Thursday, February 06, 2014

Sarah Palin goes to the social media outlet used by teenage girls to talk about their hickey's, to accuse the Obama administration of acting immature.

Courtesy of the poor man's Tracy Flick's Facebook page:  

Israel is once again feeling the brunt of the Obama administration’s enemy centric foreign policy. First, Secretary Kerry put our ally Israel in an untenable position with the deal he brokered with Iran over its nuclear ambitions, then he suggested that Israel could face “delegitimization” and “boycott” campaigns if it didn’t agree on the Obama administration’s idea of a peace deal with the Palestinians, and now he’s denouncing Israel for building homes in a Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem. The Israelis are quite appropriately upset about the treatment they’ve received from Kerry. (And remember kids if we don't stand up for Israel there will be no second coming of Jesus, so we have to support EVERYTHING they do!) And how has the Obama administration responded? Well, National Security Advisor and former UN Ambassador Susan Rice went on Twitter to chastise Israel for criticizing Kerry! 

What is this – junior high school diplomacy? What next – using Facebook to “unfriend” Israel? Isn’t it about time for the Obama administration to remember who our friends are and to treat them like friends? (Yeah, how can we have Armageddon without them?)

- Sarah Palin

Should I mention that Susan Rice was responding on Twitter to a video made by the Israeli settler's lobby to mock the Secretary of State and then posted on the social media site YouTube?

Seems like Twitter would be the appropriate forum in which to respond to me. What should she have done instead? Called a press conference and condemned them formally?

I mean it's not as if she were lame enough to constantly bitch about the President on Facebook, hoping that some news organization might notice or anything.  After all that would be pathetic.

Let's face it Palin does not care about Israel, but she is afraid that if President Obama makes peace with Iran she will not get to meet Jesus. And for a crazed Christian Dominionist that is the worst of all possible scenarios.  

(P.S. For those who did not get the Tracy Flick reference.)


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    She's no where to be seen or heard of on Fox News' website. With the attention she's been trying to get today, no one, Hannity, nor Greta are having anything to do with her.

    Usually, Sarah tweets or facebooks on a political issue of the moment, so she can get her face on Fox, but the fish aren't biting over there. She's done.

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      "the fish aren't biting over there"

      Did she piss off Roger Ailes again? Did she get his permission before quoting him about the 'plastic Jewish family'? Did she get prior approval from Fox before signing the contract for the 'outdoor' show? Was Ailes amused by her cutesy comment that she wanted to be on Fox News just to annoy 'liberals?'

    2. Anonymous4:10 PM

      The fish ain't biting any where.

    3. Oh, Please, Please I hope your right! Her comments seem to be getting dumber and dumber all the time. But her cult members still believe she's "a gift from God" even though the number of her cult members are dropping like flies. Either that or they are becoming poorer from donating to Sarah PAC who's total donations received in 2013 were only half of what was received in 2012.

    4. Anonymous5:13 PM

      MONTHS ago was the last time I even went to C4P (for entertainment when bored....) as even back then it was becoming apparent that her fan base was dwindling. The same handful of crazed lunatics posting their love of all that is Scarah. Yawn. Next?

    5. Anonymous6:14 PM

      "Did she piss off Roger" No, but that last BJ must not have been very good.

    6. Anonymous7:01 AM

      So skank uses social media to attack ms rice for using social media-yeah that sounds right! What a feckin idiot!!

      And just how much of Israel did you see you when you were there skank- oh right you didn't have your passport with you so couldn't even see Bethlehem or so your sorry azz story goes.

      Stop with the pretense of your great love for Israel- you couldn't even pull it together enough to wish happy Hanukkah this past year.

      You are a has been wannabe not even a has been somebody. Nothing more pathetic than that.

  2. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I haven't seen her on Fox for quite awhile. After reading Sherman's book about Ailes, I think that Fox is through with her.

  3. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Screw the ex Governor and now internet troll. All she can do is bitch and yell.

  4. Anonymous3:02 PM

    You know Stain didn't write this post, there are too many 'big' words. Untenable? I doubt she's ever heard the word not to mention use it.

