Friday, March 14, 2014

And now a blast from the past.

If you are long time visitors here at IM you are probably well aware that yours truly is often escorted from Palin book signings.

The above video is from the first time it happened, back in 2009 for Palin's "Going Rogue" book tour, and it came as a complete surprise.

Here is what I wrote then:  

My first hint that something may be wrong down in Who-ville was when I was asked for my ID, not once, but twice. Then as Dennis and I were about to sign in, and the lady behind the desk took our picture with a little digital camera! WTF? I have never had anybody do that before at any other event that I attended as a media representative. I wondered why there was such tight security, unaware that my question was only seconds from being answered. 

Almost as soon as I had my picture taken I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

I turned around and came face to face with a local police officer who quickly apologized and then informed me that I was on the "banned list". 

"I am on the WHAT list?" I asked. 

"The banned list sir, I am going to have to escort you off of the property. This is a private event."

Both Dennis Zaki and I were escorted out that day.  And it resulted in quite a backlash against Sarah Palin, her publisher Harper Collins, and the staff in charge of the Curtis C. Menard Memorial Sports Center, where the signing was held.

However I guess I never realized exactly how big of an impact it had on the poor guy who was in charge of the sports center.

The other day Dennis sent me this article from early 2010, that I somehow missed:  

It wasn't the largest event ever held at the Wasilla Sports Complex, or the most lucrative. 

But city recreation and cultural services manager James Hastings said the Dec. 22 book signing that publishing company HarperCollins sponsored for former Gov. Sarah Palin at the facility has been the most controversial by far. 

"The event was easy. The whole thing over being told these folks (on a not-welcome list) can't be here, that was nightmarish," Hastings said. 

Reporters wanted to see the contract between HarperCollins and the city. There was none, Hastings said. The publisher arranged the rental verbally and paid the city electronically. Instructions were handled by e-mail and in a walk-through with Todd Palin before the event. The only written document was instructions he handed out to his staff and three volunteers: A list of names provided by Todd Palin of four people not welcome at the event. 

On the banned list were Dennis Zaki, a photographer who formerly ran the Web site Alaska Report, blogger Jesse Griffin, Anchorage radio host Shannyn Moore and Andree McLeod, an Anchorage activist who filed state ethics complaints against Gov. Palin. 

While neither Moore nor McLeod attended, both Zaki and Griffin were there. After they signed in at the media table that morning, they were told they were banned from attending and escorted out of the building, even though HarperCollins paid $475 to rent only the turf court and mezzanine sections of the sports center. 

Suddenly, with news of a "banned" list, the signing became big news. 

Hastings said that as a result of the hubbub, he plans to end the "handshake and a gentleman's agreement" approach the city has had for one-time rentals. 

"In the next 30 days we're going to have a rental agreement so you write down what you want," Hastings said.

I knew it got a lot of attention, and for awhile Dennis and I even flirted with the idea of suing Harper Collins, but eventually I figured things went back to the usual for the sports center.

Apparently I was mistaken, and our little fracas, for which I continue to proclaim my innocence, resulted in a policy change that continues to this day.

You know the other thing this did was start a trend which Tina Dupuy noticed in 2011, and which inspired her to compile her now famous Sarah Palin's Enemies List.

Of course Dennis and I are on there along with Joe McGinniss and Levi Johnston.

In fact this list became such a status symbol that people were campaigning for the right to be added.

However not to split hairs or anything, but there is "I wrote something critical and now she doesn't like me" enemies, and "The crazy lady hates me so much she keeps throwing me out of book signings" enemies.

Oh, but if you don't think she likes me now, you just wait.


  1. a. j. Billings6:19 AM

    We're waiting!!!! Icebergs ahead?

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Just another case of the Palins using City "Hired" "thugs" to do her business. Lets see:
      Wasilla PD in her pocket √
      FBI in AK √
      I don't know how the Alaskan's who voted her in sleep at night!?

    2. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Hooker boots √
      Look all of them still kissing her ass even Coleen Cottle!

    3. Anonymous4:05 PM

      That's not Coleen Cottle.

    4. But Gryphen, Todd said you got tossed because you just wanted a free escort, so he provided one. He's a bidnessman, doncha know by now?

