Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New trailer from Sarah Palin's new fake "huntin" show. Update!

"The first lady of the outdoors?"

There are people all over Wasilla bent over and clutching their stomachs with laughter right now. 

After watching this I am guessing it is aimed at the same group of inbreds who enjoy "Hillbilly Handfishing," "Lady Hoggers," and "My Big Redneck Wedding."

Nice to see that Palin has finally found her demographic.

You know, morons.

Mediaite is calling this "Jackass for Conservatives."

Sounds about right to me.

Update: Palin pimps the trailer on her Facebook page. (Where else?)  

Red, Wild, and Blue – we'll never back down!" 

Oh man, we're going to have fun encouraging you with stories of overcomers who make America so amazing! Thank God for our freedom to get outdoors to enjoy His creation, to provide for our families by working so hard, and to care for our fellow man enough to voluntarily and enthusiastically help them whenever the need arises. If these unique opportunities don't drive you to defend liberty and make America exceptional again, then you could use some inspiration!

Uh, what's an "overcomer?" 

Is that somebody who ejaculates too much, or something?

I'm just asking.


  1. YE-HAW!

    go scarah: icon of the NUMB and the DUMB

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Overcoming is when you get some serious thrust behind a money shot----> Projectile Splooge

      Remember: Safety First. Be careful or you'll put an eye out. That's why we can't have nice things.

    2. Anonymous4:46 AM

      Maybe there willl be a segment on Bristle's favorite outdoor activity - screwing in a tent. Ooops, I mean "getting raped" Willing could re-enact her house breaking and partying episode? Someone had better guard the school busses, in case Track Menard wants to cut the brake lines - AGAIN. I LOATHE this woman and her entire grifting family.

  2. Olivia2:41 PM

    It looks like Honey Boo Boo and Hollywood Hillbillies are a couple of steps up from this drivel. I hope someone starts a pool as to how long it lasts.

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Oh, this is perfect for her. And I'm not being at all facetious. This is truly perfect for her. Sarah is in her element with this crowd.

    1. Boscoe3:18 PM

      The only thing missing is the kid from Deliverance playing Dueling Banjos...

    2. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Ummm yea! Bring on the Banjos!
      And WTF is a "overcomer"?

    3. A J Billings6:16 PM

      An "overcomer" is a code word used by evangelical Christians to designate the truly faithful.

      It's used in the bible, mostlyl in modern translations, but like much of the new testament, the actual Koine greek word has other implications.

      I"m sure $arah thinks that who she is since she's grifted millions, quit her jobs, panders to Hollywood,
      faked pregnancy, and has whored her entire family on teeveee for money so vibrantly.

    4. Anonymous4:49 AM

      3:18 ?The boy from Deliverance had something no Palin has, nor ever will have - TALENT. We do not see him and his family grifting on TV. They WORK for what they have.

    5. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Nope, not even that - (faked banjo playing) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Redden

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Would Sarah ever go outside if she didn't have a mythical image to uphold?

    Is it mean to hope she ends up black-and-blue while playing a character that is 'red, wild, and blue?'

    1. I think she won't even be breaking a sweat. I think she'll be in studio being a spokesmodel hostess for these moronic Jackass-type "adventures". After all, didn't she barely risk her manicure when she climbed that rock she claimed was on Mt. McKinley?

  5. Anonymous2:50 PM

    That is so presidential! Ha ha!!!

  6. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I'm detecting a little southern twang in her accent now. Guess her demographics are southern conservatives. Must be going after the Duck a Dynasty crowd. Don't new tv shows try to put their best stuff on the trailers? This is just so lame and awful!

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Bingo. Mrs. Todd Palin of Sandpoint, Idaho and Wasilla, Alaska is now talkin' like a good old gal from some sleepy hollar in Kentucky. Damn...She's Loretta Lynn.

      There isn't a molecule in this woman's body that isn't contrived.

      A Fan From Chicago

    2. Anonymous3:48 PM

      I was thinking the same thing when I first heard her shrill on this video.

    3. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Yep, she's trying out a southern accent. The "thaanng" is, Southerners used to ridicule folks who came down and tried to mimic the accent. She is such a phony.

    4. Anonymous5:55 AM

      I definitely heard that, too.

