Sunday, February 16, 2014

Reality show snake handler dies from, get this, snake bite. National Geographic plans to air tribute. Seriously?

Courtesy of CNN:  

A Kentucky pastor who starred in a reality show about snake-handling in church has died -- of a snakebite. Jamie Coots died Saturday evening after refusing to be treated, Middleborough police said. 

On "Snake Salvation," the ardent Pentecostal believer said that he believed that a passage in the Bible suggests poisonous snakebites will not harm believers as long as they are anointed by God. The practice is illegal in most states, but still goes on, primarily in the rural South. 

Coots was a third-generation "serpent handler" and aspired to one day pass the practice and his church, Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name, on to his adult son, Little Cody.

It is rare that a belief system is so quickly and clearly demonstrated to be false. However in spite of that National Geographic believes it is in the best interests of the gullible public to pay homage to this superstitious moron: 

National Geographic had no plans for a second season of Snake Salvation, says a network rep, but is now planning a special tribute episode “so people can understand Pastor Jamie and his method of worship and see that he died doing what he believed was his calling.” NatGeo also sent in the following statement on Coots’ passing: 

National Geographic joins his family, friends and community in mourning the loss of Pastor Jamie Coots. In following Pastor Coots for our series Snake Salvation, we were constantly struck by his devout religious convictions despite the health and legal peril he often faced. Those risks were always worth it to him and his congregants as a means to demonstrate their unwavering faith. We were honored to be allowed such unique access to Pastor Jamie and his congregation during the course of our show, and give context to his method of worship. Our thoughts are with his family at this difficult time.

Yes let's celebrate the life of an individual whose belief system cost him his life, the life of several of his parishioners, and continues to put members of his family in danger on a daily basis.

This is dangerous religious zealotry and should NOT be celebrated but rather confronted in the hopes of ending it forever, or ignored in the hopes that it will spread no further. 

National Geographic has every right to report on the primitive cultures around the world, and strange religious practices both here and in other locales, but it should not glamorize one so inherently dangerous by giving these people their own television show and demonstrating to others that the way to fame and fortune is to put yourself, and your family, in danger for the entertainment of the masses.


  1. Anonymous2:51 PM

    So now the Kotch bros are funding national geographic....sad

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      I guess the bastards are funding everything b/c Cable tv is basically fucked up.
      I ditched my tv 2 yrs ago don't miss it.
      If I want to watch something on PBS or Natgeo I can find it.
      And now the fuckers are buying up the net!

  2. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Let's hope they adapt this practice at the Church of Wasilla. Lord willing!

  3. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Nat Geo channel is owned by Fox, so no big surprise here. I always find it amusing that Fox is able to air shows such as The Simpsons, Family Guy, Bob's Burgers and other shows on their network channel; shows that run counter to their conservative views and often make fun of Fox News Channel.

    It makes one realize that they are trying to touch all bases with all of their channels and they're only in it for the money and not because Fox has a firm philosophic stance. "Show me the money", is all that they stand for. Smart people know what shows might enrich them, but stupid people also too need their entertainment.

  4. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Even the Institutions we thought we could trust have failed us.............

  5. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Well, Gryph, it is sort of a primitive culture.

  6. Prime entry for the Darwin Awards.

  7. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Bless his soul but I can't help but chuckle at his stupidity. A follow up series could be "Snake Salvation Army" where people bring in outdated appliances to a non- descript building in their neighborhood and get attacked by crazed snakes. People trying on worn out but still warm coats find snakes in their sleeves. Or people bring in bags of clothes that were out of date since the Carter Administration and are ripped from their cars by giant pythons. I think it's an idea. And a better one that religious fanaticism.

    There are some pretty seriously weird people who walk among us.

    A Fan From Chicago

  8. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Yup. No wonder they don't accept natural selection.

  9. Anonymous3:42 PM

    When I was in college I shared a house with a guy who was a professional herpetologist who kept snakes. They were kept in cages way down at the end of the yard and I never had to have anything to do with them. They were all highly venomous. One day one of them bit him and he asked me to drive him to the hospital. I wanted to say no.

