Saturday, February 22, 2014

Conservative religious groups and Republican lawmakers have launched a concerted effort to allow discrimination based on prejudices born of faith.

Courtesy of Mother Jones:

Kansas set off a national firestorm last week when the GOP-controlled House passed a bill that would have allowed anyone to refuse to do business with same-sex couples by citing religious beliefs. The bill, which covered both private businesses and individuals, including government employees, would have barred same-sex couples from suing anyone who denies them food service, hotel rooms, social services, adoption rights, or employment—as long as the person denying the service said he or she had a religious objection to homosexuality. As of this week, the legislation was dead in the Senate. But the Kansas bill is not a one-off effort. 

Republicans lawmakers and a network of conservative religious groups has been pushing similar bills in other states, essentially forging a national campaign that, critics say, would legalize discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Republicans in Idaho, Oregon, South Dakota, and Tennessee recently introduced provisions that mimic the Kansas legislation. And Arizona, Hawaii, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Mississippi have introduced broader "religious freedom" bills with a unique provision that would also allow people to deny services or employment to LGBT Americans, legal experts say. 

"This is a concerted campaign that the religious Right has been hinting at for a couple of years now," says Evan Hurst, associate director of Truth Wins Out, a Chicago-based nonprofit that promotes gay rights. "The fact that they're doing it Jim Crow-style is remarkable, considering the fact that one would think the GOP would like to be electable among people under 50 sometime in the near future."

The article goes on to give examples from Idaho, to South Dakota, to Tennessee of states that have introduced bills that would allow businesses to refuse service to anybody whose lifestyle insulted their religious beliefs. 

Which by the way was one of the arguments used during the Jim Crow era to refuse service to blacks and to prevent interracial marriages.

So let me address the elephant in the room.

I get quite a lot of negative feedback for my promotion of secular ideals and my attacks on religion. And I understand why it might upset certain people.

However what everybody has to recognize is that ALL of these recent attacks on our human rights and personal freedoms are the result of religion.

What other reason is ever given for denying women access to abortion? The belief that it is against God's wishes.

What other reason is given for keeping gays from getting married? That it is against the teachings of the Bible. 

What other reason is given for the attacks on science that we have seen lately? The fact that Evolution disproves the Genesis account of creation and the evidence that man can destroy the climate on the planet that religious people believe God provided to his people.

That is pretty much it in a nutshell.

So please tell me how to fight against all of this WITHOUT attacking it at its source.

Religion played a very important part in the development of mankind on this planet, there is no real argument against that. However today, in my opinion, that benefit is greatly reduced, and the negative impact seems to be growing exponentially.

So forgive me if I step on a few of your toes, but the battle is bigger than you.

And what we are fighting for is bigger than any one religion, or any one religion's god.

We are fighting for our very futures. And the future of our children. And our children's children.


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    White religious people are coming more unhinged day after day because they lost control of their little utopia. They are no longer a majority, cannot stand anything non white or straight. Welcome to the minority class, assholes! Your religious based laws are worth less than the paper they are written on!

  2. A. J. Billings12:48 PM

    If these laws get passed, and businesses are able to withhold services or goods on the basis of religious sentiment, it's a slippery slope back to an openly racist society.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Tell me how the owner-operated businesses are going to be able to correctly identify who is gay and who isn't!

      They will end up getting sued for their misdiagnoses! And then lose their businesses. Sounds like a hell of an idea folks! This won't go anywhere for long.

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      It's a slippery slope for this type of legislation. If I owned a restaurant I'd have a "religious and political litmus test" that must be passed prior to me allowing anyone to dine at my establishment. Teabagger? Sorry, no entry. Conservative? Sorry, no entry. Religious right wing asshole? Sorry, no entry. None of them would appreciate what I was serving anyway. Sorry conservative, religious right wing assholes, there is no meatloaf, gravy, nor any hamburger helper served here.

    3. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Soup Nazi says "No fucking soup for bigoted assholes, including fundies, baggers, and anti-science idiots."

  3. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I'm one of those that has started to give you grief "about the religion stuff" Sometimes what you say is fine, sometimes even interesting. And way more often it is tiring attacks that pick on something atrocious that is the result of a deluded person, or manipuative person using religion
    There are people who use religion for their own purposes. And there are good, kind, flawed, people who believe. I'm tired of you conflating the two and using it as an argument against religion.
    The feelings I have when you talk religion are ther same I have around those who proselytize
    I know religious people who I can talk to for hours about religion, god, The Bible, etc. Curious, open, discussion. and I know those I can't stand 5 minutes discussion about religion, God, Th Bible. They are full of judgment, feelings of superiority, blame, and lack of understanding.
    I imagine you are in both camps and I've been too much of you from the second camp latefly for my tastes. I know, I can leave if I don't like it. The point at which the chafe outweights the wheat on this site is getting closer.
    You can believe I'm giving you negative feedback for your push-back against religion. I don't think I am,but perhaps there is something I don't see. I am giving you negative pushback against how you talk about religion, particularly Christians as a monolithic group who all deserve derision.

