Friday, February 28, 2014

Walt Disney World cuts ties with Boy Scouts over ban on LGBTQ troop leaders and volunteers. Ouch, that's gotta hurt!

Courtesy of Salon:  

Walt Disney World has ended its financial support of the Boy Scouts of America over its ban on openly-LGBTQ troop leaders and volunteers. 

The company had previously supported the organization through an employee grant matching program; Walt Disney World would make donations to the charitable organizations where employees volunteered their time, including the Boy Scouts. 

The Central Florida Council’s board president alerted troop parents of the change in a recent letter: 

"We recognize that many Scout Units have received financial support over the last several years from this [Walt Disney matching] grant opportunity and are sad to see it go. The National BSA Council has reached out to WDW to try to resolve the situation, however, according to WDW, their views do not currently align with the BSA and they are choosing to discontinue this level of support. We will continue to keep an open line of communication with them, but at this time, are unable to reverse their decision." 

As Josh Israel at ThinkProgress notes, the Walt Disney Company’s corporate standards prohibit “any form of harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identification, national origin, age, marital status, covered veteran status, disability, pregnancy or any other basis prohibited by applicable law.”

Wow! I cannot imagine that the Boy Scouts can continue to stand up against this kind of pressure from organizations as powerful as Walt Disney World. 

And besides if the Scouts re going to allow LGBTQ kids into the program, shouldn't they also have role models there that the boys can relate to?

Makes sense to me, unless of course the BSA is still being guided by the belief that homosexuality and pedophilia are connected in some way. Which it is not.


  1. Anonymous4:37 AM

    I boycott Disney because they changed their passes for disabled and now they took a whole group of people who will never be able to go to the parks. My money will not go to a day of meltdowns.

    The Mouse truly sucks!

    1. Maybe you should do a read and get the real skinny.
      Never assume..............

  2. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Hilarious. What, corporate America not a friend of republicans anymore? Working to end income tax on corporations and rescind all regulations didn't ensure a tie that binds? How crass of the corporations to make AZ republicans look like idiots. By erecting the largest, most inclusive social tent of all, corporations flex their muscles and tell republicans trying to codify discrimination where to go. Nearly complete, republican alienation of black America, Hispanics, Women, Students, mothers of kids who need pre-K, families who need food stamps, people needing unemployment as we pull out of the deepest recession ever, alienating gays, straights who love gays. Look like you might have Hispanic blood? Papers please. Even making fun of women who want to work at home and raise their own kids now that they don't have to work 4.9 days a week just to pay for healthcare. Now the corporations turn their backs on the republicans! Who'd a thought. Quite funny.

  3. Anonymous6:16 AM

    ALL KINDS OF WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Comments below are hilarious. IE 50% of homosexuals not particularly interested in Penises, and the image of a vagina cake. (mental image).

  5. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I guess that is progress. I used to work in the Tomorrowland Terrace bands in Anaheim in the late 80's. Weekend nights they would clear all the tables from in front of the stage and allow dancing. Two women could dance together (some of whom may have been gay), but two men dancing together would bring out security. Maybe they finally figured out that a lot of the character actors (Mickey, Pluto, Chip & Dale, the 7 Dwarfs), and dancers in the shows they put on were LGBT.

  6. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Disney allows a "LGBT Day" event. I know because one of our friends is a holy roller and wrote disney about having to explain to his kids why two men where kissing and heavy petting on rides.

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Oh, yes, that fantasy story fundies and kooks tell each other, like kids sitting around a campfire insisting Hook Man is a real, true story that happened to a friend's cousin's nephew's neighbor.

  7. Personally, kids get on my nerves, so I avoid them. But an openly gay man with a wish to be helpful to kids in any way is going to more scrutinized than any other hire, and logically knows it and is not going to do anything to call his trustworthiness into question.

    The Boy Scouts of America know it too, which just exposes their bald prejudice all the more.

  8. Anita Winecooler5:28 PM

    Sorry, nothing will get me to visit Florida. California, yeah but I'll miss EPCOT. This move, although a step in the right direction, just seems to have taken a tad too long and has lost it's impact/ meaning on me.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.