Friday, February 28, 2014

There is a chance that something Sarah Palin predicted might come true, might just happen. Sign of Apocalypse, or simple coincidence? You decide. Update!

"Holy crap I was right about something!"
 Courtesy of Nostra-dumbasses Facebook page:

Yes, I could see this one from Alaska. I'm usually not one to Told-Ya-So, but I did, despite my accurate prediction being derided as “an extremely far-fetched scenario” by the “high-brow” Foreign Policy magazine. Here’s what this “stupid” “insipid woman” predicted back in 2008: "After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next."

Ooh, somebody's awfully proud of themselves now aren't they?

Of course the 2008 speech that Palin refers to is one in which she claimed that Obama's offer to engage with the leaders of Iran would embolden them to possibly attack Israel. Instead we now have a deal with Iran that essentially dismantles their nuclear weapons program.

She also stated that Obama was demonstrating a lack of respect for Pakistan's sovereignty by threatening to send troops in if there were credible information that Osama Bin Laden was hiding out there.

I think we all know how that turned out.

Yes Palin did also suggest that under President Obama that Russia might be emboldened to invade the Ukraine. However considering her shoddy record of making predictions, and the fact that the invasion is still relatively hypothetical, it does seem that it deserves a great deal of celebration.

After all even a broken clock is right twice a day.

By the way if Russia is indeed invading the Ukraine, it is possibly the laziest invasion on record.

Update: Now the Ukrainians are saying that they have repelled the invasion, and that the airports and roadways are back under Ukrainian control.

Okay so are we to believe that in just one day Russia invaded the Ukraine, and were repelled with no reported loss of life? That does not appear to be much of an invasion.

It seems to me that a certain half term Governor/Reality TV star may have shot her big stupid mouth a little too soon.


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Too little, too late from a corrupt former politician who couldn't even handle being governor of a state with what...? 56 people? Okay, maybe a few dozen more.

    I'm sure Hitler was right about a few things in his lifetime as well, little sarah.

    Yeah, I invoked Hitler. I took a page from the RWNJ Handbook. Bite me.

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      She didn't write that shit.
      And yeah, Hitler or quitler may be right occasionally but its not her to is writing this tripe.
      Putin rears his head, where does he go? Alaska not Ukraine! According to madam know it all....Hey Sarah Quiler Fuck off and STFU.

    2. Anonymous7:29 PM

      august 14 2008 "McCain has attacked Obama for being soft on the Russians and being "bizarrely in synch with Moscow".

      and this from today at the wire:

    3. Anonymous3:02 AM

      @7:29PM -
      The wire link has a picture of Palin i haven't seen before. The crazy is on full display.


  2. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Here is Sarah's Facebook post: Yes, I could see this one from Alaska. I'm usually not one to Told-Ya-So, but I did, despite my accurate prediction being derided as “an extremely far-fetched scenario” by the “high-brow” Foreign Policy magazine. Here’s what this “stupid” “insipid woman” predicted back in 2008: "After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next."

    What is that stupid woman talking about? Did Putin finally raise his head over Alaska, the way that Palin predicted? I just heard President Obama state emphatically that the people in Ukraine should determine their own independence, and Russia should keep hands off.

    Let's try to remember what happened in 2008. John McCain, who was the head of the Palin/McCain presidential ticket declared that "we are all Georgians now," meaning that he stood with their Georgian independence movement. One of Palin's foreign policy people was none other that the former lobbyist for the State of Georgia (not the one in our American South). What does Palin want-- another cold war? another invasion with guns blazing? Despite the terrible things that Syria has done to its own people, we have not gone in there with guns blazing. What IS that stupid woman talking about, anyway?

    1. Sally in MI6:29 PM

      You know, Sarah, it's six years later. I hardly think anything Senator Obama did or said six years ago had anything to do with what is happen ing in Ukraine. But go ahead, smirk. It's all the GOP knows how to do..smirk and lie.

    2. Anonymous7:09 PM

      skank you fekkin idiot-this is 2014 TWO THOUSAND FOURTEEN- whatever the fek you said in 2008 TWO THOUSAND EIGHT was SIX, count them SIX YEARS AGO!!! do you not think.........ooops -obviously you don't think so i will rephrase-many many things have happened in the last six years you completely stupid ho bag.

      putin and georgia in '08 has NOTHING to do with putin and the ukraine in '14 so stfu and as bill maher referred to tonight-go huff some more chemicals so you fry that brain even more and can be FINALLY locked up in that padded cell that is being held for you. buh-bye twat!

    3. Anonymous11:06 PM

      Bill Maher really did slam her on his show tonight - it was not kind! And, she deserves every bit of negative that comes her way.....she has spread her evil words for so many years! Hell truly awaits her!

  3. Anonymous2:13 PM

    WTH? She's patting herself on the back now because she thinks she was 'right'????

    Happy as a clam, is she. People have died during a coup in the Ukraine, and she's all proud as a peacock because her paid consultants told her to predict this????

    Who wins here? Is Sarah going to go out and celebrate because she was once 'right'? Does it make her happy that people get sick and die? Will she gleefully post more juvenile "I WAS RIGHT"/HMMPH!" posts because the some people didn't get the right advice during a doctor's visit, so she can blame Obamacare?????

