Friday, March 07, 2014

Found on Facebook.

Made me laugh.


  1. Anonymous3:20 AM

    She has been spitting and hissing at most of the folks in this country for quite some time (elevated by McCain and promoted by the media of course). The disease that is Sarah Palin is almost over. She will be a footnote and noted as nothing more than a retarded narcissistic buffoon given a spotlight on a national stage.

    1. Anonymous3:44 AM

      Ah, but she has one more chance at CPAC tomorrow afternoon. One more shot at national news headlines. I'm betting she comes in with a bigger gun than McConnell hoisted (their meme this year seems to be the more guns the safer the country is from that imperial faux leader who somehow got elected without the Supreme Court..twice!!) and more shrieking than usual. Whatever. Her time is passing. Soon a newer less drugged crop of GOP wannabes will garner all the headlines, and she will be reduced, again, to pretending her PAC 'supports' candidates instead of her lavish lifestyle. And the rubes will slowly, slowly, wipe the haze from their eyes and put away their checkbooks.

    2. I hope Sarah wears the huge 1970's Dolly Parton wig to CPAC, the same one that she wore on Hannity's Comedy Hour earlier this week.

      I won't bother listening to her screech, but the photos and videos of the Quitter Queen® never fail to provide fodder for ridicule and big laughs at her expense, but best of all, her few remaining sycophants are always compelled after her appearances to try to spin her gaffe-riddled word salad into amazing, insightful wisdom from their "real president who is saving this country". Poor ignorant folks, bless their hearts.

      Sarah tries so hard to be as stupid as she is, so she deserves *recognition* for her Republican leadership. And the same goes for her "fans". In these instances, pointing and laughing isn't rude; it's giving them the attention they crave in an appropriate manner.

      Honestly, I don't expect many of Sarah's biggest supporters from the Sea of Pee to attend CPAC to honor their Savior Sarah© in person, since most of them are either near-expired, home-bound shut-ins, institutionalized, or live in the backwoods, isolated from society. But of course the main reason almost none of the Pee Ponders will make the trip is due to the fact that most of them are completely dead-ass broke, including the coins under the sofa cushions.

      Sarah's fans sure as hell haven't supported her with purchases of the last four cellar-dweller-selling books from Sarah and her grifting family which didn't sell jack-shit, including Beefy's drunken camping abstinence (palinese for repeated unprotected sex) adventures and the Pedo/Incest Thriller by Creepies 1 & 2 about their past romps in the hay with Sister/Daughter, Sarah Lou. Plus, SarahPAC is starving for donations these days as even the low-info crowd realizes the grifting con that the failed reality show "star" has been running, strictly for her own personal income.

    3. Anonymous6:05 AM

      Sarah is the 'last' speaker on the agenda (boy howdy, has she fallen!) and I suspect there will be few sitting in the chairs in the audience! CPAC attendees will be heading to the airports to catch their rides back home as the meeting/conference (?) will have concluded.

    4. Anonymous6:28 AM

      You've all nailed it!

    5. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Anonymous3:20 AM
      More like a shitstain on America's National a$$.

    6. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Gear up for her, she is last "speaker" tomorrow meanwhile check this out: 10 Worst Things Sarah Palin Said On Fox News (VIDEO) | Liberals Unite -
      "That woman is a idiot" ~KO

    7. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Not only is she the LAST speaker, but she even comes AFTER the straw poll, which is usually the END of the CPAC!

    8. Anonymous2:57 PM

      But don't You People get it???

      It's not an insult that Princess Wind Between Her Ears is speaking AFTER what is traditionally the last event of the conference! They just don't want anything to distract from her wisdom and brilliance and perfectitude.

      See, you poor, poor uninformed just means that they saved the best for last!

    9. Anita Winecooler5:11 PM

      I can see it now. Size 2 Sarah in pants that can stand on their own spouting bullshit from her blowhole without needing to take a breath with the fake ta ta scuba bra. Benhgazi. I told you so, Obama, the felled spread the wealth socialist who speaks softly and carries a big stick (h/t to Dr Freud, she's got to slip sexual innuendo everywhere but in her end o), The camera will swing to the rear, she'll do her lady liberty pose, holding up a toilet plunger instead of a big gulp (atrophied biceps). Toss in a few God's and Jesuses, the constitution, load the salad shooter and fire away!

      THAT's why she's dead last. Everyone will be busy looking up hot hook ups on Craig's list, hitting the liquor stores and getting jiggy with it, while Sarah's roadkill wig holds on to the empty bobble for dear life.

      Gee, I wonder what first dud's plans are and is Bristol busy in Arizona watching the kids?

  2. Balzafiar4:59 AM

    So what hospital in the entire world, including all US military hospitals (excluding war zones) have patients wearing their fatigues instead of the always fashionable hospital gown?

    Poorly thought-out posed picture, I think. Sarah's imaginary, faux world.

    1. Anonymous6:29 AM

      Totally photoshopped. She's not slutted up enough.

  3. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Hey, Gryphen, did you catch this?

  4. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Why would he be in a hospital bed in fatigues? Is that a Joe Miller type grievous wound?

  5. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Which titties will Sarah wear at CPAC? Her New York Wannabe Dolly Parton titties or her real saggy granny titties?

  6. Anita Winecooler5:21 PM

    How comforting and uplifting of Sarah "You mean you want to die?" I wonder how many times she's asked men that question, and more telling is "why"???


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