  5. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Something has her riled up today. I'm thinking she is so thrilled Bill Kristol mentionrd her as a 2016 presidential contender it lit a fire under her butt..."See, I'm still relevant! Look at ME!"

  6. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I agree with palin. Twitter shouldn't be used by former UN Ambassadors to air their opinions. Twitter and Facebook are only for those whose views reflect those of your average junior high school student...

    ...and for former Governors who couldn't do the job they were elected to do without quitting half way through.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      I'm no fan of professionals, politicians and cabinet members communicating through twitter and Facebook but in this new technological environment they are reaching both the olds that use this technology and the younger generations that rely SOLELY on this type of technology to communicate. On there surface it seems tacky but in the end it they are simply being inclusive of all Americans, regardless of age.

  7. Anonymous3:11 PM

    There's Israel and then there's Netanyahu's extreme government. Lucky for him that Mrs. Palin and other fundamentalist christians' support him because he's lost the support of the majority of U.S. Jews (of which I am one).

    And it's also good to know that Sarah Palin unquestionably approves of everything Israel, including it's socialism and government-funded abortion, made possible by U.S. dollars.

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      With all of the financial woes we have right here in America it galls me to no end that we send 6 billion bucks to Israel annually. Time for that money to come back home.

  8. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Will someone please tell Sarah the President doesn't do FB for foreign policy? Could it be that Fox is embarrassed by Sarah and finally realized what an idiot she is? Sarah make like a hockey player and go puck off, you jackass!

  9. These "Christian" Dominionists have so very little faith in God. They want to hurry the end, thinking that by starting a war with Iran, it will happen sooner. Kind of funny really. With their hate, and lack of faith, they won't be going to Heaven. Most of them also love money, another sin. God made a promise. He also said who would inherit His kingdom, and the likes of Sarah won't make the list.
    Sarahskank, even Jesus didn't know the time and day. Only the Father knows. You are doing the Devil's work. He is proud of you.

  10. Anonymous3:26 PM

    How come Sarah Palin uses facebook and Twitter to express her opinions? If Sarah Palin has something important to say then why doesn't she say it on FOX? Is Sarah Palin still a FOX commentator?

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Because that's all she has, facebook.

  11. Anonymous3:29 PM

    The balloons are on again in that photo!

    Damn, but I think it a good idea that some news outlet (not FOX) put her on and start asking her questions about Israel - Pakistan and Iran - know she'd flunk and look like the retard she is.

    Time to stop hiding behind Facebook, Palin, and write the stuff yourself! You fool no one except yourself!

  12. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I'm surprised that Sarah Palin didn't call for a news conference in her backyard facing Dead Lake Lucille.

  13. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Using Facebook to make a mocking Facebook reference is just so Sarah.

    That woman is still an idiot.

  14. Anonymous3:39 PM

    "Let's face it Palin does not care about Israel, but she is afraid that if President Obama makes peace with Iran she will not get to meet Jesus."

    Two things:

    1) I wish I would have written that, and

    2) Neither Palin nor any of her faux God-fearing uber-patriots are destined to meet Christ anytime soon in light of their chronic, unrepentant, and woefully-misguided attempts to hijack and prostitute scripture as a means of elevating themselves above everyone else for personal gain.

  15. Anonymous3:42 PM

    "Sarah Palin goes to the social media outlet used by teenage girls to talk about their hickey's, to accuse the Obama administration of acting immature."

    Social media is also used to announce teenage engagements.

    Willow Palin Tweets, "I'm engaged!"

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      I remember the tweet but not to whom or to what she was engaged. Guess it didn't work out. Somehow, I don't see a significant male in Willow's future. Bristol, unless she can catch Junker, well, 40-year-old-virgin?

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      The Bitch has a perpetual IQ of a teenager, so Facebook is perfect for her. If the Mickey Mouse Club was still around, she would be using that forum.

  16. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I realize there are adult people that use Facebook, but for Mrs. Palin to us ONLY Facebook to communicate does seem a bit strange.