    5. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Please don't insult Ms. Lynn. She's done a LOT for women's rights: At the height of her popularity, Lynn was subject to much controversy. Songs by Lynn that have been banned include "Rated "X"," about the double standards divorced women face, "Wings Upon Your Horns", about the loss of teenage virginity, and "The Pill", lyrics by T. D. Bayless, about a wife and mother becoming liberated via the birth-control pill. Her song "Dear Uncle Sam", released in 1966 during the Vietnam War, describes a wife's anguish at the loss of a husband to war. It has been included in live performances during the Iraq War.[12]

      And she dislikes Palin's voice saying it is too high and tinny.

  7. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Does it bother Sarah to know that the owner of the Sportsman Channel will use profits from her show to support Democratic Party candidates?

    1. Really? That makes my day. That woman is an idiot.

    2. Olivia4:10 PM

      If she cared about anything but money and fame for herself, it might bother her. I am sure if the price was high enough, she would do a complete flip flop and support the opposite side. Ronald Reagan did it.

    3. Anonymous5:07 PM

      The man who owns the company that puts on the Sportsman Channel was considered seriously to be Secretary of Commerce in the Obama administration.

      lol, Sarah. lol. You're making money for (and earning money from) a big wheel in the Democratic Party.

      Don't choke on your moose chili, Sarah. Or maybe you already knew this and hoped your bots wouldn't find out?

    4. Anonymous7:11 PM

      I think Sarah got punk'd.

      She thinks she is the freedom fighter, lady liberty of the outdoors, instead she is the queen of fools.

    5. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Anonymous3:06 PM
      Does it bother Sarah to know that the owner of the Sportsman Channel will use profits from her show to support Democratic Party candidates?

      He could also use it to show her absolute stupidity should she ever try to be in a place of power again.

      I like it

    6. Anonymous4:51 AM

      I seriously doubt there will be many "profits" from this load of moose crap. Much like the entire family's previous efforts, this will also tank. Are the taxpayers from Alaska getting scammed again for film $$$?

  8. AKinPA3:08 PM

    That first trailer with her strutting in those hooker heels was obviously not a huge success. Many of the comments on the website were brutal. Seemed like real sportsmen were affronted by Palin, the fake sportswoman. It looks like they cut back on her face time significantly on this trailer. Unfortunately, the screechy voice with the ridiculous "accent" is still there.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Real sportsmen criticized Palin's previous reality show whens he tried to shoot the caribou. Her father had to load the gun for her (does it kick, Daddy?) Sarah waved it around in a careless way, and missed the caribou at least four times that were not edited from the video. People laughed at the though of that caribou standing still with bullets whizzing around him, waiting to be shot.

  9. Anonymous3:12 PM

    LMAO !! in watching the trailer I guarantee that if they'd of shown the guy after shooting the large caliber rifle with scope off the railing on the deck he'd minimally have a black eye, but I'd bet money he was bleeding from bouncing that scope off his eye socket ...

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      read : ..."bleeding profusely"...

    2. Anonymous4:53 AM

      3"12 Fortunately, no BRAINS will leak, since he started out deficient in that area.

  10. Anonymous3:13 PM

    That is hilarious!!!

  11. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Aww come on My Big Redneck Wedding is "entertaining" if you only watch it for the comedy value

    1. Anonymous3:01 AM

      Do you think Bristol will marry Junker on an episode?

  12. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Right there is why I don't have/tolerate commercial t.v. Was that awful, or what? How the mighty have fallen, I must say.
    This morning I took a hike with friends up a 4000 ft. mountain. I challenge Sarah to join me on a hike in my canyon.

  13. What a JOKE3:28 PM

    OMFG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Bwhahahahahahahaha!! Why on earth is she talking now with a southern accent? What an imbecile and such a low class show!

    Oh yes, Madame President, please proceed ! LMAO !!!!

  14. I guess Amazingly Stupid Yokels of America was taken. Geez Louise, this is just snippets from every stupid redneck hillbilly "reality" show all strung together.

    On the bright side, it must be nice for America's Own Tundradunce to finally be called "First Lady." Of something. Anything. Outdoors? Outhouse? Whatever.

    I predict another one season run and it's back to nipple tassel twirling, hip wiggling, and eye-batting at myopic morons with bad bifocal prescriptions to get something, anything that involves a camera pointed at her.

  15. What a JOKE3:31 PM

    Why on earth is Sarah always "highlighting" this or that. It is VERY ODD! When she did her big bus tour last election, she was highlighting historical places as if she was some history expert. We learned quickly what a big joke that was.

    Now she is the "first lady of the outdoors!" What a joke!! It is the only time she will be first lady of anything.

