Saturday, March 01, 2014

Bill Maher's final New Rule from last night.

"Stock trader Steve Schwarzman, net worth 8 billion, once said that Obama raising his taxes 3% felt like when Hitler invaded Poland. Sounds like something Sarah Palin would tweet after huffing paint thinner."

Best line of the night.


  1. Anonymous5:50 PM

    No, it sounds like something she would tweet regardless.

  2. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I enjoy the fact Bill publically ridicules Palin - something she richly deserves after all the crap she has been shedding this past near decade!

  3. Anonymous6:56 PM

    This whining by people who have way, way, way more than their share of the world's wealth, is indicative, I maintain:

    They have displayed utter stupidity by letting things get this far, that they are so much in the spotlight.

    Possibly because most of them are old farts, who no longer care about the future, they have recklessly ruined the nation that paved the way for them to get rich.

    Some of them may realize that gaming the system to this extent is going to backfire...but again, even those with offspring are too selfish to do anything about it...if their corporations cannot find anyone with money to buy the shit they produce, they can just close those endeavours down, and fire all their employees.

    But somehow, they have it in their minds that we're supposed to feel sorry for THEM.

  4. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Lol anyone see the CP4 site? The trolls COMPLETELY took it over, no more rules over there, hundreds of new posters, thousands and thousands of posts saying Hi, Bye, see ya, going out for lunch, love my cat and dog. The regulars gave it up without a fight.

  5. Anonymous3:39 AM

    I am so tired of these billionaires whining about how mean President Obama has been to them. Does one of them ever stop to think about how hard life is right now for a large portion of the US population living in places that are having very hard winters. Does this guy ever think about the residents of Detroit who are enduring the hardest winter in well over a hundred years? Does he understand that if he and others of his ilk pay their fair share in taxes the poor in this country might have a chance at a better life? And that, if the lives of the poorest are better then the lives of all the rest, including the billionaires, will be better. This rich guy seems to be as crazy as Sarah Palin.

    1. Leland5:35 AM

      Hhhmmm. Seems to me that all these buggers doing the complaining need to be visited by three ghosts.

    2. Anonymous6:00 AM

      Beaglemom, they don't care! They don't care about anyone else except "them". These bastards don't even know what real suffering is. They just want to kill and drill & rape the earth for their own selfish gain.
      And homeless or seniors or low income are just vermin to be gotten rid of.
      Especially if those poor people demand a fair wage or refuse to log the trees or work the coal mine for pennies instead of a working Union wage.
      These bastards are destroying the Country. I love how Bill Maher is not afraid to tell them and palin off!

  6. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Where is Nancy French's, oops I mean Bristol's, blog now about working hard for everything you have? If this man has kids, they likely turned out like Tucker Carlson who does not have a clue about WORK. He lets his Mommy find him cushy jobs at repub. friendly places. He pretends he achieved his place on TV all by himself. GWB is the same way. Could not get or hold a job without his father's friends GIVING him one, including the Presidency. Sandra Day O'Connor said the reason she went with the other repubs. on the SC and voted for W was because she did not want to see his parents disappointed, since they had been friends for many years. So, she takes a large role in the destruction of this country, and hundreds of thousands of lives.

  7. Chenagrrl2:45 PM

    Pitchforks for Sam Zell? Count me and my pension in. Foul-mouthed creep. He alone tanked the Chicago Tribune.

  8. Anita Winecooler5:34 PM

    He's right about the uber rich. Most of them simply don't care and take so much for granted. To compare a three percent increase to the holocaust, for example. Sad, when there are people in this world with no clean water, improper waste disposal, no running water, food, medicine nor access to education.

    He's spot on with Sarah. She's not sure how to spin the Ukraine and President Obama's speaking for and hour and a half with Putin. She's waiting for a consensus from her t partay pals, breitbart, and fox, THEN she'll spin. Only to be followed by "Look what my Mom wrote about Obama Pallin around with communists"
    I'm so proud of my mom, here's a link... blah blah blah.

    As if Facebook and Twitter rants, roids and ravings are "journalism"


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.