Saturday, February 22, 2014

Son of "Snake Salvation" pastor, who recently died of a fatal snakebite, says he too will handle the snake and refuse medical treatment if bitten.

Son Cody Coots, pictured on the far left.
Courtesy of TMZ:  

Bite me once shame on you ... the new pastor in the "Snake Salvation" church will NOT accept medical treatment today if he's bitten by the rattlesnake that killed his father exactly one week ago. 

Cody Coots tells TMZ ... he will indeed handle the deadly snake during the afternoon Kentucky service. What's more, he says there will be NO anti-venom meds on hand in case the snake attacks again. 

And ... if he's bitten and paramedics rush to the church, he'll send them away ... just like his dad Jamie Coots did. 

Cody tells TMZ, "I will lay right there and say to everyone, it's God's will. It's good enough to live by, and good enough to die by." 

You know it is going to be increasing hard for these simple minded yokels to deny the teachings of Charles Darwin if they are going to keep receiving his awards

You know you have to admire a Christian faith that has its own expiration date baked right into its religious practices. Perhaps the only thing that would be faster is a faith based on the belief that God will negate the laws of gravity for the true believers, and whose congregation meets on the edge of a cliff every Sunday.


  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Stupidity his hereditary... And in the Heath Palin case, there's three generations of ignorance

  2. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Good...thin out the herd.

  3. Anonymous3:18 PM

    If lawmakers feel to empowered to enact new laws based on the ability of religious persons to openly discriminate because certain other don't meet their religious agenda, then lets just label Christianity as a hate group in this nation and tax the bastards as any other business.

  4. Anonymous3:33 PM

    The very definition of hopeless (and hapless). Be sure to explain to your "maker" how it was you ended up at his feet and ready yourself for the "Holy Facepalm."

  5. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Suicide by snake….

    1. Beldar Viper Conehead8:29 PM

      thanks, 335p, I came here to post that exact comment. But now I don't have to post anything because you saved me the trouble of... d'oh!!

  6. Anonymous3:50 PM

    It's amazing the part that snakes have and still do play in religion.Years ago we moved into a new suburban neighborhood that had been carved out of virgin forest so snakes were frequently found in yards, seen crossing streets, lurking in trees. When someone mentioned a snake had been found in their yard, the common remarks would be "they need to get right with god or the snakes will get them" and that family would be more or less shunned until it was forgotten that they had "offended god".

  7. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Which all goes to show that you can't fix stupid. The country has a swath of stupid that starts in Mid-North, travels down through the Mid-West like crap poured from a chamber pot. It hits the South and spreads east and west. Oh yeah, Alaska has become over-loaded with stupid as well, sprung a leak, and sent a tributary to the river of ignorance.

    1. Very visual! I enjoyed your comment. :)

    2. Anonymous1:27 AM

      "you can't fix stupid"

      Hey! That was gonna be MY comment!!

  8. Anonymous4:19 PM

    There really should be a law that protects these poor bastards from their own stupidity. Or perhaps some kind of de-programming? They are just cultish.


    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Nope. nope, nope. their underage kids, maybe. But the quicker these fools eliminate themselves, the better. they are uneducable, militantly ignorant fools.

  9. Randall4:23 PM

    Doesn't Mark 16:17-18 also say that they should drink poison as well?

    I mean, it's like the very next line fer Chrissakes.

    Let's hurry this along, true believers.

    1. Anonymous5:50 AM

      That's what I don't get. Why do they focus on the snake part of the verses, but ignore the drink poison part?

  10. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Using snakes, speaking in tongues, being anointed by witch doctors are all in the belief system of morons like Sarah Palin.

  11. Anonymous5:46 PM

    with any luck, snakey is still hungry and /or in a shitty mood tomorrow.

  12. Anita Winecooler6:40 PM

    What an asp hole!

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM


    2. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Cody says,"Bite me." Snake says, "Another dumb-fuck, huh?"

  13. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Regarding your last paragraph,don't you mean "whose congregation meets for their one and only service one Sunday..."?

  14. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Snakes on a Plain!

  15. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Good. I will pay to see the bite and aftermath. But I know I can count on you Gryphen to post the video of it. I would also like for Sarah to be one of his followers .

  16. Anonymous5:25 AM

    LIke Sarah Palin, this guy is suffering from some mentasl illness or deep depression. Too bad he has no friends or family that care enough for him to get him some good help. It is natural to be depressed aftr your dad dies. It is natural to want to die , too, to be with them. But, it is not natural to play with a venomous snake and hope it bites you too and let it kill you.

  17. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Can anyone understand why the women of these cults always have to have ugly hairdos and clothing, while the men can look "normal"? We eat out on Sundays and so often groups like this will come in. One day I listened with amazement as they looked over a huge stack of seemed that every member was required to bring in copies of their taxes to prove that they really do tithe. I particularly enjoyed all the good Christian petty remarks. Such sanctimonious hypocrites!

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Since I'm the luckiest person in the world, I actually have some of these people as relatives. The women don't cut their hair because of a Bible verse. They just grow it and pile it on their head. Much like the Taliban, they think women should cover their bodies. Have you ever seen the show on TV where the family has all these kids and if they happen to pass someone on the street dressed "inappropriately" they yell "Nike?"
      In LaLa land that means look at your shoes. Well that really happens! So, to answer your question, the women dress and wear their hair like that because they want to be like Bathsheba? Delilah? One of the women in the old testament.


  18. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Sooo... Did he survive his sermon today?

  19. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Cody, don't just hold the snake, kiss it, religious fanatic. Have a nice Rapture trip.

  20. I agree. When stupidity is this willful and intractable, it would be unfair not to admit you're impressed.


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