Thursday, March 06, 2014

"Why We Did It" open thread.

I thought for my last post today I would simply post an open thread for those of us who are going to be riveted to our televisions this evening while watching Rachel Maddow's documentary investigating the REAL reasons why this country went to war with Iraq.

I have plenty of my own theories, many of which have been posted right here on this blog. However I am completely open to examining whatever new evidence that Rachel has managed to unearth, and changing my views accordingly.

I was completed blown away by the documentary "Hubris" last year, and if this new documentary is just as good I imagine we will be talking about it for several days, weeks, or even months, to come.


  1. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Sarah Palin why did this country go to war with Iraq?

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      In what respect... Charlie?

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      As Ted Nugent has said many times, if the skanky Sarah Cadaver can answer that question correctly, he'll "suck your dick." Personally, I'll take a pass, not that the Quitter has a fucking clue anyway.

    3. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Hey, $arah, you get good and drugged up for your Saturday closer. We're all waiting to watch again how far you've sunk, "sportsman."

  2. I'm with you. I've got it set on the DVR so I can rewatch it when I'm not exhausted from my daily grind.

  3. Starting now.

    My PTSD is already starting to kick in.

  4. Replies
    1. Not really a surprise, but well researched - Cheney wanted the oil and the related money

  5. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I still want to pinch Dubya's face off every time I see his mug. Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice. I still am THAT mad.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      But W looks better wearing a bike helmet than Pres Obama, according to Hannity.

      You been riding in the truck again with W down at the ranch in Crawford, Sean? Here's a tissue. You might want to wipe off your chin.

    2. The ranch in Texas is long gone. Dubya no longer needs to pretend to chop brush.

  6. So the Bush administration spent much of the first year of their first term talking about the need to gain access to more oil from the Middle East, specifically Iraq.

    However they can find no way to gain this access.

    And then 9-11 happens.

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Seriously. And that asshole just sat in that classroom with his book.

    2. Exactly. Americans had no experience and reference of dealing with a stateless enemy, but with a bloodlust for revenge after 9/11, it gave Bush and Cheney the means to enact the plan they had from day one. Once he got Iraq, as he truly wanted, Bush was pointedly dropping binLaden's name less and less in public.

    3. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Bush obviously had that Aug 6 briefing that was ignored so they knew something was up. And with the evidence that does not add up at the crime scenes, it appears they may have allowed 9-11 to happen and then enhanced it with controlled demolitions at the WTC for even more dramatic effect. Look at the well researched Rethink 911 web site. Over 2,000 very well respected architects & engineers from all over the world have done very precise studies & watched the videos and found evidence of controlled demolition. They are experts in this area and many things about the official story do not add up. I put NOTHING by the Bush-Cheney gang to get what they want.

    4. Anonymous4:50 AM

      Oh my. You need to see a doctor.

    5. Nikogriego7:12 AM

      7:57-you almost got it right, but they not only "let it happen" they orchestrated the whole event. Yes it was controlled demolitions, and no there were no hijackers. The demolitions were planned well in advance, and there were numerous "war games" simulating attacks coincidentally scheduled for that day. A&E911Truth is a good place to start.

      4:50 am still has his or her head in the sand. The evidence is overwhelming for controlled demolitions, military stand downs, and huge profits.

    6. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Thanks Niko. Sometimes I feel like I'm shouting down a well.

      The B.

  7. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Yes, it was for oil.
    Ever hear of "Bush Oil Company?

  8. Planning for the how to get the oil out of Iraq, even before the war started, takes place at subsidiary of Halliburton.

    Boy I wish this surprised me.

    1. hedgewytch9:33 AM

      I don't know why y'all are acting like this is some big revelation. It was absolutely apparent to me that the Bush Administration -with its strings controlled by Cheney and Rumsfeld were going to do everything and anything to get into Iraq. They made billions, but they didn't get the ultimate control of the oil fields like they thought they would.

      Cheney is a criminal of the worst sort and should be executed for his high crimes and treasonous behaviors. Not only for getting thousands of people killed and injured in the Iraq war, but also for the very big part he played in getting the neuro-toxin aspartame put into our food supply. Aspartame is causing all sorts of terrible health problems. Cheney was VP of the company that created it, and when he got into political office, he made it so that USDA/FDA allowed it to put into food production.

      Until this country actually starts prosecuting these criminals and making amends (less than 100 years down the road - sorry Native Americans and former slaves of the South) while those reparations are still meaningful, we will not stop the cancerous rot that is the criminal corporate fascists that are dug tick deep into our Government.

