Friday, March 07, 2014

For those who missed it last night, here is Rachel Maddow's must see documentary, "Why We Did It."

Part One.

Part Two.

I do not often insist that people watch and share a documentary, however  I am doing so with this.

Just this morning on Morning Joe I heard Scarborough talking about the fact that Jeb Bush is the best possible candidate for the Republican party.

He said that the morning right after this documentary aired, demonstrating that there was no doubt that his brother lied the country into a war that sent thousands of Americans to their deaths, gravely wounded thousands more, and led to the murder of approximately a million sovereign citizens of Iraq.

If another Bush is elected in this country it will prove that we as a nation are unable to learn the lessons of the past.

And that we deserve to be a country in a continuous, never ending, state of war.


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    The documentary was great but it only told us what we already knew, in our hearts. Maddow was able to get the documents to back it up, but really, who could have doubted what happened? 911 conspiracy theorists always get beat up on progressive blogs, but really, could that event have been more convenient for the Bush/Cheney/Halliburton cause?

    1. Anonymous8:04 PM

      We all knew it was the oil. What we didn't know was that Cheney was pushing the idea in 1999. Remember how surprised we were when Cheney, who headed the Bush Vice-Presidential search committee, picked himself. Now we know why he did it. It was to put himself in the position to make it happen. And he did.

    2. Anonymous2:49 AM

      Don't forget there were many servicepeople from other countries who were killed or maimed for this "adventure" If there were ANY justice, al the main architects of this should lose their pensions and benefits. They made enough profits, they should not still be fleecing the taxpayers. Cheney is not as powerful as he was, he could not place his vile daughter, Liz, into a cushy job in politics. Bitch will have to get a REAL job, she sucked at the government tit long enough.

  2. Randall5:17 PM

    Why We Did It (in one word):

  3. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Like you, Gryph, it all came back so fast and the anger boiled to the surface again. PTSD indeed, You know they're setting Jeb up. Anyone that pays attention knows. Look at the clown car that's CPAC and it's only spring '14.

    As far as Dubya goes, I remember the doofus look on his face in the classroom reading "My Pet Goat" when the SS came in and told him and he just sat there. Not into tin foil hats, but BOY the thousands upon thousands of lives he, Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Rice destroyed all for oil.

    I can't handle another Bush. Or Republican.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      911 was a little too "convenient" if you ask me.

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      As I said in the last thread, people should carefully examine the Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth, Pilots For 911 Truth and ReThink 911 web sites for their careful analysis. They are dismissed just like Trig Truthers because it is so hard to imagine the audacity & arrogance that people would pull off these underhanded deeds to further their cause. But they do. Lots of evidence that does not match up with the official 911 story & these experts in their fields quickly smelled a rat just like medical people did with the Palin's fake pregnancy hoax.

      There is also a great new documentary that sums a lot of the inconsistencies up quite professionally:

      Agreed -- just too convenient ......

    3. Anonymous8:40 PM

      So, i started watching this at the Pentagon part and just had to quit, which is usually what happens with me and these conspiracy films. I can also tell you this one is no different than others I've watched over these years. I take the information that I know and trust from the people that were there, mainly my husband. He (a firefighter who worked, at that time, for the building managers office and Lee Evey) who was in center court with another firefighter (both Pentagon Emergency Action Team, PEAT members) at the time of impact. First off, he heard a jet (i trust this because he worked in aviation in the Marine Corps) and they saw the tail just before impact. They were knocked onto their asses by a huge fireball which this documentary disputes. Look, my husband has worked there for almost 20 years, many of them in building maintenance and management. He knows every inch of the place and was instrumental to the responding fire companies ability to control electric and water, which is crucial in any commercial incident. He was there for three days straight before any of us heard from him. It goes without saying that he and his coworker immediately dove in to start rescue efforts, some of which were successful. Many of which not only weren't but were horrifying sights, even for those of us in public safety (I was a Paramedic). I've heard, only on very few occasions, the shit he saw and we've got pictures. Some of those horrendous sights included people who were burned, still strapped to their airplane seats. Not to mention the shock and grief of a coworker whose young son was with his classmates on that plane. Which, by the way, i also have a good sized piece of. So, I tend to get a little pissed off (an understatement) when I watch shit like that because I know, for a fact, that a jet engine plane with passengers on it flew into that building. I have seen, and you can find it too, all of the other evidence that proves that just that happened. Am I saying that our goverment didn't have a part in some kind of nefarious or slick ultimate plan. No, I'm not that stupid and frankly, I do believe they are complicit in some dark way. But until you or someone else can show me that we now strap seats and passengers on bombs or other projectiles then I'm not buying all this "what if" or willfull ignorance I see in "documentaries" like this. Please have a more critical eye and some rational discernment and look thoroughly at the other information.

      And yes, I do believe Sarah Palin faked a pregnancy.

