Monday, March 17, 2014

Best reaction to the earthquake in LA today.

You know I realize that was kind of comical looking but there are heavy lights hanging over the heads of those anchors and diving under the desk like cowards could have been the only thing that saved their lives.

It kind of reminds me of when I was kid and we had a substitute teacher from out of state, who reacted to a short, but rather powerful, underground jolt by screaming, diving under her desk, and yelling at the class to do the same.

Instead we sat there laughing at her.

She never really did get our attention again for the rest of that class.

By the way Dennis Zaki is in LA right now working on some TV deals, and when I e-mailed him to ask if he had felt the quake he wrote back, "Nope, sleeping."


  1. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I used to do the same with Tornado sirens.

    Then I moved to Joplin.

  2. That is exactly like the "Gryphen Defunct Blog Drill" at the Compound.

    Toadie has to "duck and cover" every time you write about his ex-wife's grifting. Cuz those cans of creamed corn will leave a knot on his poor knucklehead. Green peas, also, too.

    1. OT, but I have to get this in before the end of the night.

      I came late to the party, but:

    2. Anita Winecooler7:37 PM

      Thank's, Darlene. I just sent it off to one of my favorite teabagger folks.

  3. Anonymous5:22 PM

    "diving under the desk like cowards"

    While I see that you acknowledge they could have been hit by heavy lights had it been more severe, it seems you are implying that the anchors are behaved the substitute teacher that you laughed at. The word coward is not appropriate. Makes it seem like you thought your teacher wasn't "macho" enough for Alaska.

    When any quake rumbles enough to cause the shaking seen in the clip, one has no way of knowing if it will remain a little rumbler or continue to become a killer, and diving under a desk is a sane decision.

    It WAS pretty funny to watch though.

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      if anyone remembers the Moore OK tornado that leveled that town in May of last year, I don't laugh at this at ALL. Those anchors stayed until the end, when they had to move to the cellar, to get the news out to people, as these did. This isn't funny at all. It's what you're taught to do.

  4. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Hey, with all that junk up above them, this was the correct and prudent reaction.
    I have been in one too many, where I was not able to reach my baby, because the shaking was so strong (a 5.7 one...)
    Better safe than sorry.

  5. Anonymous5:55 PM

    "Spring Break Quake": in Oregon, March 25 1993. Graveyard shift at 5:00 AM in a data center, before servers, and saw tape drives, printers, and the mainframe waving. That's some heavy equipment and first in our state for years. Not scared in the least.

  6. Anonymous6:32 PM

    It was a pretty sharp jolt. But short. Nothing fell in the house, not even a dish in the kitchen, not a picture on the wall.

  7. vegaslib6:33 PM

    I had lived in So. Cal. since I was two; mearthquakes were a way of life and I was terrified of them. I have lived in Vegas for the last eight years and haven't felt one since. I do miss my beaches though.

  8. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I'm only a few miles from the epicenter and felt nothing. The only way I knew about it was that every escalator and elevator had been knocked out of commission when I got to the gym at the galleria.

    However, as a safety precaution I have NEVER had any pictures mounted over the bed.

  9. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Pshaw! What earthquake? That wasn't even a sneeze for us.

  10. Anonymous6:58 PM

    This is unrelated to this post, but has it ever dawned on you, Gryphen, to maybe gain a happier life outlook?

    I mean, you've been pretty heavy handed with the lies and hate lately. Aren't you a little old for that? YOU lying doesn't change others lives. It makes YOU look petty and immoral.

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Good EVENING, troll! Upset that Queenie will never BE president? That she can't even run? You GO! Disparage Gryph all you want. I kinda like how the Palins are pimping themselves to even effing matter low can you go. Quite comical!

  11. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I live in LA. I was jolted awake when it happened. It was short, not a rolling type, so it was over pretty quickly. Nothing fell off of shelves, nothing was really disturbed. I don't know where Dennis was but LA is HUGE and if he was on the west side, then he sleeps like a dead man, because NO ONE that I know DIDN'T feel this one. It was, however, still very small by Southern Cal standards for earthquakes. Having lived through many quakes, including the big ones, this one wasn't much.

  12. Super Fan In Atlanta7:16 PM

    Best nonsensical Palin-speak from a female Republican in response to a great question.

    Q: Do you have any SOLUTIONS to address equal pay for women.
    A: "We're too busy!"

  13. Anita Winecooler7:35 PM

    We had a small earthquake on the east coast way back in the seventies. At the time, our neighbors had friends from California who were laughing their asses off at the drama and hoopla on television over a 4.0 earthquake. To us it's a rarity, and though it lasted two seconds, it seemed like an hour, especially if you were walking when it started.
    I can't imagine being under those boom lights and all that equipment.

    1. Anonymous8:20 PM

      They didn't know what level it was when started. Why laugh? I agree with you, Anita. Do we all beat our chests anymore that we're cooler than others?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.