  17. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I think Sarah Palin needs to give up her facebook news bureau and spend time raising Piper not to be like Track, Bristol and Willow.

  18. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Bless Sarah's heart. She's trying to be somebody.

  19. Anonymous3:56 PM

    She is so ignorant about any and all foreign policy issues. Remember her great trip to Israel? What a fiasco that was! Someone needs to tell her to simply shut up and go away. We, in the real world, are tired of hearing from her.

  20. Anonymous3:58 PM

    1. Anonymous6:04 AM

      facebook fannie, not enough political heft to slam a

  21. sewnup4:00 PM

    "she is afraid that if President Obama makes peace with Iran she will not get to meet Jesus"

    Hey, Sarah, got news for're in the wrong line no matter what happens or doesn't happen in Israel...unrepentant liars, sneaky politicians, sex traders, and so on are not in the Go To Heaven Line. You are OUT!

  22. Anonymous4:09 PM

    No way she wrote that. She not only couldn't spell untenable, she hasn't a clue what it means.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:12 PM

      It's a bowling term commonly known as a "gutterball" by the non elitists

    2. Anita, I laughed out loud at your comment. Thanks!

  23. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Sarah Palin meeting Jesus? That would be an epic smackdonwn, the liberal prophet who put down the rich for their lack of caring for the poor, meets the ultimate Koch whore? Ayn Rand won't save your fame whoring, money worshiping ass. Sarah Palin is the dumber version of Rand, much dumber.

  24. Amy in Juneau4:16 PM

    Ouch. The hypocrisy is sickening. Hahahaha Sarah, you're painfully retarded.

  25. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Mrs. Palin would know all about "junior highschool 'diplomacy.'" It's all she knows.

  26. What $arah knows about foreign policy would fit on the head of a pin, with plenty of room left over for her much-vaunted (by her) family-raisin' skills...

  27. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Can't wait for her to "bait and switch" on her new unreality show. She is the perennial prick tease. And she is 50 years old!!!

    1. PalinsHoax7:03 PM

      50 year women can look beautiful and much younger than their age, for example:
      ~ First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama
      ~ Texas Senator Wendy Davis

      Palin, on the other hand, looks over 60 years of age and like an old vulture, pan-handling and mooching for any money that she can grift from the gullible.

  28. Anonymous4:33 PM

    The Israelis are thugs. They are not our friends. They would turn on us in a heartbeat. They have done it before.

    U.S.S. Liberty. Look it up.

    Why should WE forgive? Why should WE forget?

    1. Anonymous3:03 AM

      9/11 also too.
      They knew it was coming.
      Google dancing israelis on 9/11

    2. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Nope. Everyone knows the lizard people are behind 9/11. Google the Protocols of the Elders of Lizards.

  29. Anonymous4:53 PM

    This is exactly how they operate, especially Sarah.

    Conservative Leaders See Their Followers As Marks

    ...In a very real sense, the conservative movement is just as much, if not more, about cataloging lists of suckers to exploit for profit as it is a political movement. Many of the obsessions of right wing fanatics go back to these kinds of grifts. For instance, gold buggery and the obsession with the gold standard is widespread because grifters make a lot of money convincing their marks that hoarding gold will protect them against some sort of social and economic collapse. Alternate health care schemes cropped up to exploit paranoia about Obamacare. And then there’s the biggest con of them all: The gun industry. Overwrought, paranoid emails that race-bait and suggest that there’s a coming war lead to more and more gun sales as right wing nuts build up their stashes for a war that is never coming. The survivalist grift is part of this, too.

    So, no, none of this is a surprise. It’s also unbelievably frustrating, because conservatives are never going to see that their leaders basically view them as a bunch of marks to be exploited. The “our followers are marks” mentality seeps out of every pore, and once you see that’s how the conservative movement works, it’s hard not to see it everywhere. The attacks on Sandra Fluke were a classic example: Cynically prey on a bunch of middle-aged people’s resentments of younger people for having sex and pretend that you’re making a political argument. Or the pretending that they have an alternative to Obamacare. Or the cynical exploitation of blatant racism to derail any efforts to pass an immigration bill that might make it harder to undercut labor expenses. You could go all day.