      What's in it for Todd and Sarah? No cash, no coochee.

  2. Keep it coming! Hypocrites, liars and grifters need to be exposed.

  3. Anonymous6:31 AM

    She sure had the world by a string.

    Did your family head down to help with that Christmas dinner at the community center?

    Such a servants heart. ..

  4. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Imagine how long that enemies list is now. I can add ten off the top of my head! Have at her with both barrels, Gryph, we've got your back!

  5. Happy Friday to ME! Gryphen, you just made my day!!!! Love this blast from the past (which I remember completely as I resided here and on Mudflats at the time). Love the added behind the scenes info adding to the fabric of that event! And I love the closing comment but oh God, when. My dream is to log on to IM to find your post entitled "The Truth Is Out!"

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      I say hold back on The Truth for just a wee bit.

      Let Sarah bleed a little more. The more she hemorrhages, the weaker the hard right becomes.

    2. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Amen to that, Daisydem!

    3. Anonymous11:16 PM

      Gryphen is running a defunct blog. None of us are really reading posts at IM right now. It's only our imagination. Oh yeah, and please donate to Sarah's presidential campaign, because she will win in a landslide.

  6. Is this post a harbinger of things to come?

  7. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Oh please, oh please!! Thank you G, as always

  8. Anonymous6:57 AM

    "It wasn't the largest event ever held at the Wasilla Sports Complex, or the most lucrative."

    Of course it wasn't. A basketball game between two Junior High Schools draws a bigger crowd.

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      6;57 AM BWAHAHAHAHA, or a Trial Daddies Convention for Bristol and Willow.

  9. Anonymous7:02 AM

    On the banned list were Dennis Zaki, a photographer who formerly ran the Web site Alaska Report, blogger Jesse Griffin, Anchorage radio host Shannyn Moore and Andree McLeod, an Anchorage activist who filed state ethics complaints against Gov. Palin.

    SMH, these people banned (with the exception of Moore) are national heroes and a statue needs to be erected in Alaska. For some reason Moore went quiet after awhile.

    1. Someone might have scared her. She’s quite good-looking and might have attracted the wrong attention.

    2. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Moore has a radio show on KUDO 1060 AM, 11am-2pm. She mainly focuses on AK politics these days.

    3. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Shannyn Moore actually is "progressing Alaska," unlike someone who used that excuse to quit....

    4. Anonymous8:59 PM

      "2009? Damn, I still had some of my very own hair way back then."
      ---They Called Me Juicy

  10. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Is that Sarah Palin's house? Some parts of that building looks like her house.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Her house was built from materials 'misappropriated' from that sports center.

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM

      you mean shit that fell off the truck? then tawd, master carpenter as demonstrated by his throwing up that 14' fence, and his buddies used them to throw that house over a few weekends..yea, right.

  11. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Their little family of hammers sees everyone as nails. If you kiss their ass, you are good people, with god on your side also too living vibrantly.

    If you are friends who have anything up on the Heath's / Palin's like status, money, degrees, jobs, aren't grandma's by 45, no divorces, titles and whatnot, then "bless your heart," and "Well look at you!" and "You aren't hot or awesome and you'll never be rich and famous like us."

    If you are friendllies that don't offer to babysit, feed, clothe and comment on articles and blogs for them, you aren't friends enough. When Todd calls for moose and caribou meat because they are out, you better have some for them so Sarah can serve Moose meatloaf (that you've cooked) to famous visitors.

    They may seem unemployed, but it's a hard life for pimps, they gotta earn their dollar-dollar bills ya'll, and pull up some marginal talent from deep within their philistine brains to shove their speeches and tv hosting down our throats.

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Sounds about right!

    2. Anonymous9:03 PM

      "Kissing Vibrant Ass makes my lips numb. Or ya reckon that's the Botox, Tahd?"

  12. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Why are you surprised? You're a blogger who spreads likes daily and creates propaganda from sheer hate and true ignorance

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Spreads LIKES daily. Truth.

    2. Anonymous8:32 AM

      still drunk ..