    Sarah is so evil that she'd laugh and high-five is some innocent person died. That's how evil and disgusting she is.

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      crosseyed braindead skank celebrate = fire up the meth pipe

    2. Anonymous4:36 PM

      I still remember her morally tone deaf response to the horrible massacres going on in Syria: all those poor little children killed by bombs.
      A total narcissistic sociopath.

      M from MD

    3. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Some one else gave her the information so $he could toss it into her word salad.

      We all know that $creech is always scripted by ghost writers.

  4. Anonymous2:27 PM

    A commenter on her facebook mentioned she had the last "laugh". Who are these people?

    Competition to see who can win the "I'm right/I'm wrong" game of life. When thousands die, Sarah and her minions are celebrating.

    Sarah, a down syndrome child in the Ukraine may now be fatherless or motherless. Does that make you happy? You may have been right, but what did YOU do to improve the situation????? You quit and are now ya-hoo-ing and amazing America in your silly shallow stupid unimportant fake reality TV show. How barren and cold and selfish you are. At least there are some people who fight the good fight and are working towards solutions, unlike you, a lazy trivial puppet.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      She doesn't give a shit about Down kids unless they can get her on a VP ticket.

    2. Anonymous4:30 PM

      "Pass me a baby. Not the retarded one."

    3. Anonymous5:11 PM

      Sarah sees herself in Trig's eyes, and in his intellect, even though he was not the fruit of her womb, he mirrors her in every way. That's why she never holds him or cradles him but faces him away from her.

  5. Anonymous2:31 PM

    In 1954 Krushchev transferred Crimea from Russia to Ukraine, at the time, a meaningless gesture because Russia controlled it all anyway.

    In 2008, Palin said Georgia and Ukraine should be in NATO. No one asked her what kind of contributions they would make _TO_ NATO. About the only thing NATO would get out of it would be a shooting war with the Russians.

    Fortunately, Ukraine is not in NATO. The USA is not required by the alliance to defend Ukraine with a military response. This is, I think, a good thing. It gives us flexibility in handling the situation.

    Crimea has been a football for centuries Wiki lists 21 countries/peoples that have controlled Crimea. It would be just peachy if the United States could police every patch of the Earth that multiple parties make territorial claim. But we can't.

    Sarah Palin does not have the intelligence, the experience, the information or the diplomacy to make any statements about this kind of ongoing crisis.

    She is a stupid woman. She should shut her mouth.

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Her delusional self is taking hold again and she has forgotten she is a washed-up half-term quitter governor and not a states”girl”. I am beginning to tire watching this slow-motion wreck.

      Emily Post

    2. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Same here...I'm so tired of her and her 'shelf life' has expired. She's irrelevant.

    3. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Anon @ 3:33 Don't worry- if you weren't reading here and on other blogs that keep track of her, you'd never even know Palin exists. She's a nothing; nowhere but on FB, a place for teenagers to gossip.

  6. Anonymous2:33 PM

    If she said it in a speech she was just reading what was written for her. She knew nothing about Russia and had no idea that Georgia was a country. She still knows nothing and is still taking credit for other people's work. I guess she won't mind us saying " I told you so" when it comes out she faked a pregnancy.

  7. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Leave it to sarah to find something to crow about regarding what most people would consider a depressing situation.

    She must just giggle with joy when something bad happens to someone she does not care for - which is just about everyone on the planet.

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Ummm yeah, does she care that people have died? No, just mememememememe!

  8. London Bridges2:39 PM

    McCain was behind Georgia's attack and he was also behind the Ukrainian coup, so Sarah should know something about this stuff.

    1. Anonymous11:01 PM

      McCain constantly promotes all out war as do other members of his ilk! That is one guy that they should get out of the U.S. Congress...think he is up for reelection this next go around. But, he's from AZ - the state that should remove itself from our union.

  9. Anonymous2:46 PM

    OMG, you were RIGHT, $arah? By all MEANS run for president in 2016. Hillary won't know what hit her! You'll CREAM her in debates! Run, $arah, Run! Here kitty, kitty, kitty.....

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Sarah Palin would appoint Dr. CBJ as Surgeon General in charge of Pregnancy Hoaxes and Wild Rides.

    2. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Todd Palin would be appointed as Foreign Pimp Ambassador and would be assigned a HELEECPTER.

    3. Sally in MI6:25 PM

      And Bristol of two high schools, two turns on the dance floor, two or more trial husbands, and who knows how many offspring, can be the Secretary of Education. Willow can do hair, Piper can beat up the press with a ball bat at the WH press briefings, and Trig can run around with Tripp and tip over stuff. Yeah, it'll be great.

    4. Anonymous5:04 AM

      OMG 5:32!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      I wonder if THAT is what CBJ was promised in order to cover for Sarah Palin?
      Did she and McCain promise her Surgeon General?
      THAT would be reaason for her t throw her reputtion out the window...but little did she think that that would just bring more attention to herself and the dots would have much sooner been connected about her.
      FPP are not high risk obs unless that is nearly ALL they are. CBJ thing is primary care and abuse - NOT high risk OB.
      God thee people get their brains sucked out in Alaska and or church!

  10. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Jesus wept. Will she never get a fucking clue and stfu??