    2. I want nothing more than war crimes against humanity for Bush & Co.

    3. I couldn't agree with you more. I had to watch it of course but it enraged me all over like when this was happening.

  9. Anonymous5:38 PM

    "It was about removing Saddam Hussein, and then it was about oil. Period."

    Gee, Dubya, we all know it was avenging Daddy first and control of oil. And the lies you told. Prick.

    1. It was about oil - period.

    2. Anonymous5:54 PM

      To share with world markets. Horse hockey! CONTROL.

    3. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Gryphen, refer to PNAC for details how the NeoCons already had a game plan how the oil fields would be divided between BP, Royal Dutch Shell, etc.

  10. This is why you don't let the fucking Supreme Court choose your President.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      They're all complicit. I hope Rachel gets an Emmy for this.

    2. Anonymous7:54 PM


    3. Or allow the SCOTUS to be packed with corporate puppets.

    4. Last night was one of the rate times I wished I had cable TV.

  11. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Bush, Tony Blair, Cheney and other mother fuckers need to be rounded up and sent to the Hague and brought up on war crimes charges and convicted.

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      I completely agree! I served in the Military as an Airman in the First Gulf War when George Bush Senior was President. I had a gut feeling then this was all wrong. Now, I know for sure it was wrong.

  12. It's over, and now I'm angry again.

  13. Keep in mind that the so-called "statute of limitations" regarding criminal indictments of Bush and (Oil) Company expired, so I've read, on January 20, 2014, 5 years after he and his posse left office.

    That might be one reason documents became available for Rachel Maddow to research, and why some folks decided to be interviewed for her report.

  14. Anonymous6:09 PM

    What happened to Sunny's Facebook? It isn't showing any more. Is it just me?

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Nope, it was down for me as well.

      Levi's is up, and this is a fabulous pic:

  15. I still remember the disregard dealt the U.N. inspectors headed by Hans Blix. I still remember one columnist, on the eve of 'Shock & Awe,' noting half the population of Iraq was 14 and under. I still remember Rumsfeld's 'we don't do body counts.' I still remember Barbara Bush's 'my beautiful mind' remark on the threshold of her son sending other people's children to die. I still remember yet another columnist noting that not only did we choose not to go after North Korea because they had no oil, but that Kim Jong, much unlike Hussein, had a crack army ready "to leave thousands of young Americans bleeding to death in the snow." I still remember the White House's underhanded revenge on Joseph Wilson by way of his wife, Valerie Plame.

    Now I wish I had some vodka in the house.

    1. Anonymous3:06 AM

      I wonder if that is the "Amercan exceptionalism" that Sarah keeps referring to in her word salad speeches.

  16. SHARON6:14 PM

    None of this is really a surprise......what it reveals is how many people really knew the truth and stayed silent is what is making me ill. How these people made millions from all this death and wrote books and continue to lie...makes you numb. I did read in Rolling Stone I think about what happened when we first invaded. They confiscated all the guns from the police/army and were told to defend the oil wells only. In so doing this....the army/police felt they lost everything and joined in with the revolting citizens. They destroyed electrical, sewerage, water plants...religious buildings thousands of years old, government was a sheer riot of destruction and looting. Our army was told to stay out of all of it...allow it to happen, just protect the oil fields. There were no plans proposed in the aftermath of the invasion...hence look at what happened. The fact our media still seeks out these masters of death on current issues and are allowed to even utter our presidents name is disgusting and immoral. Then they voted down the veterans bill in the Senate because Reid wouldn't allow the Iran sanctions in the hell are this traitors voted in over and over. I will never understand it.

    Thank you to Anita Winecooler and Ted Powell explaining the term proffer....I knew the smart people here would help me out. I was listening to the actual hearing and did not have the benefit of replaying and not being familiar with legal terms it was confusing to me. I totally understand what that meant and why Cummings was so literally pissed off, makes what Issa did plain as day, no wonder he shut off the mike. I hope they are able to fire his ass...we need more honorable men like Elijah, then we would really have a democracy.

  17. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Told Ya So, $arah!

    It WAS all about oil.

    (I'm angry all over again, too.)

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      Fuck $arah. She's no maverick, just sells herself to the highest bidder. Another of Tawd's whores but his biggest money maker.

