Monday, March 31, 2014

California man swept to sea during baptism.

Courtesy of CBS Los Angeles:  

A man was missing Monday after he and two others were swept out to sea during a baptism ceremony near Santa Barbara. 

The pastor of a Santa Maria church was baptizing a man his 20s when the accident happened Sunday morning near the shore of the Guadalupe Dunes Preserve. 

Two people managed to swim to safety, but a 43-year-old man, identified by his cousin as Benito Flores, was swept to sea by a two large waves.

I'm no theologian so could somebody tell me if this means he wasn't good enough to be accepted into the kingdom of God, or that God couldn't wait to meet him?

I once knew a minister who lost his keys in the surf, but not one who lost an entire person.


  1. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Sounds more like he was taken by the Drowned God (subtle Game of Thrones reference).

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    He was swept away before the ritual was completed.

    The poor soul is burning in hell.

    The pastor of Santa Maria will join him one day.

  3. Anonymous9:42 AM

    It was God's will. God kills everyone, no matter what religion or belief, good or bad, baptized or not.

  4. Anonymous9:44 AM


  5. Anonymous9:45 AM

    It was God's will.


  6. Anonymous10:16 AM

    The church is so cheap it needs the free ocean to do these dunks? What of their iconic symbolism, a few drops of water is all they need, but no, they need ceremony. . .that poor man.

  7. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Not funny.

    This poor man has likely drowned doing something that is no skin off your nose, and I think it's beneath you to ridicule him. You don't have to believe in the efficacy of baptism (I don't) to see this as a tragedy.

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      No one is ridiculing the man who drowned.

    2. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Poseidon claimed him.

    3. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Actually is IS funny. If someone goes into the ocean without being able to swim well enough to get out it is pure stupidity. Hopefully he didn't breed before this.

    4. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Of course they are, 10:52. And 10:58, 11:00 -- thanks for proving my point. You are all pulling the rug right out from under Gryphen's contention that atheists are more compassionate humanitarians than Christians.


    5. Anonymous12:37 PM


      How so?

      The dumbass believed this ritual would save him from chit like this happening to him.


    6. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Go jump in the ocean then, with a rip tide when you can't swim. Sorry that ID stupid beyond belief. It just proves what happens when you blindly follow anyone.

  8. Anonymous10:33 AM

    O/T but Here’s the Exact Plan The Cheating GOP Is Using To Steal The 2014 Elections

    With an enormous number of individuals drifting from outrageous, narrow-minded, classist, racist, and sexist Teabagger concepts, Teapublicans are doing everything in their power to get their numbers up – even if that means asserting outlandish voter ID laws into place, despite their massive defects.

    These new Voter ID Laws, with ironically a slew of Republicans fumbling behind them, complicate voter locations, dates, voter times and confuses the general election system, deliberately to befuddle the voting structure.

    Since 2013, 9 states have approved procedures directly affecting when and how people vote, oddly making voting more problematic for statistically demonstrated voters who don’t vote Republican. Embarrassingly, the same Republicans who claim Democrats are “not upholding the American way of life” and ruining the American dream are simultaneously attempting to sabotage the voting system. Wouldn’t you want to make it easier for individuals to vote properly if you cared about democracy? Not in Teapublamerica.

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      And what are Dems doing about it? Are they being proactive, going on the offense and enlightening voters about the coming debacle, not just every chance they get, but MAKING the chances for themselves, not letting up for an instant to demonize Repugs' power grab?


      Dems are being their usual passive self, sending out emails and snail mail begging for money, that they then apparently squirrel away for some other use.

      What is President Obama doing? Has anybody heard him say anything about the Repugs' naked power grab? Go on the attack against this attempt to up-end democracy? I sure haven't. He's too busy promoting naked corporate power grabs, such as the TPP.

    2. 10:51—

      My personal rule of thumb is that I ignore any comment that uses the term "Dems." Statistically, this is a policy that has served me well.

      But have a nice day.

  9. Anonymous10:44 AM


    Palin vs Lady Gaga!

  10. Anonymous12:33 PM

    shark food

    obviously gawd liked the sea creatures better that day

  11. Caroll Thompson1:46 PM

    Wow. I never heard of anyone drowning by baptism.

  12. Anonymous5:03 PM

    It's ok. The whale'll spit him out in a few days.

  13. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

    First the snakebites and now this? I just don't get it. Does getting fully dunked in an ocean clean more sins than a pool or baptismal font?
    When are the Darwin Awards given?

  14. Why were they out so deep they could be swept away. And why was there no one assisting the minister. Usually there is someone on both sides when you immerse.


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