  11. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Sarah assuredly didn't know this stuff on her own....hell, she probably didn't even know about Georgia! She probably thought they were talking about Georgia in the USA! McCain provided the info to, take all the credit you want Sarah Palin! We know better!

    War is NOT the answer even though I'm sure that is the direction the Republicans would like taken! Thank god we have President Obama at the helm...he'll do everything in his power to avert taking us into another one that we cannot afford and the majority in America do not want!

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      i guarandamntee the fraudulent braindead crosseyed skank would not be able to pick the state of georgia on a US map let alone where the republic of georgia is

  12. Anonymous3:05 PM

    "Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence"

    So his reaction was equivalent to what?

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Perhaps moral ambivalence was the intended phrase. But it got thrown in the word blender and came out word salad again.

    2. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Careful 4:34, you'll give her ideas and before you know it we'll be hearing "ambiquivalent" in her next spew.

    3. Sally in MI6:22 PM

      I LIKE that word...ambiquivalent. My computer doesn't like it, but I do!!

  13. Balzafiar3:07 PM

    Who wrote that for her? Those are very big words to be coming from such a tiny brain.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      She doesn't write her Facebook posts. Used to be RAM, don't know if that's still the case. Darn straight, too big of words!

    2. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Those words came from a speech that was written for her on the 2008 McCain campaign. Sarah doesn't know Georgia from Georgia.

    3. Nor can Sarah tell shit from Shinola.

  14. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Is the current movement of Russian troops into Ukraine an actual invasion? And, if it is, what does it have to do with Pres. Obama?

    At the point the 2008 prediction may be proven to be true, I'll give due attention and praise to the McCain/Palin advisers/speechwriters who put the words in her mouth. Surely, no one in their right mind would suspect Sarah knew anything about Ukraine either then or now.

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      I read that POTUS told Russia today they had better not send troops?
      I could be wrong thought I saw on twitter.
      She is such a LIAR.

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Why is it any of our fucking business, as America. Oh, unless they have oil, which they do so we'll most likely bomb them into kingdom come, 'Merica style! Took you oil and killed all your people, that's your tax dollars at work folks.

  15. Leland3:15 PM

    What's that old saying? "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while!"

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      I was thinking more like lipsticked pig & an acorn....

    2. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Only a blind old bagger would have a nut on Baldy's chin.

  16. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Sarah, you're still "stupid" and "insipid."

    Now the world knows you're also an "unsympathetic", "selfish braggart".

  17. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Off topic but this needs to go viral!

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Uh, hello, christians are generally the worst people in the world and as all they do is prey upon and hurt others. No big surprise here. If I see a cross anywhere on a person, necklace, bracelet, ring, anywhere, I shy away from them. They are awful people.

  18. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Obviously Sarah Palin and her buddy, John McCain, do not understand that these matters are not "gotcha" moments. Just imagine the mayhem the world would be dealing with had those two ended up in charge. I'm very grateful that Barack Obama and Joe Biden are working for us in Washington, DC.

  19. Anonymous3:31 PM

    People remember "Game Change" Steve Schmidt said she was a good actress and gave her lines to memorize. I doubt those words were hers. She's as unoriginal as they come except for her little stunts like big gulp, a can of chewing tobacco and let's not forget her fake titties.

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      I'm not sure the stunts were her ideas either. She hired a former Late Show producer/writer (can't think of his name at the moment) who came up with some or all of the gags.

    2. Anonymous4:46 PM

      lol. So she's Obama

    3. Anonymous4:46 PM

      So she's Obama, who goes up in smoke when he doesn't have a script. THAT is proven on video

    4. Anonymous5:15 PM

      4:PM STFU Assclown.

    5. Anonymous7:54 PM

      When is tri dash G's birth going to be "proven on video"?? Oh right you can't prove it. Checkmate.

    6. Anonymous5:21 AM

      4:46 -- explain over an hour of off the cuff responses to republican assholery then:

      THAT is proven on video.

    7. Anonymous7:09 AM

      I just saw Obama go off script twice in the past couple of days and both times he was intelligent and witty. Right here on this blog he tells the audience that a heckler thought it was happy hour. That was an off the cuff joke. And a few days ago he joked about building Ironman. That was hilarious. Obama is funny and smart and doesn't need a script to explain his thoughts. I'm sure if he saw a tour about Paul Revere's midnight ride he could explain it afterward, clearly and correctly.

  20. Anonymous3:33 PM

    WTH. Does she think the crossed-eyed picture of hers is a good "look" for " Told-Ya-So, Told-Ya-So, Told-Ya-So.
    I have never in my life seen anything like a 50-year-old woman acting like she's an 8-year-old in the playground. And does she realize what a terrible thing this is? WTF!

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      8 is when chuck started molesting her. Emotionally stunted. Sad story really.

    2. Anonymous9:09 PM

      both chuck_tard jr and sr

    3. Anonymous9:55 PM

      But at least Creepy Junior took her to the prom his senior year, didn't he? That's the only way that Fat Boy could get a date who would play the skin flute for him without charging him 50 bucks plus tip.

