Sunday, March 02, 2014

New polls shows Hillary Clinton with a virtually unbeatable lead in Iowa.

According to a poll by Public Policy Polling Hillary Clinton leads ALL potential presidential candidates, from both parties, by huge margins.

Among Democrats Clinton comes away with 67% of the vote, with Liberals that goes up to 79%, and with women the poll shows she is at 71%. (Only 9% see her as unfavorable.)

This is while up against Joe Biden, who gets 12% of the Democraic vote, Elizabeth Warren at 5%, Mark Warner 3%, Andrew Cuomo at  2%, and Cory Booker at 1%.

For those on the Republican side Mike Huckabee takes the lead with 17%, with Rand Paul at 14%, Jeb Bush at 13%, Chris Christie and Ted Cruz at 10%, Paul Ryan at 9%, Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal at 7%, and the one time GOP darling Mark Rubio with 3%. (By the way all of the GOP candidates still draw high favorable numbers among the party faithful with the exception of Chris Christie who has 35% unfavorable rating among Iowa Republicans.)

In a head to head match up with  with Clinton the only Republican candidate to get close enough to make it a contest is Huckabee who gets a 42% to Clinton's 46%. Followed by Rand Paul with a 42% to 49% and Jeb Bush's 41% to 45% for Clinton.

Of course it must be remembered that Huckabee won the Iowa Republican caucus in 2008, yet that was not enough to convince the Republican party to make him their candidate. These are interesting numbers but they really don't say much about who will be the likely candidate on the GOP side in 2016.

However there really is no doubt who will represent the Democrats. If she wants to of course.

Interesting to note that PPP did not even bother to include Sarah Palin in their polling, even though her favorable rating is at a rather astonishing 61%. I guess PPP is well aware that Palin has never had any real intention of running for anything despite her political prick tease.


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Don't count your chickens until your hens get laid.

    Hillary has already done that once.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Who would you suggest?

    2. Anonymous4:10 PM

      So has Palin. Remember THIS little gem?

    3. She has indeed - the GOP so want Hillary to run - that is what this is all about. We know who came from behind for 2008 - and thank goodness he is the person in the white house at this moment in time.

  2. Anonymous2:50 PM

    The calls for Sarah Palin assuredly were not done in Alaska - there is no way in hell she would have had that high an approval rating! Makes me laugh!

    The Republican party is not going to be happy w/Hillary's results! I so hope she runs - but, that she declares at the last minute possible and drives them bug f-cking crazy! She's going to win by a landslide!

  3. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Meanwhile, President Obama is continuing to explore and encourage peace in the Middle East. Here's a fascinating read:

    President Obama To Netanyahu: Seize This Moment

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      And peace drives the right wing more insane. The holier than thou self named Christians will do anything to start another war. I love this President!!

  4. Anonymous3:30 PM

    No mention of Mitt Romney.

    He looks to me like he is running again.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      If he was the only horse in the race, he'd still lose,

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      I doubt it. I don't think he was too keen on running last time.

  5. Anonymous3:50 PM

    They'd consider $carah as a cardboard cut out to jackoff to, but once she opens her mouth, I suspect even that's over.

    1. Leland4:16 PM


      "...but once she opens her mouth, I suspect even that's over."

      Sorry to be the one to go crude here, but don't you think that depends on WHY she opens her mouth?

    2. Anonymous4:19 PM

      That's exactly what happened in 2008!

  6. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Including Palin in any poll is equivalent to asking any Star Wars geek which of the six movies had a better ending: It just doesn't matter in real life...and neither does Palin. Love the pic of Hillary by the way: tantamount to her thumbing her nose at the presumed GOP/Teabagger nominee Rand(y) Paul.

  7. Balzafiar4:28 PM

    And in other news, Rick Perry is entertaining another run but won't commit until 2014 is over. Entertaining it may well be, but winning isn't in the cards for that man.

  8. My money is on Thad "THAD!" McCotter.

    (Not a lot of money, but still...)

  9. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Sarah Palin will announce that she will run for president and will win.

    1. Balzafiar6:26 PM

      Win what? A Life Size Anatomically Correct Blowup Doll of Glen Rice? She wishes!

    2. Anonymous8:48 PM


      Sarah, Sarah, Sarah! Pretending to be someone else who predicts you will run and win is NOT the definition of a selfie. Get thee to an elevator and take your cell with you!

  10. Anita Winecooler6:53 PM

    Caption for that photo

    "Yes, I'm running - and I was governor of New York State and didn't quit"

    Wow, the land of fried butter, John Wayne Gacy and corndogs on sticks is FOR Hillary. What a world!! Anyone miss Mrs Bachmann yet? (either of them)?

  11. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Frankly, I'm somewhat ambivalent about Hillary.........which may ,of course, change once debate season starts........on the other hand,the opposition has yet to field even a remotely attractive candidate.......and is unlikely to be able to do so.....given the losers in the current crop.I'm a moderate that the GOP has alienated forever.......well,at least since Reagan.....I prefer my President's with brains.......


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