  30. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Check this out Gryphen. And if you're from NY or have been to NYC, you'll enjoy it immensely.:

  31. Anonymous6:17 PM

    That header photo shows Sarah's "durrrr" face. It's perfect.

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      That's the Palin Family 'ummm' face before saying, 'awesome'.

  32. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Some one should tell Sarah that the Obama administration has given Israel more money in aid and defense protection than any other administration.

  33. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

    This is a job for AmbASSador Palin, Facebookistan! She screwed up BIG TIME with her last book. Not ONE matzo ball soup or briskett recipe!

    Wearing a Star of David for months on end doesn't make one Jewish in faith nor nationality, just saying.

    Gee, does this mean Fox will feel sorry for her and make Greta do an interview? Should be entertaining. A Scientologist interviewing a non christian about middle east diplomacy with Israel.

  34. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Get out from under that Facebook and whomever writes it for you, Esther Heifer, and debate LIVE unscripted for 2016. I DARE you. Oh, that's right. You can't.

    Holy shit, when you've been called a failure as guvnah and veep wannabe, who didn't even know what that meant, by Joe Scarborough, and he laughs at Kristol, YEAH! Come on out and PLAY!

    No nothing coward grifter bitch. Lovin' the Lord only to sell your damn book. Which didn't.

  35. Anonymous7:56 PM

    The last time that Sarah was on Fox was New Year's Eve-- more than a month ago. How long does it take for plastic surgery to heal?

    1. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Ask Bristol

    2. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Wow! That last tv appearance was goofy!

      I thought her upcoming "show" was already filmed. Why would she need anymore plastic surgery?

      Oh, for her presidential run, I guess.

  36. Anonymous9:37 PM

    I am sick of the Christian Rights obsession with Israel and the end of the world. As far as I am concern that Rapture can't come quick enough... I can't wait for the loonies to leave!
    Ok if only it were real so the rest of humanity could move forward without the nutcases

  37. Caroll Thompson1:46 AM

    No one is listening to Sarah anymore. She has not even been on Fake News lately. The media no longer reports on what she has to say. She'll get a little ink when her new reality show on the channel no one has heard of premieres, then I hope it is fade to black........................

    This Country needs leaders that will unite us as in the UNITED States of America. All Sarah can offer is division and hate.

    1. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Sarah Palin is a imbecilic moron.

  38. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Why do US conservatives get so upset about Susan Rice? They seem to be afraid of her.

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      can you imagine her and sarah in a debate? lol, tiddley winks champ vs chess master...

    2. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Because she is a influential BLACK woman with power. That is every conservative's bad dream. Too bad, live with it ass holes.

  39. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Did you see Jay Leno's last show last night? He sure did age but what caught my eye was his chin. Wait till Bristol gets older, her chin and face will look humongous.

  40. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Remember the part in the Wizard of Oz, when Dorothy threw water on the witch and she says " I'm melting! I'm melting!" reminds you of anybody we know?

  41. Anonymous11:34 AM

    If I didn't know better I swear bristool (ghostwriter) is trying to start a race war about black and latino babies getting aborted, they are just spewing racial hatred and evilness over there, and truthfully I don't think bristool have anything to do with that fb page, its like she's tied up in a chair, told to shut the fuck up and watch the money roll in, but that's the problem, the well is drying up is why their doing this evilness, I think they need another Martin Bashir, but the smart media outlets won't report on these grifters

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      It's Nancy French's own twisted agenda. I think she's going to get in trouble if she keeps being so controversial and so obviously not Bristol.

  42. Anonymous3:55 PM

    We've all been saying "grab the popcorn" for years. But I think her shrieking desperation to stay relevant (and therefore keep pulling in sarahpac dollars) is becoming so we can REALLY grab the popcorn! Get in line, folks...The ShawSkank Redemption will be showing on a loop!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.