  21. Anonymous3:40 PM

    The old-cross-eyed chepo has no shame nor love for humanity. She's the evil witch who would dance on top of the dead, and that's basically what she's doing while chanting "Told-Ya-So...Told-Ya-So...Told-Ya-So...lalalalala" whicle skiping and dancing.
    The woman has no shame, tact or diplomacy or love for humanity. What a shameful piece of shit.

  22. Anonymous3:50 PM

    She looks ugly and evil on that facebook picture. Wait..."looks" is not the correct word--she IS ugly and evil in picture and in person. What makes a person so ugly inside and out & so vile and disturbing.

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      I see you're projecting

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      I saw her at the musher's banquet last night and if anything, she is a curiosity because there aren't too many 50 year old woman that weigh 90 lbs that are still ambulatory. Seriously, she looks unwell.

    3. Anonymous5:13 PM

      4:45 PM Are you Lesbian? You are Stalking the Palin women like a distraught Lover.

    4. Anonymous5:22 PM

      anonymous 4:45, projecting you, brisket....

    5. Anonymous8:53 PM


      i think the overweight hump backed crosseyed skank could stand to easily loose another 20lbs

  23. Anonymous3:55 PM

    ohhhhh. A Palin fan says it all.

    LS as guest • 2 hours ago
    She really is Nostradamus.

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM


    2. Anonymous5:02 PM

      She really is the Nostradamus of our time, because all he did was make shit up.

    3. Anonymous5:11 PM


    4. abbafan7:28 PM

      Gryphen - Nostradumbass - best fuckin' description of the stupid, insipid skank bitch EVER!!!

    5. Anonymous8:37 PM

      yup, gets my vote too, NOSTRADUMBASS!!!!!!!!!

    6. Anonymous4:57 AM


  24. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I saw her at the musher's banquet last night. Since the sportsman channel is a new Iditarod sponsor, the emcee was kissing her skinny behind. She had people fawning over her, but I suspect that they were tourists.

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      I saw a picture some guy posted online. His friends freaked out at him meeting her.

      Remember, the people in her yoga class up there alwys comment how cool it is that they walk in and are greeted by her.

      Cheeky D ‏ Feb 24
      Can't tell you how amusing it is that it's now normal for me to walk into yoga & have Sarah Palin say "Good morning" & call me by name

      She's around town a lot. At Piper's ball games with Trig as well.

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM

      She's around town too much this winter, if you ask me, we liked it much better when she went to AZ for the winter. Still not sure why she's hanging out here. Maybe to help her daughter out with the Junker baby?

    3. Anonymous5:11 PM

      4:45 PM Paid Troll?

    4. Anonymous5:22 PM

      I just happened to be watching the feed when in came Wasilla! So effing predictable.


    5. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Some time ago, Sarah posted some photos on her Facebook, telling us that she interviewed the woman who won the Iditarod for the reality show. Sarah is filling out the program with some footage from the musshers banquet.

    6. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Notice how none of the Paylins get any media attention in Alaska? NADA.

      And when there are 'women in politics' and other shindigs in Juneau, $arah is never included, nor is her name mentioned.

      Notice that NO Alaska candidates have asked for the half term, half wit's endorsement.

      $arah Paylin is Alaska's biggest embarrassment.

    7. Anonymous7:12 PM

      The reason for the Iditarod lady is because of the Alaska tax deduction for movies or TV shows shot in Alaska. I'm sure that Sarah will figure out a way to have Todd in there, posing on his snow mobile before it broke down.

    8. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Cheeky D = Sarah Lou. How sad it is that she has to post internet comments under a fake name to pretend she does yoga. Total fail.

    9. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Did anyone in your circle of "friends" see Todd buy Jello? What flavor?

  25. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Hey. Maybe we should start a petition asking Pres. Obama to appoint foreign policy wonk Palin as our ambassador to Ukraine.

    1. Sally in MI6:17 PM

      Oh heck, let's send her straight to Putin.

    2. Sally in MI6:19 PM

      So if she's interviewing the Iditarod winner in Alaska, and pretending to be interested in the mushers' banquet, doe stat mean she isn't done accepting payola from the bill she signed before she quit? She has no shame, does she?

    3. Anita Winecooler6:26 PM

      HAsn't the Ukraine been punished enough?

  26. Anonymous4:43 PM

    To be fair, she was also one of the many who predicted the bad things in health care reform, the things that were removed when the public found out.

    1. You poor dear. Bless your heart.

    2. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Like the "Death Panels"??

      Yes, I was happy they took those out too

    3. Anonymous5:09 PM

      4:43 PM 'DEATH PANELS'? Get real, clown.

    4. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Like the fact that we as taxpayers pay for her husband and his grandkids and kids to be covered gratis under Indian Healthcare? Is that what she found wrong? I guess if it's good for the Natives then white people shouldn't have the same benefits?

    5. Anonymous5:18 PM

      SHE wasn't....she's told what to say. You think she knows anything in that bill?

    6. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

      Don't forget she wore a curly hairpiece on Oprah, pointed at it and said "I did it to look like yew!" While Bristol doubled down on her never ever ever having sex again until she's married. Bwaaaaahaaaaaaaa! Told ya so!

      She'll be on hoarders next week cleaning out the junk in her trunk!

    7. Anonymous7:51 PM

      4:43 PM Sarah Palin did not give birth to Tri-g. I told ya' so.