    1. Are you doing anything to stop the crazies? If not, you are part of the problem, and deserve derision and ridicule.

      So, don't let the door....................

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      My perception of Gryph's opinion on religion is not as harsh as yours 1:31. Atheists and Agnostics have had to live with discrimination their entire lives.

      Christians are not the be all end all of society. The tea baggers are making a joke out of religion. DD uses it to excuse pedophilia. Crazy people use it to justify crime. and now AZ wants to use it to justify discrimination.

      The opinions offered on this site by the owner are clear, concise and factual. So if you don't like it.....GTFOH. Nobody cares what you think.

    3. Anonymous3:27 PM

      If you don't like it then don't read here any longer. Perhaps Bristol's blog would be more to your liking? You presume to come to an Atheist's blog and then become outraged because he and many others find your religion mockable?

      I come from 3 generations of Atheists and many others here have found their way OUT of organized religion. You have to understand that many of us simply can't accept religion and wish that those who wear the blinders of organized religion could, to borrow a phrase from your book, "see the light" and enjoy this life for what it is rather than practice the OCD and the accompanying ritualistic behaviors that are associated with organized religion.

      We are all going to end up dead. Some of us enjoy life and some do not due to religious pressures. I encourage you to question your faith and what it means and perhaps find higher meaning in THIS life, the only one that you actually get to live.

    4. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Oh stop with your bullshit "no true Scotsman" fallacious argument.

  4. Beldar Judenfrei Conehead1:42 PM

    I think you're exaggerating the effect of this self-segregation trend in Amercia, Gryphen, if that's even your real name which recent polls suggest by a 3 to 1 margin, it is not.

    Once the severe conservatives win, life is going become very simple. All you have to do is make sure you live and work only with people of your own kind and everything will be beautiful.

    If you're a Catholic, for example, you would live in a Catholic ghetto, you would wear your red catholic cross patch sewn to your clothing and as long as you didnt try to leave the Catholic ghetto you and your Catholic children could live a safe, productive and execution-free life.

    The same freedoms would exist for all the world's approved religions such as Protestants, Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, Evangelicals, Presbyterians.... um... lemme think... Have I forgotten anyone? No.... I don't think so.

    Now, there are winners and losers whenever society changes and this is no exception. So, the outlook, sadly enough, isn't as rosy for Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, and other non-Christians but, as the Arizona legislature likes to say "Tough titties for you."

    Try to look on the bright side: once the Final Solution to the 25% non-Christian population in Amercia has been implemented, life is going to be AWESOME until the Second Coming of Jeebus when the entire planet is consumed in the fiery apocalyptic Hell of God's eternal love.


    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      "tough titties"? Isn't that Jan Brewer's nickname?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Agree with everything you said Gryphe. Keep doing what you are doing.

  7. Anonymous2:36 PM

    You just know the racist pigs are out dusting off their signs ~

    No Shirts, No Shoes
    No Niggers, No Jews

    So ashamed of AZ.

  8. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Arizona pizzeria’s amazing response to state’s anti-gay bill

    Rocco’s Little Chicago Pizzeria in Tucson is ready to serve up delicious deep dish pizza—unless you’re an Arizona legislator.

    Read more:

  9. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I'm sorry but we do need to attack religion at its source. We need to beat these people back until they realize that this country was formed as a secular union that actually made a constitution that at its heart kept these people at bay. We need to put them in their place; their place being that they can worship any god that they wish to, the foundation of our country allows for that, however, they CANNOT push their religion into the founding document of our country. They have to stop trying to rewrite our history, plain and simple, and get used to the fact that they have certain freedoms granted to them by our constitution and that WE have freedoms granted via OUR constitution to NOT have to be preached to by THEM.

    The only people of faith that I respect are those that worship in private and do not proselytize nor attempt to evangelize those of us that do not share their faith. Religion, just as many other aspects of life, should be practiced in private, behind closed doors and not shared with others.

    Come to my door, and first time you shall be turned away by a big slobbering dog. If you keep coming to my door, then you will be turned away by the much less friendly dog. Do it again and you'll be met with arms. Whether or not they are loaded is anyone's guess, but if I were you I'd assume that I mean business.

  10. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I posted this over at HP also. Just wait until a Christian landlord refuses to rent to a gun owner. The TBaggers would be repealing this law in minutes,because you know, guns. LMAO

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      I had the same thought. I might have a religious objection to people wearing weapons into my place of business and want to ban anyone carrying open or concealed.

      When the amendments meet on the legal battlefield, who will win - First or Second?

