Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Fox News makes mistake of reporting actual news, and about science even. Low information viewers respond with pitchforks and torches. Well Twitter pitchforks and torches anyhow.

Courtesy of Americans Against the Tea Party:

 Since Monday, the scientific community has been celebrating the discovery of what seems to be “smoking gun” evidence of the Big Bang. In a discovery that is touted as being on par with that of the Higgs boson in 2012, scientists now have found the first direct evidence of the Big Bang. 

About 14 billion years ago, when the Big Bang created our universe, it produced gravitational waves and, of course expanded at about the same rate at which advertisers are fleeing Rush Limbaugh. 

Data from the BICEP project, which deployed a special telescope in the south pole between 2005-2008 previously said that reading “strongly hinted” at inflation, but were “not sufficient to rule out other models of the early universe.” Something was missing. 

If you guessed that it is the detection of the gravity wave background–something that could only result from inflation–you are correct! 

This is exciting news! In fact, it was so exciting that FOX News actually reported it!

Apparently now that the Fox network is broadcasting the new Cosmos series, which is already freaking out the science deniers, they figured they might as well go all in with reporting on scientific breakthroughs. 

Now if you think that the Fox News viewers are now suddenly enlightened and ready to accept the scientific explanation for the origin of the universe, well you don't know Fox News viewers now do you?

There are many more at the AATP link I posted at the top, and every one seems crazier than the last.

Let's face it science is moving forward at an increasingly rapid pace, but these people are hanging onto the door frame of religion and refusing to budge beyond their superstitious foundations.

P.S. If you want to see something both historic and heartwarming here is the video of Professor Andrei Linde, who first formulated the inflation theory, learning that he has been proven correct.

This is an incredible discovery, and it moves us much closer to understanding how we all got here, and how everything around us came into existence.


  1. I always enjoy the posts and tweets by these people. So many of them can't spell, have poor grammar, and wouldn't know a proper sentence if it bit them in the ass. It makes me smile until I realize two things. They have probably procreated and produced stupid offspring, and their vote counts the same as mine. If those two things weren't true, it would be really funny.

    1. Kathy, you are so right - it is scary! Our country is going backwards.

  2. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Is it wrong that I'm smiling? Meantime- BENGHAZI!!!

  3. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Wow. That's a real group of winners there. So revealing about Fox News viewer base: colossally stupid. Facts must make their brains hurt.
    M from MD

    1. Especially because facts always have a liberal bias.

    2. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Jared Crew: "It takes a lot of faith to believe in evolutionary theory. lol"
      Yeah, that's just crazy, huh Jared?! Sheesh!

  4. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Hey FOX, the chickens are certainly coming home to roost, eh?


  5. Anonymous5:24 PM

    The video of Professor Linde is heartwarming. There's a guy who spent 30 years of his life working hard and learning and growing and providing something useful in the world (knowledge), and in contrast, there are those tweeting idiots who think education is satanic.

  6. Leland5:46 PM

    Did anyone else catch the inordinately STUPID mistake made by Brent Walker in his tweet?

    On the one hand, he is intimating that god created everything. On the other hand, he is claiming he will return and confirm that.

    DUH! Jesus was the SON of god - at least according to their mythology and couldn't have created everything!

    And don't even try to explain it by talking about the triumvirate because even the bible doesn't really state that.

  7. Super Fan In Atlanta6:28 PM

    What a great day for science today!!! Here's a heart warming story that truly shows the depth of people's love for learning.

    So inspirational!!!
    Stanford Professor Andrei Linde celebrates physics breakthrough
    WATCH: The Emotional Moment When a Physicist Learns His Theory about The Big Bang Is Supported after 30 Years

  8. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I believe in God, and that He created the universe. If it happened instantly in the fashion that science describes, then so be it, I have no problem with that. But, there had to be a powerful intelligent designer in this, as it is too coincidental for the construct to be random.

    Who and what caused the "inflation"? When I was a kid, just the idea that there was blackness, a void, cold blackness, no light, nothingness before the 'big bang' caused me to want to go into "fetal position and suck my thumb". To think there would be a NOTHINGNESS in nothing, where nothing existed, or was, was too brutal to even think of.

    It reassured me to know there was someone who had everything in control.

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Why does there have to be a creator, because a book says so it not enough. You realize the bible will not be worth the paper it is written on if science continues its quest for answers and finds them. If your mind isn't open there is no way for the facts to get in.

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Your last paragraph perfectly explains why we have religion. It is an immature response to the unknown.
      And this:
      "But, there had to be a powerful intelligent designer in this, as it is too coincidental for the construct to be random."

    3. Anonymous7:28 PM

      I always found it amazing and fascinating that there was "nothing" before the big bang. That's the kind of attitude that drives science.

    4. Anonymous10:31 PM

      Your comment is PROOF that religion is fear based - because you can't handle the ideas and facts, it makes you want to curl up in a fetal position - but the idea of an imaginary sky being controlling everything makes it easier for you to sleep at night - seems your childhood fears are still following you into adulthood. This all powerful supernatural being you believe in, if it really existed would scare the heck out of me !!! He is cruel, and he has before and could again wipe out the human race in a heartbeat simply because of a handful of folks doing something he doesn't approve of like being gay - yet he allows Hitler, the leaders of North Korea, and many many other horrible dictators slaughter people. I could go on - but I've made my point.

  9. Anonymous6:46 PM

    What's more shocking is that these Fox viewers say, "I'm shocked Fox posted this". They've been fed lies and hate and divisiveness and Sarah and illogic and foolishness all these years and only NOW they're shocked?

    1. Anonymous2:12 AM

      Because for them " ... lies and hate and divisiveness and Sarah and illogic and foolishness" is their "reality." They are profoundly ignorant and will never wake up.

  10. The ignorance of the Fox News followers continues to amaze me...

  11. Anita Winecooler7:15 PM

    Seeing Professor Linde's shock/joy/sense of wonder and humility while learning his theory was correct is heartwarming. Science opens doors, answers questions once thought un answerable.

    The tweets, on the other hand, prove that bullshit mountain is effected by gravity and always slides down. There's some real winners in there.

  12. Anonymous1:21 AM

    I think I was only about EIGHT when I figured out that the people who wrote what became the Bible, knew they were "talking" to SHEPHERDS and such...so instead of trying to explain hard to conceive concepts, they used parables.

    ("Oh, be careful, there, pig meat is subject to an infestation of--uhhh...God says its a sin to eat that! Yeah, that's it.")

    That so many "adults" in the year 2014, still demand to have life explained to them in such an infantile way, is truly sad.

    Who's to say that "Cosmos" isn't actually a Divinely inspired new book of the Bible? (Written for modern man, who is SUPPOSED to be well educated, by now--although you wouldn't know it by the comments from those suffering from mental rabies due to being bitten by a Fox.)

  13. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Not that I understood it but it was exciting to see another way of confirming the Big Bang. What I still cannot believe that Fox is showing "Cosmos." This week's episode was all about evolution. And it was fascinating.

  14. LisaB25954:27 AM

    I was taught the Big Bang was proven back in college, and I graduated in 1986.

    One of my astronomy professors said they'd discovered a sound throughout the universe at the same frequency everywhere they looked. It was the Big Bang still resounding. Then he added an anecdotal comment about how it was discovered by Bell Labs (Ma Bell) and this was "company we were breaking up."

    Many of your readers won't understand that means, Gryphen, but it was the beginning of the annoying long distance ad age.


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