    8. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Our family prays every night that Sarah be put in front of the death panel.

  27. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Anything this woman said on the 2008 McCain campaign trail was written for her and she merely said the words. She doesn't have a clue about geography and if you asked her today to point our Georgia on a map she'd not be able to.

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      It's somewhere near Alabama, isn't it, Charlie?

    2. Anonymous5:56 PM

      You mean the place where Atlanta is located?

    3. Anonymous7:10 PM

      In what regard, Charlie?

  28. Anonymous5:02 PM

    G, the invasion wasn't from the Russian military, it was from hired guns from Russian groups resembling our Blackwater

    1. Sally in MI6:16 PM

      Oh you mean Cheney's shadow army? The one that killed people for looking at the cross-eyed? That took billions in cash in Iraq, money meant for schools and hospitals? Who changed their name the second we started looking askance at their methods? I suspect the Russian mercenaries were far more professional than XI or whatever they call themselves now.

    2. Anonymous9:28 PM

      eX = evangelical Christians?

  29. OT: Virginia's dipshit answer to Palin just embarked on a new career himself:

  30. Beldar Lou Conehead5:19 PM

    Jeez, Gryphen, - a name which is extremely unlikely to be your actually, true, real name - would it really kill you to be just a TINY bit gracious?

    I've been reluctantly visiting your defunct blog for over 5 years and every day you're trying to convince the last few remaining deadenders here what a horrible, no-good, rotten, selfish, greedy, hypocritical, small-minded, low IQ, self-absorbed, thin-skinned, painfully inadequate woman this is.

    And now, in front of God, Facebook and everyone in between she FINALLY admits she's a “stupid” “insipid woman” and you can't accept that confession with any grace, humility or even apparent satisfaction that you won and she lost?

    It's time you did some soul searching, Mister Blister. There's nothing else to see here anymore. She is a dessicated husk of the dessicated husk she was even at her peak. It's time to move on. Let the vanquished slip away beneath the waves never to be heard from again. She's literally yesterday's potatoes.

    It's time to say "Goodbye, The Screechy Wretch(tm), goodbye!! Don't let the door hit you in your bony, flabby ass on the way out! Goodbye!"

    I know this will leave a big hole in your life, so I was thinking you could maybe convert your blog to following something new and exciting like high speed motorcycle road racing, consumer-grade photography drones, 3D printing or female heavy metal tribute bands.

    It's your choice.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Going out tonight, Beldar, and the first beer is a toast to you!

    2. Sarah has da funk on her feet and her hoo-hah. Keep em covered and out of sight, you scrawny bag of bones.

    3. Anonymous12:47 PM

      We love you, Beldar!

  31. Anonymous5:26 PM

    The woman is an evil monster, and she calls herself a Christian?

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM


      The most evil people I've ever known call themselves christians. That's why I shy away from anyone wearing cross jewelry or say that they attend a christian church. Christianity is some evil shit!

  32. Anonymous5:28 PM

    The Wire's take:

  33. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Yes, I could see this one from Alaska. I'm usually not one to Told-Ya-So, but I did, 

    There was rumors that Todd is a pimp... Told-Ya-So

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      The likelihood of Todd being an actual pimp is diminishing by the day, however, I do think he paid a poor woman with two special kids money to fuck him.

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      A pimp operating in southcentral Alaska was indicated as having been arrested - was in the Anchorage Daily News this morning. Damn, the guy named wasn't Todd Palin!

  34. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Yes, we could see this one from Alaska. We're usually not one to Told-Ya-So, but we did, 

    We said underage Bristol was pregnant while in high school.... Told-Ya-So

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      She wasn't really in "high school" unless you count homeschooling as "school" which many don't and think it is just a weird place for socially inept students to go and get a very random education in stuff that won't get them jobs. Obviously!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

      Was too! There's a statue done to scale at her high school in her honor. Oh wait, are you counting the Mono months? Then you're right!

    3. Anonymous9:08 AM

      I heard that there was a statue 'outside' of Wasilla High School that resembled a vajayjay and was dedicated to Sarah, Bristol and Willow. Is it still there?

  35. Anonymous5:36 PM

    "Instead we now have a deal with Iran that essentially dismantles their nuclear weapons program."

    Since when? There is no deal yet, and the likelihood of such a deal currently seems quite remote, unfortunately.

  36. Anonymous5:43 PM

    And here are the intellects that she preaches to

    Linda Bailey You should indeed tell the morons "told ya so"--about this, and many other things. Can't wait to see how many jokes Tina Fey can make about the invasion now--real hilarious, isn't it?

    Jimmy Brooks Just think about it,Obama did tell Putin before he was re-elected that if he was re-elected his second term things would be taking care of although we did not hear what would be taking care of,it stands to question "what were they speaking of Obamas betraying the American people"?

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      So the WalMart workers that are Sarah Palin's fan base can actually afford computers on which to type out responses to her Facebook? Didn't realize that welfare and food stamps got you a computer....

    2. Anonymous10:12 PM

      Naw, the pubic lie-berry lets the ree-tards visit the PeePond on Fridays and then they get to look at internet porn for an hour if they sit still in the reading circle on Saturday mornings. Then they go to Chuckie Cheese and spend the afternoon breeding amongst themselves.

