Thursday, March 20, 2014

Founder of the Westboro Church, Fred Phelps, has died.

Courtesy of WIBW:

Fred Phelps Sr., the former head of the Westboro Baptist Church, died late Wednesday night, according to a family member. 

Phelps' son, Timothy told 13 News that his father died just before midnight. Timothy Phelps works at the Shawnee Co. Jail. 

Ironically, another son who is a member of the church, attorney Jonathan Phelps told us Thursday morning, "Pastor Phelps is doing just fine." That, of course, could have been a spiritual reference. 

Margie Phelps, Phleps daughter, told WIBW-AM that there will be no funeral for him.

This is not exactly news as we had already been made aware that he was on death's door.

What is interesting is that there will be no funeral. Possibly due to fear that there would be protests or some kind of insensitive disturbance that would embarrass or upset his family members.

And we all know how hateful people can be, right?

I think the world has suddenly become a much nicer place to live.


  1. Anonymous2:25 PM

    What great news on the first day of spring. The world rejoices and his soul is learning that he royally fucked up. He will be reincarnated as a gay man who gets targeted by his progeny.
    Good times!

  2. Anonymous2:27 PM

    "Fred Phelps, the hatemonger who picketed Mr. Rogers' funeral, died on Mr. Rogers' birthday."

  3. Anonymous2:27 PM


  4. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Given the work this blog's author does, surely he can agree that a bully is someone who can dish it out and not take it back.
    Here then is the reason why they won't have a funeral.

  5. Beldar JC Conehead2:42 PM

    Jesus Christ, what took you so long???????

    (see what I did there?)

  6. Anonymous2:48 PM

    ??? No funeral??? Are they going to embalm him and display him in a glass coffin??? Or are they just going to put his body out there for the vultures to feast on?

    1. They'll secretly bury him, or cremate him and secretly stash the ashes.

      Can't have people protesting at hatemonger Phelps funeral, now, can we?

  7. Anonymous2:49 PM

    People should donate money to the AIDS Foundation in memory of Fred Phelps.

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Agreed. That and any LGBT organizations one can find. In a strange way, he did more for the advance of both causes than he (or is remaining family) would dare imagine.

  8. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I am sure by the time this posts, one of our fellow IMers will have posted George Takei's thoughts. They echo mine.

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      March 16th: I take no solace or joy in this man's passing. We will not dance upon his grave, nor stand vigil at his funeral holding "God Hates Freds" signs, tempting as it may be. He was a tormented soul, who tormented so many. Hate never wins out in the end. It instead goes always to its lonely, dusty end.

      Today: Mr. Phelps may have learned that God, in fact, hates no one. Vicious and hate-filled as he was, may his soul find the kind of peace through death that was so plainly elusive during his life

    2. Anonymous5:41 PM

      I agree wholeheartedly. And he was 'excommunicated' for advocating more kindness in his church. I did not like him or his cause. but I will not take any satisfaction in his passing.

      As I posted on the other thread, never ask for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

      The B.

  9. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Karma's a Bitch. And then you die.

    I hope there is no funeral because whoever is related to him does not want to be associated with him now that he's gone.

    And you know what, Mr. Phelps, actually God doesn't hate "Fags" or Soldiers or Tears or Poor People or Minorities or all the other folks you devoted your life to hating..... Turns out, hard as it is to believe...God Hated You. Enjoy the Afterlife.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      His daughter said there will be no funeral. They know full well that they would have been repaid "in kind."

    2. Anonymous6:05 PM

      What no facebook tweet from sarah on what a great man he was?
      She will join him in hell.

    3. Anonymous6:41 PM

      She just realized the White House chef she "loved" today is gay and what he actually said. There will be no comment. LMAO!

  10. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Pah-raise dawg!

  11. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Margie Phelps, Phleps daughter, told WIBW-AM that there will be no funeral for him.

    There really will be a stealth funeral, quietly held at midnight, under cover of darkness. The family is afraid that people will show up with their rainbow flags and picket his funeral-- the way that he and his church picketed the funerals of soldiers who died while serving our country. Payback is a bitch. If people find out where he is buried, they should be planting rainbow flags around his tombstone.

  12. Anonymous3:12 PM

    God is a concept by which we measure our pain, say it again...

  13. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I did not see an Obiturary for Mr. Fred Phelps . But if I had , I can assure you that I would have read it with great enthusiasm !

