did become well read , well traveled and well educated
    they would see her for what she is and insist she sit down ,shut up and quit making a laughing stock of herself, them , the
    entire family and future generations. Her next endeavor, as
    trifle as it is at the moment , she is already thinking up a way
    to continue the camera drama. And yes, she is OBSESSED with President Obama and his whole family. Oh , and

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      I don't think that Palin is capable of reading or learning anything. Five minutes after hearing a lecture about Paul Revere, she the American History lesson. (Or she was too busy on her phone to pay attention). Sarah has no self awareness or she would embarrassed to show up in those awful wigs and breasts which keep changing size. What Sarah craves is attention, and she is not embarrassed in how she gets it. What Sarah craves is money and she is not embarrassed in how she gets it, too. And she is emotionally immature, holding those grudges from 2008 when she was over her head in the dead end of the pool. She was (and still is) unqualified to be on the national political scene. The best that she can do is make fun of Richard Simmons or revive an old grudge with Katie Couric and Peggy Noonan. And, her kids have followed her role model. What a pity.

    2. Anonymous10:43 PM

      Sarah can remember a couple of things:
      How much she hates Katie Couric
      How much she hates Peggy Noonan
      How much she hates President Obama
      How much she hates Oh, God, the list is too long. Sarah can remember the slightest insult, an off color joke at her expense and she can't remember what Paul Revere did, let alone when he did it. (Hint: That Longfellow Poem that we had to learn in school started, "On the 18th of April in '75, hardly a man is still alive who remembers that famous day and year of the midnight ride of Paul Revere." Sarah couldn't remember it 5 minutes later. But, she can remember that Peggy Noonan insulted her five years ago.

    3. Anonymous10:20 AM

      I so agree with Anonymous 8:40 and 10:43 about Sarah remembering incidents that she can forever hold a grudge about.

      So, with Sarah's teriffic memory I'm amazed (snark on here) that she doesn't remember where she "had" Trig. Malia Litman's blog post of 5-9-2012 entitled "In Her Own Words...Sarah Palin Shows Us The Absurdity Of the Trig Birth Story", includes a video of Sarah speaking in Waco, Texas, on 9-25-10. At the 2:29 mark on the video Sarah clearly says "we got home and I had the baby in Anchorage".

      Now, I realize that Sarah is not going to say she actually gave birth to Trig, but (snark off here) it made me feel sad for Trig that in that sentence she didn't say Trig's name or refer to him as her son. He's nothing to her but an object..."the baby"'s ALL about her.

      Sarah may have slipped up in this speech, if in deed she took possession of Trig in Anchorage.

  43. Anonymous8:03 PM

    What a loser Sarah is. She pays all that $ to consultants but never takes their advice. I bet she doesn't even have any - unless it's wig and toenail polish consultants. She thinks she knows best how to market her policies and brand - huge fail. I never thought I'd live to see the day when the trash took itself out!

    1. Anonymous10:55 PM

      The Kochs send her talking points & someone else writes it up for her. Her own dad said that someone else tells her what to say.

  44. Here ya go Monkey Queen, choke on this rag face.....

  45. Caroll Thompson10:19 PM

    So Sarah is against people getting medical care when they get sick? What would Jesus say about that?

    For the life of me, I cannot understand why anyone would be upset with more Americans having health insurance and access to medical care. But Sarah is just like most other Republicans; she has hers and the hell with the rest of us,

  46. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Fuck Palin and everything she stands for.

  47. LOL. You said "Tundra Twat."

  48. Anonymous1:36 AM

    History will show that the most ridiculous aspect of this situation, is just how freaking stupid the Americans of the time, were.

    The majority of those questioned, still think "Obamacare" is the name of a government run INSURANCE COMPANY.

    No thanks to the Fox channel, which had its laughable "reporters" begin calling it a "train wreck" the moment Obama was elected in November 2008.

    When you explain in mon·o·syl·lab·ic words, in short, clipped sentences, that the ACA is basically nothing more or less than a slight slap on the wrist, of the lying, cheating insurance industry in America--you can tell by the mouth dropping response, that no one has ever actually explained it to them, before.

    "So, what's that got to do with socialism?" they'll next ask, revealing how badly they've been bamboozled to hate a program they don't understand in the least.

    Never one to be ahead of the learning curve on anything, I highly suspect Sarah Palin would also lose control of her chin, if someone would ever slowly explain this to her.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      One of my idiot co-workers says he got a letter from his doctors saying they refused to take "Obamacare". How the heck would they know a program is through ACA? Blue Cross is Blue Cross; Kaiser is Kaiser (and so forth). it's not like their insurance card says "Obamacare" on it.

  49. Anonymous5:24 AM

    That photo of her should be captioned "Retard on full volume."
    Over at the pee pond the they love it when she goes full retard.

  50. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Remember in middle school how you became aware of the kids who were different? Remember how your parents, teachers and the church taught you not be cruel, but to rather stand up for those who were treated badly? Remember the girl who was the ringleader of those who cruelly picked on those kids? That would be sarah, some things never change. One would think allegedly giving birth to a child who is different would make someone like her find compassion in their soul.There's a special place in hell for sarah and bristle who never grew out of being the ringleaders of the bullies. Didn't God's act of giving you a tiny little gift who would always be different teach you one damn thing?

  51. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Watching 2008 news stories about Palin and her knocked up daughter makes me wonder why it was ok for a 44 year old woman in her 8th month of pregnancy to jet off to Texas while in labor, but her daughter who was four months pregnant had to return to Alaska for rest. Come on Sarah, frigging admit the 'stool had a bad pregnancy with Trig and the precautions for Tripp were mandated by her doctors.

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Who was Sarah Palin's doctor and Bristol Palin's doctor?

  52. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Auntie Sarah this is Black History Month, do you miss Glenn Rice's penis?

  53. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Sorry sarah. But you should be paying more. Your irresponsibility caused you to have your last child, knowing full well that you are too old. Try the aspirin trick.

  54. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Sarah's been medical care free loading for years, she has NO idea how insurance has worked for the last 10yrs. The crazy loon is just a scrawny little old bag with a nasty loud mouth. Shut up and sit down sarah. Most of us pay more and are getting more. Show your insurance bill sista sarah?

  55. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Sarah Palin must be getting worried about Piper Diaper getting pregnant.

    Piper's Palin Pregnancy Clock is starting to tick.

  56. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Sarah? Maybe you should haul your flat azz down to the children's hospital, the local hospice. Go see the people fighting for their life sarah. Ask someone who has a pre existing condition how thankful they are. You, sarah are a very shallow empty soul. A very negative confused woman. A person so full of bad karma that they must sprew hate daily to live. sarah you heartless crazy rapture troll.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.