  37. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Yes, we could see this one from Alaska. We're usually not one to Told-Ya-So, but we did, 

    We told you Sarah Palin would not run for president or senator. That "Give Sarah Pac your best donations to convince Sarah Palin to run for president" was a scam. Sarah Palin did not run and SarahPac kept all those idiots money.


  38. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I guess that Sarah Palin's problem is that she doesn't like it when someone calls her "stupid" or "insipid." I don't know how to break this to the former Vice Presidential candidate, but it's hard to take her seriously if she had no idea what the Bush Doctrine was. (Attacking Iraq even though they had not attacked us. They called it preemptive, but Iraq did not pose any danger to use. They may have killed their own people some time ago, but was not a threat to us).

    The two interviews that Palin was allowed to give in 2008 showed a person who was completely unqualified to be running for Vice President to a 72 year old presidential candidate with a history of cancer. When she quit her job as governor, Sarah chose to follow the money to Fox, a book deal and a reality TV show. Karl Rove suggested that she take some time off, study issues, write a serious book of political positions and "get some gravitas."

    The question is: Could Sarah study a lifetime of history, politics, sociology, geography and literature in a short period of time? The answer is no, she never could and she never will. There is a difference between stupidity and ignorance. A person can have the ability to learn but not know how to solve a difficult math problem. He is ignorant in math. Sarah IS stupid, and my favorite example is her retelling of the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, 5 minutes after hearing the story told at the Old North Church in Boston. Either Sarah wasn't listening because she was busy on her phone, or the information went in one ear and out the other. Even when you're busy on your phone, you can digest much of what's in the background. It's called multi-tasking. Any governor should be able to do it. Sarah couldn't remember a simple school lesson minutes after hearing it. She is really upset at having been called "stupid." The fact that Sarah refuses to learn anything is a sign that she probably cannot learn anything. Learning disabilities? Laziness? I can't guess at the reason, but she is people-smart and stupid at the same time. And those six year old insults were not insults. She remains that stupid, insipid woman-- as long as she cannot learn anything.

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      5:49 She is really upset at having been called "stupid."

      Yes, it seems to be something she's been called enough times to make her quite sensitive to it.


    2. Anonymous6:05 PM

      $arah nor any of her clan have done a single thing to improve themselves since $creech hit the fan in 08.

      No college or classes of any kind, no travel, no volunteering anywhere, no jobs.

    3. Anonymous9:21 PM

      In a nutshell. You've all nailed it, and she knows it. Just wait for CPAC tomorrow. Geez.....amazing at the lengths she'll go to for attention and money. Those are her gods!

    4. Anonymous4:49 AM

      big storm a coming....hope cpac gets snowed out!!

    5. Anonymous9:07 AM

      It's apparent she is pissed about being called and known as stupid!!! Get over it, Sarah! You are and have always been! It's been proven time and time again and your party knows it!

  39. Anonymous6:05 PM

    For some reason I cannot comment on her facebook page. can they disable the comments section if you were a meanie to a stupid bitch before? I might have been a touch snotty on MLK day.

    Meghan in PA

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Generally a "touch snotty" is all it takes to be barred from there.

  40. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Sarah, you lost.

    Barack Obama won.

    Told ya so.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Sarah did predict that God wouldn't let the wrong people win (in 2008 election). And, she was right!

  41. Anonymous6:13 PM

    1. Anonymous5:29 AM

      It never gets old.

  42. Anita Winecooler6:17 PM

    Ok. Time to douse her with a bucket of water. All that'll be left is a pair of fake tatas and false teeth in a pigs jaw yammering away. Like daughter and ghostwriter, like mother and ghostwriter. Too much stupid for four people!

  43. Anonymous7:08 PM

    This is a record day! This is the first time in 6 years that Sarah finally got to write "Told ya so." That means that for the past 6 years, she has been wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

  44. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Is she forgetting her own foreign policy? Oh that's right, she didn't write it............

    Palin's 5-point foreign policy plan:

    "First, we should only commit our forces when clear and vital American interests are at stake, period.

    "Second, if we have to fight, we fight to win. To do that we use overwhelming force. We only send our troops into war with the objective to defeat the enemy as quickly as possible. We do not send our military and stretch out the mission with an open-ended and ill-defined mission. Nation-building, a nice idea in theory, but it's not the main purpose of our armed forces. We use our military to win wars.

    "And third, we must have clearly defined goals and objectives before sending our troops into harm's way. If you can't explain the mission to the American people clearly, concisely, then our sons and daughters should not be sent to battle. Period.

    "Fourth, American soldiers must never be put under foreign command. We will fight side by side by our allies, but American soldiers must remain under the care and command of the American officers.

    "And fifth, sending our armed forces should be the last resort. We don't go looking for dragons to slay. However, we will encourage the forces of freedom around the world who are sincerely fighting for the empowerment of the individual."

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      I see no clear and vital American interests at stake, period.

  45. Anonymous7:44 PM

    "Here’s what this “stupid” “insipid woman” predicted back in 2008:.."

    Who writes like that?

  46. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I'm usually not one to Told-Ya-So, but I predicted back in 2008 that Sarah Palin would never be President.