    What do her "fans" at C for Pee say? Do they think this is Presidential Y'ALL ???

    And why is she speaking like Dolly Parton ???


    1. Has Wonkette seen that trailer yet? Can' wait to see their treatment of the Valley Trash Lady.

  16. Ah. Who can forget that perfect quote from Blazing Saddles that should be the tagline for this squawking mess:

    "You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."

  17. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Wow, she really will do anything for money. Every time I think she can't sink any lower, she comes up with something new and Fox calls her a "political consultant".

    Have we ever had a former VP candidate this moronic?

    1. What a JOKE3:51 PM

      No, she even beats Dan Quall. He was dumber than a door knob, but he had enough sense to not make a complete fool of himself like Sarah.

  18. Anonymous3:38 PM

    So....... Someone who goes dog sledding 'all the time' still shout and ye-haws when he$he does it and goes around a slight curve?
    Didn't think so. I rest my case, FAKER!

    1. No, they don't. And I know that as a recreational musher. You keep your mouth shut unless you are giving the team directions or praise. You don't distract them from their job...unless you're an idiot. Oh. Yeah.

    2. That few seconds of Palin on the dog sled was an outtake not used in "Sarah Palin's Alaska", I'll bet. The repeat-repeat again-repeat again and again has already started.

  19. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Just Wasilla? How about the rest of us in Alaska? The “socialist” (thanks for that free $1200 in 2008 Sarah!) half-term ignoramus we used to call Governor makes most Alaskans sick to their stomach. BTW! She has finally found her niche!

  20. Anonymous3:39 PM

    what happened to the cross eyed hunchbacked skanks fake fargo accent ?!?

  21. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I'm almost speechless. She's More like The First Lady of Old Whores.

  22. Anonymous3:45 PM

    The Wigzilla from Wassilla is now The First Lady Of The Outdoors! from a step away from the White House to a step away from the outhouse,

  23. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:48 PM

    WTF? She's now host to the Hillbilly Hijinx Show? Are they creating this garbooge as they go along, or was this the result of test marketing the People of Walmart™?

    BTW, Honey Boo Boo and Mama June have WAY more class than our aging, anorexic Daisy Mae.

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      You got that right. The Honey BooBoo family is loving and supportive and they've had benefits for people in their town.

    2. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Palins = white trash of Wasillier, Alaska. Folks from other parts of Alaska are embarrassed as hell to have them claim residency in their state.

  24. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Stain is living, fricking proof that Victoria Jackson has a chance in politics.

  25. Anonymous3:53 PM

    So basically this Rogue tv of Sarah Palin will get their clips of trailer park Americans doing stupid shit from YouTube.

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Wonder if you need permission to put YOUTUBE stuff on TV...I mean, Sarah knows all about flaunting copyright laws.

  26. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Those 31 seconds just make Sarah look like an even bigger laughing stock. Sarah can't blame the gotcha media for asking her tough questions. She chose to sound dumb and ye-haw herself into the bottom of the barrel. No one will be able to take her seriously if she ever appears on Fox or wants to give another political speech. Sarah has always been her own worst enemy.

    The 31 second trailer is posted at the Pee Pond, and one person mentioned it, four hours ago. Not one of her fans wrote glowing comments about The First Lady of the Outdoors. Not a compliment, ain't she gutsy, ain't she a rogue, maverick, nothing. They must realize that when Sarah chooses that route, she ain't headin' towards Washington DC DC.

  27. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Haha Sarah Palin's new career starts on April 3rd, should have started on April 1st as an April Fools joke.

  28. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Katie Couric has nothing to worry about.

  29. Anonymous4:00 PM

    After having lived in Wasilla, those types of rednecks have proven over and over again to be not only stupid, but dangerous as well. They kill themselves and others with reckless abandon. Sarah's latest show is based on reality, though - these people really think being a hillbilly is 'freedom'. Yes, freedom to be complete idiots. For comparison, watch the movie 'Idiocracy'. That's Sarah's type of audience. They really do exist.

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Idiocracy, the movie is worth the watch. Thanks for the reference.


  30. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Will we be seeing a video of Track and Bristol on the yacht that sunk in Alaska? Whose yacht was it and what happened? That must be the type of stupid crap that Sarah is looking for to show?

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Oh, maybe we'll get video of Bristol on her new pontoon boat with the kids. She could say something scathing about Levi (of course, she'll have to either get the pontoon to the AZ pool, or actually return to Alaska and face the judge. Now that episode I would watch.