    3. Anonymous8:50 AM

      7;12 AM Up all night Trolling again? Obviously you don't proofread any of your poorly written comments. Were you Home-Schooled in Palin land?

    4. Anonymous9:49 AM

      OMG, the troll has a new word. Propaganda. No. Gryphen described something that actually happened. Saying that there were WMD in Iraq was propaganda. Saying that there is a war on Christmas (when there is no war on Christmas) is propaganda. Spreads likes? Is that like spreading butter? Poor kid really does need to stay in school.

    5. Anonymous10:22 AM

      chuck_tard jr's been drunk and sitting around in dirty underwear all week mostly because he's on spring break and really shouldn't be posting ...

      on that point though i think it's cool that uncle gryph let's him and his nosebleed inbred retards post on IM instead of banning them - keeps their obvious dysfunction/retardation front and center

    6. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Chuckles Jr. is still teaching? I was sure he'd quit after "fishing in the company pool" to sponge full time off his sister's questionable fame.

    7. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Anonymous9:49 AM

      OMG, the troll has a new word. Propaganda.
      I've been telling the little knucklehead for days now. No one "Does" propaganda like a Palin. That is their middle name.
      Notice everyday little "buzzwords" pop up and they will find their way in to the RW "propaganda". Sarah knows them all. She write them on her hand to remember all of them.

  13. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Darlene, so you're saying you want Gryphen to stop lying for once?

    There aren't more gullible, manipulative people in the world than here at this blog. It's just sad that ADULTS find joy in slandering kids.

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      7:12 AM/7:13 AM Your Hate and Ignorance arrives every day, all day. You are an obsessed and Sick Stalker. You need a Ghostwriter to 'clean up' your Silly Rants and LIES about Gryphen. You are a laughing stock for this blog. None of the responses to your Juvenile comments are positive. No one has ever agreed with anything you have written. Don't you get it? You are a Piece Of Shit and you prove it daily. Now grab your Palin 2-toned Dildo and escape to oblivion.

    2. Anonymous7:48 AM

      There aren't more gullible, manipulative people in the world than here at this blog. It's just sad that ADULTS find joy in slandering kids.
      I think what he is trying to say TROLLIE is GAME OVER!
      Bwhahaaaaa! Her days of using the cops etc as paid personal servants are OVER!
      "Lying/slandering troll"
      is here

    3. This post isn’t about kids. However, those kids live off funds grifted from rubes. We all acknowledge it isn’t the kids’ fault, until they become adults, then yeah. Trig will always be blameless.

    4. Anonymous10:02 AM

      7:13 What "kids"? Surely you are not refering to Bristles, who gets drunk and goes home with any available male in the bar?Once you have given birth, it is time to GROW UP, stop acting like a kid. Someone should point that out to the juvenile $carah, the 50 year old grandma who acts like she is 13.

    5. Anonymous9:17 PM


      I'm not an adult. I'm 14. But I know a grifting, sarcastic bitch when I see one. That would be Sarah that I'm referring to. Hey, Mr Gryphen, it's the weekend, so I can stay up until midnight. You got any pictures of naked women with big boobies that you can post? If all you have on hand is nudies of Sarah Palin, don't bother with the photos. I'll just go on and go to bed early. I promise that f that creepy old lady leaned over in front of me to give me a free peek, I'd close my eyes. And that would be a first.

      I found this bookmark on my mom's laptop.

  14. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Let's see how this freedom of speech thing works. You can't criticize Sarah Palin without consequences. So much for your first amendment rights. Both Bristol and Sarah are posting the latest outrage in the War Against Christians. A guy in the Air Force Academy posted scripture on the white board in a common area, the hall outside his room. They made him removed it because gave the appearance that the Air Force favored one religion over others. If he had written the verse in his own room, that would have been private. That offends Sarah (and her echo, Bristol). But criticize Sarah? That's treason!

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Only American Christians have free speech, freedom to speechify against haters and get them fired if it hurts their feelings.

    2. Anonymous8:28 AM

      They are the Whinish "christians" I've ever seen!
      Crap they whine is the sun don't shine blame it on Obama! Or h8'rs!
      They are the most disgusting of ambulance chasers!
      Hey Sarita Brissie, play the tiny violin for us!!! BooFuckingHoo!