  18. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

    I left my comment on the other thread. I wish she'd do MORE of these. Nothing that we didn't know already, but due to her research and putting it out there in time line fashion, She clarifies the eight year Bush Regime and the scar it left on our Country's psyche and history.
    I hear you, Gryph. Rachel deserves more time for a story this huge.but she did a good job.

  19. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Darn, I missed it. Will catch it and am sure I'll be upset over the content. Makes one realize how power and greed are the root of all evil.

    So thankful that President Obama is in charge. Macho-ism is skin deep and real men don't yield to hot-headedness and power-lust.

  20. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Cannot believe that men can send innocent kids to war for oil. Not here. It just is not comprehensible. Those guys got away with it. The hardest part is hearing Cheney criticize this President.

    1. Want to get angrier? Two years ago, but how's this for 'thank you for your service?':

    2. Anonymous11:10 PM

      Sending our troops to death for oil isn't that much different than squeezing poor families re food stamps, doing the Bain-style leveraged buyouts that leave the former employees out on the street, redistributing middle-class wealth to the 1%. Ok, it IS different, because giving your life is different than starving or becoming improverished, and I mean no disrespect to any of these sacrificing groups.

      But it seems to be all of a piece: the disregard of the 1%ers for the rest of us in their greedy scrample for ever more wealth at our expense.

    3. Anonymous10:29 AM

      I so hope there is so much unrest as to the Republicans and their party that many of them lose their seats in upcoming elections - nationally, state and local levels.

      We all need to encourage people to get out and vote and be able to discuss the political atmosphere within our groups of friends and family members. Being well prepared for the various discussions will be of the utmost importance.

    4. Anita Winecooler4:41 PM

      dvlaries @8:14

      That link should go viral. It's beyond the pale of disgusting . We live about an hour's drive from Dover AFB and went to watch and pay our respects to the dead and thank the survivors. That President Bush wouldn't allow a nation to publicly mourn our war dead was part of his "sanitation" operation.

  21. angela6:35 PM

    So . . . .Hundreds of thousands of people dead, country in shambles, Al Qaeda definitely in Iraq now--unlike 2001, Halliburton making billions. Bastards. But anyone with a brain knew it all the time.

  22. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I remember the day that Saddam Hussein was being prepared for his hanging. One of the networks had it on live, moment by moment, with a ground reporter keeping up-to-date conversations with the Iraqi lawyers and jailers. I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, knowing that this man was executed and I hadn't heard the 'other' side of the story, and knew we never really would.

    Not suggesting that Hussein was innocent, and am sure he received his just reward, but, man, that gave me a "this isn't right" feeling; a feeling that this man was a pawn and being accused of wanting to use weapons of mass destruction. As evil a dictator as he was, he might not have been any worse that dictators who are free to do worse in countries that don't get a side glance (because they don't have any rich resources, diamonds or oil).

    1. Anonymous11:12 PM

      Agree -- Like the Korean leader, who actually HAD nukes.

  23. Crystal Sage6:40 PM

    I couldn't watch it. Started to, then I felt sick. Nothing I didn't already know in my gut. 4000 Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis gave their lives in this abomination.

  24. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Maybe this will cheer you up. Margaret & Helen have a new posting.

    Rush saw his shadow today. Six more weeks of stupidity…

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Perfectly times comedic relief! Well done!

    2. Anita Winecooler4:43 PM

      I want to be like them when I grow up!

  25. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Update to your post from earlier in the week: Bill Gothard, the head of ATI/IBLP, and the Duggar family's spiritual leader, has resigned following calls for an investigation after claims he sexually harassed and abused young women and teenage girls!

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Get out of town! Am I ever NOT surprised.

  26. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Gee, can't wait for the next war. Oh that's right THIS president prefers diplomacy.

    Thank heaven for that.

    1. Anonymous11:14 PM

      But in case you change your mind, McCain is ready to zoom on over to Ukraine and blast everything in sight. Before he crashes his plane.

    2. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Interesting that now McCain is the most disliked representative in the U.S. Congress - a poll, indicating this, was released yesterday. But, Sunday shows are having him on AGAIN this weekend.

      The guy makes me sick to my stomach and always has. He picked Sarah Palin as his running mate, failed in the election, has a horrible background of failing in various things throughout his life, and left a sick wife for a rich one that he is still married to - although you NEVER see them together!

      Hell awaits him!