    And I'm sure I wasn't alone. Obviously God was thinking the exact same thing, lol

  47. Anonymous8:44 PM

    This is why Skank Woman and her skanky daughter have gravitated to Arizona:

  48. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Yes, I could see this one from Alaska. I'm usually not one to Told-Ya-So, but I did, 

    I Told-Ya-So that Bristol would never get married due to the Sarah Palin Curse.

  49. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Kind of reminds me of the joy republicans displayed when Chicago lost it's bid for the Olympics. Just whose side are these people on?

  50. Anonymous4:03 AM

    The only credit the loon from Wasilla can take in regards to her comments on Ukraine are speaking the words of a prepared statement made by republican speech writers. in 2088 Palin didn't have a clue where Ukraine was or even if it was part of Russia. Keep patting yourself on the back though, Sarah and taking credit for other peoples work.

  51. Anonymous4:21 AM

    A couple of weeks ago, before the Olympics started when Putin's regime was busy viciously battling the gays, US conservatives were talking about him as if he were a hero. They really admired his "values." Now, all of a sudden, they want what - war? How crazy are American conservatives! And, for Sarah Palin, who hasn't a clue what is going on anywhere, even in her own house, to weigh in is frosting on the cake. Go away, Sarah, and let the adults handle the situation. There are limited options available, since Ukraine is not a NATO member. In a week or two, the front pages of our papers and the TV "journalists" will have shifted to another part of the world and Sarah can learn some more geography. A little history would help too but that's unlikely.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Thank god President Obama was elected twice! Cannot imagine having McCain or Romney at the helm. Crap! Both would have had us at war again by now - Republicans are a frightening bunch!

  52. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Can she even find Ukraine on a map?


    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      I'll bet she couldn't find Georgia - in either of the two countries - USA and Russia!

  53. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Sarah: What's a map?

  54. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Come on, it's not nice to pick on a family of retards.

  55. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Richard Lawrence > Sarah Palin

    2 hours ago · Sarah, if you plan on running, learn Spanish -- it will give you an edge without a doubt. I want English to be the official language but I am learning Spanish nonetheless. But I have other advice.

    Learn Spanish? That numb skull speaks word salad. She needs to learn how to speak English first.

  56. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Terri Murray Hays > Sarah Palin

    Yesterday at 3:58pm · Mrs. Sarah Palin, please run up against Hillary Clinton!!! Please, please, please!!!

    Terri stop begging. Sarah is done, through... finish. Sarah knows not to run for anything. Stop wasting your time and money on that crossed eye loser.

  57. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Douglas Ceniza > Sarah Palin

    Yesterday at 7:09pm · Are you running 4 president again in 2016???

    Dougie, Sarah is running for your money in 2014, 2015, 2016.......

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Douglas, she's never run for President before.

    2. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Douglas - you are as much an idiot as is Sarah Palin. Where is your knowledge of history, man? Just back to 2008? She did not run for POTUS - John McCain did - she ran for the 2nd position of VP. Thank god they lost!

      She'll never run for POTUS even though she is a prick tease about it. It's all about building her wealth!

  58. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Mike Friedmann > Sarah Palin


    Mike have you learned anything from the past? Sarah doesn't announce she is running for president. She just says she is thinking about running so you turds will donate to SarahPac.

  59. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Leon Haith > Sarah Palin

    Yesterday at 5:09pm · Hey Sarah just wanted to tell you that I hope you become the first female president and that you have my vote in you are really sexy

    Sexy? Shailey Tripp is sexy. Just ask Todd.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      That is the 'only' plus she had back in 2008 - looks! They are now gone!!!

  60. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Amanda Burrow > Sarah Palin

    3 hours ago · I have been told and confused by multiple people that I am a strong look a like for you and that I should inform you as such.

    Amanda sorry to hear that.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Amanda's definitely got the same command of the English language as Palin.

  61. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Faye Burnham Brock > Sarah Palin

    Yesterday at 4:38pm · Sarah, I really hope that you run for Senate from Alaska. I think we need someone like you in the Senate, a woman with a backbone who will stand up for what is right!!!! Please consider it!

    Faye you must not be from these parts. We're not falling for that fraud again.

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Alaskans would not vote for her - she'd lose 'any' race in their state!

  62. Chenagrrl6:26 AM

    Does she realize that if she had expressed her "freedoms guaranteed by the god-given founders of this country" in the Ukraine, she would be in jail or dead? Probably not. Rowdy street disputes are too hard on the hair.

  63. Anonymous6:30 AM

    David Hawley > Sarah Palin

    11 hours ago · I think I actually coached at HS football camp there in Wasilla around 2001. Wow

    David you think you coached football in Wasilla? You either did or didn't.

  64. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Konagold Bluesband > Sarah Palin

    Yesterday at 5:58pm · You have a lot of friends here in Hawaii.....!! Keep Truth Alive....!!!! Mahalo

    I don't think Sarah has friends in Hawaii. Didn't her father say you guys freaked her out or something like that?

  65. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Chad Robillard > Sarah Palin

    10 hours ago · Hello , I have to ask and I'm sure its been asked to death but are you going to run for president in the next race? I'd like to know if the next president will be able to dig us out of the hole our current one has put us in?

