Sunday, March 02, 2014

Chris Wallace of Fox News pissed that White House has shunned him for the second week in a row. Aww!

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Last week, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace was peeved that National Security Advisor Susan Rice appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press, but not on his show — perhaps, he suggested, due to the fact that he would have asked her the “tough questions” about Benghazi. 

This week, it was John Kerry who left Wallace hanging, as the Secretary of State appeared on Meet the Press, This Week With George Stephanopoulos, and Face the Nation to discuss Russia’s invasion of the Crimean peninsula — but skipped Wallace’s show. 

“For the record, we invited Secretary of State Kerry to join us today,” Wallace said, “but although the White House put him out on all the other Sunday shows*, they declined to make him available to us, or you.” 

Wallace then pivoted right to House Oversight Committee Chair Darrell Issa (R-CA), who spent the entire next segment discussing last summer’s IRS investigation.

So first Wallace bitches that he can't get the White House to take he and his network seriously, and the next he engages in a conversation with a well known Republican attack dog about a made up controversy.

Yeah I have NO sympathy for this guy. None.


  1. fromthediagonal12:26 PM

    Ain't that Precious!

  2. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Seems like Kerry was on 3 national shows if someone wanted to watch him. As for Wallace maybe Sarah the meth head will do an interview with him.

  3. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Chris Wallace's father Mike Wallace was a highly respected Journalist. Chris Wallace is a joke like everybody else on Fucked Noise.There is No journalism on that channel.

  4. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Poor "monkey boy," slipped on another banana peel and lost all sense of reality...again.

    1. Leland1:00 PM


      You mean to tell me he HAD any at some point?

  5. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I think it warranted that President Obama and his Administration members shun FOX! That network does not provide the truth or good reporting!

    They no longer have anything to lose (Obama's group) because they are NOT up for reelection. That, alone, gives them so much more freedom! Yea!

  6. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I never knew that Chris Wallace was the son of Mike Wallace. There is NO - ZERO - comparison! He is an embarrassment to his father and works for FOX to boot! Yuk!

  7. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Tough questions?

    Replace "tough" with "tired" or "trite" and you'll see why Rice didn't come on your show.

  8. Beldar J Conehead1:40 PM

    Nice try, Gryphen.

    You won't be so smug in 2027 when "Dimebag" Darrel Issa's FULL investigation is completed and then again in 2035 when the final report is published and then yet again in 2039 when the unredacted final report hits the street! You just watch and see! He's going down and he's going down hard!

    Your so-called President Obama leads the most scandal-ridden administration since Howard Taft did something somewhere to someone that absolutely no one remembers to this very day!

    I have just one word for you, buddy boy: IMPEACH OBAMA!!


    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Brilliant, Mr. Conehead! Or may I call you Beldar J, hmmmm? *puff, puff*

      Thank you for your satire and humor. It is most welcomed and a lift at times that are difficult and carry us through. Indeed, thank you.

  9. Anonymous1:51 PM

    You're being treated exactly as you should be, Chris, "bless your heart."

  10. And another reason behind Issa's witch hunt

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Wow! That's the first time I've heard that theory and it's a very good one.

      It's a win-win for the right. They get to keep the lie that the White House had anything to do with the non-existent 'scandal' in the news AND they get to keep the IRS employees running in circles, looking for evidence that doesn't exist instead of scrutinizing the right-wing PACs.

    2. T S 217 That was an interesting read, I wish MSNBC would pick that up

  11. Anonymous2:18 PM

    A grown man crying. Now that's sad.

  12. I remember when Bill Clinton tore Chris Wallace a new one, I also remember Wallce interviewing David Axelrod before the last Presidential Election, before the interview ended he asked when was President Obama going to come on the show, Axelrod tried to stall (because he didn't want to come right out and say NEVER!) he asked a couple of more times, finally, Axelrod said "Ah Chris, we've learn a couple of things, and then Wallace said "I'm sorry about that" Wallace apologize because he knows how faux nooos disrespect Obama.

  13. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I'm glad Mike Wallace isn't around to see the joke his son has become. What a terrible way to honor your father Chris Wallace! Strangers do more to honor Mike Wallace. You should be ashamed of yourself.


  14. Anonymous3:08 PM

    When you keep regurgitating, for months on end, the same crap that's been debunked dozens of times (including by members of your own party), you have no right to call yourself a 'news' channel and you have no right to expect anyone to take you seriously.

    Accept the fact, Chris, that the only guests you'll get are the ones who will repeat the same lies they've been spouting for months.

  15. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Awwwwwww Cwissy got his feefee's hurt? Looks like the company you keep is beginning to define you Chris. Lie down with dogs like Issa and you get up with lots of fleas - and no one wants your fleas.

  16. Anita Winecooler6:46 PM

    Don't feel too bad, Chrissy! Bristol's been sitting by the phone waiting for a phone call from POTUS for months. Perhaps you can call each other and commiserate, curl each others hair, paint each other's nails and eat pints and pints of Haagen Daz. Friend each other on Facebook!

    Jesus, he was on Al Jazeera America and Fusion!

    But hey, Bill O Reilly made it to the oval office for an in person, one on one interview, what's the name of the station he works for? It's on the tip of my tongue. Lots of blonde bimbos, Jerry Rivers, :Lis Hasslebeck .... Oh Yeah! FOX NEWS.

    You and Sarah play nice, take turns on the sit and spin, and the nanny will bring you a sippy cup and some applesauce!!!

  17. Randall6:55 PM

    I think that if Chris's dad were alive he'd sit Chris down and say "hey son, when you act like an asshole - people are going to treat you like an asshole."

    Because Mike Wallace was a class act and an honorable news man.
    And his son Chris is a right-wing sellout and Roger Ailes' little lapdog.

  18. F U McCain8:06 AM

    Because Mike Wallace was a class act and an honorable news man.

    In 1981, Wallace was forced to apologize for a racial slur he had made about blacks and Hispanics. During a break while preparing a 60 Minutes report on a bank that had been accused of duping low-income Californians, Wallace was caught on tape joking that "You bet your ass [the contracts are] hard to read" if you're reading them over watermelon or tacos.


    Wallace interviewed Gen. William Westmoreland for the CBS special The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception, aired January 23, 1982.[14] Westmoreland then sued Wallace and CBS for libel. The trial ended in February 1985 when the case was settled out of court just before it would have gone to the jury. Each side agreed to pay its own costs and attorney's fees and CBS issued a clarification of its intent with respect to the original story

    In 1967, Wallace anchored the documentary CBS Reports: The Homosexuals. "The average homosexual, if there be such, is promiscuous," Wallace said in the piece. "He is not interested or capable of a lasting relationship like that of a heterosexual marriage. His sex life, his love life, consists of a series of one-chance encounters at the clubs and bars he inhabits. And even on the streets of the city—the pick-up, the one night stand, these are characteristics of the homosexual relationship."[12]


    He sounds like a perfect asshole for FOX news, why so shocked about his son?


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