    4. Anonymous9:21 PM

      My heart to you, 8:40 PM, and your husband.
      One can only imagine how horrific.

    5. Anonymous2:54 AM

      Google Marvin Bush. He is the rarely mentioned brother of W, who worked in "security" at the Twin Towers right before 9/11, and left right afterwards. Another cog in the wheel.

    6. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Anon 8:40 PM -- please post some links to the other evidence you report for the Pentagon on 911 that there was a plane. How is it that you, a civilian, have a big slab of evidence (the plane) from a crime scene? How do you have inside pictures of crime scene victims and why save them?

  4. Anonymous5:52 PM

    I was living in Houston when Bush first started up the propaganda machine to push for the war in Iraq. It was August, and they finally realized nobody was paying attention. So they called it off to wait until later in September when folks were finished settling kids in school and would be more likely to focus on their false pitch. That's when I knew it was a lie! If it wasn't urgent in August and could be put off til later, then it was obviously a PR job.

    I had a friend who was an expert in putting out oil fires around the world, based in Houston. During the first Gulf War he was given a map with the oil wells carefully designated that were to be hit for the publicity shots, and then he was to put them out as quickly as possible. In Dubya's mess, they were also given such a map. But when his company got to Iraq, the situation was so dangerous with no planning or protection in place, he ended up pulling out his men before they could be hurt. The place just burned!

    This is such a shameful chapter of US citizens being lied to and our taxes used to destroy another country for these oil barons' extreme arrogance.

    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

      It IS shameful. Like Gryph said last night, that's what happens when the Supreme Court decides your president.

  5. Anonymous5:56 PM

    And now the stupid son of Jeb, George P Bush, their Latino Republican token, probably bred for this, is taking his place in the Texas shit-hole of politics.
    The Bushes should hang their heads in shame and every member of that fucked up Bush family should STFU

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Texas died when Ann Richards did.

  6. Anonymous7:24 PM

    "And that we deserve to be a country in a continuous, never ending, state of war."

    Neither does the world deserve such a country, Gryph.

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Amen 7:24 PM.
      Bless you, Gryph, and thank you for this blog.

  7. That Putin can refuse to take President Obama seriously is nothing to do with said President and everything to do with George W Bush and his cohorts. The US lost all and any authority to tell anyone it is wrong to invade another country.

    Sure we all knew it related to oil - we didn't know oil was looking for a reason to invade Iraq before Bush was given his job by the Supreme Court.

  8. Anonymous10:00 PM

    "Operation Iraqi Liberation"

  9. Anonymous10:57 PM

    This reeks of poop, which is why I will keep fighting to keep the Sarah's, Bush'es, etc out. Koch Bros. Out. Cheney. All of 'em.

    I do think something smells besides fumes in the 9/11 attack.

  10. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Off topic but Bartcop has died. If you don't know Bartcop then google.

  11. Anonymous11:29 PM

    How many can recall how there was a lot of cheerleading from our fellow Americans, to smash Iraq and Saddam, and how openly we all seemed to know that OIL had a lot to do with the entire sham....but the promise of cheaper gas at our local stations meant we rooted for the invasion to succeed.

    Then, a few months after it was mostly over, everyone bitched that "We won the freaking war, but our gas prices are as high as ever!"

    Who could have imagined that the oil companies would be given access to all that oil, but keep the profits for themselves, continuing to gouge those whose tax dollars paid for the "war?"

  12. Anonymous4:23 AM

    they picked a guy for a too defense position who taught a class in Harvard about how the Middle East needs to become democratic so they would make better trading partners. What did everyone expect?

  13. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Jeb is the most solid candidate whose name is being bandied about...but that's like being elected valedictorian of the special class. He hasn't been in office for quite a while, that's a big flaw. Abd primary voters tend to select the person who the majority of them see able to best handle whatever they think is the most important issue at the time. What issue is Jeb going to be considered best able to handle -- immigration? Ha! His primary voters are anti-immigration. I can't think of a single issue that he would be considered a leader on.
    The media will keep bandying his name about, though, because he is a bush and because he is married to a Latina. We're all supposed to think that Latin people will vote for this privileged WASP because he married a Latin lady and speaks Spanish. But that's stupid and most Latin people care about immigration reform, as well as issues of income inequality and another retard talking about supply side economics and married to a Latina won't attract any more of their votes than Romney did. Plus Latinos are optimistic about the way the country is going. They LIKE Obama. It's like when the media tried to say that women would vote for McCain because of Pain even though her opinions and policies were anti-women. How'd that work out for them?

  14. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Whoever Dick Cheney endorses as a Republican presidential contender, beware.

  15. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Incensed doesn't begin to describe how I feel about Bush & Co.........history will not treat them kindly.......unless,of course,they are allowed to write it.......would not be the first time........


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