    3. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Anonymous7:58 AM

      Only American Christians have free speech, freedom to speechify against haters and get them fired if it hurts their feelings.
      ain't that the truth! Mama grizzly my ass!

    4. Anonymous9:47 AM

      The Air Force guy is free to practice HIS religion. He is not free to use US Government space (the hallway) to promote his religion over others.

    5. Anonymous10:05 AM

      I imagine that the saintly Bristles reads the bible to the one-night stands she hauls home from the bar.

  15. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Was that police officer being paid by the city for a private event? Or was he off-duty, in which case he shouldn't have been wearing his uniform.
    The only reason to have city-paid employees there was for crowd control, not to prohibit peaceful citizens from participating.
    He should have. Had his pay docked.
    Although, since this was in la-la-land Wasilla, I guess the Palins could set the rules.
    And, yes, the sports center does bear a striking similarity to the ugly industrial house the Palins built at the same time. I guess some of the building materials had legs and just walked over to Lake Lucille on their own. That's called graft and fraud anywhere but Wadilla.

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      I love that she broke ground on the prison near her house, will come in handy when she and todd are arrested...

  16. Anonymous7:39 AM

    That hockey rink in Wasilla is a symbol of Mayor Sarah Palin's incompetence. Sarah couldn't even handle getting that building built on city property which resulted in cost overruns that the people of Wasilla has to pay for years to come.

  17. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Gryphen let her have it now!!! Tell what you have to tell and shut down these trolls like 7:13 and 7:12!!! The "tease" of big news always gives them the false right to denigrate you and everyone who follows!!!! Just spill it and shut them up please.

    Whenever you post about something big to come or icebergs there is a big laugh fest at the seeopee!!! Stop the laughing and tell!!!!!

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Who gives a tinker's DAMN about the seeopee. They'll find out soon enough just how stupid they've been.

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      I am still waiting for the (years ago) promised iceberg...

    3. Dinty8:20 AM

      Waiting for the "iceberg" is almost like we are waiting for our political hero to run for President, but she never does....

    4. Anonymous8:25 AM

      You sound like a paid troll pretending to be wee wee'd up about Sarah.

      We laugh at Sarah, especially when she's wee wee'd up about us laughing at her.

    5. Anonymous8:30 AM

      7:54 yep you're right that no one gives a damn about seeopee but the teases of a scoop soon merely plays into skank's hands. Plus it is sad to watch all the followers here get so excited and anxious about finally shutting the skank down if nothing materializes:( shut her up and shut her down but teasing isn't fun:(

    6. Anonymous9:16 AM

      seeopee is best when they get into fights like they did earlier this week over whether typing "Sarah Palin 2016" is ordering her around or not. Turned into who knows her best, "don't tell me what I can or can't do," etc. Comedy GOLD.

    7. Anonymous4:16 PM

      See-o-pee aka stupidville.
      Sarah had quite a few "icebergs".
      Indictments were on the ready. Then "something" happened. Todd came home from fishing. Sarah up and quit her job.
      and so funny, all the icebergs melted and ethics charges dropped....but she can't run for office ever again.
      I wish the biggest Iceberg of all would hit her.

  18. Anonymous7:42 AM

    It's eye-opening how adept IM regulars are at lying and the "art" of slander and propaganda.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Slander and propoganda, only the Palin's can employ this stuff? Plus, I don't think it means what you think it means.

  19. Anonymous7:45 AM

    The Crazy Troll(Cara/Justine/Google/Disappointed/Krusty/nocomprends took the bait as usual. She monitors all of the Palin Truth Blogs 24/7 to get in her childish diatribe early. She is crying out,"Help, I Need Somebody", but no one cares.

  20. lwtjb7:48 AM

    Joe McGinniss died last week.

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      As shall we all. May he rest in peace.

  21. Anonymous7:56 AM

    If only the teens practiced Abstinence. . .they wouldn't get annoyed into violence against a completely innocent little 'joy.'

  22. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Sarah's recent videos remind me of that saying.

    Meth finally a way to become a twitchy idiot in no time.