    2. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Two boats sunk that night....the Pacifica and the Cheeky B. FOIA requests were filed and when the reports finally came back, nearly everything was redacted. Not one word in the Juneau newspaper or news stations. A cover up of some sorts. The Pacifica was owned by Dylan Kolvig's parents.

    3. Anonymous4:57 AM

      Isn't Dylan Kolvig the father of one of Bristle's illegitimate kids??

    4. Cracklin Charlie7:18 AM

      Maybe I'll jog someone's memory:

      I remember seeing an email exchange in which it was revealed that Todd had made a late night ten hour drive from maybe Wasilla to Juneau, and back. Does anyone remember seeing that, and perhaps know the time frame of this mysterious trip? I am wondering whether it might coincide with the boat sinking?

  31. Anonymous4:08 PM

    You can tell she's Queen of the outdoors. She looks like she applies makeup with a hand trowel.

  32. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Will Sarah Palin show the dumbass American who built a 14 foot good neighbor fence?


  33. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I just really, really hope Serah lets her hubby Toad participate in some scenes before this mindless reality tv comedy goes off air. It's just not fair the "closeted secessionist" Toad himself has'nt been given any other reality shows since the last one in Stars Earn Their Stripes. These Alaskan Out-Back Clampetts are nothing but money-grubbing frauds! BTW....can anyone tell me if this blithering idiots show will be on before Ted Nugents fake hunting show, or after?.....Oh wait never mind, I don't get this animal killing channel.

  34. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Aren't afraid to get a little dirty? Or arent't afraid to get kicked in the ass by a bull?

    That woman is an idiot. The most profound words every uttered.


  35. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Why would anybody pay $10 to watch this type of entertainment when they can watch it for free on YouTube?

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM



    2. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Do you recognize any of Sarah Palin's kids or relatives in the above video? Let us know.

    3. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Watch the video. I just saved you ten dollars.

    4. Anonymous4:37 PM

      It's not just $10, It's $10. a month.

    5. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Now I'm confused. Are her appearances on TAPP and her appearances on the Sportsman's Channel the same thing? Although it doesn't really matter to me since I won't watch either of them unless they promise that Sarah will run with the bulls. I might tune in to see Mama Grizzley stumbling down a road, running with bulls. LOL

    6. Anonymous6:52 AM

      they're different. but by her doing both I'm sure lots of folks are confused..lol, now her rabid rube fans will think it costs $10 to watch her insipid outdoorsy show.

  36. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Sarah, dear, the United States doesn't have a monopoly on the "freedom" to act like a knucklehead. People do it all over the world.
    Perhaps you mean your "freedom" to make money with a show that highlights the bizarrely uninteresting "sports" that are shown in this trailer. They're "exceptional," all right.
    Exceptionally unexceptional.
    I guess your demographic's not interested in other outdoor activities, such as rock climbing, hiking the Appalachian trail, surfing, scuba diving, golfing. Lots of people also go outdoors for the uncinematic exercises of gardening and bird watching.

    In short, you have a very circumscribed view of how people live in our great country. Watching you spout off about the outdoors and thinking you're an expert would be like watching a Paula Deen show and thinking that she was the only person who knew how to cook food.
    With your new Southern accent, I guess you're hoping to be mistaken for a somewhat skinnier, brunette cousin of Paula's.

    James Beard

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      @4:29 People all over the world enjoy getting outdoors, too. They also have God given freedoms to enjoy their own beautiful scenery. They climb the Alps and the Andes. They ski the Alps and the Andes. There are people who hike cross country, ride bicycles cross country, or just enjoy a day at the beach. There is nothing that makes one country more exceptional at doing these wonderful things. People everywhere work hard, help each other, over come difficulties and don't lay singular claim to any of this in the self interest of promoting a lame TV show.

      By the way, James Beard, I love your reference to Paula Deen, especially when she melted an entire stick of butter in the frying pan, refusing to create anything that was healthy, y'all.

