Sunday, February 16, 2014

You good news story of the day. George Zimmerman's life in ruins, fearfully wears bulletproof vest in public, and is essentially homeless.

From the English translation of an interview that Zimmerman gave to Univision, and reported here courtesy of the Sun Sentinel:  

In the interview, Zimmerman repeatedly declines to answer questions about the shooting, citing a still-pending federal civil-rights investigation. 

However, he tells Calderón that his first reaction after firing the shot was concern that he had missed. 

"I was afraid it had gone through his clothes and that it was going to go ... get lost, and, um, you know, go into a house and — because the young man was still talking to me, as I have said. So I thought that it hadn't … affected him, and I got worried, and I said, 'I hope that it hasn't — that the bullet hasn't hit a neighbor,'" Zimmerman says. "But I only knew that the attack stopped." 

Zimmerman describes receiving death threats, which he attributes to the portrayal of the shooting in the media. 

"You don't think it's because of the fact that you fired [a] gun?" Calderón asks. 

"Correct. No, obviously not," replies Zimmerman, noting that other shootings get less media attention. 

Later in the interview, Zimmerman tells Calderón that he was "100 percent" sure of his actions on the night of the shooting. Trayvon would have killed him if he hadn't opened fire, Zimmerman says. 

"I know that for sure, yes," he tells Calderón.

So his first reaction was fear that he had not murdered the unarmed teenager, and now believes the anger toward him is due to biased media reporting? What a POS.

Zimmerman also discusses the recently cancelled pay-per-view fight: 

The plans for a fight, he says, "transformed into something that is not right."

Yeah, I'm sure that in Zimmerman's opinion what's "not right" is that he was going to be facing a  fully grown adult without benefit of a gun to protect him from the beating he would surely have received.

And how is Georgie Porgy doing these days?  

Zimmerman goes on to say that he can't have a "normal life," wears a bulletproof vest when in public and doesn't have a permanent home. He says that his family helps him "a lot." "I'm totally homeless," Zimmerman says. Later, Calderón asks how he has changed since the shooting: "I suffer from PTSD," Zimmerman replies.

You know what? Good!

And maybe Zimmerman can serve as a cautionary tale for all of those 2nd Amendment assholes who think they can murder a theater goer for texting during the credits, or a teenager for playing loud music on their car stereos, that maybe they will get away with it, but that does not mean they will live without suffering the consequences of their behaviors.

This shit has to stop! We cannot turn into a nation that solves its problems by shooting first and asking questions later.


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Trayvon doesn't have life much less a "normal" life. Wish these interviewers would give equal time to the friends and family of the dead kid.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Boofuckin'hoo, fat fuck doesn't look homeless? I wanted to see all of them kick his ass on teevee!?
      and ya, what about Trayvon? He is 6 ft under why don't they interview his family instead of this worthless pos!?
      Fuck GZ!

  2. Anonymous4:55 PM

    10 to 1 , Zimmerman will die by a women he chooses to bully shooting him back. It will happen and it will happen i the next 6 yrs. Mark the calendar Gryphen

    PS and maybe when the SOB is laying there bleeding to death he will finally understand what he did.

  3. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Cry me a river Georgie. You're still trying to make money off killing a kid. The "celebrity" boxing match should have never been pitched. You're not a celebrity and while I would have cheered as you got your ass kicked, it's so disrespectful to Trayvon's memory. Karma's a bitch and actions have consequences.

  4. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I have zero compassion for Zimmerman or Dunn (in the newest shooting case)! He is deserving of everything he is getting and Dunn will be too - once in jail w/the minorities.

  5. Anonymous5:29 PM

    "We cannot turn into a nation that solves its problems by shooting first and asking questions later."

    You're years too late, buddy. When they howl about 2nd Amendment rights all they're talking about is the right to be able to kill another person without hindrance. How many gun deaths occur in the course of a robbery? Most of the dead are innocent, unaware and unarmed.

  6. Balzafiar5:32 PM

    "Trayvon would have killed him if he hadn't opened fire, Zimmerman says.

    "I know that for sure, yes," he tells Calderón."

    Bullshit! He does NOT know that, because HE IS STILL ALIVE! Trayvon did NOT have a weapon other than his fists -- fists belonging to a skinny teenager.

    1. Anonymous4:57 AM

      And fists that did not show any evidence of having been used to fight off his stalker according to the pathologist.

      George Zimmerman needs to be shunned by the media, refused employment or housing. He has no right to be walking the streets, whining about his plight and encouraging people to give him money. Zimmerman's father did not do his son any favors by coming to his "rescue" and interfering with the crime scene and the truth of the murder of Trayvon Martin. George would be better off had he "faced the music" that evening and been found guilty of what he had done. I feel no sympathy for him but great sympathy for the family of Trayvon Martin. Imagine how his parents feel any time this creep is given time to tell his fake tale of woe.

    2. Anonymous12:09 PM

      I see you are still blatantly lying about the evidence and eyewitness testimony in this case Beaglemom. You may also want to look up the definition of pathologist vs coroner.

      If you want to find any blame for this troubled teens death maybe you should start by looking at the parents, who all of a sudden became loving doting parents once there was money to be made.

  7. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Bill Maher's Fake Obamacare Ads Mock Sarah Palin, Phil Robertson & More

    February 15 was Obamacare's National Youth Enrollment Day and to increase awareness for the big signup, several celebrities appeared in ads targeted toward the coveted "youth."

    But on Friday's "Real Time," Bill Maher showed a few of the ads that didn't make the cut, featuring everyone from Sarah Palin to Phil Robertson. We don't really understand why they weren't chosen... these cautionary images would certainly encourage us to sign up.