    Next race? What happened to the last race 2012?

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Maybe Sarah will run for president in 2014. As for digging you out of a hole, I believe that the stock market doubled since Bush left office. The various companies that were given bail out money have paid it back anywhere from 87% to over 100%. What hole are you talking about, Chad? The one in your head?

  66. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Kim McElhaney Smith > Sarah Palin

    15 minutes ago · We desperately need your compassion, your brutal honesty, your knowledge, and your voice in the destruction of our public education system. I am first and foremost a mommy, and a teacher.

    Kim you must be sorry excuse for a mommy and teacher. As a mommy do you want your daughter to have a baby while in high school or have another one drop out to go to hair school? I'm thrilled you are not a teacher in our school.

  67. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Dennis Lynn Mickleson > Sarah Palin

    Yesterday at 2:33pm · Ms. Palin,

    I'd like to send you a letter via old fashioned snail mail. Could you give me your mailing address?(just send it via Wasilla Post Office?).

    Thanks for all you do.

    Lynn Mickleson, MD (we met at the Menard Christmas dinner)

    Dumbass. Her address can be found in the internet.

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Page 7 shows that Dr. Mickelson had his license to practice medicine suspended due to questions surrounding his issuance of prescriptions. It was reinstated but only with supervision. This document also shows that his medical license was suspended in Hawaii.

      Nice company Mrs. Palin keeps, huh?

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Mickelson lost his license because he was prescribing himself oxycontin.

  68. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Dotty Ann Wentland > Sarah Palin

    Yesterday at 12:42pm · Whats your take on abuse from people and some family court towards mentaly disable adults.

    Dotty can't believe you are asking Sarah Palin that question.

  69. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Michael Guarrero > Sarah Palin

    Yesterday at 7:13pm · We need to rid this country of the ANTI -CHRIST (obama)

    We need to get rid of pimps and sex traffickers in Alaska.

  70. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Sidney Loessin > Sarah Palin

    15 minutes ago · please run for the white house office!!!?? please!

    Yes Sarah please run. We need a good laugh.

  71. Anonymous7:53 AM

    "I'm usually not one to Told-Ya-So, but I did, "

    "But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies. We're bound to by treaty," Palin said

    What a moron.

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      She knows nothing about history, wars, geography or American history. Damn, but it would be fun getting her in a position where she had to answer questions She'd flunk and she knows it!

    2. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Is North Korea anywhere near the country of Africa? I'll have to call my good friend, President Sarkozy, and ask him.

  72. Anonymous8:04 AM

    We've heard from a few dumb asses asking Sarah Palin to run for president. We have yet to hear from John McCain or the Republican Party. I guess they've learned from the last debacle in 2008.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      They assuredly don't want her. Remember how she was kept out of their Convention in Florida when Romney was running for POTUS? Watch the movie "Game Change" - read the books about her.

      She's not inquisitive, doesn't learn quickly, has to memorize her lines (or read them while doing her presentations!).

      She is not respected or regarded well by the majority across the USA! (and, especially in Alaska!)

  73. Anonymous8:13 AM

    "I'm like, OK, God, if there is an open door for me somewhere, this is what I always pray, I'm like, don't let me miss the open door. Show me where the open door is." --Sarah Palin

    Ha ha ha that Sarah Palin, what a scam artist.

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Replace the word "door" with "wallet". That's more like it.

  74. She's like the rooster taking credit for making the sun rise.

  75. Anonymous8:33 AM

    It's actually pretty pathetic that she has to go back to 2008 to be able to say, "see? I was right about something that one time!"

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Excellent comment

  76. Anonymous9:53 AM

    James Waters > Sarah Palin

    46 minutes ago · Is there any chance Sarah would run for the first female President of the USA ??

    No...... that was too easy

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Dear James Waters,
      I know that you think that if Sarah gets enough money she will run for president. Sarah will never have enough money. She will always want more, and more, and more. Now, you can answer your own stupid question.

  77. Anonymous9:57 AM

    The former governor of Alaska, in a sit-down interview with Barbara Walters of ABC News, said she’s still mulling over whether she will run for the presidency in 2012, but when asked if she could beat President Obama, she said “I believe so.”

    Wellllll what happened Sarah? You were too chicken shit to run in 2012.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Sarah wasn't too chicken shit, she was too moose shit.

    2. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Sarah Palin is all talk.

  78. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Did Sarah predict that Bristol would play house with Dylan, Levi, Ben, Levi (again), Gino then Joey?

    Daughter like mother.

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Sarah did say that Bristol would soon learn how difficult it was to raise a child, even with the support of her large, wonderful extended family. And, it came to pass that Sarah was right. Bristol can make more money complaining that being a single mother is hard work, very hard work, especially since she has a nanny-- and there's another parent who would like to share in raising his child.

  79. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Russia never attacked Alaska during Sarah Palin's watch.

    Right Sarah?

  80. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Talk about delusions of grandeur, did she make this prediction from reading all those books, any of them?

  81. Anonymous3:22 PM

    It is not "the Ukraine." It is simply "Ukraine."

  82. Anonymous5:26 PM

    I thought that Sarah Palin's prediction was that when Putin rears his head, where does he go? Alaska air space!


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