  37. Anonymous4:34 PM

    hahahaha!! at seeopee and oh deedeethreetimes a nutcase is not liking this at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 • Reply•Share ›
    CoolChange80 • 37 minutes ago
    Tell Sarah Palin , The people that keep her rich want Palin2016 . Us little people that she wants to spend our hard earned money on her , we want Sarah Palin 2016 . Tell Sarah Palin , that we want Sarah Palin for President 2016 or all her future ventures will fall flat . That's not just me. That is most of her supporters. I did want to believe Joe Russo , John Ziegler, and Levi Johnston , but they being proven right . Sarah Palin is all about the money and it is breaking my heart as someone that has spent over 5 years supporting Sarah Palin . You people can say whatever you want about me. Sarah Palin is a no fighter, she's just a big talker.
    2 • Reply•Share ›

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      It's about time some of them finally woke up. She is not now or ever going to run for anything again, she shoves it in their faces with every cheesy reality show she does and a lot of them still don't get their idol has feet of clay.I remember Her Heinous saying in Sarah Failings Alaska quote " I would rather be here than in some stuffy old office" well unfortunately for her but very fortunately for us the President has to spend a lot of time in a stuffy old office WORKING on real problems.

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Breitbart has a post about Sarah's show, and the last time I looked, it had all of 6 comments. The 31 second trailer is over there at the Sea of Pee, and there are no comments singing the praise of the coming show. If anything, it makes Sarah look even more cheap and tacky than she has managed to look in the past-- hardly presidential. No one with that fake twang and ridiculous facebook post could be considered a presidential candidate, not even a Rogue Maverick Candidate. They may finally be getting the message that Sarah Palin is going to be in God's great outdoors, not in the White House.

    3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:47 PM

      Poor ol' weeweethwee is one of the PAC paid wranglers, IMO. I'm sure she/he/it attacked this (almost awake and aware) commenter and had them kicked to the curb by the PeePlaypen MommyMods...

  38. Anonymous4:36 PM

    "Overcomer"? She took it from the song, "We shall OVERCOME Some Day"

    Yep. She really is an idiot.


    1. A J Billings6:28 PM

      Overcomer is a christian code word, talking under the radar to all the "faithful". It is in the bahble dontcha know, but is typically mistranslated

  39. Anonymous4:41 PM

    I think, she thinks that she is still attractive. The Baby Jane Hudson syndrome. Live and in color.

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Did you catch the new eyebrows and glasses? So chic.

    2. Anonymous6:58 AM

      she looks like norma desmond in that picture.."I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille".

  40. Anonymous4:41 PM

    WTF? I thought Sarah Palin had a college degree in journalism?

    "Thank God for our freedom to get outdoors to enjoy His creation, to provide for our families by working so hard, and to care for our fellow man enough to voluntarily and enthusiastically help them whenever the need arises."
    -Sarah Palin

    No wonder Sarah Palin's children didn't go to college.

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Thank God for the overcomers, too, also.

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      I'd like to know who she has ever helped, needy or not, other than herself. She only took cookies to the freezing natives because she got called out by the press, and even then, she enlisted that wonderful Christian Frank Graham to come along. You know, he's the guy who admires Putin for jailing gays 'to protect the kids.' Last time I checked, children were in far more danger from pedophile priests (Catholic Christians,) their parents, and sometimes, their coaches. Not from gays. But it sells well in evangelical land....just like the Palin hoax.

  41. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Then I guess I'm not a real American, even though I was born here, because I have less than zero interest in any of the activities depicted in that trailer. Sports bore me to tears.

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      What kind of Real American are you if you don't want to crash your car into someone else's car? get gored by a bull? shoot stuff? And, pro-wrestling is one of the features on Sarah's new show. Pro-wrestling is as fake as Sarah; it is not a sport.

  42. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Palin has abandoned any pretense of gravity. No real pundit can spin her as a serious political figure after this. All of the balloons have popped, and the g-string is slipping. It's just about the price now.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Sarah has picked the right crowd for her new show. They don't care what books, magazines or newspapers she reads because they probably don't read, either. Their idea of foreign policy experience is eating French Fries (they are foreign you know). Extra credit for eating tacos, spaghetti, and pizza.

  43. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Der sur is a lotta white peeple on Sarah's show.

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Well, it IS a show about rill Amerika, doncha know? And if she films in AK, she gets to take more money.

  44. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Laugh yourself silly at these photos of The Queen of the Outdoors riding a horse:


    These seem to be the only two times that Sarah was on a horse, and in both cases, she holds on to the saddle horn, the biggest no-no in Western riding. The "mounted shooting" is a joke because they are shooting blanks at balloons that are just a few feet away. Yes, sir, that's our Outdoors Gal! And, by the way, int hat mounted shooting picture, Sarah os firing the gun with one hand and holding onto the saddle horn with the other. Someone is leading her horse around the ring, holding the reins. Sarah is not driving the horse.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      They no doubt gave her the oldest and gentlest horse on the ranch too....Sarah is no horsewoman, and neither is Piper. All staged. All fake. All Palin. All the time.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:53 PM

      I love the new Title, Sarah! "First Lady of the Outdoors". Sure beats the hell out of Mother of Unwed Abstinence Adviser with child. Dancing with the Stars after failing at "Stardom", the hottest gov from the coldest state and official tattoo licker to warrior son.