    Take a look at all the ads below...

  8. Anonymous5:45 PM

  9. Anonymous5:45 PM

    OJ beat the rap the first time. Even when he was found guilty in the civil trial, he hid his money to avoid paying the Goldman family. Ask OJ how well that worked out for him.

  10. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I have to admit I don't think he's homeless. Just a lie so he can grift off his fans.

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Yes, whatever happened to the girlfriend he was living with, the one he pointed the gun at and then changed her story?

    2. Anonymous3:56 AM

      He's probably "homeless" because the girlfriend kicked him out.

  11. Anita Winecooler6:10 PM

    This is pure bullshit, but mark my words, Karma's one Bitch Zimmerman can't escape. There was one victim that night and Zimmerman can't change the fact it wasn't him.

    You're spot on. Guns are never a solution.

  12. Anonymous6:11 PM

    He in no way appears as homeless due to wearing clean clothes and gaining more and more weight as each new photo is published. He's obese! It reflects the fact he is eating well and is much, much better off than TRUE homeless folks!

    No wonder they didn't put him in the ring - he'd have died of a heart attack! Might have been the best 'out' for him!!!

  13. PTSD = Perpetrated Travon's Sudden Death. I hope he suffers that guilt until he pays for what he did.

  14. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Good! I hope he faces the consequences he avoided in his trial each and every day,.

  15. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Poor, poor George, it must be SO terribly unpleasant being homeless. But don't worry, I have the perfect solution for you.

    Maybe you can try living in prison, where your sorry, racist ass SHOULD be!

  16. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Ew, he's just trolling for $.

  17. Anonymous7:33 PM

    He sounds like he's going for disability due to PTSD. I thought that woman was pregnant

  18. Anonymous7:43 PM

    "Zimmerman goes on to say that he can't have a "normal life," wears a bulletproof vest when in public and doesn't have a permanent home. He says that his family helps him "a lot." "I'm totally homeless," Zimmerman says. Later, Calderón asks how he has changed since the shooting: "I suffer from PTSD," Zimmerman replies."

    Karma, bitch.

    1. Anonymous4:27 AM

      This is the third time karma and bitch has been used to make a point. If you knew anything about karma, you wouldn't use it so poorly. It gets old.

  19. Anonymous9:14 PM

    "I was afraid it had gone through his clothes and that it was going to go ... get lost, and, um, you know, go into a house and — because the young man was still talking to me, as I have said. So I thought that it hadn't … affected him, and I got worried, and I said, 'I hope that it hasn't — that the bullet hasn't hit a neighbor,'" Zimmerman says. "But I only knew that the attack stopped."

    Hang on a minute - wasn't Trayvon on top of George? Bashing his thick skull against the footpath? Didn't George manage to get his gun and hold it to Trayvon's chest?

    This pretty much proves they were vertical when the shot was fired. According to George, the bullet should have gone straight up into the air.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Also, according to a forensic pathologist, the killing wound to Trayvon Martin would have had him instantly collapsing and dying quickly, unable to talk.

  20. Anonymous10:03 PM

    There was a new shooting in FLA. same issue like this. Black guy running with a hoodie on, white guy pursues, kills him with six shots. Claims stand your ground because he thought the guy's pants were falling down to his knees and that was threatening to him...

  21. Anonymous10:06 PM

  22. Anonymous12:23 AM

    He deserves nothing less than lifelong paranoia.

  23. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Can only hope his downward spiral continues for the rest of his life..........

  24. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Just think, if he had been convicted he;d have 3 square meals a day and a bed. Not be homeless and in fear all the time, he'd be fed, housed, and protected.

  25. Anonymous3:30 AM

    This is your life now Georgie, at least you have one.

  26. SHARON4:49 AM

    There is nothing but shame for this country. ALEC devised this horrible law and the politicians the NRA own made it real. For Americans to allow these shootings without penalty to continue is unbearably shameful to me. Michael Dunn should get what he deserves by the black prison population....George Zimmerman will get his too. We talk about the main problems we need solved.....gun control is never on that list. We need the congress back and to hold the senate......someone like Gabby to make a stand. Without a gun....all these psycho, coward bullies would walk away. ALEC, the NRA along with the politicians they own are swimming in the blood of innocents. My heart goes out to all those parents living in fear for their children....Fla is a war zone.

  27. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Zimmerman is a POS who wasn't convicted by the jury but who will live the rest of his life being convicted by the majority of the public. Too bad that he's homeless, boo-hoo, poor Georgy. He's on a publicity tour: the "celebrity" boxing match; the above interview; and, last week I read somewhere that he's attempting to change terms of previously settled division of money with Shellie Zimmerman. Or something like that but I can't find anything about it with google today. If he's so hard up for money, he can always sell some of his guns and ammo. I'm sure there's many gun nuts who'd love to have a gun that belonged to GZ.

  28. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I know I'm in the minority here but I do believe a little jury shaming would be in order. Remember the female juror who thought a "Not Guilty " verdict would sell more books? Everything about this case needs a bright light shined on it.


  29. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Don't forget the 15 year old girl who was shot to death in Little Rock for egging a car last night. Them eggs is dangerous, good thing the guy was packing.

  30. Anonymous11:01 AM

    8:36 And, you can bet this guy will be put on trial quickly, be sentenced for first degree murder and sent to jail for life. The shooter is black!

  31. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Hey murderer! Re: "because the young man was still talking " "THE YOUNG MAN" HAS A NAME! IT IS TRAYVON MARTIN!



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