  14. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Sadly, his death won't really make an impact. For every Fred, there are a hundred more who think like he does and don't have the balls to come out into the daylight.

  15. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I suppose we're all supposed to take the high road, and not cheer when a really terrible human being dies.

    It is taking a real effort by me not to say something awful about this extremely vicious man, who claimed to be inspired by God to vomit his hatred on the world.


    1. Had I known, today I would have worn a red dress.

      As it is, I'll be dancing every chance I get.

  16. Anonymous4:07 PM

    A terribly twisted personality who incited others to mindless hatred has expired. That is a good thing. May the twisted pageant walker follow in his footsteps. That is my wish.

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Anonymous4:07 PM

  17. Anonymous5:04 PM

    There are certain people who the world is just a nicer place without.

  18. What I have learned through my experiences in Alaska includes the fact that the world is a better place without certain people. With that in mind I will let Moms Mabley express my feelings, " They say you shouldn’t say nothing about the dead unless you say something good. HE DEAD. GOOD!!!"

  19. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Unfortunately, the hate with Westboro Baptist Church will live on. His eldest daughters have been really running the church and driving the publicity on the protests for years. They are as whacko as he was. And remember, word was that he was excommunicated from the church shortly before his death. Who knows what that was about, and that also could be the reason for "no funeral".

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Of gay people that I know, no one would show up to picket his funeral. They want equal rights and to be left alone. If that's what the family is scared of, they couldn't be more wrong.

    2. Word is he was excommunicated for advocating that family members be treated more kindly. I'll assume those members that had left the church and speak against the church. (The ones that were not allowed to see him before he died.)

      Could be that as death approached, he reevaluated his life and might even considered recanting his position. Can't have that get out to the media.

      I don't think the sisters are going to hold things together. Even now they are canceling their hate filled picketing because of backlash. They are becoming ineffective and inconsequential. The church is mostly made up of family members anyway. I don't think they are going to be able to grow much except through procreation. And they'll lose members as they grow up and some of them learn critical thinking and free will.

      Soon the media won't even bother to report on them. This church will die out. Just not fast enough to suit me. But I'll outlive it.

  20. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Voldemort is dead!!!

  21. My grasp of atheism is that of a novice, so I feel impudent speaking as one, but if we're right, and this existence was his only one, then Phelps wasted his entire life. That's about as dreadful a punishment as can be imagined by those who still do believe in some afterlife, isn't it?

    Trying to remain kindhearted and trusting in this world will net you a lot of pain from people who don't care or are users, but I'd rather take those lumps than ever turn into someone like Phelps.

  22. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Interesting that his family didn't take care of him at the end - nope! they dumped his tired old butt into a "facility" None will even say if he had family at the deathbed. Dying old and alone.... are you watching, $carah?

  23. Anonymous10:21 PM

    What Clarence Darrow said.

  24. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Phelps will meet god... and find out she's a black, gay women.

  25. And just think the vicious old swine slipped into oblivion with nothing whatsoever to come after. No heaven, no hell just nothingness.

  26. Anonymous5:18 AM

    RIP mothahfuckah

  27. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. Too bad it took so long.

    Hope he takes a lot of Noxema with him where he's going.

    Too bad about the funeral. I'm sure they decided against one because of all the people who would be coming out to protest his life of hate.

    And his sane children never got a chance to see him so they could report if he recanted at the end.

    Burn in hell, Fred. It's worth believing in hell just so you can go there.

  28. Anonymous9:36 AM

    New Details Emerge About Power Struggle that Ousted Fred Phelps from Westboro Baptist Church

    1. Oooo. Shirley is out too. An all male elder board ousted her along with Fred. She's not excommunicated but she's not the mouthpiece either. Looks like all the Phelps and especially the women are out. There's been a coup!

      Bwa ha ha! That cult of hate is on the downward spiral. Next you'll be hearing about those elders and their many child brides or other corruption.

  29. Caroll Thompson1:49 PM

    Good riddance to bad garbage. The air feels fresher today without that one in the world.

  30. Anita Winecooler5:11 PM

    Wow, that must suck! Guess Sarah's got to edit out her extensive interview with ole' Freddy Boy. I hear he's the first dude of the outdoors.
    Fred's gift to the world was achieving room temperature, That the nicest thing I can think of to say that doesn't include a band saw, wood chipper or toilet.


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