Sunday, March 16, 2014

And now for a little positive news about women's reproductive rights.

Courtesy of Reuters:  

A federal judge on Friday struck down an Arkansas law that would ban most abortions starting at 12 weeks of pregnancy, one of the most restrictive such statutes enacted in the United States, declaring the measure unconstitutional. 

U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright ruled that the law "impermissibly infringes a woman's Fourteenth Amendment right to elect to terminate a pregnancy before viability" of the fetus, as established by the U.S. Supreme Court. 

Webber had previously barred enforcement of the measure while she reviewed a legal challenge to it brought by two Arkansas abortion providers. 

As enacted, the Arkansas Human Heartbeat Protection Act would have banned most abortions at or after 12 weeks of pregnancy, if a fetal heartbeat could be detected by standard ultrasound. 

Doctors who were found to violate the statute risked having their licenses revoked by the state medical board.

No abortions after twelve weeks! That is absolutely punitive and would allow women only a small window of time to 1) Learn for sure that they were pregnant. 2) Determine if they were in a position to keep raise a child. 3) Get the money needed to have the procedure.

Remember some of the women seeking abortions might be quite young and without means to handle something like this in a timely manner.

But hey apparently the law did at least have provisions for rape, incest, and fetal abnormalities.

How thoughtful of them.

And before we hold a parade it should be noted that the judge did leave in place the law's requirement that a woman seeking an abortion first undergo an ultrasound to determine whether a fetal heartbeat is present.

So while these women in Arkansas might still have the ability to terminate a pregnancy, first they must be subjected to a medically unnecessary ultrasound.

And let's face it these people are not finished yet, not by a long shot.

They may not have been successful this time but they will not stop until they find away to repeal Roe vs Wade permanently and turn women back into the breeding stock that good Christian men want them to remain. 


  1. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Rest assured Gryphen we will keep fighting them.

  2. Anonymous7:22 AM

    As much as I hate religion in general, advances in medical science has allowed anti abortion advocates space for argument. If we as a nation can come to a consensus that late term abortions after 28 weeks should be outlawed unless massive abnormalities in the fetus for fetal death inside a womb has occurred or mothers life is at risk. We all know the religious folk would never agree to this because they will only agree to an across the board banning of abortion. When medical science can take a 4 week fetus out of the womb and have it survive, then they can have their wish.

    1. Leland8:10 AM

      "When medical science can take a 4 week fetus out of the womb and have it survive, then they can have their wish."

      I could not disagree with you more! There should NEVER be a time when someone ELSE (other than her doctor's recommendation in discussion with her) should have the right to tell a woman WHAT TO DO WITH HER OWN BODY. PERIOD.

      Well, let me modify that a little.

      If there comes a time when MEN can be told when to get their tubes tied and when they CAN'T use Viagra or any of the others, MAYBE I will consider agreeing with that. Tit for tat. (I'm male, BTW.) I wouldn't hold my breath, however, because the government should not BE in a woman's decision process.

      As long as people agree to soften their stance about pro-choice, we lose. Allowing even SOME restrictions of a woman's right to choose a legal abortion (ALL aspects of legal from Roe v. Wade) allows them to continue to push and push and....

      They need to be slammed time and again to maybe get them to stop. Slam them with birth control and family planning and all the rest of the things that would seriously cut down on the number of abortions.

      And since this is a secular government, they should be told to shut their mouths about this issue when speaking about someone else's choice. They want to carry their own kid, that's fine. That's THEIR body.

  3. Randall8:04 AM

    And I keep sayin'...

    To push back against the conservative Republicans that keep trying to, and largely succeeding in passing these restrictive laws:

    The Democrats need to draft legislation that


    GUARANTEES THE STATE to be FULLY financially responsible for all medical costs if there is ANY medical problem with the fetus OR the mother regarding bringing that pregnancy to full term.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      If you don't want State government involved in legislating abortions then I can't imagine why you would want said governments involved in legislating guaranteed financial support for the mother, the child and the birth. Can't have it both ways. Either individuals take responsibility for their own reproduction and the consequences thereof or the government does.

      If we were to make the States responsible for financing pregnancy, delivery and post natal care then that opens the door for State government to legislate laws regarding reproduction, given their financial interest.

      In cases where paternity has been proven most States actively pursue the father for compensation for the child, many going so far as to garnish wages for child support.

      There are already financial measures in place within government to provide for women and children who have no other means of support; WIC, Food Stamps and Federal Welfare. If the mother does not have insurance then she can give birth at a public hospital and what she cannot pay becomes part of that great 42 billion dollars of uninsured medical care that other insured end up paying for.

      With the advent of the ACA most women, especially those in states that accepted the Medicaid expansion, should have access to affordable medical care that would cover themselves and their children. Yes, there are those in states without the Medicaid expansion that are not insurable, there will always be exceptions, however the major percentage of women should be insured.

      Education is the key to preventing these unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. Reproductive education and birth control need to be at the forefront, not asking States to legislate financial measures to pay for every birth and every child born to those without insurance or financial resources. That just places State government squarely in the middle of your reproductive decisions, exactly what many have been fighting against.

  4. Anonymous8:19 AM

    These crazy lunatics care about a few cells in a woman's uterus, but revel in the torture and murder of non-human animals that are demonstrably suffering. Where are the "pro-life" Christian vegans, the "pro-life" Christian non-hunters, the prolifers are doing jackSh** about our factory farming system which forces cows, turkeys, chickens and pigs to endure incredible suffering...all for a buck, for profit and greed and gluttony. Of course, divine justice, or karma, all these fat fu**s are dying of heart disease and cancer from all their meat consumption. But the hypocrisy of 'pro life'. Only human life counts? God created ALL beings to have life, liberty and the pursuit of their own happiness. God did not give humans all other animals to abuse and murder. The Bible very specifically says Thou Shalt Not Kill. And it does not specify humans.

    1. Leland12:46 PM

      I have to agree with the majority of what you have said, 8:19.

      However, From the word "god" on, I disagree. not because what you say is wrong, but rather because what you say isn't quite accurate.

      First, the ten commandments - as I have repeatedly stated on IM - does NOT say thous shalt not KILL. the words is continuously mistranslated it should read thou shalt not MURDER. BIG difference, but gets in the way of the "peace loving religion" they are so intently pushing - even though the way the modern fundamentalist is peaceful only to this who agree with their particular interpretation.

      Further, the bible, actually DOES give Man dominion over the world. It's the authority they use to rape, pillage and plunder the earth with no regard for the OTHER half of dominion.

      And until you can convince these idiots that Man IS an animal instead of some special creation that sets Man apart, there will be this destruction and cruelty.

  5. Super Fan In Atlanta8:25 AM

    Ten people show up for worldwide 'White Man March'

    I have no words. How hypocritical when they have discriminated against women and other groups not in power throughout the history of the world let alone right here in America.

    Now they're the victims?! They have to stand up for themselves?!? I have no words.

  6. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I didn't even KNOW I was pregnant until I was 12 weeks! (almost exactly 12 weeks, actually). And considering how long it takes people to get an appointment, I believe the most recent average was a month, they're pretty much denying abortions for anyone who might have a surprise pregnancy.


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