Friday, February 28, 2014

Heckler interrupts President's speech to ask about his plans to bomb Russia. Wait, what?

So today the President was addressing the DNC when this heckler jumped up and said the following:  


THE PRESIDENT: — I consider Republicans patriots who love this country just as much as we do. 

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Tell us about your plans for nuclear war with Russia! 

THE PRESIDENT: I’m sorry, who’s that back there? (Laughter.) What the heck are you talking about? (Applause.) 

AUDIENCE: Obama! Obama! Obama! 

THE PRESIDENT: No, no, don’t worry about it. We’re okay. Have a seat. I don’t know anything about that plan. (Laughter.) I don’t know what you’ve been reading. (Laughter.) Let me return to what I was talking about. (Applause.) See, he thought happy hour started earlier. (Laughter and applause.)

Okay now in my opinion the best part of his exchange is the face the President made at the 15 second mark.

This is your brain. This is your brain on Fox News. Any questions?


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I love this President, but he is wrong on this: Most Republicans ARE NOT patriots who love this country just as much as we do.

    They would just as soon take down the entire country to keep this President from doing his job.

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Can't argue with that!

    2. Sally in MI7:55 PM

      Ah, but he can't say. "Most Republicans are cowards who are trying to turn this nation into a theocracy," now can he? It would be true, but not smart. And he is very very smart.

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Forgive me for going a mile O/T, but congratulations to AK for the EPA plans for Pebble Mine.

    Even in the lower lands, we know this was a terrible idea.

    The B.

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      now we've just gotta keep hammerin' on the nimrods that want to start building hydroelectric dams on our wild pristine Alaskan rivers

  3. Anonymous4:54 PM

    What a dumbass.

  4. angela4:54 PM

    Nuclear war?
    Oh for fucks sake . . . . . .

  5. I agree w/Anon. 4:38. The President was just being kind and he always is.

  6. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Wasilla in the house!

  7. Anonymous5:14 PM


  8. Anonymous5:27 PM

    just think, eight years ago the cheney/bush thug's would've drug that person out by there thumbs

    president obama/the gallery just laughs 8)

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      oops, there, they're, their - i meant "their"

  9. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Yeah, we think the guy is just a nut and blow it off. But I think these hecklers who throw out provocative questions are trying to get footage of Obama "avoiding the question" or " being ruse & dismissive of a patriotic citizen asking a legitimate question" because they are "afraid" of his made up allegedly reckless decisions. Then they can start another faux scandal and endlessly play it on Faux news.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      With the way the right wing behaves these days, there is absolutely NO response that the President can make that won't get him vilified.

      If he cured cancer and brought about world peace, they'd complain that he was putting oncologists and our beloved military out of jobs.

  10. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Calm, cool, intelligent, witty, and quick on his feet.

  11. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Anonymous 4:38 P.M. you are correct! The republicans are not Patriots who love this country . Every day they still work to take down the United States Of America to keep President Obama from doing his job. He stands before them strong and competent while showing the world w hat fools they and the tea party losers are. They are scared and are cowards!

  12. Anita Winecooler6:30 PM

    He's a heaping helping of wonderful. Best handling of a heckler ever!

  13. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Wit is way better than Taser.

  14. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Gryphen, check this out!

    'Calvin And Hobbes' Creator Releases First Artwork In Almost 20 Years

  15. O/T here's a picture of Baldy at that Idiatrod Banquet!


    1. Gregor Mendel9:57 PM

      She looks like Sally Heath! Just put her in a grey wig and they'd be twins.
      Sally Heath talks exactly as Sarah does. The ex-Gov. learned word salad at her mother's knee.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:22 PM

      Get a room, crazy! Humping on Todds knee and licking the snot off his moustache.... sheeh that woman is an idiot!
      I love photo 2 Sarah hugging the start struck octogenarian while Todd in the background dispatches one of his employees to her next assignment (that poor john!)

  16. WA Skeptic4:02 AM

    I must disagree with the statement that "republicans are not patriots who love this country" because not ALL Republicans are in thrall to Faux News and the Koch Bros. If only those who aren't would speak up and out the idiots, we'd all have a better chance to make good decisions for our country. Let's hope that sanity will soon prevail.

  17. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Anyone who applauded the US invasion of Iraq has already lost the argument about Government paid Russian mercenaries going into the Crimean area of Ukraine. Palin is a fucking idiot!

  18. #QuoteoftheDay> "This is your brain. This is your brain on Fox News. Any questions?"


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.