  45. Anonymous4:54 PM

    this is how low she has fallen-huffpo put up a blurb on the politics page with this new trailer for skank's "show" and after over eight hours there are only 58 comments. there was a time there would have been 1000s of comments just making fun of her. she is so off the radar now that no one even has fun mocking her. that is about as far down as you can go. next stop-no one writes a word about her again until she dies............

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Since HuffPo changed its commenting system to require signing in with a FB account, commenting on all of its "reports" is way, way, WAY down

    2. Anonymous6:28 PM

      I don't even got here any longer. I refuse to use FB for anything...my local paper has done the same stupid thing. FB is atrocious..no wonder Sarah loves it.

    3. Anonymous6:44 PM

      I noticed that too. Made me laugh.

    4. Anonymous7:03 AM

      I no longer comment at HP since they started the new commenting policy. Many long time users pledged to shut down their accounts, only the true addicts relented and signed on through facebook to comment...fakebook is too palinish for me.

  46. I think Sarah Palin's own contributions to the prose seen on her Facebook page can be easily imitated by refrigerator magnets with her favorite words and phrases, adding appropriate connecting words.

    We've seen these words before in various screeches:
    working hard

    I can't believe she didn't work in

    we the people

    P.S. The producers of that program she's hosting better not have ordered more than 6 episodes. It looks like a real bore for anyone who's not fastened to the Barcalounger by 400 pounds, a Sodastream machine and a carton of Cheetos.

    1. Super Fan In Atlanta5:59 PM

      My thoughts exactly! You totally beat me to the punch on this one. It's like she kept notes from her talking points of "buzz words" that garnered a certain reaction out of their target market, incited a reaction (fear, anger, anxiety, etc.), and then caused them to send money to their defenders that will defeat the invisible boogie man.

      That blurb was loaded. When I took marketing classes in college, this is how they would break down each portion of the message:

      Red, Wild, and Blue – Listen up all patriots!!! Yee-haw, rootin'-tootin', NASCAR, huntin', fishin', RV-in, 4-wheelin, etc. I luuuuuuv Amurika!!! Bang, Bang

      we'll never back down!" -- it's us against them y'all so sending me your money

      Oh man - I'm one of you -- the everyday rill American

      we're going to have fun - warm and fuzzy

      encouraging you -- lying to you

      with stories of overcomers -- country slang for achievers, but that's an elite word and we don't like them

      who make America so amazing - reference to America's exceptionalism

      Thank God -- gotta throw in some red meat for the Bible Belt/Evangelical Christians (target market)

      for our freedom - of course having the right to ride a snow machine is exactly what the Founding Fathers were talking about

      to get outdoors - Yee-haw, rootin'-tootin', NASCAR, huntin', fishin', RV-in, 4-wheelin, etc. I luuuuuuv Amurika!!! Bang, Bang

      to enjoy His creation - reinforced red meat for the Bible Belt/Evangelical Christians (target market)

      to provide for our families - demonstrating how outdoor recreation is technically one of the jobs in high-demand that many Americans use to feed their families

      by working so hard - implying that engaging in recreational, outdoor activities require the same hard work for your regular job

      and to care for our fellow man - it's what Jesus would do (He did it, now you can do it. Send me your money and take care of me -- your fellow man)

      enough to voluntarily and enthusiastically - THIS ONE IS A LOADED SEGMENT!
      1) I want you to feel good about your decision to give me all your money and
      2) when you can't pay your rent or buy groceries for your kids, don't to asking for too much help from programs like government assistance. That socialist bullcrap is being forced down your throat and you don't want anything interfering with you pulling yourself up by your own boot straps. (Suck it, Obama!!!)

      help them whenever the need arises - ....for me to do a photo op and ask for donations to my PAC

      If these unique opportunities - I've only got a few shows to prove that I still have star power so tell everybody you know to tune in

      don't drive you - get you all riled up like I used to when you thought I was running for president

      to defend liberty - well, my liberty to make a ton of money and do the job that I love all at your expense. (Keep sending money and you're welcome!)

      and make America exceptional again -- put me back in the $100k speaker fee range and on Fox News

      then you could use some inspiration! - That doesn't even make sense! Is she threatening her audience (listen to me or else....Todd!!!!) or calling them stupid for not being excited enough to do what she says? I'm stumped!