  27. Anonymous7:13 PM

    to this day these neocons look in the mirror and convince
    themselves they can LIE and say it wasnt about oil.
    these people are not your friends.

    now theyre trying to lay waste the entire center of this country
    to fracking and pipelines, as tho that would be a surprize too.
    these are cut-throat white boys and everything else is in the way.
    the condition of this country barely merits a looksee
    while the LIES pile up here as well.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Lies of what? Open thread.

    2. Anonymous11:07 PM

      sry, 'here' meaning the country not the thread.

    3. Anonymous11:16 PM

      Did you say LIES? Like the lie about giving birth to a DS child for political gain?

    4. Anita Winecooler4:54 PM

      Yeah, it's "safe" We'll just seal your wells nice and tight.... no worries. If a fire brakes out and water is flammable. just think of the money we'll save! No need for firetrucks, firemen with big hoses, and those ugly fire plugs. The problem with stupidity and greed is neither can be fixed.

      You Tube "Drinking water on fire" - there's thousands of vids.

  28. I have always believed, and so stated to friends and family, that it (wars in the Persian Gulf) was always about OIL. Now there appears to be solid proof. This is also ammunition for those advocating for alternative sources of energy to get cracking and point out that unless we stop this obsession with OIL, our government will always rate human life a distant second to the never ending need and quest for OIL. There will be more wars for and about OIL for centuries to come.

    1. Anonymous11:19 PM

      IMHO, it's not so much that we need oil, you and I and folks like us. It's that there's a lot of money still to be made from selling oil to us, and the folks who are making that money want to keep those particular colored lights going as long as they can. And they are very good at doing so.

  29. Anonymous7:49 PM

    That thousands of American lives were lost, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives lost, millions of Iraqis displaced and all of it for oil was no surprise. I think of that each time I see the heartbreaking commercials for Wounded Warriors. Or when I take my friend to the VA hospital and see first hand the young men missing limbs. USA USA USA Mission Accomplished.

    If you haven't seen No End In Sight, Netflix runs it.

  30. Kenneth Almquist8:14 PM

    The notion that the war was about oil is not new, but Maddow provides a clear explanation of what the goal for the oil was. It was to sell it on the world market.

    In other words, it was not to steal the oil. It was not to bring the oil to the United States. The oil market is a global market, so in their eyes it didn't matter who Iraq sold the oil to. As long as Iraq produced and sold more oil, that would (through the law of supply and demand) keep oil prices down.

    It seems to me that if the Bush Administration has made this rationale public, it would have garnered a fair amount of public support. The Arab oil embargo in the 1970's made clear that rising oil prices don't just mean higher gasoline prices. Higher oil prices ripple throughout the economy, causing pain everywhere.

    Of course the Bush Administration wasn't honest about its reasons for invading Iraq. It seems to me that a lot of conservatives don't like democracy. You can undermine democracy directly by keeping people from voting, as some conservatives are trying to do via restrictive voter ID laws. But you can also prevent people from having a *meaningful* role in a democracy by lying to them and misleading them, and that's what the Bush Administration did.

    1. Anonymous11:24 PM

      Did you say "lying and misleading"? As in "hoax"? As in "still not acknowledged and successfully covered up hoax"?

      Not that I care about SP and her pathetic hoax any more, but I do care very much that the hoax was sanctioned by McCain, Schmidt, and the other wannabe leaders we luckily did not elect. And I care A LOT that it remains unacknowledged in the press.

    2. Under whose rules do the countries in the middle east have to sell oil at prices to suit the Western world. They had the supply - they had every right to set the price

      If Bush & Co had been "honest" about why they were in Iraq - they would have faced world wide condemnation.

    3. angela2:22 AM

      Actually they initially had ideas about stealing the oil.
      Remember the idea about private pipelines that went bust? And I do not believe any sane American would have offered up one kid's life—for oil. And not only were the Bushies not honest--they were completely incompetent, were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, allowed a terrorist cell to run wild because of their lies and have destabilized Iraq for who knows how long . . .

    4. Anonymous3:13 AM

      Still a war for Oil.

      It would not have garnered my support.

  31. KanaW8:33 PM

    Anon 6:49,
    That M&H posting is from 2012.

  32. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Barbara and Laura aren't innocent either...didn't they have a company that sold medical supplies to the military?

    1. Anonymous11:25 PM

      Everybody likes to make a buck off the blood sinking into the sand.

  33. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Is there a link to a free video of the whole thing? I see only "Part 1" and then you have to switch to Xfinity and pay (or have an account).

    Seems like a dirty trick to switch like that. I really want to see it all. Right now.