  11. Anonymous3:40 PM

    When religion becomes a weapon to oppress then it's time to regulate it! Now is the time!

  12. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Just remember, these 'christian' lawmakers are the ones who would be screaming the loudest if there were some MOSLEMS discriminating against THEM...

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      They are the same people screaming about the nonexistent threat of Sharia law.

    2. Anonymous3:05 AM

      Exactly! This IS Sharia law,cloaked in the robe of "christianity".

  13. Anonymous4:13 PM

    nail on the head , my friend, keep up the hammer

  14. Randall4:36 PM

    Gryph? "Religion played a very important part in the development of mankind on this planet, there is no real argument against that."

    I think a damn GOOD argument could be made against that...

    Religion had about 1000 years to run with the ball -
    that was called "The Dark Ages"

    Then Science said "fuck you, we're going to try it OUR way" and we cured diseases, fed billions, landed men on the moon.

    And Religion stood in the way EVERY.

    Belief in bullshit has NO redeeming values. None.

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      And, during the Dark Ages, it was the Arabic nations with some Muslim citizens that kept science alive. Why do you think that many of the stars in our sky have arabic names, or names derived from Arabic?

      Some Arabic speaking nations are now experiencing their own "Dark Ages" thanks to the stupidity of religion imposing a dictatorial rule on their nations. Perhaps we free non theologically dominated countries can lend a hand to the Arabic folks and keep science alive while they go thru their Dark Age?

    2. Untrue, Anthropologists will attest the the positive impact that primitive religions and shared rituals had on the development of early tribes.

      They formed a cohesion that went beyond simple kinship, and allowed communities to develop relationships that helped them to survive and battle against other groups.

    3. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Love it, Randall. Religion was intellectual only when intellectualism contributed to their power.

    4. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Sure, Gryph, like any other political power - didn't matter if the myth were true or not. Sports teams and nationalism d the same thing today.

  15. Anita Winecooler6:39 PM

    I'm 100 percent in agreement with everything you wrote, one of your best posts! Legalizing discrimination of any kind is taking our country back to the caveman days, is this what "they" mean by "Taking our country back"?
    What parameters do they follow other than a "feeling" someone is gay or straight? Because there's a lot of couples that "pass" as heterosexual that aren't marriages in any sense. Hellllooooo Michele and Marcus!!!
    We've progressed a lot, but bias, bigotry and hate are still taught, often using the Bible and Religion. Who has the right to define one family as valid and another not?

  16. Anonymous7:41 PM

    "Good religion" is the best antidote to "bad religion". While the Southern preachers used the bible to justify slavery, Christian abolitionists used scripture to inspire them to fight to free their black brothers and sisters. The bible was used to justify segregation, but the leaders of the Civil Rights movement and its supporters used the bible to inspire their fight for equality. Looking at the life of Jesus as our example would provide more of an indictment of these horrible laws than you could ever articulate.

  17. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Thought occurred that if I ran a business in AZ, I could not hire Christians because they can not be trusted to do my company's work rather than their (questionable) 'good works'.

    1. Anonymous10:02 PM

      Good point. And if I choose to serve someone in my restaurant that I "believe" is a fake christian who is, in my personal opinion, just plain fucking crazy, they will he eating with cheap plastic utensils so they can't steal the regular cheap stainless steel utensils. Plus, they will be charged a 20% premium and must pay in advance since they are mostly cheap-ass no-tipping ass-wipes that take up a table stuffing their fat bellies and aggravating my servers. Fuck em if they don't like it. My food is too good for their sorry asses, and my people shouldn't have to deal with stupid people occupying the tables in their section. Let those bigots serve one another exclusively, and watch all of the fascist business owners play cutthroat with one another until they either starve or go out of business. I can hear them whining and crying now.

  18. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I am thinking about moving to anyone of these states that pass legislation mentioned in your post. I want to start a business there just so I can refuse to serve Christians citing my religious beliefs as the reason.... wonder how well that will go

  19. Anonymous1:21 AM

    They don't have to worry about Oregon. Liberal Democrats have controlled the state for years. Oregon Democrats are also as corrupt as the day is long. (I'm a liberal Democrat, by the way, and these unethical, corrupt goons embarrass the hell out of me.)

    The corruption extends even down to the local, supposedly non-partisan, level. In my small town of 37,000, we just voted these arrogant liberal asswipes out of office and voted in a new conservative majority City Council and Mayor. I've never voted for a conservative politician, at any level, in my "voting age life," but I worked with many other liberals, moderates, and conservatives in town to clean the swamp.

    Conflicts of interest and quid pro quos among Oregon Democratic politicians and favored developers, consultants, etc. are so blatant, it's truly nauseating. The only way to get the corruption under control is to have a more balanced state government, and, unfortunately, I don't see that happening any time soon.

    Oregon Democrats epitomize the phrase "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."


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