      There. Now you know how to translate the Palin-speak marketing pitch.

      You're welcome!

  47. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Lady and Palin should never be used in the same sentence.
    The First Lady of the outdoors was actually Lady Bird Johnson.
    Lady Bird's contributions to preserving the beauty of the outdoors are incredible and numerous.
    Google gives the full scoop of her dedication.
    On the other hand , this Sportsmans Channel sleazy piece of ignorant trash has never
    done a single thing to safeguard
    the natural beauty that " all " Americans deserve to share.
    The Palin, Limbaugh tea party people believe that only they are entitled to the beauty
    and wilderness of our country.
    They also believe that they are entitled to destroy and pollute our natural resources for their own pleasure.
    Most normal Americans , right , left and indy respect our country's natural beauty.
    Someone should inform the Sportsman Channel that political affiliation is not a prerequisite for enjoying our national parks.
    Palin and her warped tea party ilk disrespect and endanger the natural beauty of our country
    that belongs to all of us.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Thank you for giving Ladybird the credit she so richly deserves! She was all about preserving and enhancing, Palin is about destruction.

    2. Anonymous3:12 AM

      Lady Bird Johnson is responsible for the practice of planting wildflowers in highway medians across America.

    3. Cracklin Charlie7:08 AM

      She's also said to be responsible for all those cute little rest stops along the highways of America.

      My mom called them "Lady Bird's Toilets".

  48. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Is this the type of videos Sarah Palin is charging $10 to watch?

    Watch "Funniest Video In The World Ever - Epic Ultimate …" on YouTube
    Funniest Video In The World Ever - Epic Ultimate …:


  49. Anonymous5:21 PM

    She's one big ol steaming cow patty

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Cow manure actually has a use, just sayin'.

  50. Grrrr !5:29 PM

    "... the First Lady of the outHOUSE..."


    1. Anita Winecooler6:43 PM

      lol Winner!!!!!!!!!

  51. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Just like "Jackass" only not as clever.

  52. Anonymous6:13 PM

    It seems that palin called into a radio show, and this old c4p sarah supporter thinks she decided not to run! he is CRAZY

    Tell Sarah Palin , The people that keep her rich want Palin2016 . Us little people that she wants to spend our hard earned money on her , we want Sarah Palin 2016 . Tell Sarah Palin , that we want Sarah Palin for President 2016 or all her future ventures will fall flat . That’s not just me. That is most of her supporters. I did want to believe Joe Russo , John Ziegler, and Levi Johnston , but they being proven right . Sarah Palin is all about the money and it is breaking my heart as someone that has spent over 5 years supporting Sarah Palin . You people can say whatever you want about me. Sarah Palin is a no fighter, she’s just a big talker.

    1. The c4pers posted the link to that YouTube audio of the Palin call-in to the radio show, and the first minute is blabber about someone hanging up on John McCain the day before, and them wondering if the caller today is truly Sarah Palin.


      Listen at 0:45-0:55 of the video: you can hear the guy say, "..that might have BEEN Sarah Palin, she DOES come out here...her and her daughter both live here..."

      So, there you have it. She DOES live in Arizona now, and any time she's in Alaska it's just for appearances. Stupid woman just can't keep her head down.

  53. Anonymous6:14 PM

    get outdoors to enjoy His creation, to provide for our families by working so hard, and to care for our fellow man enough to voluntarily and enthusiastically help them whenever the need arises. If these unique opportunities don't drive you to defend liberty and make America exceptional again,

    Jesus Christ, what hogswaller! No one's working hard; they're not caring for their fellow men, they're laughing at their fellow man's misfortunes; it's all about killing and fighting and destroying things. And she's saying that should inspire people to "make America exceptional"?

    Exceptionally stupid and wasteful.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Yeah, God likes car crashes, bulls chasin people, killing, fighting.

  54. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Definition : Overcomer
    1) when the guy comes on Bristols face( any of them all of them)
    2) When TrackMark is the bottom
    3) when you come in a facecloth with a prostitute

    Synonyms overcomers: Palins.

