Thursday, February 06, 2014

Wendy Davis does what Wendy Davis needs to do in order to win election in Texas.

Courtesy of TPM: 

Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis (D) is backing a proposed "open carry" law that would allow licensed Texans to wear a pistol on their hips in public, the Associated Press reported Thursday. 

In a statement to the AP, Davis said her support for expanding gun rights for Texans includes open-carry. She joins her rival in the gubernatorial race, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott (R), in supporting the proposed open-carry law for handguns (Texas already allows open-carry of long firearms, like rifles and shotguns). 

Davis said the "open carry" law should allow private property owners to decide whether to allow openly carried weapons on their property, according to the AP, adding that background checks and training requirements would "help ensure that only mentally stable, law-abiding citizens may carry, whether concealed or open." 

Her support for the law is at odds with the state party's stance.

There are a lot of progressives and Democrats freaking out about this, but as a liberal in Alaska   I understand completely.

Look do you think I like it when Mark Begich talks about opening ANWR?

Hell no I don't!

But I know that if Begich did not at least give lip service to the idea, that he could not get elected dog catcher up here. Period!

So Davis comes from a state that thinks the 2nd Amendment is the ONLY amendment that really counts. She has no choice but to support a law that gives the Right Wing funny feelings in their naughty parts.

Besides if enough of these inbred disphits walk around with loaded weapons it can only help to thin out the herd, and THEN Democrats can step over their still twitching carcasses and take over the entire state.


  1. Maybe three years ago I announced to a group of mostly Conservatives, “I’m your worst nightmare; a Liberal with a gun.” Everyone laughed heartedly, but I know that story spread.

    I think Wendy is picking up that theme. She may not have guns at all.

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      More liberals with guns. Loud liberals with loud guns.

      We have four guns and they never meant anything special to us until conservatives started thinking they could scare us with armed fucking Palins.

      The only armed Palin I'd be afraid of is Trig.

  2. hedgewytch4:55 PM

    Except this year, it's not "open ANWR" it's "drill in the Arctic Ocean" and Begich's stance of this is completely nuts - but it panders to the Repub's in the State.

  3. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Go Wendy!! We need another Ann.

    1. Boy Howdy that would be WONDERFUL!

  4. Anonymous5:14 PM

    How soon before palin puts up a post with a photo of her holding a firearm?

    Ok, trying to hold a firearm.

    1. Five, four, three, two...

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Seems all the Palin trolls have been very, very quiet since Sunny bagged a troll. I'm beginning to wonder if that one troll is all they have, and plus bedpan krusty.

    3. Anonymous6:15 PM


      Beware this is a palin propaganda site, lol

    4. Sally in MI6:24 PM

      Oh yeah...Bristol is combing her FB files as we type.

      You know, if liberals suddenly support these laws, will the right turn against them?

    5. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Still love the one of her in the camo leaning over with the barrel pointed right at her. What a dipshit. Her new reality is her old reality. FAIL.

    6. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Sally in MI
      If Obama did support them, we would see conservatives introducing gun control laws all over the place!

  5. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Most Harvard grads are not gun nuts but this is Texas. We have laws on the books that will prosecute anyone who tries to prevent someone from buying a gun. She has to say it to have even a snowballs chance.


  6. Anonymous6:46 PM

    It's not like the law won't pass if she doesn't support it. People wearing guns in the privacy of their own home? Who could be against that?

    I love that Wendy Davis has Ann Richards's shotgun. And that she got it at a public ceremony. Wingnuts will be freaking.

  7. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Yeah, you should see all the RW TCOT assholes making fun of this pic. One dude, a Christian family man of course, joked that she was pointing the gun at a baby (get it, because she's pro-choice.) @paulambro in response to Eric Erickson's post.

  8. Anonymous7:02 PM

    True Gryphen, she is playing it smart, very smart. Whatever it takes.

  9. Anita Winecooler7:23 PM

    Sometimes a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do. We're talking Texas. Receiving Ann Richard's gun is a big deal.