  23. Okay was there any mention of an "iceberg" in my post?

    My ending statement was in reference to something I am working on that is going to irritate Palin, NOT something that will send her to jail or include some heretofore unknown scandal.

    Well to be honest I am working on those as well, but that is not something that will come out any time soon. However what I was referencing is more along the lines of Track's discharge papers or Palin's plastic surgery specifics.

    So let's all calm down shall we? Trust me, you will love it, and she will hate it. That should be satisfying enough for now.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      (Track got a Big Chicken Dinner?}

    2. Anonymous9:07 AM

      I personally love the HELL out of your being a big ol' pimple on their butt, Gryph! You know....the kind you try to pop, they never come to a head but keep getting bigger and bigger? Atta boy, slugger!

    3. Anonymous9:39 AM

      If you need any proof that Palin can't stand any criticism and holds a grudge for a long long time, it was that "I told you so moment." Keith Olbermann used to his reports about Palin by saying, "That woman is an idiot." It stuck with her. She never forgot it. Now, all these years later, when Russia did move against Ukraine, she couldn't resist,"So, who is the idiot now?" The answer is, "Sarah Palin is still an idiot." That wasn't her prediction anyway. One of the advisers on the McCain campaign was Randy Scheunermann, who was a lobbyist for the Republic of Georgia and who was their Russia expert. She still can't get over the joke about seeing Russia from her house. It was a JOKE! But her fans call it an ignorant statement, as if it was a statement of fact. (If it's on SNL, it's a JOKE).

    4. Anonymous10:55 AM

      I hope your planned irritating post is about something other than Palin's venture into digital media?

      "Like CainTV but... basically CainTV. RT @DylanByers: Sarah Palin to launch digital video channel … via @POLITICO"

    5. Anonymous11:22 AM

      A thousand little cuts is good enough for me. Every time Sarah is caught in a little lie, it makes people that much more willing to believe the bigger ones.

    6. Anita Winecooler7:27 PM

      O/T I just re read "Mysery" - good book! IT's about an author who attracts nutjobs, gets in a car wreck in front of, all places, his biggest fan. Hilarity and Pain ensues. Highly recommend it!!!

  24. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Gryphen, that is cool with me. Anything that exposes the Palin Lies and stymies their boasting is a plus. Thanks for all of the hard work that you do.

  25. Anonymous8:40 AM

    "Entitlement" is the theme for the Palins. Charging through city to city with an entourage selling books for Harper Collins, that pays them multi-millionaire $$$, and when she's home, her book signing affair comes complete with an 'enemies list', enemies who never were enemies of her, but innocents thrown under her bus wheels. And if there are anti-Palin bloggers, she shows her tyrant side prevents them from exercising their freedom of speech.

    Remember the journalists last year who had to be placed in a locked room for an hour? The woman is a hypocrite.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      I thought that Track was fighting over there to protect our first amendment rights. In addition to "freedom of speech" it also includes"freedom of the press." That means that the press (media) should have access and be free to report what's going on. Track did all that fighting and protecting for nothing.

    2. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Track was never in combat. Another Palin lie about the "warrior body."

    3. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Son Track was NEVER in combat! Proven a long time ago w/legal documentation that was published.

      I cannot imagine being a child of Sarah and Todd Palin. But, oh, I forgot, Track is supposedly the son of Curt Menard (deceased).

      Oh, the tangled weeds we weave in the Palin/Heath families!

  26. I was de-Friended from her FACEBOOK page -- does that count as an enemy? Hope so.

    1. Pat in MA9:14 AM

      me too! apparently my first post referring to her as an ignorant harpy wasn't appreciated :)

    2. Anonymous11:20 AM

      People like Sarah Palin see anyone who doesn't kiss ass and send money as an enemy. Her friend list gets smaller and smaller every day.

  27. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Writing books (with nasty insults to people one worked with) will make a few enemies and Sarah can't understand how the targets of her insulting attacks and their families and friends don't like it.

    Of course, she, the queen, doesn't like attacks against her or her family neither. But, with Sarah, only her feelings matter. She taunts and throws little bombs and writes about past employees of hers, mocking them, these, people who volunteered and worked hard for her during her campaigns, people who believed in her.