  55. Anita Winecooler6:41 PM

    YeeeeHawww! It's like a modern version of Hee Haw, but without the talent and smart people. I was going to say something vulgar about her american exceptionalist display by coining the failed new RWNJ word known as "Overcomers", but she's such an underachiever, she'd actually feel her neck for a pearl necklace, so I won't. She'd doing just fine making herself and her family look stupid (Except for Trigg).

    You know that nasty four hour side effect of Viagra? The cure is a photo of her face.

  56. Anonymous7:07 PM

    "Thank God for our freedom to get outdoors to enjoy His creation, to provide for our families by working so hard" - like, Sarah, humans for centuries and millennia have been outdoors. The first fire was made "outdoors" and last I heard every country allows it's citizens outdoors, and I never heard of a nation forcing people to stay indoors, and those little people farmers and fishermen in the lower 48 all work hard outdoors, last I checked, and they don't have time making stupid shows like Amazing America with Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      I never knew I got the Sportsman Channel until they announced it. Searched and found it, lasted maybe two minutes and laughed my head off. RIGHT where she needs to be with girly man hosting the Iditarod. Really, I cannot stop giggling....must now visit the pee pond.....

  57. Anonymous7:12 PM

    And, Sarah Palin does for her fellow man? My ass! She volunteers or helps? Check her Alaska record folks! None of the Palins help others!

  58. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Trolls: Can we now agree that she's never going to run for president? Can we now agree that her Facebook posts with big words are ghostwritten? What do you expect when the teaser is a shadow walking liking like a neanderthal in hooker shoes? By all means, "Murika, vote for the candidates she's vetted and supports.

    As George Takei would say, "Oh myyyyyyyyyy."

    1. Anonymous9:35 PM

      The world is Sarah's oyster. She is constantly bombarded with offers and opportunities and only agreed to walk through these open doors after concentrated prayer and that obedience to the Lord's will knowing He turns those lemons into lemonade and promised to bless these shows that seem frivolous, obnoxious, and offensive but are destined to bring glory to Him and that country America for which He wrote the Constitution of. That blessed, prescient child Sarah will lead his people to battle with guns blazing, off the cliff like the demon pigs of holy writ and hi-ho-a-dairy-o. Amen.

    2. Anonymous3:24 AM

      Damn! That was funny!

  59. Anonymous7:53 PM

    I am stunned! I knew from the beginning that she had an aura
    of inadequacy about her and has failed in all of her" look at me"
    endeavors, but this is ghastly!

    1. Anonymous9:34 PM

      I think the reason that her TAPP online Rogue TV channel isn't launching until May is because the TAPP people want to see how well her outdoors show does. If it fails epically they won't sign her for Rogue TV.

  60. Anonymous8:12 PM

    First Lady of the Outdoors?

    First Lady of loud and obnoxious people who believe the Earth is god's gift to humans and then go and shit all over it.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      First lady of the 'white trash'!

  61. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I look at this and think, WOW. The woman that wanted to be Ivana Trump. The woman that was "this close" to being vice president, and seen to it, president. WOW.

  62. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Couldn't tell for sure, as the trailer went by so fast, but did we see sneak shots of Joey Junker? Todd at the ready? Bristol the Pistol at the shooting range? Piper diving off a rock ledge? Track driving a tank?

    Hopefully the courts will prohibit Tripp from being exploited again.

    1. Cracklin Charlie6:10 AM

      Nobody left wantin' to work with Sarah "The Jinx" Palin?

      Oh, my! This oughta be good!

  63. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Definition of an 'overcomer':

    'Overcomers are those victorious ones who have learned how to master the flesh, prevail over the world and conquer the devil only through Christ's Life in them.'

    ...oh, really....

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Idgits. ANY religion will tell you that you never master the flesh.

  64. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Ask Bristol what is an overcomer

  65. Mary Barbour2:08 AM

    I can't wait to see the version of this trailer that's been overdubbed with the Benny Hill song.

  66. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Oh Gryphen, be a little bit more generous, that was just an oral typo - it should have been First Lady of the OutHOUSE.

  67. Anonymous7:41 AM

    SO funny that "this" is the door God opened for her that she just plowed on through. Proving yet again that He did make the right person win in '08, right $arah?

  68. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Dang, if Sarah's nose gets any bigger, she will look like a moose.

  69. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Seven comments on the You Tube video as I type. 132 thumbs up, 242 thumbs down. The dull witted harpy has found her niche.
    How will the c4pee delusionauts spin this?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.