  10. People who advocate open carry are acting on pure ego and narcissism. I've carried a concealed weapon for neigh on 40 years. And I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on training and keeping my proficiency up. EVERY Right has corresponding Responsibilities. And being proficient with the weapon you carry as well as BOTH the legal and ethical ramifications of using deadly force are NOT optional if you choose to avail yourself of the Right to bear arms. Among others I have taken two classes from a guy named Jeff Cooper back in the day. And I think I know what Jeff would call the fool that carries openly. He'd call them a TARGET. If the balloon goes up who do you suppose I'm going to assume poses the most immediate threat? A LOT of my training has been how to AVOID getting into a situation where the employment of deadly force becomes necessary. And "stand your ground " laws are the same BS. If I can safely withdraw from a situation I will GLADLY do so. Because I do NOT let my ego dictate my actions. ESPECIALLY when I have an HK.45 in the small of my back.

  11. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

  12. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Are you fucking kidding me? “…if enough of these inbred dipshits walk around with loaded weapons it can only help to thin out the herd..” Seriously, G.? Yeah, it can only help those dipshits kill more kids like Trevon Martin. If you think its okay for Wendy Davis to sell her soul to get elected, count me out of that stupid line of thinking!!

    1. I have been a Lifetime member of the NRA for about 35 years. The organization I joined and did volunteer working bears NO RESEMBLANCE to the NRA that exists today.

      I can think of a number of causes for what I perceive to be the biggest reason the improper use of private firearms, one of the worst being the advent of the Tea Party.

      The reason I single them out is they are the most visible example of a group of Americans who seem to be increasing in number. It harkens back to Kennedy's speech about what you can do for your Nation.

      The Baggers NUMBER ONE WHINE revolves around the perceived erosion of their Rights. It is neigh on impossible to find a notable Bagger representative speak about our RESPONSIBILITIES.

      The Right the Second Amendment confirms is especially prone to misuse when the individual places their "Right" over their "Responsibility".

      I don't have an answer but I do have a comment on what may be a critical component of this problem. From the time I was four years old and in preschool I and all of my class regularly attended a class about our civic duties and discussed why they were important. It's colored my entire life and I'm terribly disappointment to discover such a class doesn't seem to exist. At the least the subject is merely glossed over. Yet what could be more important to understand what made our Nation UNIQUE?

      It's all about "ME". Never about "US". I'd very much appreciate your commenting on this Jessee as it's my understanding you have a background in today's educational system and how young children are exposed to the topic.

      To put it into context in my opinion it was PRECISELY this mindset that motivated Mr. Zimmerman when he murdered Mr. Martin.

    2. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Excellent comment 8:40am

  13. Anonymous9:15 PM

    There is no utopian paradise, and there is a reason it is our second amendment. Only fools give away their rights for a perceived security. And no I'm not a gun nut, and never wear a gun. Gryphen again I am perplexed, you go apeshit over the right wing and NRA when it comes to guns and then you give Davis a pass? Plus it is OK to give lip service? Seriously man, how can you respect anyone who just gives lip service? At least be honest about your convictions. The other reality is gun control/guns etc is a very regional matter, always has been. It is much less party affiliated than you want to pretend.

    1. I still go apeshit over these open carry laws. They are stupid.

      However Wendy Davis did not write this bill, and as others have mentioned it will pass whether she is for it or against it.

      So her choices are to speak out against the law and watch it pass, putting her on the wrong side of a popular law, or to speak for it and not alienate any more voters.

      Don't forget she is already out on a limb with support for a woman's right to choose and spending more money on education. She has to pick her battles, and on this one she is making a political calculation.

      If Davis were running for Governor of Vermont or Massachusetts she could let her gun control flag fly. But she is running in Texas, and those idiots take that John Lennon song that "Happiness is a warm gun" literally.

    2. Your comment " Only fools give away their rights for a perceived security. " I could find no mention regarding the Responsibilities involved with the exercise of the Right to defend oneself or those around you. It's NOT my intent to attack you or make fun of you! And I'd appreciate your commenting on my claims about the interrelationship between the Right to deploy deadly force and any Responsibilities you feel are involved.

      Thank you in advance.

  14. Randall3:09 AM

    "OPEN CARRY is a mature, sane idea" means:
    "Let's pretend everyone is sober and rational and agrees with us all the time."

  15. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Let's all wave a weapon so we can get elected! Ridiculous. I don't like at all that some Dems are caving on guns. If it isn't okay for conservatives to do B.S. pandering, then it's not okay for liberals to do it either.

    I'm sick of intelligent female politicians showing how much they love guns in order to make them look tough.

  16. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I hate any politician posing with guns. It makes me ill.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.