    I don't know any women who are fascinated by snakes. Must be another male penis issue.

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Bellydancers. Have pythons. Dance with the snakes.
      I guess its a turn on to guys wishing their "snakes" were wrapped around them or something...


  11. Randall3:49 PM

    Darwinism at its most basic...

    The snake-handling fool brings to mind an acquaintance of mine who recently died of polio...


    His family is "too religious" to get their children vaccinated.
    It was HARD to watch that disease cripple him to death.
    He was so young.
    He died in his thirties.
    From fuckin POLIO.

    Killed by his parents' primitive superstition.
    Murdered by his parents' belief in nonsense.


  12. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Nat Geo used to be one of my favorite channels. But - like several others they got into the "reality shows" and went downhill from there.
    As to this doofus - what can I say? And as to his congregation learning anything? Nope. They will be even more committed to their beliefs.

    Pat Padrnos

  13. Anonymous4:10 PM

    How is this more stupid( ok it may be more dangerous) than any other religious rite? Bread turning into flesh, water turning into wine? Holding a poisonous snake? Is there any real difference in the brain washing? It comes down to religious brain washing no matter what these actions are.

    1. Well for one, bread and wine don't bite you and send poison coursing through your veins until it reaches your heart and kills you.

    2. Anonymous4:56 PM

      I admitted it may be more dangerous, but it is not more stupid.

  14. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Pastafarians don't have those issues.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Worst thing is heart burn.

  15. Anonymous4:58 PM

    The other 'pastor' featured on this show is 22 and has 5 kids... I'd hate to think where his family would be left if anything similar happened to him. Based on what I've seen posted other places from his wife's Facebook account, she's not the brightest crayon in the box, and I doubt she's prepared to support herself and 5- or more- children on her own.

  16. Anonymous5:04 PM

    This just in: Your religion is bogus but reality bites!!!

    1. Anita Winecooler5:54 PM

      Ever laugh while drinking coke? Yeah, that just happened
      HA HA HA!!!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:06 PM

      Bet there's a bunch of congregants with their yellow pages open looking for a different brand of religion. If God doesn't protect the Pastor, what chance do the uhm "members" have, if any?

      I hope the snake make it out ok and didn't catch anything nasty. Not the snake's fault he mistook the Pastor for a mouse.

      OT Link to Nye vs Blackburn.

      Nye schmoozed the stupid smirk off her face, but she still came off dumber than shit.

  17. I suggest a contest..... whoever laughs the longest and the hardest wins.....

  18. Anonymous7:01 PM

    This explains a lot. This tv channel is owned by the National Geographic Society and the FOX CABLE NETWORKS.

  19. Anonymous2:58 AM

    I'm gonna start a church that believes as doctrine that if you inject ebola virus into your veins you will not be harmed if you believe in the saving powers of Jeebus.
    Silly you say?
    That is basically what this church believes in a nutshell. A human toxin won't kill you if only you believe..
    The tribute should be a hoot to watch if only to see the idiots who think like this!!

  20. Anonymous3:12 AM

    You know I actually watched this show. These people believed in this. So what!. None of yours or mine how they believe. I remember when I was a kid my parents would talk about pentecostal belief, god comes in all shapes to some people, so just let well enough along an let the Family Morn their loss.........

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      He had no life insurance (because of the snake-handling, I would guess no insurer would touch him), and these are very much submissive, stay-at-home wives and mothers are the only option women have. How is this man's family going to house, feed, and clothe themselves? Why, the taxpayers will help, of course! THAT makes it our business. That, and that what they are doing (keeping the snakes) is illegal.

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      You actually watch this show!? Let me know when they show the snake bites the pastor as everyone speaks in tongues. I'd tune in to watch THAT! Entertainment AND Reality Show in one. As good as it gets!

  21. WA Skeptic7:36 AM

    I hope they didn't kill the snake; after all it was acting in self-defense.

  22. Anonymous3:34 PM

    My first thought was: shouldn't life saving treatment have been forced upon him in spite of the fact that he was refusing treatment? After all. . . And, not anointed, suicide is a sin etc etc. . .


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