    Her selfishness and narcissism know no bounds. She's a coward and not tough. If we believed in herself and the BS she dishes out, she'd have no problem being asked direct questions from bloggers. Big girl with a gun who runs and hides like a scared rabbit.

    1. Anonymous9:49 PM

      Princess Sarah has such thin skin, but she still insists on monitoring everything everyone says about her, because you never know when there might be a slight or a sideways compliment without enough praise lavished on Her Heinous. She needs a much larger paid staff or needs to pay more to her lazy family members in order to monitor the Opinion Leaders like the troops at IM who are continuously exposing the truth about Sarah's sorry ass and her lying and grifting operation.

      Sarah, you've been PUNKED. Again.

  28. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Your statement about being on Palin's Enemy List being a status thing reminded me Tony Randall. I think it he once on the Tonight Show replied to the question "Are you on Nixon's Enemy List?" with something like: "Oh yes, and I would be so embarrassed if I wasn't."

  29. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Slander is spoken, libel with written. Either requires that the person knows that it is a lie, and says or prints it anyway. As for the word "art," there's no art to slander, except the way that Sarah Palin serves it up. Propaganda? Is that your new word of the day? What happened to manipulation?

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      The question was "Are the ABC's in that order because of the song, or are they really in that order?" Which question are you trying to answer, sweetums?

  30. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Rogue TV on TAPP

    Fox News contributor and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will be launching her own digital video channel, tentatively called “Rogue TV,” a source familiar with the project told Capital.

    The channel will be available through Tapp, the digital video service founded by former CNN chief Jon Klein and former NBC Universal entertainment executive Jeff Gaspin. Subscriptions will cost $10 per month.

    Rogue is expected to launch in April or May, and it would be one of the first of the digital channels offered by Tapp.

    1. Anonymous9:58 PM

      ... in APRIL or MAY ?

      Is this some kind of shade-tree operation? What, did you broke dicks just come up with this brilliant idea yesterday at happy hour?

      I'm still waiting on the Fitness & Self-Discipline book that Sarah lied about last year in response to media questions about her eating disorder and tweaking. Everyone who read my comments about Sarah making up shit as a coverup about her meth/alcohol issues... well, I HATE to say "I told you so", but I will. "Again, Sarah is a lying sack of shit and a grifting whore. Period."

  31. OMG! Who the fuck does she think she is? A rocky star? hahahahaha

    No wonder she walks fast, with her cloghopping stomping extra movement meth head run...totally.

    This is too funny for words. And the men in black is a bit too much. Then again I wonder if they had sharpshooters on roofs?

    Totally ridiculous and overdone. rotf Totally gone are her days of wine and roses.


  32. Caroll Thompson2:38 PM

    You go G. Thanks for the memory. I remember when you posted the event. The Queen was more powerful then. Thanks to you and Joe McGinniss and others, she is not so powerful now.

  33. Anonymous5:42 PM

    How irresponsible of the city to rent the facility without an actual contract.

  34. Anita Winecooler7:21 PM

    I actually laughed out loud at the pomp and circumstance when she marched in with the rent a cops! She was so animated back then, and her skin looked much better. Maybe she should think of Hormone Replacement Therapy instead of whatever drug cocktail she's on now.
    The ironies of having this fiasco at the sports arena are: It looks just like her house on lake lucille, It was built on land that didn't belong to the city of wasilly (oooopsies!) AND she enforces the long arm of the law on parts she didn't even rent out.
    The boots with that fuzzy bargain rack outfit look like Todd playing dressup (not that there's anything wrong with that)LMAO

    Someone should make one of those bobble head figurines of then and now just for laughs.

    Oh the memories! Remember the game where she had you chased out then sent her hit squad to take down your plate number. Nobody counts more on her hate list for that much effort, you and Zaki deserve some kind of Oscar. Model it after "The warrior within"!!

  35. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Just watched the video and all I can say is "oh how the mighty have fallen"

    1. Anonymous10:10 PM

      But it was predictable, since everyone who understands Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation knows that shit rolls downhill. Sarah is a specific example. The reason Sarah and her bots have no clue about what has happened to her is because they don't BELIEVE in Science.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.