  34. WA Skeptic1:15 AM

    I'm so sick of the neo-cons who are profiting from the constant war footing our country has been forced into for more than 70 years. So we withdraw from Afghanistan (where we should never have been--ask Alexander the Great) and all of a sudden we find ourselves in the middle of another quarrel over the Crimea. Shades of Kipling and Queen Victoria. Who's going to ride into the Valley of Death this time? Cui Bono??

  35. BlueDragon3:33 AM

    I watched this last night, too. PTSD set right in for me, too when I saw Dick Cheney's face and then Dubya. It was a great peice of investigative journalism though, to put together the stuff that happened particularly before 9/11.
    Interesting isn't it that it will feed the 9/11 truther's theories? A poster up above said that "they let 9/11 happen" when they ignored the PDB labeled "bin Laden considering using planes as weapons"' or whatever it was in August 2001. Makes a body go Hmmm.
    Wow, just wow.
    Anyway, I've been thinking lately about Rebublicans and just keep wondering how they can really believe all the shit they spew. The lies about this. The self-rightousness about well, everything. I've come to think that their political beliefs have become conflated with their religious beliefs and these two belief systems occupy the same spot in their brains.

    1. Anonymous6:07 AM

      I am the person who posted above about allowing 911 to happen. Whenever people ask hard questions they are immediately labeled conspiracy theorists and dismissed (such as the Trig Truthers). But what might seem so mind boggling that it couldn't be true or the whole story hasn't been pieced together can be exactly why they get away with it. I am not some fringey person & am skeptical and it took me a while to get my head around some of the 911 research that was being done. Again -- I ask people to review the very professional sites like Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth, Pilots for 911 Truth and Rethink 911. These people are experts in their field and quickly smelled a rat, just like many of us who are medical people (and paying attention) did around Sarah's fake pregnancy and outlandish Wild Ride story. Makes you go Hmmm for sure !!

      I even think Gryphen should put up a post with links to those sights and ask for comments. In light of Rachel's special last night it makes you think.

    2. Anonymous7:30 AM

      I too am impressed with the architects/engineers statements, esp the fact that the 3rd building that was NOT hit by a plane also fell in the same way, which sure looked like controlled demolition to me (sequential flattening of the stories right into the building's footprint with v little sideways debris).

      Gryphen: are you troubled, as I am, by the lack of MSM response to Rachel's "Why We DId It"?

    3. Nikogriego10:48 AM

      Those who assert that the events of Sept. 11, 2001 have been fully explained by the official reports are deluded and/or uninformed. As others have commented, WTC 7, a 47 story steel framed skyscraper, fell into it's own footprint symetrically at free-fall acceleration for 2.25 seconds, without having been hit by any plane, and with no serious fires. Liquid metal was present under all three buildings for over six weeks after that day, without a fuel source. Evidence of explosives have been conclusively proven at all three sites, including thermite, thermate, and nanothermites. David Ray Griffin has written extensively on the subject, and his writing is thorough, extremely well researched, and has yet to be challenged. Many experts (including over 2000 Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth) agree that all three buildings were destroyed by demolitions; a simple objective viewing of the films and photographs of all three buildings shows explosions, not collapses. How did all that concrete turn to dust in midair? How was it that huge pieces of steel were projected hundreds of yards away? How could the buildings fall at the speed of gravity through the paths of greatest resistance? What happened to the massive columns supporting the structures? Why were no remains found of over one thousand people? The official accounts cannot answer these questions.

      911 was the pretext for all the Rachel Maddow describes that followed. Too bad Ms. Maddow has written off 911 Truth as just "conspiracy theories" because if she ever did a program about that such as this one, it would gather much attention, although she would be pilloried.

  36. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Maybe Rachel should do a book report.
    Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects by Kevin Ryan or Christopher Bollyn's Solving 911 - The Deception That Changed the World. Turn off the TV. There are hundreds of books by investigative journalists. Lars Schall has groundbreaking work on the insider financial trading of 911.

  37. Anonymous10:11 AM

    You notice how the media and Republicans are not saying anything publically about Rachel's recent piece? I think Bush and Cheney should be strung up! But, I've always thought that.

  38. Anonymous12:19 PM

    ONCE AGAIN they refuse to post the entire docu to the website. They give you a small piece and then tell you to get it from your cable co. They did this with Hubris. They did this with the Hayes piece about energy and environment. ARGH! Unless someone posts it to the youtubes I won't be seeing it.


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